1,966 research outputs found

    Interplay between mesoscopic phase separation and bulk magnetism in the layered NaxCoO2

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    Specific heat of the layered NaxCoO2 (x=0.65, 0.70 and 0.75) oxides has been measured in the temperature range of 3-360 K and magnetic field of 0 and 9 T. The analysis of data, assuming the combined effect of inter-layer superexchange and the phase separation into mesoscopic magnetic domains with localized spins embedded in a matrix with itinerant electronic character, suggests that the dominant contribution to the specific heat in the region of short-range ordering is mediated by quasi-2D antiferromagnetic clusters, perpendicular to the CoO2 layers

    Circuit and plasticity defects in the developing somatosensory cortex of FMR1 knock-out mice

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    Silencing of the Fmr1 gene causes fragile X syndrome. Although defects in synaptic plasticity in the cerebral cortex have been linked to cognitive impairments in Fmr1 knock-out (ko) mice, the specific cortical circuits affected in the syndrome are unknown. Here, we investigated the development of excitatory projections in the barrel cortex of Fmr1 ko mice. In 2-week-old Fmr1 ko mice, a major ascending projection connecting layer 4 (L4) to L3 (L4-->L3), was defective in multiple and independent ways: its strength was reduced, caused by a lower connection probability; the axonal arbors of L4 cells were spatially diffuse in L2/3; the L4-->L3 projection did not show experience-dependent plasticity. By 3 weeks, the strength of the L4-->L3 projection was similar to that of wild type. Our data indicate that Fmr1 shapes sensory cortical circuits during a developmental critical period

    Simplified game of life: Algorithms and complexity

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    Game of Life is a simple and elegant model to study dynamical system over networks. The model consists of a graph where every vertex has one of two types, namely, dead or alive. A configuration is a mapping of the vertices to the types. An update rule describes how the type of a vertex is updated given the types of its neighbors. In every round, all vertices are updated synchronously, which leads to a configuration update. While in general, Game of Life allows a broad range of update rules, we focus on two simple families of update rules, namely, underpopulation and overpopulation, that model several interesting dynamics studied in the literature. In both settings, a dead vertex requires at least a desired number of live neighbors to become alive. For underpopulation (resp., overpopulation), a live vertex requires at least (resp. at most) a desired number of live neighbors to remain alive. We study the basic computation problems, e.g., configuration reachability, for these two families of rules. For underpopulation rules, we show that these problems can be solved in polynomial time, whereas for overpopulation rules they are PSPACE-complete

    Disorder promotes ferromagnetism: Rounding of the quantum phase transition in Sr_{1-x}Ca_xRuO_3

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    The subtle interplay of randomness and quantum fluctuations at low temperatures gives rise to a plethora of unconventional phenomena in systems ranging from quantum magnets and correlated electron materials to ultracold atomic gases. Particularly strong disorder effects have been predicted to occur at zero-temperature quantum phase transitions. Here, we demonstrate that the composition-driven ferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic quantum phase transition in Sr1-xCaxRuO3 is completely destroyed by the disorder introduced via the different ionic radii of the randomly distributed Sr and Ca ions. Using a magneto-optical technique, we map the magnetic phase diagram in the composition-temperature space. We find that the ferromagnetic phase is significantly extended by the disorder and develops a pronounced tail over a broad range of the composition x. These findings are explained by a microscopic model of smeared quantum phase transitions in itinerant magnets. Moreover, our theoretical study implies that correlated disorder is even more powerful in promoting ferromagnetism than random disorder.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The effects of irrigation on root density profiles of potato, celery, and wheat

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    Irrigation rate should correspond to the effective root depth, however, crop root growth is influenced by a number of factors, and little data is available on the impact of irrigation. This contribution presents the results of several experiments in which the influence of sprinkler or drip irrigations on root density distribution of shallow, medium and deep rooted crops within the soil profile were studied. Irrigation significantly increased the root density of potato, celery, and wheat in the topsoil zone. On the contrary, at most cases there was only a slightly reduced root density in the subsoil layers. Total root length, to maximum root depth, only increased significantly with drip irrigation in potato. The root depths of these crops were not significantly modified by irrigation. The results suggest that the use of a constant value for the calculation of maximum irrigation depth in a specific crop may not correspond to the variability of root depth nor the distribution in different years or fields

    Fluctuating-friction molecular motors

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    We show that the correlated stochastic fluctuation of the friction coefficient can give rise to long-range directional motion of a particle undergoing Brownian random walk in a constant periodic energy potential landscape. The occurrence of this motion requires the presence of two additional independent bodies interacting with the particle via friction and via the energy potential, respectively, which can move relative to each other. Such three-body system generalizes the classical Brownian ratchet mechanism, which requires only two interacting bodies. In particular, we describe a simple two-level model of fluctuating-friction molecular motor that can be solved analytically. In our previous work [M.K., L.M and D.P. 2000 J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. Mater. vol. 9, 157] this model has been first applied to understanding the fundamental mechanism of the photoinduced reorientation of dye-doped liquid crystals. Applications of the same idea to other fields such as molecular biology and nanotechnology can however be envisioned. As an example, in this paper we work out a model of the actomyosin system based on the fluctuating-friction mechanism.Comment: to be published in J. Physics Condensed Matter (http://www.iop.org/Journals/JPhysCM

    An assortment of woody plants produced in the manor of Nové Dvory at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries: North American taxa

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    The noble family of Chotek began with the realization of extensive landscaping in their manor of Nové Dvory at the end of the 18th century. Lists of woody plants produced for these purposes and for sale were preserved from the years 1794, 1800 and 1814. 276 taxa of foreign woody plants in the current concept, permanently cultivated outdoors, have been identified in all three lists at least to the level of the species. 91 taxa come from North America, with 81 being the first documented place of their presence in the territory of the Czech Republic. All North American taxa are natural, none of them originated in culture.O