49 research outputs found

    Changes of nucleic acids of wheat seedlings under spaceflight conditions

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    The effects of space flight on the growth of wheat seedlings and their nucleic acid content were studied. It was shown that both space and ground seedlings have almost the same appearance, dry weight and nucleic acid content in the root, coleoptile and leaves. The only difference found is in the RNA and DNA content, which is twice as much in the ground seedling apices as in the space-grown seedlings

    Reducing charge trapping in PbS colloidal quantum dot solids

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    Understanding and improving charge transport in colloidal quantum dot solids is crucial for the development of efficient solar cells based on these materials. In this paper, we report high performance field-effect transistors based on lead-sulfide colloidal quantum dots (PbS CQDs) crosslinked with 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA). Electron mobility up to 0.03 cm(2)/Vs and on/off ratio above 10(5) was measured; the later value is the highest in the literature for CQD Field effect transistors with silicon-oxide gating. This was achieved by using high quality material and preventing trap generation during fabrication and measurement. We show that air exposure has a reversible p-type doping effect on the devices, and that intrinsically MPA is an n-type dopant for PbS CQDs. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Teacher’s imageas a basis of increasing competitiveness of higher education: a paradigm of modern educational process

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    The urgency of the research topic is that the attempt, through the prism of higher education in Ukraine, is to outline the factors and opportunities for forming a positive image of a modern teacher as the basis for the competitiveness of a higher educational institution. The purpose of the article is: rethinking the teacher’s image in conditions of growing demands and increasing competitiveness among higher education institutions. The objectives of the study are to summarize the data of the investigated problem and to develop a model for the development of theoretical aspects of forming a teacher’s positive image in the context of the growth of the status of the university, and an analysis of the interdependence of the teacher’s image and his professional competence, practical skills, and the ability to associate theory with practice. The research methodology is general scientific and special-disciplinary methods of scientific research. In particular, the methods of theoretical generalization, analogy and abstraction are used to clarify the conditions, specifics and realities of the modern educational process, in particular – in higher educational institutions; deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis – to identify systemic problems of Ukrainian universities the needs satisfaction of educational services users; the synthesis of progressive ideas on designing ways to enhance the teacher’s positive image in the context of the growth of the status of higher education institutions. Also, special-disciplinary methods of scientific research are used: comparison, systematization and grouping – to generalize the model of development of theoretical aspects of creating of a positive image of the teacher in the context of the formation of the image of the university; analytical – in the analysis of the interdependence of the teacher's image and his professional competence, practical skills and ability to associate theory with practice, etc. The result of the study is a theoretical understanding of the teacher’s image in the context of the formation of the competitiveness of a higher educational institution. The result of the analysis is the constant, systematic improvement of their own professional competencies. And only under this condition, the teacher will be able to rely on the authority and respect among students and colleagues. It is noted that the current state of higher education dictates the necessity of finding new ways of solving problems of increasing the efficiency of not only training, preparation of a specialist in the labor market, but also the efficiency of the activity of a higher educational establishment in conditions of autonomy. Conclusion. The positive image of the teacher, and in general the educational institution, will increase the authority of the professions and specialties of higher education. And philosophy itself should assume responsibility for the formation of the future teacher, since since ancient times, philosophy has been, is and will be the reason for the comprehension of wisdom. The image of a modern teacher largely depends on his professional competence in practical skills and the ability to instruct students to study the theory in close relationship with practice. After all, knowledge becomes effective only in the applied aspect, in particular, when applying the principle of “theory-practicetheory"

    Radial increment dynamics in Pinus sylvestris stands within the Northern Steppe of Ukraine

