202 research outputs found

    The Effect of Soaking Time of Liquid Smoke on the Quality and Storability of Cow Meat

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    Post harvest quality of cow meat and in storage may changes as consequence of biochemistry and microbiology process. This changes make meat durability and processed products will be limited. So that necessary processing to improve meat durability is needed. This study aimed to test the effect of soaking time of liquid smoke against meat durability meet by tenderness and organoleptic test(texture, aroma, flavor and tenderness). This research was conducted at Laboratory of Food Technology Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra from Mei to June 2016.The design used in this study was completely randomized factorial design (factorial CRD) using two factors:the soaking time of liquid smoke(A): (5 minutes, 10 minutes and15minutes) and storability(P): (1 week, 2weeks, 3 weeks and4 weeks). The parameters analyzed were cooking shrinkage, tenderness and organoleptic test(texture, aroma, and flavor). The results showed that soaking time of liquid smoke gave highly significant effect (P<0,01) to the organoleptic test (aroma), while storability give highly significant effect (P<0,01) to the cooking shrinkage(%), tenderness, andorganoleptic test(texture, aroma, and flavor).The best results were obtained ats oaking time of liquid smoke 15 minutes

    Kajian Hukum Atas Lelang terhadap Barang Jaminan Fidusia Kendaraan Bermotor pada Perusahaan Leasing (Studi pada PT. Summit Oto Finance Cabang Medan)

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    According to Article 29, paragraph (1), point b of Law No. 42/1990 on Feduciary Collateral, when there is a default, the settlement is prioritized by selling feduciary collateral through action. However, the Law gives another way out: when the highest price is not reached, it can be used underhanded selling. In the practice, however, although the creditor sells it underhandedly, he does not announce it in daily newspapers, and the length of time of selling is less than one month after the feduciary colletral is unsalabe in the auction. The creditor then sells it directly soon after he withdraws it from the auction. The execution of feduciary collateral on default debtors, basedLaw on Feduciary Colateral at PT Summit Oto Finance, Medan Branch, by withdrawing it from the facility of the acceptor or the people who submit the collateral. When within 7 (seven) days after the transfer of the collateral was not completed, it would be sold through actioning mechanism. The main obstacles in the execution of the feduciary collateral at PT Summit Oto Finance, Medan Branch, were that the collateral had been sold to the third party, the collateral had been pawned, and the collateral\u27s identity had been changed

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Membentuk Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Pada Pelanggan Mcdonald's Mt.haryono Malang)

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    This study aimed investigate to know that influence of product quality and service quality on customers satisfaction in shaping customers loyalty of McDonald's MT.Haryono Malang. By using Purposive Sampling techniques, there are 116 total samples who are the consumers of McDonald's MT.Haryono Malang. The data are collected through questionnaire. Descriptive analysis and path analysis are used as data analysis techniques.The result of this research shows that: Product Quality has direct and significant effect on Customers Satisfaction; Service Quality has direct and significant effect on Customers Satisfaction; Customers Satisfaction has direct and significant effect on Costumer's Loyalty; Product Quality has direct and not significant effect on Customer Loyalty; Service Quality has direct and significant effect on Costumer's Loyalty. Thus, McDonald's MT.Haryono Malang should continue to improve their service quality and product quality. So that, it will influence Customers Satisfaction and customers will continue to become loyal

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Fraksi Etanol Daun Bawang Mekah (Eleutherine Americana Merr.) dengan Metode Dpph (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil)

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    Antioksidan merupakan senyawa yang dapat digunakan untukmengatasi kerusakan oksidatif akibat radikal bebas. Senyawa antioksidanmemiliki peranan yang penting dalam kesehatan. Satu diantara tanaman yangmemiliki aktivitas antioksidan adalah tanaman bawang mekah (Eleutherineamericana Merr.). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidandari daun tanaman bawang mekah. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dilakukandengan menggunakan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1 pikrilhidrazil) yang diawalidengan ekstraksi secara sokhletasi menggunakan etanol 70%. Fraksi etanoldiskrining fitokimia menggunakan metode uji tabung dan diuji pendahuluandengan metode DPPH menggunakan KLT silika gel 60 Fyang dielusi denganfase gerak kloroform p.a. Aktivitas antioksidan fraksi diukur menggunakanspektrofotometer UV-Vis dengan variasi konsentrasi 10; 20; 30; 40 ?g/mL danvitamin C dengan konsentrasi 2; 2,5; 3; 3,5 ?g/mL sebagai kontrol positif. Hasilskrining fitokimia menunjukkan fraksi mengandung flavonoid, saponin, dan fenol.Hasil uji pendahuluan fraksi diperoleh 1 bercak dengan hRf 46,25 yangdivisualisasi dengan sinar UV 366 nm. Bercak pada fraksi menunjukkan hasilpositif antioksidan yang ditandai dengan Perubahan warna kuning dengan latarbelakang ungu setelah disemprot dengan DPPH 0,2%,. Hasil pengukuran secaraspektrofotometri UV-Vis menunjukkan bahwa fraksi etanol memiliki aktivitasantioksidan dengan IC50254335,5468 ?g/mL dan vitamin C memiliki nilai IC0,62147 ?g/mL

