16 research outputs found

    Digital Competences of Teachers in the Higher Education Academic Development System: Experience of the Empirical Research

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    The article analyzes the problem of higher education teachers’ digital competence formation in relation to the university academic development. In the system of academic development, a higher education teacher becomes an active subject and an object of influence of the university structures.The notion of “academic capital” – a system of professional competencies of a teacher, in whose structure digital competencies acquire special importance, is introduced to assess the effectiveness of academic development.It is assumed that depending on the attitudes towards the development and integration of digital competencies into professional practices, teachers are divided into different categories according to their role in the academic development.In order to test the hypothesis, focus group research was carried out with teachers of the humanities, social and natural sciences from universities in different regions of Russia with at least three years of professional experience. A total of five focus groups of seven teachers in each were conducted.In the context of academic development, digital educational practices were analyzed, and three types of agents were identified – innovators and promoters, who contribute to the academic development of the higher education institutions, and routiners, who slow down the introduction of digital technologies. It is concluded that a possible barrier to the innovative activities for teachers is an ambiguous attitude towards the process of digitalization of the education sector


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    閉塞性動脈硬化症(arteriosclerosis obliterans、以下ASO)に対する血管内治療は、低侵襲性治療としてステントを用いた治療が急速に普及しつつある。ステントを用いた血管内治療は、大腿動脈領域では高い再狭窄率に問題を残しているが、腸骨動脈病変では良好な初期および遠隔成績が報告されている????????????????????????????。今回我々は、当科における腸骨動脈領域のASOに対する血管内治療の成績を検討したので報告する。1998年6月から2007年11月までに、腸骨動脈領域のASOに対し、当科において血管内治療を施行した症例は17例であり、男性16例、女性1例、平均年齢は72.2歳であった。また、Trans Atlantic Inter-Society consensusⅡ(TASCⅡ)によって層別化された分類????(以下、TASC 分類)に基づいた病変形状はA型が16例、B型が1例であった。ガイドワイヤーが病変部を通過しなかった1例を除く全例にstenting を行い、初期成功率は91.4%であった。合併する大腿動脈以下の血管病変に対し、同時手術を2例、二期的手術を2例に施行した。在院死亡は2例に認め、平均入院期間は29.7日であった。再狭窄は1例で、術後1年6ヵ月後に90%のステント内再狭窄を認めた。当科における腸骨動脈領域のASOに対する血管内治療の成績は諸家の報告と同様に満足するものであった。2例の在院死亡は、いずれも併存疾患を有する対側下肢切断例であり、より厳重な全身管理が重要と思われた

    Antimicrobial activity of nanoparticles fromsolid phase supramolecular assembliesbased on stereoisomers of p-tert-butyl thiacalix [4] arenewith silver cations

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.Discovering and using so-called “smart” nanomaterials with unique properties have been actively developing areas of research. This is because nanomaterials often exceed their conventional analogues in many parameters. However,new methods are required for estimation of properties of new nanomaterials. In this study,a modified bacterial growth bioassay was suggested for the assessment of antimicrobial properties of nanoparticles from solid phase supramolecular assemblies with silver cations. Previously,the properties of silver nanoparticles have been well-studies for the water phase but not for the solid phase supramolecular assemblies. The new method suggested was used to investigate the antimicrobial activity of nanoscale particles based on p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arene,functionalized with tertiary amide groups at the lower rim in three conformations - cone,partial cone and 1,3-alternate with silver ions,which were assigned on the films’ surface. It was shown that nanofilms possessed bacteriostatic properties towards gram-negative Pseusodomonas aeruginosa and did not cause negative effects on gram-positive Bacillus pumilus. Nanoparticles of morpholide in cone conformation and AgNO3 had the greatestantimicrobial effect,which can be explained by the highest ratio between surface area and volume of this nanoparticle in comparison with other nanoparticles or silver ions