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    The parameters of periodic increment (5-years) and peculiarities of its change depending on age, diameter, height and volume of trunk of Scots pine are determined. The influence of climate conditions (air temperature and precipitation) on the dynamics of radial increment change of Scots pine trees are established. The results of experimental studies, obtained from 20 temporary sample plots of pine stands within the Northern Steppe of Ukraine are presented. We conducted an estimate of radial increment of Scots pine trunks as a basis for development of normative and information support for assessment of biotic productivity of this category of forest. All selected sample trees had different age and biometric parameters. The age of sample trees ranged from 9 to 90 years; diameter at breast height – from 4.0 to 41.7 cm; height – from 4.2 to 30.0 m, trunk volume – from 0.002 to 1.748 m3. It is found that the radial increment of pine stem was significantly dependent on tree age. The highest values of radial increment of Scots pine trees were observed for trees aged up to 20 years. With increasing age, radial increment had a decreasing trend, including 90-year old trees. Regression models of the dependence of radial increment of pine trees on the age and diameter are presented. In the article, the dependence of the values of radial increment of sample trees from types of forest are demonstrated. The highest values of Scots pine radial increment was observed in sugruds and gruds, which were presented in tree samples of 20 years. Comparative analysis of radial increment change in the trees of one age category, which grew in different conditions, was conducted. The older trees had the maximum increment in the conditions of dry sugrud, and the minimum increment in conditions of fresh subor. Also in this article we used generalized chronology of Scots pine radial increment reflecting regional variability of growth in pine trees. The results supplemented the research obtained earlier with new data on the dependence of the pine radial growth rate on forest-biometric parameters. These experimental data, their graph-analytical evaluation yielded an information basis for modeling the radial increment of pine trees, created on the basis of dependence of this parameter on biometric indexes – age and diameter at breast height

    Climatogenic reaction of Robinia pseudoacacia and Pinus sylvestris within Northern Steppe of Ukraine

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    Climatic changes in the environment are becoming more noticeable each year. Nonetheless, trends in the reaction of radial growth of forest trees to climate change should be studied in different climatic regions due to significant local variability in climatic conditions which are specific for any particular area. We conducted a correlation analysis of the relationship between the parameters of radial increment of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and meteorological factors of the environment in forest areas located in thenorthern steppe zone of Ukraine. We performed surveys in plantations of black locust, growing in hill slope and interfluve areas and also in sandy terrace plots of Scots pine. Over the period of intense vegetatative growth, black locust requires moisture 50% higher than the norm, and Scots pine 43% higher than the norm. It was determined that maximum increment for the studied plants occurred under the influence of a combination of factors involving reduction of the air temperature by 2.6–2.7 °С below the norm for black locust and by 2.3–2.5 °С for Scots pine. During the period of lower vegetative activity, Scots pine demonstrated lower sensitivity compared to black locust. This paper provides a statistical characteristic of the radial increment of trees in the conditions of changes in meteorological factors which limit their growth. The article provides data on multiple correlation of radial increment of the tree stands in relation to growth locations; demonstrates correlation dependency of radial increment of the studied trees on the precipitation and mean monthly temperatures over different time periods and during particular months. Radial increment of Scots pine exhibited most positive correlation with the total of precipitations throughout the period. For the stands of black locust, correlation coefficients were higher and distinguished by both positive and negative values. In the current increment of this species, a negative correlation relation was observed with the total precipitation in July, August and September, and positive correlation with the remaining months of the year. By contrast, radial increment of black locust and Scots pine positively correlated with air temperature during all time periods and particular months


