30,163 research outputs found

    Generalized externality games: economic applications.

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    This paper analyzes two specific economic problems: The division of profits between associated firms and the distribution of cost of a public good. We tackle these problems using game theoretic techniques. To do so, a new c1ass of games in characteristic function form, called Generalizad Externality Games is defined in this paper. Sorne attractive features of this c1ass of games are that the core is non-empty and that these new games there seems to be a connection with relational goods.Cooperative Games; Balanced Games; Core; Coob-Douglas Production; Public Goods; Relations Goods;

    Taxonomic revision of the genus Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) in Italy

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    A taxonomic revision of the genus Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) in Italy is here presented. Field surveys were carried out during the period 2007–2013. Thirty-six herbaria (both European and American) were consulted as well as extensive literature was analyzed. Four taxa are recognized, all of them to be considered aliens native to South America. Information about nomenclature (accepted names, main synonyms, and types), morphology, chromosome number, alien status (at national and regional levels), occurrence in Italy (at regional and provincial scale), ecology (preferential habitat, phenology, and elevation), taxonomical notes, and Italian vernacular names were provided for each taxon. A diagnostic key was given. For the nomenclatural purposes the generic name Alternanthera and its type was discussed, and the names A. paronychioides and A. pungens were studied and typified (lecto- and neotype, respectively) on specimens preserved at PH and P

    A fast version of the k-means classification algorithm for astronomical applications

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    Context. K-means is a clustering algorithm that has been used to classify large datasets in astronomical databases. It is an unsupervised method, able to cope very different types of problems. Aims. We check whether a variant of the algorithm called single-pass k-means can be used as a fast alternative to the traditional k-means. Methods. The execution time of the two algorithms are compared when classifying subsets drawn from the SDSS-DR7 catalog of galaxy spectra. Results. Single-pass k-means turn out to be between 20 % and 40 % faster than k-means and provide statistically equivalent classifications. This conclusion can be scaled up to other larger databases because the execution time of both algorithms increases linearly with the number of objects. Conclusions. Single-pass k-means can be safely used as a fast alternative to k-means

    Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy for luminal breast cancer treatment: a first-choice alternative in times of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The epidemiological emergency caused by CoV-2 (COVID-19) has changed priorities in breast cancer management. In those places where the pandemic has had the greatest effect, it is of paramount importance for most patients to be at home, reducing or postponing their attendance at clinics, as well as avoiding surgeries. In this scenario, neoadjuvant endocrine treatment could be an appropriate alternative treatment for hormone receptor positive breast cancer (luminal-like tumours) in order to minimise hospital admissions and to delay elective surgeries. Accordingly, we present a simple protocol that can be applied to most cases of luminal-like breast cancer and is appropriate for the majority of secondary or tertiary medical centres, or even primary car

    Separability conditions from the Landau-Pollak uncertainty relation

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    We obtain a collection of necessary (sufficient) conditions for a bipartite system of qubits to be separable (entangled), which are based on the Landau-Pollak formulation of the uncertainty principle. These conditions are tested, and compared with previously stated criteria, by applying them to states whose separability limits are already known. Our results are also extended to multipartite and higher-dimensional systems.Comment: 20 page

    Transport properties of armchair graphene nanoribbon junctions between graphene electrodes

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    The transmission properties of armchair graphene nanoribbon junctions between graphene electrodes are investigated by means of first-principles quantum transport calculations. First the dependence of the transmission function on the size of the nanoribbon has been studied. Two regimes are highlighted: for small applied bias transport takes place via tunneling and the length of the ribbon is the key parameter that determines the junction conductance; at higher applied bias resonant transport through HOMO and LUMO starts to play a more determinant role, and the transport properties depend on the details of the geometry (width and length) of the carbon nanoribbon. In the case of the thinnest ribbon it has been verified that a tilted geometry of the central phenyl ring is the most stable configuration. As a consequence of this rotation the conductance decreases due to the misalignment of the pipi orbitals between the phenyl ring and the remaining part of the junction. All the computed transmission functions have shown a negligible dependence on different saturations and reconstructions of the edges of the graphene leads, suggesting a general validity of the reported results

    Coulomb-blockade effect in nonlinear mesoscopic capacitors

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    We consider an interacting quantum dot working as a coherent source of single electrons. The dot is tunnel coupled to a reservoir and capacitively coupled to a gate terminal with an applied ac potential. At low frequencies, this is the quantum analog of the RC circuit with a purely dynamical response. We investigate the quantized dynamics as a consequence of ac pulses with large amplitude. Within a Keldysh-Green function formalism we derive the time-dependent current in the Coulomb blockade regime. Our theory thus extends previous models that considered either noninteracting electrons in nonlinear response or interacting electrons in the linear regime. We prove that the electron emission and absorption resonances undergo a splitting when the charging energy is larger than the tunnel broadening. For very large charging energies, the additional peaks collapse and the original resonances are recovered, though with a reduced amplitude. Quantization of the charge emitted by the capacitor is reduced due to Coulomb repulsion and additional plateaus arise. Additionally, we discuss the differential capacitance and resistance as a function of time. We find that to leading order in driving frequency the current can be expressed as a weighted sum of noninteracting currents shifted by the charging energy.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Minor changes. Published versio
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