885 research outputs found

    Letter from Griggs County Sheriff A. I Monson to Attorney General Langer Regarding Beverages and Tobacco Sold in Griggs Country, 1917

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    Letter dated July 21, 1917 from Griggs County Sheriff A. I Monson to Attorney General Langer listing beverages and tobacco products sold, and by what people or establishments, in Griggs Country.https://commons.und.edu/langer-papers/1285/thumbnail.jp

    Wind Climatology at 87 km above the Rocky Mountains at Bear Lake Observatory--Fabry-Perot Observations of OH

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    This paper presents the neutral -wind climatology at approximately 87-km 53 altitude from Utah State University\u27s Bear Lake Observatory (BLO). a mid-latitude site 54 situated in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. The winds were determined using a very 55 sensitive Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) observing the OH Me inel (6-2) PI (3) line al 56 843 nm. The climatology. determined from monthly averages of the nightly evolution of 57 the geographic meridional and zonal wind components over forty· five months, has three 58 distinct seasonal patterns: winter (November- February), summer (May-Jul y), and late 59 Slimmer (August and September). The background zonal wind is eastward the whole year 60 except March and April. The background meridional wind is northward in winter and 61 southward during the rest of the year. In late summer. the winds exhibit a very strong 62 semidiurnal tidal variation almost every night. In summer, they exhibit a similar tidal 63 variation on enough nights that a semi diurnal pattern appears in the climatology. In 64 winter. the nighHo·night variability is so great that little structure is evident in the 65 climatology . These winds are compared to those from other techniques or sites: ~l 66 observations from UARS. FPI observations from Michigan, and MF radar observations. 67 While generally agreeing in relative amplitudes and i.n phase. differences do exist. 68 especially the weak semidiurnal tide at BLO in winter and a greatly reduced {tide at spring 69 equinox compared to late summer. It is likely that these differences arise from the 2 70 topographical generation of gravity waves by winds flowing over the Rocky Mountains. 71 The tidal variations are also compared to results from the global-scale wave model 72 (GSWM): our semidiurnal amplitudes arc considerably bigger except in winter, and our 73 phases vary from showing very good agreement in July, fair agreement in April and 74 January, and disagreement in October. These large differences may be evidence that 11011 - 75 linear effects are more important than realized. The behavior of the background winds is 76 consistent with different populations of gravity waves reaching 87 km in summer and 77 winter. The behavior of the semidiurnal tidal variation is consistent\u27 with a strong 78 interaction between the tidal and gravity·wave wind fields, and is consistent with the 79 different summer and Winter gravity wave population s, and with a fall· spring asymmetry 80 characterized by much weaker gravity wave sources in late summer than near spring 81 equinox

    Why are estimates of global isoprene emissions so similar (and why is this not so for monoterpenes)?

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    International audienceEmissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) are a chief uncertainty in calculating the burdens of important atmospheric compounds like tropospheric ozone or secondary organic aerosol, reflecting either imperfect chemical oxidation mechanisms or unreliable emission estimates, or both. To provide a starting point for a more systematic discussion we review here global isoprene and monoterpene emission estimates to-date. We note a surprisingly small variation in the predictions of global isoprene emission rate that is in stark contrast with our lack of process understanding and the small number of observations for model parameterisation and evaluation. Most of the models are based on similar emission algorithms, using fixed values for the emission capacity of various plant functional types. In some studies these values are very similar, but they differ substantially in others. The models differ also broadly with regard to their representation of net primary productivity, method of biome coverage determination and climate data. Their similarities with regard to the global isoprene emission rate would suggest that the dominant parameters driving the ultimate global estimate, and thus the dominant determinant of model sensitivity, are the specific emission algorithm and isoprene emission capacity. Contrary to isoprene, monoterpene estimates show significantly larger model-to-model variation although variation in terms of leaf algorithm, emission capacities, the way of model upscaling, vegetation cover or climatology used in terpene models are comparable to those used for isoprene. From our summary of published studies there appears to be no evidence that the terrestrial modelling community has been any more successful in "resolving unknowns" in the mechanisms that control global isoprene emissions, compared to global monoterpene emissions. Rather, the proliferation of common parameterization schemes within a large variety of model platforms lends the illusion of convergence towards a common estimate of global isoprene emissions. This convergence might be used to provide optimism that the community has reached the "relief phase", the phase when sufficient process understanding and data for evaluation allows for models to converge, when applying a recently proposed concept. We argue that there is no basis for this apparent "relief" phase. Rather, we urge modellers to be bolder in their analysis to draw attention to the fact that terrestrial emissions, particularly in the area of biome-specific emission capacities, are unknown rather than uncertain