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    Today for the System of Electronic Payments of the National Bank of Ukraine is actual modernization and updating according to the real needs of payment system participants in the current economic situation in Ukraine. For improvement forms of interbank payments important is a restructuring of the national payment system in accordance with international and EU standards. The article analyzes the functioning of the payment system TARGET2, discloses its advantages and principles of organization. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of payment systems TARGET2 and The System of Electronic Payments of the National Bank of Ukraine, as well as provided recommendations for improving the domestic payment system based on the experience of the European Union The NBU’s Electronic Payment System is quite modern and efficient, but the existence of a certain time in the payment process, insufficient level of regulatory and information support of the electronic payment system participants and its control lead to the possibility of opaque financial transactions in the system itself. The lack of organizational and financial mechanisms today is also a serious drawback in his work. In Ukraine, the technological level of the NBU system of calculations does not quite allow to use qualitatively most of the means of supporting intraday liquidity. This is a significant disadvantage of EPS compared to its foreign counterpart TARGET2. An analysis of the functioning of TARGET2 and SEP enabled us to examine in more detail the positives and negatives of both payment systems. A significant advantage of TARGET2 is its liquidity management system, which, under certain conditions, is an effective tool in the planning of settlement operations. This allows system members to prevent problems during the calculations and to solve them effectively. Optimization of liquidity management in the SEP is negligible. The National Bank of Ukraine, unlike the European Central Bank, does not provide full information on EPS, which indicates the closedness of the payment system and the NBU’s unwillingness to provide the most transparent settlement mechanism. Today, the TARGET2 settlement system is more modern and open compared to the NBU’s Electronic Payment System.На сьогодні для Системи електронних платежів Національного банку України актуальною є модернізація та осучаснення відповідно до реальних потреб учасників платіжної системи в умовах сучасної економічної ситуації в Україні. Для вдосконалення форм міжбанківських розрахунків важливою є перебудова національної платіжної системи відповідно до міжнародних стандартів і стандартів ЄС. Проведено аналіз функціонування платіжної системи ТАРГЕТ2, розкрито її переваги і принципи організації. Проведено порівняльний аналіз платіжних систем ТАРГЕТ2 та системи електронних платежів Національного банку, а також надано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення вітчизняної платіжної системи на основі досвіду Європейського Союзу. Система електронних платежів НБУ є досить сучасною та ефективною, але існування певного часу у проходженні платежу, недостатньо високий рівень нормативного та інформаційного забезпечення учасників системи електронних платежів та її контролю призводять до можливості непрозорих фінансових операцій у самій системі. В Україні технологічний рівень розрахункової системи НБУ не зовсім дозволяє якісно використовувати більшість із засобів підтримки внутрішньоденної ліквідності, що є значним недоліком СЕП у порівнянні з її зарубіжним аналогом — ТАРГЕТ2. Аналіз функціонування ТАРГЕТ2 та СЕП надав змогу більш детально розглянути позитивні і негативні моменти обох платіжних систем. Значною перевагою ТАРГЕТ2 є система управління ліквідністю, що за певних умов є дієвим інструментом при плануванні розрахункових операцій. Це дозволяє учасникам системи попереджувати виникнення проблем під час розрахунків та ефективно розв’язувати їх. Оптимізація управління ліквідністю у СЕП є незначною. Національний банк України, на відміну від Європейського центрального банку, надає інформацію стосовно СЕП не в повному обсязі, що свідчить про закритість платіжної системи та неготовність НБУ забезпечувати максимально прозорий механізм розрахунків. На сьогодні система розрахунків ТАРГЕТ2 є більш сучасною та відкритою у порівнянні із Cистемою електронних платежів НБУ

    Аналіз показників асиміляційної складової у структурі надземної фітомаси деревних порід степових лісостанів України

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    The purpose this research is to study the parameters of leaf (needle) share in the trees’ greenery fraction and the content of absolutely dry matter in fresh leaves of black locust and Scots pine. The leaf (needle) share in the trees greenery fraction and the content of absolutely dry matter were determined by their quantitative measures (weight and volume). The results of the research reveal that the leaf share in the structure of a tree’s greenery fraction has a broad range of values: 43.0–72.8% for black locust and 49.1–75.4% for Scots pine. The minimum value of this parameter was recorded for an overmature Robinia specimen of 41 years of age, while the maximum was for a 3-year-old tree. For pine trees the lowest values of the given parameter were registered for the spcimens aged 38, 49 and 84, the maximum – for 30–31-year-old trees. For both investigated species it should be noted that there is a consistent pattern indicated by the following trend line: with the increase of tree age, height and trunk diameter, there is a decrease of leaf share value in the trees’ greenery fraction. Such characteristic parameter as absolutely dry mass has a sufficient range of values from 0.321 to 0.524, with the extreme values for the trees belonging to the young stock group in the case of the black locust. The absolutely dry matter content in Scots pine needles showed a significant variability of values from 0.426 to 0.620. The trend line shows a tendency of increase in the value of absolutely dry matter mass in the leaves of both investigated species with the increase in the values of the tree taxation parameters. There is no statistically proven dependency of the parameter indicating leaf share in the trees greenery fraction on the age, trunk diameter and height of trees. The most important biometric indicator, which shows a moderate relationship with the greenery fraction of a tree is the average diameter of the trunk of model trees of the two studied species. This is confirmed by values of correlation coefficients. The indicator of greenery fraction is inversely dependent on the height, trunk diameter and tree age, i.e. the increase in the values of these parameters leads to the decrease in the share of the photosynthetic active component of  trees of the studied tree species in the steppe zone. The value of leaf (needle) share in trees’ greenery fraction decreases with the increasing age, height and diameter values, which is quite natural. Correlation indices of absolutely dry matter according to age, height and diameter of sample trees have negative values, while the index of leaf (needle) share of trees’ greenery fraction has a direct correlation with all the studied influence factors. Подано результати досліджень асимілювальної складової надземної фітомаси – частка листя (хвої) та вміст абсолютно сухої речовини у листі (хвої) у фракції деревної зелені головних лісотвірних порід лісостанів Північного Степу України – Pinus sylvestris L. та Robinia pseudoacacia L. Значення показників частки листя (хвої) у структурі асимілювальної складової робінії звичайної та сосни звичайної перебувають у певному діапазоні, який демонструє їх залежність від основних таксаційних показників деревостанів. Спостерігається зменшення даного показника зі збільшенням віку та зі зростанням середнього діаметра та висоти стовбура для двох досліджуваних деревних порід. Виявлено тренди, що демонструють зміни значень вмісту абсолютно сухої речовини у листі робінії звичайної та у хвої сосни звичайної. Висока варіабельність абсолютних значень вмісту сухої речовини у листі робінії зафіксована за умов однакових значень віку, діаметра стовбура та висоти модельних дерев. Показники вмісту абсолютно сухої речовини у хвої сосни звичайної, навпаки, мають тенденцію до підвищення відносно досліджуваних таксаційних параметрів. Подано результати досліджень асимілювальної складової надземної фітомаси – частка листя (хвої) та вміст абсолютно сухої речовини у листі (хвої) у фракції деревної зелені головних лісотвірних порід лісостанів Північного Степу України – Pinus sylvestris L. та Robinia pseudoacacia L. Значення показників частки листя (хвої) у структурі асимілювальної складової робінії звичайної та сосни звичайної перебувають у певному діапазоні, який демонструє їх залежність від основних таксаційних показників деревостанів. Спостерігається зменшення даного показника зі збільшенням віку та зі зростанням середнього діаметра та висоти стовбура для двох досліджуваних деревних порід. Виявлено тренди, що демонструють зміни значень вмісту абсолютно сухої речовини у листі робінії звичайної та у хвої сосни звичайної. Висока варіабельність абсолютних значень вмісту сухої речовини у листі робінії зафіксована за умов однакових значень віку, діаметра стовбура та висоти модельних дерев. Показники вмісту абсолютно сухої речовини у хвої сосни звичайної, навпаки, мають тенденцію до підвищення відносно досліджуваних таксаційних параметрів.