    High proton conductivity state of water in nanoporous materials

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    A simple model has been proposed for water confined in nanochannels of a porous material, where the proton conductivity is six orders of magnitude higher than the value for bulk water. The key concept of the model is topological inconsistency of the ice rules with ordering of interface molecules, which results in the formation of excess charge carriers near the interface and in a sharp increase in the proton conductivity of water confined in channels with diameters of about several nanometers as compared to bulk water. Numerical estimates within our model are in quantitative agreement with measured proton conductivities of nanoporous materials with different chemical compositions, degrees of crystallinity, and morphologies of the structure. The model gives a useful scheme for the interpretation of proton transport in confined water and provides recommendations for the fabrication of nanoporous materials with a high proton conductivity


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    Infection that more than 60 years ago was recognized one of the leading childhood diseases that caused infant mortality, is returning. Of course, with the introduction of vaccination against pertussis in the national programs, we rarely meet severe pertussis infection in our practice, considering that vaccinating children, we protect them. But why so far is this infectious disease remains a serious problem not only in Russia but throughout the world? Several global reasons contribute to the fact that until now vaccine-preventable diseases leads to a prolonged, exhausting cough in schoolchildren, deceiving the doctors with the correct diagnosis is still a real threat to infants

    The control system with the nonlinearity compensation of executing devices

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    Вирішується завдання подолання недоліків систем керування, пов'язаних із наявністю інерційності та статичної нелінійності виконуючих пристроїв. Розглянуто системи каскадного керування, де в якості виконуючого пристрою використовується допоміжний контур стабілізації витрати, який зменшує негативний вплив інерційності та нелінійності регулюючого клапану. Запропоновано алгоритм цифрового керування,який у сигналі регулювання враховує статичні та динамічні властивості виконуючого пристрою. Проведено дослідження роботи описаних контурів керування. Виходячи з результатів видно, що розглянуті методи компенсації негативних властивостей регулюючих клапанів зменшують перерегулювання та тривалість перехідних процесів у реальних системах керування.The problem overcoming of the control systems deficiencies connected with time lag and static nonlinearity of executing devices is considered. It is outlined systems of the cascade management where in the capacity of executing device the auxiliary contour of regulating which reduces negative influence of time lag and nonlinearity of a regulating valve is used. It is offered the algorithm of a digital control which in an initial signal of regulating considers static and dynamic properties of executing device. The research of the presented control loops is conducted. According to the results the considered methods of compensation of negative properties of regulating valves reduce an overshot and transients time in real control systems.Решается задача преодоления недостатков систем управления, связанных с наличием инерционности и статической нелинейности исполнительных устройств. Рассмотрены системы каскадного управления, где в качестве исполнительного устройства используется вспомогательный контур стабилизации расхода, который уменьшает негативное влияние инерционности и нелинейности регулирующего клапана. Предлагается алгоритм цифрового управления, который в сигнале регулирования учитывает статические и динамические свойства исполнительного устройства. Проведено исследование работы описанных контуров управления. Исходя из результатов видно, что рассмотренные методы компенсации негативных свойств регулирующих клапанов уменьшают перерегулирование и длительность переходных процессов в реальных системах управления


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    Infection that more than 60 years ago was recognized one of the leading childhood diseases that caused infant mortality, is returning. Of course, with the introduction of vaccination against pertussis in the national programs, we rarely meet severe pertussis infection in our practice, considering that vaccinating children, we protect them. But why so far is this infectious disease remains a serious problem not only in Russia but throughout the world? Several global reasons contribute to the fact that until now vaccine-preventable diseases leads to a prolonged, exhausting cough in schoolchildren, deceiving the doctors with the correct diagnosis is still a real threat to infants. Статья посвящена инфекции — одной из ведущих детских болезней, являющихся причиной младенческой смертности более 60 лет назад. С введением прививок против коклюша в национальные программы врачи редко сталкиваются с тяжелыми формами коклюшной инфекции в своей практике. Однако, до настоящего времени это инфекционное заболевание остается серьезной проблемой не только в России, но и во всем мире. Несколько глобальных причин способствуют тому, что до сих пор вакциноуправляемая инфекция приводит к длительному, изнуряющему кашлю у школьников, сбивая врачей с правильного диагноза, и продолжает оставаться реальной угрозой для младенцев.