7,261 research outputs found

    Penerimaan Informasi Dampak Penambangan Pasir Bagi Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup di Kalangan Penambang Pasir Ilegal di DAS Jeneberang Kabupaten Gowa

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    Illegal mining has been disturbing residents, its consequences such as damage to buildings , damage to land and as well as the threat of landslides . This study aims to determine how the process of receiving information in the sand miners on the impact of mining activities on the environment in the watershed Jeneberang Gowa . The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative , observation and interviews with respondents directly to key informants consisting of 6 -party BLHD Gowa and 2 representatives of the illegal miners who are still active and is no longer active . Selects respondents intentionally ( purposive ) with predetermined criteria . Data were analyzed based on the Elaboration Likelihood Theory of Richard Petty and John T. Cacioppo . Based on the research results , admission information among miners became a boomerang attributed to the weak argument given the BLHD . Weak arguments given to the audience with high motivation in elaborating the message will turn on the rejection message is given so persuasive attitude change is difficult to achieve . This study suggests that the delivery of information about environmental damage through persuasive message carried Regional Environmental Agency to the miners do not achieve the goal of changing the behavior of the miners to stop illegal mining and the need to take into account the credibility of the communicator and the audience trust the communicator, as well as strength message in the process of providing information

    Application of the EXtrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM) to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region

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    The study of transfer-induced gamma-decay probabilities is very useful for understanding the surrogate-reaction method and, more generally, for constraining statistical-model calculations. One of the main difficulties in the measurement of gamma-decay probabilities is the determination of the gamma-cascade detection efficiency. In [Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 700, 59 (2013)] we developed the Extrapolated Efficiency Method (EXEM), a new method to measure this quantity. In this work, we have applied, for the first time, the EXEM to infer the gamma-cascade detection efficiency in the actinide region. In particular, we have considered the 238U(d,p)239U and 238U(3He,d)239Np reactions. We have performed Hauser-Feshbach calculations to interpret our results and to verify the hypothesis on which the EXEM is based. The determination of fission and gamma-decay probabilities of 239Np below the neutron separation energy allowed us to validate the EXEM

    The inelastic hard dimer gas: a non-spherical model for granular matter

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    We study a two-dimensional gas of inelastic smooth hard dimers. Since the collisions between dimers are dissipative, being characterized by a coefficient of restitution α<1\alpha<1, and no external driving force is present, the energy of the system decreases in time and no stationary state is achieved. However, the resulting non equilibrium state of the system displays several interesting properties in close analogy with systems of inelastic hard spheres, whose relaxational dynamics has been thoroughly explored. We generalise to inelastic systems a recently method introduced [G.Ciccotti and G.Kalibaeva, J. Stat. Phys. {\bf 115}, 701 (2004)] to study the dynamics of rigid elastic bodies made up of different spheres hold together by rigid bonds. Each dimer consists of two hard disks of diameter dd, whose centers are separated by a fixed distance aa. By describing the rigid bonds by means of holonomic constraints and deriving the appropriate collision rules between dimers, we reduce the dynamics to a set of equations which can be solved by means of event driven simulation. After deriving the algorithm we study the decay of the total kinetic energy, and of the ratio between the rotational and the translational kinetic energy of inelastic dimers. We show numerically that the celebrated Haff's homogeneous cooling law t−2t^{-2}, describing how the kinetic energy of an inelastic hard sphere system with constant coefficient of restitution decreases in time, holds even in the case of these non spherical particles. We fully characterize this homogeneous decay process in terms of appropriate decay constants and confirm numerically the scaling behavior of the velocity distributions.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures and 2 tables, submitted to JC

    Analisis SWOT Pemilihan Material Dinding Bata Merah dan Bata Ringan di Penajam Paser Utara

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    Infrastructure contruction has expanded in Penajam Paser Utara brought the effect of wall materials. Nowdays, Building construction with light brick preferably as an alternative than red brick it self.&nbsp; The aim of this research is to conduct SWOT Analysis between light brick and red brick in construction build in Penajam Paser Utara. According to question form that was spread in to local government has shown the results, The red brick sited in forth coordinate (quadrant) compare with light brick in second quadrant. This quadrant position provide using light bricks preferably were been selected than common red bric

    The level width of atomic nuclei in the continuum energy region: Comparison with the statistical-model previsions

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    In this paper the theoretical expression of the « coherence energy » which characterizes the Ericson flctuations of an excitation function is derived in the framework of the statistical model. It is given by a weighted average over spins, parity and energy of the widths of the levels of the compound nucleus interested in the reaction. The case of purely statistical reactions and the case in which a nonstatistical effect is present are analised

    Implementasi Mengenai Disiplin PNS Berdasarkan PP No. 53 Tahun 2010 Di Biro Kepegawaian Setda Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Implementation of discipline in the Bureau of Personnel, Central Java Regional Secretariat seen that there are still employees who do not carry out their duties according to established standards. In addition there's also an employee who came late, lack of discipline, playing games, eating his lunch before the specified hours, go home before work, and many employees were chatting during working hours, in addition to employees who often went out of the office during working hours for personal gain, so the effect on the performance of employees in the Bureau of Personnel Secretariat of Central Java province.Organization and Personnel Bureau has the function as in Article 194, among others, the task of policy formulation pelaksanaann area in the field of organization and staffing, and staffing, coaching and facilities in the field of local governance and staffing organization. The method used in this research is descriptive / qualitative qualitative outline of the implementation of the work discipline. The data collection was done by in-depth interviews to several informants representative and obtained documentation.The results of this study show that implementation of the discipline of civil servants under Regulation 53 of 2010 on the Organisation and Personnel Bureau is still considered quite necessary improvements, in terms of discipline comply with working hours is still not good, the sanctions imposed on the Bureau Orpeg it is still not up to the right target. It is based are still many employees who violate discipline and barriers that exist towards discipline in this Orpeg Bureau is a lack of awareness of each employee other than the individual or sanctions given also that the half-formed restrain discipline.Recommendations can be taken the following steps to implementation constraints Discipline Rule 53 of 2010 regarding the government's need for socialization to discipline employees, to make changes in the discipline necessary to re reshuffle the available sanctions in violation kedisiplian and well intesnsif approach between superiors and subordinates in order to create a conducive working atmosphere

    Dynamics of vibrofluidized granular gases in periodic structures

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    The behavior of a driven granular gas in a container consisting of MM connected compartments is studied employing a microscopic kinetic model. After obtaining the governing equations for the occupation numbers and the granular temperatures of each compartment we consider the various dynamical regimes. The system displays interesting analogies with the ordering processes of phase separating mixtures quenched below the their critical point. In particular, we show that below a certain value of the driving intensity the populations of the various compartments become unequal and the system clusterizes. Such a phenomenon is not instantaneous, but is characterized by a time scale, Ï„\tau, which follows a Vogel-Vulcher exponential behavior. On the other hand, the reverse phenomenon which involves the ``evaporation'' of a cluster due to the driving force is also characterized by a second time scale which diverges at the limit of stability of the cluster.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure
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