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    DETERMINATION OF ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN COLOR PLANT EXTRACTS IN VITROG.R. Lamazian, I.M. Sytnik, P.A. Chernovol, I.S. Chekman, M.V. KhaitovychBogomolets National Medical University, KyivIntroduction. To date, the relationship between free radical oxidation and the development of most pathological processes - endocrinology and cardiovascular diseases is proved. Modern living conditions, the negative impact of environmental factors, emotional stresses, genetic factors - all these are a prerequisite for initiating redox balance disturbances in the body. A key role in this regard belongs to reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause development of oxidative stress (OS). Recently, the antioxidant properties of medicinal plants (MP) in the prevention and correction of the OS are actively studied. It is commonly known that MP is a source of polyphenolic compounds - powerful natural antioxidants that inhibit free radical oxidation chain reaction through inhibition of oxidative enzymes, the formation of metal chelates or neutralization of radicals.The aim of this work was to study the antioxidant activity (AOA) of Hypericum perforatum (L.) and Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Shrad. extracts on the model of superoxide radical inhibition in vitro.Investigation methods. Determination of AOA was carried out spectrophotometrically according to the change in absorbance of studied extracts in a model test system of adrenaline autoxidation in an alkaline medium at a wavelength of 340 nm. Assessment of AOA was conducted by the degree of inhibition of superoxide radical, taking into account the impact of extracts’ color that absorbs certain wavelength in the visible spectrum.Results and discussion. Investigated extracts show high AOA in a range of all concentrations, preventing the formation of superoxide radical in vitro. It was somewhat higher in H. perforatum versus C. colocynthis. It should be noted that the AOA of extracts depends on their concentration. The highest value of AOA for H. perforatum (95,77%) is detected at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml. C. colocynthis showed maximum AOA (88.62%) at a concentration of 0,5˟10-3 mg/ml.Values of absorbance after ten minutes exposure indicate that with time the AOA of extracts decreases due to their multi-component composition and interinfluence of biologically active substances, which can be both antagonists and synergists.It is known that the antioxidant effect of MP is achieved due to nonenzymatic molecules represented mainly by polyphenolic compounds – flavonoids, phenolcarbonic acids, catechins, stilbenes etc. Activation of cell protective mechanisms by plants polyphenols significantly reduces the manifestations of the OS. Thus, a number of epidemiological and experimental studies indicate that regular action of natural polyphenols improves the quality of patients’ lives with diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome.Conclusions. 1. In was established that the plant extracts of H. perforatum (L.) and C. colocynthis (L.) Shrad. possess AOA in a range of all concentrations.2. Extracts activity depends on the concentration. The highest value of AOA for H. perforatum (95,77%) is detected at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml and for C. colocynthis (88.62%) - at a concentration of 0,5˟10-3 mg/ml.3. The decrease in AOA with time (10 minutes exposure) was revealed, which may be due to the interinfluence of biologically active substances in extracts.References1. Significance of antioxidant potential of plants and its relevance to therapeutic applications / D. M. Kasote, S. S. Katyare, M. V. Hegde [et al.] // International Journal of Biological Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 11, № 8. – P. 982–991.2. 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    Особенности продуктивности сосновых древостоев в лесонасаждениях Северной Степи Украины

