51 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Pemulihan (Pmt-p) terhadap Pertumbuhan Balita Bawah Garis Merah (Bgm) di Puskesmas Kota Wilayah Selatan Kediri

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    Less nutrition in under five years children was manifested of less weight and growth with under red line influence brain development, it is very close relationship to mental development and thinking capability. Because of sufficient nutrient will create human resources who have health, cleverness, activeness and productivity. Less nutrition in this age effects in disorder that can delay further development. Giving recovered supplementary food correctly, in purpose, to add intake nutrient in under five years children with under red line besides giving daily food, so that the growth will not be in under red line any more. The objective was to prove if there was influence of giving recovered supplementary food toward the growth of under five years children with under red line in Puskesmas Kota Wilayah Selatan Kediri. Design used in this research was one-group pre-post test design. The sample was 18 respondents using total sampling technique. The variable was the growth of under five years children with under red line were measured by portable balances scale (dacin) with significant range in 0,1 kg. The data was collected and then analyzed using Wilcoxon signed ranks with level of significance of

    Pengaruh Latihan Gerak Kaki (Stretching) terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Sendi Ekstremitas Bawah pada Lansia di Posyandu Lansia Sejahtera Gbi Setia Bakti Kediri

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    Backgorund : Aging is naturally experienced by human. The process includes some changes such as: biological, psychological, social, and spiritual state. Physiological alternation appears in musculoskeletal system which causes joint pain. Some treatments can be used to overcome it. One of them is stretching. Stretching increases the elasticity and strength of muscle and also reduces joint pain. The research aimed at studying the influence of stretching toward extremity of joints pain of the elderly on Posyandu Lansia Sejahtera Setia Bakti Baptist Church Kediri. Method : This research Pre Experimental Research, one group pre test – post test design. Sample was 35 respondents who met the inclusive criteria. It was taken using Purposive Sample. The variable was extremity of joints pain. The data were collected through observation and interview before and after the treatment given. Further, it was analyzed using Wilcoxon test with significant level

    Pengaruh Senyawa Pengotor Ca Dan Mg Pada Efisiensi Penurunan Kadar U Dalam Air Limbah

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    PENGARUH SENYAWA PENGOTOR Ca DAN Mg PADA EFISIENSI PENURUNAN KADAR U DALAM AIR LIMBAH. Telah dilakukan penelitian pengolahan air limbah uranium yang mengandung senyawa pengotor Ca dan Mg dengan pertukaran ion. Penelitian secara eksperimental ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kolom gelas berdiameter 1,1 cm yang diisi dengan 4 gram resin jenis Dowex 50W-X8(Na). Umpan yang berupa larutan uranium berkadar 100 ppm dengan pH= 4 dan pengotor Ca serta Mg yang kadarnya bervariasi dari 25, 50, 75 dan 100 ppm dialirkan ke dalam kolom resin dengan pompa masterflex dengan kecepatan alir tetap 2,5 ml/menit. Kadar efluen uranium yang keluar dari kolom resin dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer dengan memakai arsenazo sebagai pengompleks. Dari data kadar U yang masuk dan keluar dari kolom resin dapat ditentukan nilai penurunan efisiensi kadar U. Dari data penelitian diperoleh bahwa nilai penurunan efisiensi pemisahan kadar U yang dicapai dengan pengotor Ca dari 99,1% ke 92% sedangkan untuk pengotor Mg dari 97,8 % ke 94%

    Kampanye Sosial “Drive Smart” Bagi Pengemudi Mobil Pemula dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Keselamatan Berlalulintas

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    Maraknya kasus kecelakaan lalulintas yang menimpa remaja di Indonesia menjadi topik yang cukup memprihatinkan. Menyetir mobil dipandang sebagai suatu kebutuhan gaya hidup, dan para pengemudi pemula tersebut memang tidak terbiasa untuk menaati peraturan berlalulintas. Sudah banyak lembaga dan institusi sosial yang secara khusus mengkampanyekan keselamatan berlalulintas, namun cara penyampaian yang serupa, hanya sekedar memperingatkan dan melarang membuat kampanye-kampanye serupa dipandang sebelah mata, sebagai suatu formalitas sosial belaka. Untuk itu, sebuah kampanye dengan eksekusi berbeda yang memanfaatkan media-media baru diyakini dapat mengubah perilaku menyetir para pengemudi pemula, yaitu remaja usia 15-20 tahun; menjadi generasi yang memiliki kedisiplinan dan memilki keterampilan mengemudi yang baik, dimulai sejak mereka belum memperoleh SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi). Dengan bekal itulah diharapkan tingkat kecelakaan lalulintas yang menimpa remaja akan menurun dan menjadi bibit-bibit pengemudi berkualitas di masa depan

    Penerapan Metode Flotasi Untuk Mereduksi Kadar Uranium Yang Ada Dalam Air Limbah Simulasi

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    Te/ah dilakukan penelitian terapan metode flotasi untuk mereduksi kadar uranium dalam air limbah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan dari metode flotasi dalam menurunkan kadar unsur/radionuklida uranium yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Keefektipan dari metode flotasi dikaji secara eksperimental dengan melihat parameter proses yang berpengaruh dalam penuruan kadar uranium dalam air limbah setelah melalui tahapan kopresipitasi yang dilanjutkan dengan proses flotasi. Parameter proses yang dipakai sebagai ukuran keefektipan penurunan kadar uranium ialah volume bahan kolektor natrium oleat, pH proses, serta volume bahan frother tetra etl/en glikol/TEG (C8H1805) yang ditambahkan yang menghasilkan efisiensi rekoveri (R dalam %) tertinggi. Percobaan proses dilakukan secara catu (batch) dengan umpan limbah simulasi uranium tetap = 100 ppm dan kadar kopresipitan Fe(lIl) dan Al(III) tetap =100 ppm; pH divariasi dari 4 - 12, volume kolektor natrium oleat (C18H33O2Na) divariasi dari = 10 - 45 ml dan TEG divariasi dari 10 - 30 tetes. Dari perlakuan tersebut di atas diperoleh data adanya kenaikan R dengan adanya penambahan volume kolektor na-oleat dari = 10 - 45 ml dengan R terbesar =94,56 % ; sedangkan untuk kopresipitan Al(III) dengan jumlah kolektor dan frother yan/g sama diperoleh R terbesar = 96,4% Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa R(u) naik dengan kenaikan volume dan kadar kolektor serta volume frother dengan nilai maksimum = 96,4% dicapai pada pH = 11 dan jumlah kolektor = 30 ml serta frothernya = 0,50 ml

    The Knowledge Level of Primary Care Physicians in Surabaya Primary Health Care Center Concering Hepatitis B

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    Background: One of physician's functions at primary health care center (PHC) is the ability to diagnose some diseases especially that contribute to high morbidity and mortality. Until now, hepatitis B virus infection has become a major health problem worldwide. The aim of this study was to identify the knowledge level of primary care physicians concerning hepatitis B in Surabaya. Method: The present study was a cross-sectional study that performed by investigators through interviews with primary care physicians in Surabaya to fill questionnaires for measuring their knowledge level. The questionnaires were modified from questionnaire survey in Tur Key performed by Peksen et al. It reflected the level of knowledge of the physicians including their comprehension, application and analysis. Validity and reliability test were performed on the Result of those questionnaires. The knowledge level was categorized as follows: > 75 (excellent), 70.0–74.9 (very high), 65.0–69.9 (high), 60.0–64.9 (medium), 55.0–59.9 (moderate), 47.5–54.9 (nearly moderate), 40.0-47.4 (less moderate), < 40 (low). Results: Based on validity test, we obtained 14 items of 17 question items with correlation coefficient 0.287–0.561 and alpha reliability index 0.639; therefore, the instrument can be used to measure the knowledge level. The results of mean score conversion included comprehension, which was 84.878 ± 16.499 (excellent category); application, which was 47.556 ± 31.870 (nearly moderate category) and analysis, which was 14.634 ± 35.562 (low category). Statistically, the mean value of the knowledge level scale, which was the combination of comprehension, application and analysis, was obtained at 49.023 ± 19.085 including the nearly moderate category. Conclusion: By using a valid and reliable instrument, the knowledge level of primary care physician in Surabaya concerning hepatitis B can be categorized as nearly moderate

    A formal framework to prove the correctness of model driven engineering composition operators

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    International audienceCurrent trends in system engineering combine modeling, composition and verification technologies in order to harness their ever growing complexity. Each composition operator dedicated to a different modeling concern should be proven to be property preserving at assembly time. These proofs are usually burdensome with repetitive aspects. Our work targets the factorisation of these aspects relying on primitive generic composition operators used to express more sophisticated language specific ones. These operators are defined for languages expressed with OMG MOF metamodeling technologies. The proof are done with the Coq proof assistant relying on the Coq4MDE framework defined previously. These basic operators, Union and Substitution, are illustrated using the MOF Package Merge as composition operator and the preservation of model conformance as verified property

    Typing in Model Management

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    International audienceModel management is essential for coping with the complexity introduced by the increasing number and varied nature of artifacts involved in MDE-based projects. Global Model Management (GMM) addresses this issue enabling the representation of artifacts, particularly transformation composition and execution, by a model called a megamodel. Typing information about artifacts can be used for preventing type errors during execution. In this work, we present a type system for GMM that improves its current typing approach and enables formal reasoning about the type of artifacts within a megamodel. This type system is able to capture non-trivial situations such as the use of higher order transformations

    Discovery of error-tolerant biclusters from noisy gene expression data

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    An important analysis performed on microarray gene-expression data is to discover biclusters, which denote groups of genes that are coherently expressed for a subset of conditions. Various biclustering algorithms have been proposed to find different types of biclusters from these real-valued gene-expression data sets. However, these algorithms suffer from several limitations such as inability to explicitly handle errors/noise in the data; difficulty in discovering small bicliusters due to their top-down approach; inability of some of the approaches to find overlapping biclusters, which is crucial as many genes participate in multiple biological processes. Association pattern mining also produce biclusters as their result and can naturally address some of these limitations. However, traditional association mining only finds exact biclusters, whic
