1,149 research outputs found


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    In developing countries, drought due to natural disasters such as flood result in massive loss of farming practices. Warning communities of the incoming flood provides an effective solution to this by giving people sufficient time to prepare and protect their crop pattern and farm activities. However, the range of early warning system solutions introduces a tangle of conflicting requirements including cost and reliability, and creates several interesting problems from factors as diverse as technological, social, and political. The complexity of these systems and need for autonomy within the context of a developing country while remaining maintainable and accessible by nontechnical personnel provides a challenge not often solved within developed countries, much less the developing. After describing this problem, the paper discusses a proposed solution for the problem, initial experiments in implementing the solution, and lessons learned through that work. Keywords : Early warning system, drought, cropping pattern. mobile applications

    Database independent Migration of Objects into an Object-Relational Database

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    This paper reports on the CERN-based WISDOM project which is studying the serialisation and deserialisation of data to/from an object database (objectivity) and ORACLE 9i.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures; CMS CERN Conference Report cr02_01

    Epistemologi Yang Menghermeneutika Menurut Richard Rorty

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    Tulisan ini memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi atas penolakan Rorty terhadap epistemologi dan kemudian menggantikannya dengan hermeneutika. Penolakan Rorty dimaksud sebenarnya adalah sebuah bentuk kritikan Rorty atas epistemologi fondasional yang berakar pada pemikiran-pemikiran Descartes, Locke, dan Kant. Epistemologi tidak harus dimengerti secara sempit dalam pengertian epistemologi fondasional menurut Rorty. Dan Rorty sendiri sesungguhnya sedang berepistemologi ketika menolak epistemologi fondasional, karena Rosty berkecimpung dalam dunia pengetahuan

    Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Koperasi Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam “Cendrawasih” Kecamatan Gubug Tahun Buku 2011

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    Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Cendrawasih Gubug was rising the membersand their SHU from year to year untill 2010. It needs an evaluation to detect how actuallythe level of that cooperation. This research method used descriptive analysis. TheResearcher didnt used population and example because it was reseach study case . Toknow the health level at level at Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Cendrawasih at 2011 groundedon KEP MEN20/per/M.KUKM/XI/2008. The health score of this cooperationCendrawasih at 2011 was health enough , it was showed from from health scoregrounded to 7 aspect is Capital aspect get 15 point, aspect of activa productive is 20point, The aspect of management is 8,7 point, the aspect of eficiency ir 8.5 point, aspectof independence and development is 3,75 point, then aspect of identity cooperation is 3point. The entire of total score is 60,2. Grounded to category ( 60-80

    The role of working hours, work environment and physical leisure activity on the need for recovery following a day's work among UK white-water raft guides: a within-subjects multilevel approach

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    Background: White-water raft guides are a growing workforce of the outdoor sector but little is known about how the working environment, workload and physical leisure activity impacts on the need for occupational recovery (the desire to replenish internal resources and recuperate in the time immediately following work) of those working in this physically demanding occupation. Methods: Longitudinal data were collected across an eight month working season at three month intervals. Multilevel analyses tested the within-subject associations between work environment, hours worked and physical leisure activity had on the need for recovery. Results: Working longer across the working season and participating in more physical leisure activity were directly associated with a lower need for occupational recovery. Furthermore, working on natural rivers significantly reduced the need for recovery experienced compared to work on man-made courses. This was regardless of the number of hours of worked in these environments. Discussion: Physical leisure activity may provide a distraction from work, allowing employees to replenish their physical and psychological energy, thus protecting themselves against work-related fatigue. The findings also expand upon the previous literature identifying that working in a natural environment reduces the risk of experiencing work-related fatigue


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    Paud Nur Insani merupakan merupakan Pendidikan An ak Usia Dini yang mengelola jenjang Playgroup hingga Taman Kanak-kanak, namun pengolahan data aka demik di dalam Paud yang bersifat manual dan data Paud yang belum terpusat ke satu database sehingga menjadi kendala dalam penyajian dan trasnfer inform asi akademik. Jadi dalam tugas akhir ini dibuat suatu s istem informasi akademik berbasis web yang lebih me ngarah ke sistem Pengolahan, Pendataan dan Penyajian data di dalam Paud Nur Insani. Di dalam pembuatan Sistem Akademik pada Paud Nur Insani, penulis menggunakan PHP FRAMEWORK CI dan XAMPP sebagai bahasa pemrogaman dan databasenya, dan juga untuk perancan gan sistem dalam pembuatan sistem akademik berbasis web ini menggunakan CDM, PDM dan UML ( use case,act ivity diagram,squence diagram dan class diagram ). Hasil yang di capai adalah bahwa Paud Nur Insani me mbutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi akademik berbasis web, sehingga mempermudah pengolahan,pendataan dan penyajian data kepada user, dengan adanya sistem akademik ini diharapkan dapat menunjang kegiatan ak ademik pada Paud Nur Insani. Keywords: Sistem Akademik Berbasis Web,PHP,Framework CI,PHP, MySQL dan XAMP

    Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Seni Tari Jepin Lembut Melalui Metode Kooperatif Jigsaw Di SMP

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    The background of this research is the lack of the student's interest in learning art dance, it can be seen from the first observation through the questionnaire about hobby, only 15 students who like to dance. On the other hand, based on the writers's observation during teaching process, most students did not enthusiastically take part. The purpose of this research is to increase the students' learning interest on dance art Jepin Lembut through jigsaw cooperative method on the first year student of SMPN 1 Paloh. Base on the result in cycle I and II, the writer concluded that the learning process through jigsaw cooperative method could increase the students' interest on dance art Jepin Lembut at class 7 of SMPN 1 Paloh

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Bermain Rekorder melalui Metode Demonstrasi di SMP

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    This study aims to improve students' skills in playing the flute through the method of demonstration. The research is a form of class action. The subjects were students of class VIII B, for a total of 26 people. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research tool is the observation sheets and sheets test of skill. The results showed that in the first cycle of students still make mistakes in the position of the recorder under the 30o or 45o above, then students are still using thoracic breathing. The radius of the students still looks stiff in the hole last recorder. All students not yet fluent in the recorder closing holes. In the second cycle, students have been able to maintain properly. some students still use abdominal breathing and chest so the emitted tone becomes unstable found. Students can now close the hole and recorder and not look stiff. It can be concluded that through the demonstration method can improve students' skills in playing the recorder

    Peningkatkan Ketrampilan Menggunakan Media Pianika dengan Metode Driil SMP 1 Teriak Bengkayang

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    The purpose of this research is to study the art of music is expected to improve students' skills in using media pianika. The method used in this research is descriptive, with a qualitative approach. Pennelitian shape is action research (action research) with action research procedures including planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Driil method is something to do the same activity over and over again in earnest with the aim to strengthen the skills to be a permanent thing.Learning outcomes in this study is the knowledge and abilities of learners. The conclusions of this study is the use driil method can improve skills in using media pianika seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Shouts Bengkayang. Improved learning outcomes in mind of the average value of student learning outcomes during the first cycle that is 66.28 students' skills in using media pianika musical instruments have not been successful because the average value of students under the KKM is 70. In the second cycle increased to 77, 87 in both categories
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