118 research outputs found

    A System for Information Management in BioMedical Studies—SIMBioMS

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    Summary: SIMBioMS is a web-based open source software system for managing data and information in biomedical studies. It provides a solution for the collection, storage, management and retrieval of information about research subjects and biomedical samples, as well as experimental data obtained using a range of high-throughput technologies, including gene expression, genotyping, proteomics and metabonomics. The system can easily be customized and has proven to be successful in several large-scale multi-site collaborative projects. It is compatible with emerging functional genomics data standards and provides data import and export in accepted standard formats. Protocols for transferring data to durable archives at the European Bioinformatics Institute have been implemented

    Туффизитовые алмазы на Енисейском кряже

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    First complete mineralogical and geochemical studies were conducted for diamonds and tuffisites-like source rocks identified at the Eniseyskiy Ridge. Studied diamonds are characterized by green color, cubo-octahedral morphology, moderate nitrogen content, and unaggregated nitrogen structural defects. The xenomineral film on the surface of diamond consist of a variety of native metal, carbide, sulfide and sulfate, halosulfide and oxide phases. The main micro-impurities are presented by Ni, Fe, Mn. The individual crystals as well as the diamonds in whole vary significantly in the isotopic composition of carbon. The results confirm the widespread dissemination of the diamonds on the Siberian Platform and their polygenesis.Впервые проведены комплексные минералого-геохимические исследования алмазов и туффизитоподобных алмазоносных пород, выявленных на Енисейском кряже. Исследованные алмазы характеризуются зеленым цветом, кубоктаэдрическим габитусом, умеренной азотностью, неагрегированным состоянием азотных структурных дефектов. На поверхности алмазов установлены ксеноминеральные пленки, в состав которых входят разнообразные самородно-металлические, карбидные, сульфидные и галогенсульфидные, сульфатные и оксидные фазы. В качестве основных микроэлементов-примесей выступают Ni, Fе, Mn. Весьма неоднородны по изотопному составу углерода как алмазы-индивиды, так и алмазы изученной популяции в целом. Полученные результаты подтверждают выводы о повсеместной зараженности Сибирской платформы алмазами и их полигенности

    ArrayExpress update—an archive of microarray and high-throughput sequencing-based functional genomics experiments

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    The ArrayExpress Archive (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress) is one of the three international public repositories of functional genomics data supporting publications. It includes data generated by sequencing or array-based technologies. Data are submitted by users and imported directly from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. The ArrayExpress Archive is closely integrated with the Gene Expression Atlas and the sequence databases at the European Bioinformatics Institute. Advanced queries provided via ontology enabled interfaces include queries based on technology and sample attributes such as disease, cell types and anatomy

    Symposium on the Scottish labour market

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    In the post-war period, up to the late 1960s, Britain enjoyed a modicum of unemployment and government policies which were geared to producing Full Employment were considered a success. It was simple - boost demand and more people would find work. But the mid 1970s the economic regency enjoyed by those advocating demand sided policies fell into disrepute as the OPEC nations raised prices dramatically and brought in a new era of both rising prices and unemployment. The laws of economics, which previously had viewed policy decisions as the choice between lower unemployment and higher inflation were now redundant. Both unemployment and inflation were moving in the same direction. The era of stagflation had begun