440 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Wilson, Selma I. (Thomaston, Knox County)

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    Two-level finite element method with a stabilizing subgrid for the incompressible MHD equations

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    We consider the Galerkin finite element method (FEM) for the incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in two dimension. The domain is discretized into a set of regular triangular elements and the finite-dimensional spaces employed consist of piecewise continuous linear interpolants enriched with the residual-free bubble functions. To find the bubble part of the solution, a two-level FEM with a stabilizing subgrid of a single node is described and its application to the MHD equations is displayed. Numerical approximations employing the proposed algorithm are presented for three benchmark problems including the MHD cavity flow and the MHD flow over a step. The results show that the proper choice of the subgrid node is crucial to get stable and accurate numerical approximations consistent with the physical configuration of the problem at a cheap computational cost. Furthermore, the approximate Solutions obtained show the well-known characteristics of the MHD flow. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    El Metge malalt : com diagnosticar-lo, com tractar-lo i rehabilitar-lo, i com intervenir per garantir la bona praxi : L'experiència del Programa d'Atenció Integral al Metge Malalt (PAI12) /

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    En aquesta Tesi s'ha analitzat el fenomen del metge malalt, és a dir, aquell que presenta problemes psíquics i/o conducta addictiva a l'alcohol o altres drogues, i que per aquesta causa pot veure's afectada la seva praxi professional. Amb aquest objectiu, s'ha procedit a fer una aproximació exhaustiva del problema, analitzant el comportament específic del metge quan emmalalteix i la seva resposta com a malalt. I incidint sobre els antecedents, factors epidemiològics, circumstàncies i factors predisponents, condicions de risc en l'exercici, així com sobre les conseqüències que d'aquesta condició se'n deriva a nivell personal, socio-familiar, professional i, de manera específica, sobre la qualitat de l'exercici professional. S'ha analitzat, igualment, l'experiència d'abordatge d'aquest problema en altres països. I també s'ha analitzat la responsabilitat de les organitzacions professionals i sanitàries a l'hora de fer front al problema. Finalment, s'ha fet una exposició del Programa d'Atenció Integral al Metge Malalt (PAI12), iniciativa del Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona i el Consell de Col·legis de Metges de Catalunya amb la col·laboració del Departament de Sanitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya, que es va posar en marxa el 1997 amb l'objectiu de donar una resposta assistencial i rehabilitadora específica al metge que presentava algun trastorn mental o conducta addictiva i, al mateix temps, ser una eina de control de la praxi per als cassos que esdevinguessin un risc per als pacients. S'ha elaborat, treballat i analitzat els resultats d'aquest Programa tant des del punt de vista assistencial i clínic, com de la tasca de control i regulació de l'exercici de la corporació professional. A través de les conclusions finals realitzades es constata de manera significativa que el PAI12 és un model (no punitiu) d'assistència als metges que pateixen un trastorn mental i/o conducta addictiva a l'alcohol o altres drogues i que es planteja amb l'objectiu de la rehabilitació personal i professional. I que, alhora, té una missió de prevenir errors i mala praxi. Així mateix, el Programa es caracteritza per oferir una assistència sanitària directa, específica i en règim de confidencialitat, complementada amb altres prestacions col·legials com atenció personal, assessorament legal, formació complementària i prestacions socials. I compta amb dos àrees d'intervenció: una assistencial i una altra col·legial. Aquesta segona ha bastit procediments deontològics i jurídics per donar cobertura a tots els procediments del Programa, especialment en els casos de metges amb risc de mala praxi. Al Programa s'hi accedeix voluntàriament en un 89 % dels casos. Els diagnòstics principals dels metges atesos foren: 69 % trastorns mentals, 20 % addicció a l'alcohol i un 11 % addicció a altres drogues. Només el 5.4 % dels casos han hagut de ser sotmesos a mesures col·legials de control de l'exercici durant el tractament a través d'un Contracte Terapèutic Col·legial. Un 80 % dels metges han continuat treballant mentre eren atesos pel Programa. Finalment, es conclou que aquest programa és factible, compleix els objectius que van justificar la seva creació, dóna garanties professionals i també socials perquè permet detectar i ajudar millor el metge malalt, afavoreix i li permet tractar-se a través d'uns serveis assistencials específics i de gran qualitat, i perquè facilita al metge malalt la seva rehabilitació personal i professional i perquè a través dels mecanismes desenvolupats està contribuint de manera molt notable a complir amb la funció col·legial de regulació i de control de l'exercici professional.In this Thesis I have analyzed the phenomenon of the sick doctor, considered as someone that manifests mental disorders and/or addictive behaviors such as dependence on alcohol or other drugs which thereafter affect the quality of his/her professional work. For this purpose, I have proceeded to make a comprehensive approach to the problem, analyzing specific behaviors of doctors when sick and their response as a patient. I have focused on background, epidemiological factors, circumstances, predisposing factors, risk conditions in the medical practice, as well as consequences of this condition on a personal level, social and family, professional, and specifically on the quality of the professional practice. I have also analyzed the experience of tackling this problem in other countries, and the responsibility of health professional organizations when addressing the problem. Finally, I've presented the Programa d'Atenció Integral al Metge Malalt (PAIMM) Integral Care Program for Sick Doctors, created by Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona and Consell de Col·legis de Metges de Catalunya with the collaboration of the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Autonomous Government of Catalonia), launched in 1997 with the aim to provide specific medical care and rehabilitation to doctors with a mental disorder or addictive behavior, and at the same time, to be a tool to control the medical practice in cases of risk to patients. I've prepared, worked and studied the results of this Program from a clinical care standpoint and as a task of controlling and regulating the exercise of the professional corporation. Conclusions show that the Integral Care Program for Sick Physicians (PAIMM) is a healthcare model (non punitive) for doctors who suffer a mental disorder and/or addictive behavior to alcohol or other drugs. Its objective is to rehabilitate the sick physician both personally and professionally and also prevent medical errors and malpractice. The Program offers direct and specific healthcare assistance that is confidential. Other benefits offered (by the Medical Association) are personal care, legal advice, additional training and social benefits and intervenes in two areas: healthcare treatment and on a professional level (via the Medical Association). For the second area, deontological and legal procedures have been put in place to cover the program's processes, especially in cases of doctors at risk of malpractice. The Access to Program is voluntary in 89% of cases. Principal diagnosis for treated doctors: 69% mental disorders, 20% addiction to alcohol and 11% addiction to other drugs. Only 5.4% of cases have been subjected to the Medical Associations measures of control during treatment using the Professional Therapeutic Contract. Finally, I conclude that this Program is feasible, meets the objectives that justified its creation, provides professional and social guarantees because it can detect and help treat a sick doctor, it allows for a physician to obtain specific and high quality healthcare treatment, and it makes it easy for the sick doctor to rehabilitate both personally and professionally. The program contributes in a very significant way to accomplish the Medical Association's goal of regulating and controlling the practice of medicine

    Análisis de las propuestas de los actores sociales en la recuperación ambiental de la Bahía de Portmán (Región de Murcia). Nuevas perspectivas para un desarrollo sostenible

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    La bahía de Portmán representa uno de los casos de contaminación más importantes en el Mediterráneo. En este trabajo se analizan las posiciones de los diferentes actores sociales, así como las principales fortalezas-debilidades y oportunidades-amenazas que existen en las posibilidades de un planteamiento estratégico de regeneración de la bahía y de la Sierra Minera. Desde una perspectiva socio-ecológica, los análisis realizados ponen de manifiesto las potencialidades para el desarrollo de un turismo ambiental y cultural de este entorno. Sin embargo, las propias debilidades y amenazas podrían superar esas potencialidades si no se lleva a cabo una gestión cuidadosa y una apuesta clara por un modelo de desarrollo sensible en extremo con el patrimonio natural, paisajístico y cultural. Un modelo de turismo ligado a la restauración ambiental y al consenso con los agentes sociales locales debe constituir un elemento básico para la adaptación del territorio como producto turístico, y así debe reflejarse en las futuras decisiones

    Influence of popularity on the transfer fees of football players

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    [EN] Search popularity, as reported by Google Trends, has previously been demonstrated to be useful when studying many time series. However, its use in cross-section studies is not straightforward because search popularity is not provided in absolute terms but as a normalized index that impedes comparisons. This paper proposes a novel methodology for calculating popularity indicators obtained from Google Trends to improve the prediction of football players' transfer fees. The database is formed by 1428 players who competed in LaLiga, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, and Ligue 1 on the 2018-2019 season. Random forest algorithm and multiple linear regression are used to study the popularity indicators' importance and significativity, respectively. Results showed that the proposed popularity indicators provide significant information to predict players’ transfer fees, as models including such popularity indicators had lower prediction error than those without them.  This study's developed method could be used not only for analysts specialized in sports data analysis but for researchers of other fields.This work was partially supported by grants PID2019-107765RB-I00 and funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Malagón Selma, MDP.; Debón Aucejo, AM.; Doménech I De Soria, J. (2022). Influence of popularity on the transfer fees of football players. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 101-108. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2022.2022.1506710110

    Tradisi Masyarakat Dalam Penanaman Dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat Lekat Di Pekarangan

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    Home yard has been used to plant certain medicinal plants, also as known as TOGA program. This research was aimed to study the implementation of TOGA program and community tradition in planting and using medicinal plants. A qualitative research was conducted in West Java, Central Java, East Java and Bali which based on National Basic Health Research 2010 data had the highest percentage of jamu USAge. Data was collected in 2011 through in depth interview and focus group discussion with related stakeholder and observation in research location. Result in Bogor district showed TOGA program has been included in Family Welfare Development Program and similar program was also developed in some villages. There was no certain TOGA program in Karanganyar, Sumenep and Gianyar districts. TOGA program in Karanganyar was inserted in other program due to economic needs while in Gianyar the program was originated from ornamental plants. The community usually used medicinal plants for the prime medication before going to health facility. Planting medicinal plants is an inherited tradition where parents become the main source of planting and USAge information. The Agriculture Office and village officials had more significant roles to guide the community while the Health office only suggested or monitored the

    Molecular genetics and pathophysiology of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 deficiency.

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    Autosomal recessive mutations in the 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 gene impair the formation of testosterone in the fetal testis and give rise to genetic males with female external genitalia. Such individuals are usually raised as females, but virilize at the time of expected puberty as the result of increases in serum testosterone. Here we describe mutations in 12 additional subjects/families with this disorder. The 14 mutations characterized to date include 10 missense mutations, 3 splice junction abnormalities, and 1 small deletion that results in a frame shift. Three of these mutations have occurred in more than 1 family. Complementary DNAs incorporating 9 of the 10 missense mutations have been constructed and expressed in reporter cells; 8 of the 9 missense mutations cause almost complete loss of enzymatic activity. In 2 subjects with loss of function, missense mutations testosterone levels in testicular venous blood were very low. Considered together, these findings strongly suggest that the common mechanism for testosterone formation in postpubertal subjects with this disorder is the conversion of circulating androstenedione to testosterone by one or more of the unaffected 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isoenzymes