    TOI-150: A transiting hot Jupiter in the TESS southern CVZ

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    We report the detection of a hot Jupiter ($M_{p}=1.75_{-0.17}^{+0.14}\ M_{J},, R_{p}=1.38\pm0.04\ R_{J})orbitingamiddleagedstar() orbiting a middle-aged star (\log g=4.152^{+0.030}_{-0.043})intheTransitingExoplanetSurveySatellite(TESS)southerncontinuousviewingzone() in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) southern continuous viewing zone (\beta=-79.59^{\circ}$). We confirm the planetary nature of the candidate TOI-150.01 using radial velocity observations from the APOGEE-2 South spectrograph and the Carnegie Planet Finder Spectrograph, ground-based photometric observations from the robotic Three-hundred MilliMeter Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, and Gaia distance estimates. Large-scale spectroscopic surveys, such as APOGEE/APOGEE-2, now have sufficient radial velocity precision to directly confirm the signature of giant exoplanets, making such data sets valuable tools in the TESS era. Continual monitoring of TOI-150 by TESS can reveal additional planets and subsequent observations can provide insights into planetary system architectures involving a hot Jupiter around a star about halfway through its main-sequence life.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted to ApJ

    An eclipsing binary distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud accurate to 2 per cent

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    In the era of precision cosmology it is essential to determine the Hubble Constant with an accuracy of 3% or better. Currently, its uncertainty is dominated by the uncertainty in the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) which as the second nearest galaxy serves as the best anchor point of the cosmic distance scale. Observations of eclipsing binaries offer a unique opportunity to precisely and accurately measure stellar parameters and distances. The eclipsing binary method was previously applied to the LMC but the accuracy of the distance results was hampered by the need to model the bright, early-type systems used in these studies. Here, we present distance determinations to eight long-period, late- type eclipsing systems in the LMC composed of cool giant stars. For such systems we can accurately measure both the linear and angular sizes of their components and avoid the most important problems related to the hot early-type systems. Our LMC distance derived from these systems is demonstrably accurate to 2.2 % (49.97 +/- 0.19 (statistical) +/- 1.11 (systematic) kpc) providing a firm base for a 3 % determination of the Hubble Constant, with prospects for improvement to 2 % in the future.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, 13 tables, published in the Nature, a part of our data comes from new unpublished OGLE-IV photometric dat

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.21, no.3

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    Freshmen – Please Note, page 2 Hospital Research, Ann Koebel, page 3 Orchids to Pat, page 4 The Army Eats Well, Mary I. Barber, page 5 Making Things Grow, Betty Ann Iverson, page 6 Look Before You Snap, Kathryn Monson, page 7 Major Departments on Review, Elizabeth Murfield, page 8 Patriotic Sally, Patricia Hayes, page 10 What’s New in Home Economics, Dorothy Olson, page 12 Summer Job Holders Reap Experience, page 14 A List of Don’ts, Costume Design Class, page 15 We Salute Campus Leaders, Margaret Kirchner, page 16 Home Economics Looks to Future, M. L. Morton, page 17 Behind Bright Jackets, Julie Wendel, page 18 Alums in the News, Mary Elizabeth Sather, page 20 Nutrition for Defense, Dorothy Ann Roost, page 22 That Personal Touch, Margaret Ann Clarke, page 23 Journalistic Spindles, Elizabeth Hanson, page 2

    Radiocarbon constraint on relict organic carbon contributions to Ross Sea sediments

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 7 (2006): Q04012, doi:10.1029/2005GC001097.We estimate the relative contribution of relict organic matter to the acid-insoluble organic carbon (AIOC) fraction of surface sediments from Ross Sea, Antarctica, on the basis of 14C abundance. The bulk isotopic characteristics of AIOC can largely be explained by simple two-source models of modern and relict organic carbon, when samples are grouped according to two geographical regions, namely, southwestern and south central Ross Sea. This spatial variability in relict organic carbon could be controlled by proximity to the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf and ice drainage areas. Radiocarbon abundance in the AIOC is potentially an excellent tool to estimate the contribution of relict organic carbon in the Antarctic margin sediments.This work was partly supported by a grant from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to N.O

    Scaling study of the pion electroproduction cross sections and the pion form factor

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    The 1^{1}H(e,eπ+e,e^\prime \pi^+)n cross section was measured for a range of four-momentum transfer up to Q2Q^2=3.91 GeV2^2 at values of the invariant mass, WW, above the resonance region. The Q2Q^2-dependence of the longitudinal component is consistent with the Q2Q^2-scaling prediction for hard exclusive processes. This suggests that perturbative QCD concepts are applicable at rather low values of Q2Q^2. Pion form factor results, while consistent with the Q2Q^2-scaling prediction, are inconsistent in magnitude with perturbative QCD calculations. The extraction of Generalized Parton Distributions from hard exclusive processes assumes the dominance of the longitudinal term. However, transverse contributions to the cross section are still significant at Q2Q^2=3.91 GeV2^2.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure