2,550 research outputs found

    Genotyping strategies for maximizing genomic information in evaluations of the Latxa dairy sheep breed

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    Genomic selection has been implemented over the years in several livestock species, due to the achievable higher genetic progress. The use of genomic information in evaluations provides better prediction accuracy than do pedigree-based evaluations, and the makeup of the genotyped population is a decisive point. The aim of this work is to compare the effect of different genotyping strategies (number and type of animals) on the prediction accuracy for dairy sheep Latxa breeds. A simulation study was designed based on the real data structure of each population, and the phenotypic and genotypic data obtained were used in genetic (BLUP) and genomic (single-step genomic BLUP) evaluations of different genotyping strategies. The genotyping of males was beneficial when they were genetically connected individuals and if they had daughters with phenotypic records. Genotyping females with their own lactation records increased prediction accuracy, and the connection level has less relevance. The differences in genotyping females were independent of their estimated breeding value. The combined genotyping of males and females provided intermediate accuracy results regardless of the female selection strategy. Therefore, assuming that genotyping rams is interesting, the incorporation of genotyped females would be beneficial and worthwhile. The benefits of genotyping individuals from various generations were highlighted, although it was also possible to gain prediction accuracy when historic individuals were not considered. Greater genotyped population sizes resulted in more accuracy, even if the increase seems to reach a plateau

    Orbital order-disorder transition in La(1-x)Nd(x)MnO(3) (x = 0.0-1.0) and La(1-x-y)Nd(yx)Sr(y)MnO(3) (x = 0.1; y = 0.05,0.1)

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    The nature of orbital order-disorder transition has been studied in the La(1-x)Nd(x)MnO(3) (x = 0.0-1.0) series which covers the entire range between two end points - LaMnO(3) and NdMnO(3) - as well as in La(0.85)Nd(0.1)Sr(0.05)MnO(3) and La(0.8)Nd(0.1)Sr(0.1)MnO(3). It has been observed that the first-order nature of the transition gives way to higher order with the increase in "x" in the case of pure manganites. The latent heat (L) associated with the transition, first, drops with a steeper slope within x = 0.0-0.3 and, then, gradually over a range 0.3<x<0.9. This drop could, possibly, be due to evolution of finer orbital domain structure with "x". In the case of Sr-doped samples, the transition appears to be of higher-order nature even for a doping level 5 at%. In both cases, of course, the transition temperature T(JT) rises systematically with the drop in average A-site radius or rise in average Mn-O-Mn bond bending angle while no apparent correlation could be observed with doping induced disorder sigma^2. The cooperative nature of the orbital order, therefore, appears to be robust.Comment: 15 pages including 4 figures; pdf onl

    Renormalization aspects of N=1 Super Yang-Mills theory in the Wess-Zumino gauge

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    The renormalization of N=1 Super Yang-Mills theory is analysed in the Wess-Zumino gauge, employing the Landau condition. An all orders proof of the renormalizability of the theory is given by means of the Algebraic Renormalization procedure. Only three renormalization constants are needed, which can be identified with the coupling constant, gauge field and gluino renormalization. The non-renormalization theorem of the gluon-ghost-antighost vertex in the Landau gauge is shown to remain valid in N=1 Super Yang-Mills. Moreover, due to the non-linear realization of the supersymmetry in the Wess-Zumino gauge, the renormalization factor of the gauge field turns out to be different from that of the gluino. These features are explicitly checked through a three loop calculation.Comment: 15 pages, minor text improvements, references added. Version accepted for publication in the EPJ

    Implementing the Gribov-Zwanziger framework in N=1 Super Yang-Mills in the Landau gauge

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    The Gribov-Zwanziger framework accounting for the existence of Gribov copies is extended to N=1 Super Yang--Mills theories quantized in the Landau gauge. We show that the restriction of the domain of integration in the Euclidean functional integral to the first Gribov horizon can be implemented in a way to recover non-perturbative features of N=1 Super Yang--Mills theories, namely: the existence of the gluino condensate as well as the vanishing of the vacuum energy.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    San Francisco de Sales en sus biógrafos e intérpretes

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    El Sínodo diocesano del obispo Lepe: estudio jurídico

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    En esta investigación analizamos el Sínodo diocesano que D. Pedro Lepe y Dorantes (Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz, 1641; Arnedillo, La Rioja, 1700), Obispo de Calahorra y La Calzada entre 1686 y 1700, tras una exhaustiva Visita episcopal de casi una década (1687-1697), celebró en la entonces Colegiata y hoy Concatedral de Sta. María de La Redonda de Logroño en 1698 y cuyas Constituciones Sinodales –en las que recopiló todo el Derecho canónico particular de la Diócesis–, estuvieron vigentes hasta la aprobación del Codex Iuris Canonici de 1917

    Espais Comuns: Estudi de la viabilitat de diversos projectes transversals i de millora de l'enton i els espais construïts d'un institut de l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona a partir de la matèria de Tecnologia

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    Quan en un centre, ens trobem amb un fracàs escolar del 50% i manca de motivació també per part del professorat, es produeix l'oportunitat d'actuar, de provar noves maneres d'ensenyar, per tal de resoldre els problemes plantejats i millorar els resultats. El projecte ESPAIS COMUNS voldria oferir al centre eines per a la realització de tallers, activitats i projectes en les que per un cantó el treball en grup tingui un paper destacat, i per l'altre, la contextualització de l'ensenyament. Propostes en les que hi participin diversos nivells i grups i, on es vinculin diverses matèries tenint però, en aquest cas, com a eix principal la matèria de Tecnologia des de la seva vessant més aplicada. Les propostes del projecte Espais Comuns voldrien fomentar el diàleg, la capacitat crítica la comunicació, crear entre tota la comunitat educativa nous espais d'ensenyamentaprenentatge, espais per viure i conviure, per créixer plegats alumnat i professorat i tenir molt present la realitat que els envolta. Una de les bases del treball serà l'espai edificat i els patis del centre: podem a través de la millora de l'espai que habitem construir persones més vinculades amb la realitat, persones més socials que estimin allò que fan, que respectin i donin valor a l'entorn, precisament perquè és el seu entorn i perquè seran elles i ells qui l'hauran de construir? El present Treball Final de Màster recull: · el procés seguit per a l'anàlisi de la situació al centre estudiat; · les opinions del professorat i de l'alumnat; · un estudi dels espais del centre, i el seu ús actual; · experiències transversals d'altres instituts i escoles; · l'estudi de vint propostes (algunes desenvolupades en un annex) per aplicar al centre estudiat agrupades en tres blocs diferenciats en base a una metodologia pautada: (1) El nostre institut, (2) Comunicació-incomunicació, (3) A escena!; i, finalment, · un estudi de les variables que condicionarien l'aplicabilitat de cada proposta i uns indicadors per fer-ne una valoració posterior (en un document annex)

    Crown vessels and shiny white structures in dermoscopy of histoid leprosy

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    INTRODUCTION Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae with varied clinical presentations. Owing to its low incidence, together with its myriad clinical presentations, leprosy poses a diagnostic challenge and can easily be confused with other infective and noninfective granulomatous dermatoses.1 Dermoscopy is a simple and noninvasive technique that is widely used for the diagnosis and monitoring of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers and many inflammatory disorders. However, the utility of this technique for the diagnosis of granulomatous diseases has only recently been demonstrated.2 Although dermoscopy shows diagnostically useful patterns in infections and inflammatory diseases with granulomatous presentations, the dermoscopic features of leprosy are poorly documented in the literature. CASE REPORT A 45-year-old Moroccan man who lived in Spain for many years, but frequently visited his country of origin, was seen at the dermatology service for skin lesions on the trunk and upper and lower extremities. The lesions, which appeared 5 years earlier, were progressive in nature, caused intense itching, and were treated with topical corticosteroids and oral antihistamines without improvement. The patient had undergone analyses 3 years earlier, but no..
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