78 research outputs found

    Phase transition in nanomagnetite

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    Recently, the application of nanosized magnetite particles became an area of growing interest for their potential practical applications. Nanosized magnetite samples of 36 and 9 nm sizes were synthesized. Special care was taken on the right stoichiometry of the magnetite particles. Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements were made in 4.2–300 K temperature range. The temperature dependence of the intensities of the spectral components indicated size dependent transition taking place in a broad temperature range. For nanosized samples, the hyperfine interaction values and their relative intensities changed above the Verwey transition temperature value of bulk megnetite. The continuous transition indicated the formation of dendritelike granular assemblies formed during the preparation of the samples

    Characterization of defect structures in nanocrystalline materials by X-ray line profile analysis

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    X-ray line profile analysis is a powerful alternative tool for determining dislocation densities, dislocation type, crystallite and subgrain size and size-distributions, and planar defects, especially the frequency of twin boundaries and stacking faults. The method is especially useful in the case of submicron grain size or nanocrystalline materials, where X-ray line broadening is a well pronounced effect, and the observation of defects with very large density is often not easy by transmission electron microscopy. The fundamentals of X-ray line broadening are summarized in terms of the different qualitative breadth methods, and the more sophisticated and more quantitative whole pattern fitting procedures. The efficiency and practical use of X-ray line profile analysis is shown by discussing its applications to metallic, ceramic, diamond-like and polymer nanomaterials

    Fundamentals of interface phenomena in advanced bulk nanoscale materials

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    The review is devoted to a study of interface phenomena influencing advanced properties of nanoscale materials processed by means of severe plastic deformation, high-energy ball milling and their combinations. Interface phenomena include processes of interface defect structure relaxation from a highly nonequilibrium state to an equilibrium condition, grain boundary phase transformations and enhanced grain boundary and triple junction diffusivity. On the basis of an experimental investigation, a theoretical description of the key interfacial phenomena controlling the functional properties of advanced bulk nanoscale materials has been conducted. An interface defect structure investigation has been performed by TEM, high-resolution x-ray diffraction, atomic simulation and modeling. The problem of a transition from highly non-equilibrium state to an equilibrium one, which seems to be responsible for low thermostability of nanoscale materials, was studied. Also enhanced grain boundary diffusivity is addressed. Structure recovery and dislocation emission from grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials have been investigated by analytical methods and modeling

    Nanocrystalline materials studied by powder diffraction line profile analysis

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    X-ray powder diffraction is a powerful tool for characterising the microstructure of crystalline materials in terms of size and strain. It is widely applied for nanocrystalline materials, especially since other methods, in particular electron microscopy is, on the one hand tedious and time consuming, on the other hand, due to the often metastable states of nanomaterials it might change their microstructures. It is attempted to overview the applications of microstructure characterization by powder diffraction on nanocrystalline metals, alloys, ceramics and carbon base materials. Whenever opportunity is given, the data provided by the X-ray method are compared and discussed together with results of electron microscopy. Since the topic is vast we do not try to cover the entire field

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