4,578 research outputs found

    Does the Prisoner's Dilemma Refute the Coase Theorem?

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    Two of the most important ideas in the philosophy of law are the “Coase Theorem” and the “Prisoner’s Dilemma.” In this paper, the authors explore the relation between these two influential models through a creative thought-experiment. Specifically, the paper presents a pure Coasean version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma, one in which property rights are well-defined and transactions costs are zero (i.e. the prisoners are allowed to openly communicate and bargain with each other), in order to test the truth value of the Coase Theorem. In addition, the paper explores what effect (a) uncertainty, (b) exponential discounting, (c) and elasticity have on the behavior of the prisoners in the Coasean version of the dilemma. Lastly, the paper considers the role of the prosecutor (and third-parties generally) in the Prisoner’s Dilemma and closes with some parting thoughts about the complexity of the dilemma. The authors then conclude by identifying the conditions under which the Prisoner’s Dilemma refutes the Coase Theorem

    Una reconsideració dels nombres enters per a l'ensenyament postobligatori : pont didàctic entre la presentació empírica de la matemàtica escolar i el mètode constructiu de l'ensenyament superior /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa didàctica del nombre enter constitueix el centre d'interès d'aquesta investigació. Classifiquem les tipologies d'ensenyament de l'esmentat contingut curricular i focalitzem l'atenció en una d'elles, el mètode deductiu. Estudiem l'efecte que té la seva execució en l'aprenentatge dels estudiants així com en les dificultats que produeix. La proposta d'ensenyament que implementem neix de la resolució del problema dels nombres consecutius. A partir d'un treball experimental arribem a una introducció híbrida del nombre enter que connecta l'ensenyament deductiu amb el constructiu. Establim un pont didàctic entre el tractament empíric i intuïtiu del nombre enter, que caracteritza una primera introducció a l'ensenyament obligatori, i la presentació axiomàtica, pròpia de l'ensenyament superior. Organitzem una experimentació amb la finalitat de donar resposta a les dificultats que l'esmentat ensenyament produeix en els estudiants i a la incidència que té en el seu aprenentatge. Tractaments quantitatius i qualitatius faciliten diagnosticar el punt de partida a l'inici de batxillerat, avaluar la incidència de la proposta en l'aprenentatge dels participants, recollir les dificultats que viuen els discents i els errors que cometen per, finalment, presentar una valoració de la implementació realitzada als ulls de l'alumne. El marc teòric l'alimentem de reflexions didàctiques i possibles tractaments educatius que es poden donar al nombre enter, d'alguns apunts sobre la història del nombre negatiu que mostren la complexitat d'aquest contingut curricular i de recents recerques, diagnosis, disposicions educatives i extractes de llibres de text que permeten focalitzar les dificultats d'aprenentatge i preveure les mancances de l'ensenyament. Aquests fonaments els contrastem amb els resultats obtinguts per tal de mostrar, en atenció al context que ens ocupa, les conclusions de la recerca i diverses qüestions que suggereixen futures investigacions. En el terreny de les implicacions didàctiques, més enllà de l'àmbit d'acció de la investigació realitzada, mostrem com una petita pinzellada del mètode deductiu pot alimentar la primera introducció que actualment s'implementa en la matemàtica escolar a través de models concrets, empírics o físics.The didactics of the whole number constitutes the key focus of this research. We classify the teaching typologies of said curriculum content and focus our attention on one of them, the deductive method. We study the effect of its execution on students' learning and also the difficulties that it brings with it. The teaching proposal which we implement is born out of the problem resolution of consecutive numbers. From an experimental study we arrive at a hybrid introduction of the whole number which connects the deductive teaching with the constructive one. We establish a didactic bridge between the empirical treatment of the whole number and the intuitive one, which characterises a first introduction to compulsory education, and axiomatic presentation, which is typical of higher education. We are organising an experiment in order to provide a solution to the difficulties that said teaching produces in students and the influence it has on their learning. Quantitative and qualitative processes facilitate the diagnosis of the starting point at the beginning of the "batxillerat" (A-level), the evaluation of the incidence of the proposal in the learning of those participating, the gathering of difficulties encountered by students and the errors they make to, finally, present an evaluation of the implementation from the point of view of the student. We feed the theoretical frame by didactic reflections and possible educational processes which can be given to the whole number, by some notes about the history of the negative number which demonstrate the complexity of this curriculum content and by recent research, diagnoses, educational provisions and extracts from textbooks which allow us to focus on the learning difficulties and foresee what teaching is lacking in.We contrast these foundations with the results obtained in order to demonstrate, in the context of what we are discussing, the research conclusions and diverse questions which future research suggests. In the field of didactic implications, beyond the scope of action of the investigation carried out, we show how a little brushstroke of deductive method can feed the first introduction that is implemented nowadays in school mathematics through specific empirical or physical methods

    Porqpine: a peer-to-peer search engine

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    In this paper, we present a fully distributed and collaborative search engine for web pages: Porqpine. This system uses a novel query-based model and collaborative filtering techniques in order to obtain user-customized results. All knowledge about users and profiles is stored in each user node?s application. Overall the system is a multi-agent system that runs on the computers of the user community. The nodes interact in a peer-to-peer fashion in order to create a real distributed search engine where information is completely distributed among all the nodes in the network. Moreover, the system preserves the privacy of user queries and results by maintaining the anonymity of the queries? consumers and results? producers. The knowledge required by the system to work is implicitly caught through the monitoring of users actions, not only within the system?s interface but also within one of the most popular web browsers. Thus, users are not required to explicitly feed knowledge about their interests into the system since this process is done automatically. In this manner, users obtain the benefits of a personalized search engine just by installing the application on their computer. Porqpine does not intend to shun completely conventional centralized search engines but to complement them by issuing more accurate and personalized results.Postprint (published version


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: WORLD Wildlife Fund i North South Productions. Only one earth. A multimedia education pac

    Els ferros d'art de Nonito Cadenas

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    Apunts de música - Mazoni, i no pas Manzoni

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    Efectes de la fragmentació de l'hàbitat sobre la diversitat genètica d'Stachys maritima (Lamiaceae) i estat actual de conservació

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    Diploma d'Estudis Avançats (DEA) en Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Farmàcia, any: 200