34 research outputs found

    Dynamic Localization in Quantum Wires

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    In the paper the dynamic localization of charged particle (electron) in a quantum wire under the external non-uniform time-dependent electric field is considered. The electrons are trapped in a deep 'dynamic' quantum wells which are the result of specific features of the potential imposed on 2D electron gas: the scale of spatial nonuniformity is much smaller then the electron mean free path (L_1 << \bar{l}) and the frequency is much greater then \tau^{-1}, where \tau is the electron free flight time. As a result, the effect of this field on the charged particle is in a sense equivalent to the effect of a time-independent effective potential, that is a sequence of deep 'dynamic' quantum wells were the elelctrons are confined. The possible consequeces of this effect are also discussed and similarity with the classical Paul traps are emphasized.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    On the environmental decoherence and spin interference in mesoscopic loop structures

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    Mechanisms of 'environmental decoherence' such as surface scattering, Elliot-Yafet process and precession mechanisms, as well as their influence on the spin phase relaxation are considered and compared. It is shown that the 'spin ballistic' regime is possible, when the phase relaxation length for the spin part of the wave function (WF)is much greater than the phase relaxation length for the 'orbital part'. In the presence of an additional magnetic field, the spin part of the electron's WF acquires a phase shift due to additional spin precession about that field. If the structure length is chosen to be greater than the phase relaxation length for the 'orbital part' and less than the phase relaxation length for the spin part of WF, it is possible to 'wash out' the quantum interference related to the phase coherence of the 'orbital part' of the WF, retaining at the same time that related to the phase coherence of the spin part and, hence, to reveal corresponding conductance oscillations

    Spin ballistic transport and quantum intreference in mesoscopic loop structures

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    In the paper, a simple theory of quantum inteference in a loop structure caused by spin coherent transport and the Larmor precession of the electron spin is presented. A “spin ballistic” regime is supposed to occur, when the phase relaxation length for the spin part of the wavefunction (Lϕ(s)) is much greater than the phase relaxation length for the “orbital part” (Lϕ(e)) . In the presence of an additional magnetic field, the spin part of the electron wavefunction acquires a phase shift due to additional spin precession around that field. If the structure length L is chosen to be (Lϕ(s)) > L > (Lϕ(e)), it is possible to “wash out” the quantum interference related to the phase coherence of the “orbital part” of the wavefunction, retaining at the same time that related to the phase coherence of the spin part and, hence, to reveal corresponding conductance oscillations. Different mechanisms of spin relaxation, such as Elliot – Yafet, the scattering by the edges and surface the structure and the precession ones, as well as their influence on the spin coherent transport are considered. The quantum interference in time-dependent magnetic field, quantum beats in mesoscopic loop structure, are also discussed. The similarities between this effect and Josephson, scalar Aharonov – Bohm and Aharonov – Casher effects, as well as their differences are treated and possible application of the effect to the construction of the device, complementary to superconducting quantum interference device is analyzed

    Hybrid quantum-classical chaotic NEMS

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    We present an exactly solvable model of a hybrid quantum-classical system of a Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) center spin (quantum spin) coupled with a nanocantilever (classical) and analyze the enforcement of the regular or chaotic classical dynamics onto to the quantum spin dynamics. The main problem we focus in this paper is whether the classical dynamical chaos may induce chaotic quantum effects in the spin dynamics. We explore several characteristic criteria of the quantum chaos, such as quantum Poincar\'e recurrences, generation of coherence and energy level distribution and observe interesting chaotic effects in the spin dynamics. Dynamical chaos imposed in the cantilever dynamics through the kicking pulses induces the stochastic dynamics of the quantum subsystem. However, we show that this type of stochasticity does not possess all the characteristic features of the quantum chaos and is distinct from it. The phenomenon of the hybrid quantum-classical chaos leads to dynamical freezing of the NV spin.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Massey products in symplectic manifolds

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    The paper is devoted to study of Massey products in symplectic manifolds. Theory of generalized and classical Massey products and a general construction of symplectic manifolds with nontrivial Massey products of arbitrary large order are exposed. The construction uses the symplectic blow-up and is based on the author results, which describe conditions under which the blow-up of a symplectic manifold X along its submanifold Y inherits nontrivial Massey products from X ot Y. This gives a general construction of nonformal symplectic manifolds.Comment: LaTeX, 48 pages, 2 figure

    Exotic smooth structures and symplectic forms on closed manifolds

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    We give a short proof of the (known) result that there are no Kaehler structures on exotic tori. This yields a negative solution to a problem posed by Benson and Gordon. W discuss the symplectic version of the problem and analyze results which yield an evidence for the conjecture that there are no symplectic structures on exotic tori.Comment: AMSLaTeX, 16 pages, a new version. A survey of the symplectic version of the problem is adde

    Magnetospectroscopy of symmetric and anti-symmetric states in double quantum wells

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    The experimental results obtained for the magneto-transport in the InGaAs/InAlAs double quantum wells (DQW) structures of two different shapes of wells are reported. The beating-effect occurred in the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations was observed for both types of the structures at low temperatures in the parallel transport when magnetic field was perpendicular to the layers. An approach to the calculation of the Landau levels energies for DQW structures was developed and then applied to the analysis and interpretation of the experimental data related to the beating-effect. We also argue that in order to account for the observed magneto-transport phenomena (SdH and Integer Quantum Hall effect), one should introduce two different quasi-Fermi levels characterizing two electron sub-systems regarding symmetry properties of their states, symmetric and anti-symmetric ones which are not mixed by electron-electron interaction.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figure