    Kajian Fungsi Nilai Mutlak dan Grafiknya

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    Fungsi nilai mutlak adalah suatu fungsi yang aturannya memuat nilai mutlak. Nilai mutlak suatu bilangan real x, dinyatakan dengan |x|, didefinisikan sebagaiFungsi ini merupakan fungsi khusus yang menarik, karena memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda dari fungsi lain terutama proses pencarian solusi dan penyajian yang berbentuk grafik. Fungsi nilai mutlak dapat diselesaikan dan digambar grafiknya dengan cara mengubah bentuk aturan fungsi nilai mutlak tersebut sehingga diperoleh suatu fungsi dengan banyak persamaan yang memenuhi daerah definisinya. Fungsi nilai mutlak memiliki limit di suatu titik namun tidak terdiferensialkan dititiktersebut, sehingga fungsi nilai mutlak tidak kontinu di titik tersebut

    Utilization of bio gas slurry and bio gas slurry enriched with goat’s urine fermented on plant height, leaf production and chemical compositions on Indigofera zollingeriana:

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    The research objective was to examine the utilization of bio gas slurry and bio gasslurry enriched with goat’s urine fermented on Indigofera zollingeriana. The experiment wasconducted at the Goat Farm Research Station Sei Putih, Galang, North Sumatera, from Marchuntil August 2015 using 24 plants of Indigofera zollingeriana. Design experiment was usedsplit plot design where main plots were different dosages of fertilizer, i.e. R1 (75), R2 (150)and R3 (225) ml/plot with four replications. The sub plots were types of fertilizer, i.e. slurry(P1) and slurry and goat’s urine fermented (P2). The research parameters were plant height,leaf production and chemical compositions (rough fat, NDF and ADF).The results showed that dosage fertilizer application of gas slurry and bio gas slurry enrichedwith goat urine fermented was not significantly different to plant height, leaf production andcrude lipid. There was no significantly different on plant height between types of fertilizer, i.e.bio gas slurry and bio gas slurry enriched with goat’s urine fermented. There weresignificantly different (P<0,05) between types of fertilizer, i.e. bio gas slurry and bio gas slurryenriched with goat’s urine fermented on leaf production and chemical compositions. It isconclude that utilization of bio gas slurry enriched with goat’s urine fermented increaseproductivity of Indigofera zolingerian

    Xerophilic Moulds Isolated from Salted and Unsalted Dried Fish from Traditional Markets in Jakarta

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    ABSTRACT A study was carried out on the mycoflora of utz salted (30 samples) and salted (30 samples) dried fish sold at traditional markets in Jakarta and vicinity. Only the moulds growing directly on the surface on the fish were isolated. The isolates were identified until the species level using the common suitable recommended media. For examination of their xerophilic features DG18% Agar was used. The species isolated from both kind of samples belong to the genera Absidia, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Cladosporium, Doratomuces, Fusarium, Moniliella, Mucor, Neurospora/Chrysonilia, Nigrospora, Rhizopus, Sordaria, and Syncephalastrum. The strong xerophilic isolates belong to the species Aspergillus awainori, Asp. carbonarius, Asp. glaucus, Asp. tamarii, and Eurotium glaucus


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    Dalam upaya untuk melakukan bioremediasi tumpahan minyak bumi dilakukan penelitian bakteri laut yang mampu mendegradasi komponen crude oil yaitu phenanthrene, DBT, dan paraffin. Sampel air laut Pulau Pari, DKI Jakarta diaklimasi dalam column reactor selama 2 bulan dengan 6 variasi fertilizer (Super IB, NH4NO3, Uric Acid, Hi-Control, Osmocoat, dan Chitosan). Kemudian sampel bakteri diisolasi pada medium ONR7a padat yang ditambah dengan 100 μl crude oil. Bakteri potensial pendegradasi crude oil diisolasi dan dipurifikasi pada medium marine agar secara streak plate dan disubkultur. Enambelas isolat terpilih diuji kemampuannya mendegradasi phenanthrene, DBT, dan paraffin. Isolat bakteri terpilih yaitu Dn yang terbukti dapat mendegradasi ketiga komponen crude oil. Selanjutnya isolat bakteri tersebut diuji pertumbuhannya pada 5 macam medium yaitu marine broth, polypepton, medium yang mengandung phenanthrene, DBT, dan paraffin. Uji pertumbuhan dilakukan pada kadar NaCl 2% dan 5% pada suhu 30°C serta rasio C/N/P = 100:20:3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan bakteri tercepat pada medium yang mengandung DBT dengan kadar NaCl 2% (g = 3,029 jam), sedangkan pada medium yang mengandung paraffin kadar NaCl 2% memerlukan waktu pertumbuhan terlama (g = 9,342 jam). Pengukuran kemampuan sel bakteri melekat pada hidrokarbon (MATH) menunjukkan bahwa nilai adhesi tertinggi terhadap substrat phenanthrene yaitu 89,23%. Berdasarkan karakterisasi morfologi koloni, morfologi sel, pengecatan gram, karakterisasi fenotipik dengan kit API 20 NE, diketahui bahwa isolat Dn berbentuk diplococcus, bersifat gram negatif, dan bersifat denitrifier. Identifikasi molekular berdasarkan sequencing 16S rRNA dan konstruksi phylogenetic tree menunjukkan bahwa isolat Dn sangat mirip dengan Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus ATCC 27132T. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa isolat bakteri laut di perairan Pulau Pari yang diaklimasi dalam colum reactor beranekaragam dan terdapat isolat bakteri Dn yang mampu mendegradasi ketiga komponen crude oil dengan penambahan sumber N dan P
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