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    The aim of this work is the comparative analysis of the productivity of Scots pines in pure and mixed plantations with main and accompanying species in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine We analysed the taxation parameters such as height, diameter, stand density, which vary with the age of the stand and composition of the plantation. Within the study area pines grow mainly in pure stands (81.9%). The share of mixed forest stands in the study area is only 18.1%. The analysis of representation of age structure showed the presence of the same proportion of the young age group in pure and mixed stands, the dominant share being taken up by middle-aged monoculture stands, and thus a smaller area taken up by mature and overmature pines. The average stand density per 1 ha in pure stands of all age groups is 17% higher than in mixed stands. The dynamics of variations of such biometric data as average height, diameter and density for the different compositions of Scots pine stands were measured for 14 age classes. The mean heights of the pure and mixed stands are vere close, while the average diameter gradually increased with age, reaching its maximum in overmature plantations. The research results showed that there is an excess of this parameter in the mixed compared with the pure stands. We did not find significant differences between middle age pure and mixed stands in accumulation of stand density. But pure pine stands show a clear tendency to dominate in wood accumulation in all age classes through the period of growth. The greatest difference between pure and mixed stands in the mean stand density was observed for those of middle-age. The average stand density in the pure stands was up to 32% higher than the mixed. The area distribution of Scots pine stands according to productivity was as follows. The largest area for both pure and mixed stands was occupied by trees of quality class I, which took up 54.3% of the total pure pine acreage and 41.9% of the mixed stand acreage. The second position was occupied by quality class II, which occupied 27.6% of total pure pine acreage and 36.6% of mixed stand acreage with the perecentage of total stand density at 23.6% and 35.1% respectively. In general, the value of the average stand density falls as the quality class decreases, and essentially depends on the composition of plantations: in pure stands, it is higher than in mixed. The investigated values of the biometric parameters are statistically significant for both the pure and the mixed stands. Проанализирована возрастная структура древостоев сосны обыкновенной (PinussylvestrisL.) в чистых и смешанных лесонасаждениях Северной Степи Украины. Показано превалирование доли средневозрастных монокультур сосны. Средний запас древесины на 1 га во всех исследуемых возрастных группах однопородных насаждений превышает таковую в смешанных максимум на 17%. Приведена динамика изменений биометрических показателей (высоты, диаметра и запаса древесины) для разных по составу сосновых насаждений. По сравнению со средней высотой, показатель средного диаметра имеет большую зависимость от возраста, что особенно характерно для древостоев смешанного типа. Наблюдается тенденция доминирования формирования древесины в чистых по составу насаждениях во всех исследуемых классах возраста на 3–32 %. Показано падение величины среднего запаса по мере снижения бонитетного класса, которое в чистых насаждениях выше, сравнительно со смешанными. Приведены статистически достоверные значения зависимости таксационных параметров древостоев от возраста, как в чистых, так и смешанных. Проанализирована возрастная структура древостоев сосны обыкновенной (PinussylvestrisL.) в чистых и смешанных лесонасаждениях Северной Степи Украины. Показано превалирование доли средневозрастных монокультур сосны. Средний запас древесины на 1 га во всех исследуемых возрастных группах однопородных насаждений превышает таковую в смешанных максимум на 17%. Приведена динамика изменений биометрических показателей (высоты, диаметра и запаса древесины) для разных по составу сосновых насаждений. По сравнению со средней высотой, показатель средного диаметра имеет большую зависимость от возраста, что особенно характерно для древостоев смешанного типа. Наблюдается тенденция доминирования формирования древесины в чистых по составу насаждениях во всех исследуемых классах возраста на 3–32 %. Показано падение величины среднего запаса по мере снижения бонитетного класса, которое в чистых насаждениях выше, сравнительно со смешанными. Приведены статистически достоверные значения зависимости таксационных параметров древостоев от возраста, как в чистых, так и смешанных.