31 research outputs found

    Natural orbital functional theory and pairing correlation effects in electron momentum density

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    Occupation numbers of natural orbitals capture the physics of strong electron correlations in momentum space. A Natural Orbital Density Functional Theory based on the antisymmetrized geminal product provides these occupation numbers and the corresponding electron momentum density. A practical implementation of this theory approximates the natural orbitals by the Kohn-Sham orbitals and uses a mean-field approach to estimate pairing amplitudes leading to corrections for the independent particle model. The method is applied to weakly doped \mbox{La_2CuOCuO_4}.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Review paper contribution for the special issue (V.40, No.3 2014) of Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur on New Trends of Fermiology (shorter version

    Compton scattering beyond the impulse approximation

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    We treat the non-relativistic Compton scattering process in which an incoming photon scatters from an N-electron many-body state to yield an outgoing photon and a recoil electron, without invoking the commonly used frameworks of either the impulse approximation (IA) or the independent particle model (IPM). An expression for the associated triple differential scattering cross section is obtained in terms of Dyson orbitals, which give the overlap amplitudes between the N-electron initial state and the (N-1) electron singly ionized quantum states of the target. We show how in the high energy transfer regime, one can recover from our general formalism the standard IA based formula for the cross section which involves the ground state electron momentum density (EMD) of the initial state. Our formalism will permit the analysis and interpretation of electronic transitions in correlated electron systems via inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) spectroscopy beyond the constraints of the IA and the IPM.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Primary neuroendocrine neoplasm of the esophagus ā€“ Report of 14 cases from a single institute and review of the literature

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    PPFSCADA: Privacy preserving framework for SCADA data publishing

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    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems control and monitor industrial and critical infrastructure functions, such as electricity, gas, water, waste, railway, and traffic. Recent attacks on SCADA systems highlight the need for stronger SCADA security. Thus, sharing SCADA traffic data has become a vital requirement in SCADA systems to analyze security risks and develop appropriate security solutions. However, inappropriate sharing and usage of SCADA data could threaten the privacy of companies and prevent sharing of data. In this paper, we present a privacy preserving strategy-based permutation technique called PPFSCADA framework, in which data privacy, statistical properties and data mining utilities can be controlled at the same time. In particular, our proposed approach involves: (i) vertically partitioning the original data set to improve the performance of perturbation; (ii) developing a framework to deal with various types of network traffic data including numerical, categorical and hierarchical attributes; (iii) grouping the portioned sets into a number of clusters based on the proposed framework; and (iv) the perturbation process is accomplished by the alteration of the original attribute value by a new value (clusters centroid). The effectiveness of the proposed PPFSCADA framework is shown through several experiments on simulated SCADA, intrusion detection and network traffic data sets. Through experimental analysis, we show that PPFSCADA effectively deals with multivariate traffic attributes, producing compatible results as the original data, and also substantially improving the performance of the five supervised approaches and provides high level of privacy protection

    Data summarization techniques for big data - a survey

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    In current digital era according to (as far) massive progress and development of internet and online world technologies such as big and powerful data servers we face huge volume of information and data day by day from many different resources and services which was not available to human kind just a few decades ago. This data comes from available different online resources and services that are established to serve customers. Services and resources like Sensor Networks, Cloud Storages, Social Networks and etc., produce big volume of data and also need to manage and reuse that data or some analytical aspects of the data. Although this massive volume of data can be really useful for people and corporates it could be problematic as well. Therefore big volume of data or big data has its own deficiencies as well. They need big storage/s and this volume makes operations such as analytical operations, process operations, retrieval operations real difficult and hugely time consuming. One resolution to overcome these difficult problems is to have big data summarized so they would need less storage and extremely shorter time to get processed and retrieved. The summarized data will be then in "compact format" and still informative version of the entire data. Data summarization techniques aim then to produce a "good" quality of summaries. Therefore, they would hugely benefit everyone from ordinary users to researches and corporate world, as it can provide an efficient tool to deal with large data such as news (for new summarization)

    Fog computing as a critical link between a central cloud and iot in support of fast discovery of new hydrocarbon reservoirs

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    The overall process of discovering hydrocarbon traps, starting with geological exploration through to Seismic Data Processing (SDP) is very expensive and time consuming. In the real-world, the oil and gas production relies on how soon seismic data is computationally processed. The ability for an oil and gas company to perform seismic computation at higher speed within shorter time provides competitive advantage in the race to discover new hydrocarbon reservoirs. We are convinced that the current state of research in areas such as cloud computing, fog computing, and edge computing will make a major change. The goal of this paper is to present the first step towards the development of such a three-level system and show its feasibility in the context of a model for hydrocarbon exploration and discovery operation

    Transport vehicle registration documents or units(AGGREGATE) unlawful manufacturing, realization, dealing out, and counterfeiting, or distruction

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    Bakalaura darba tēma - ā€žNelikumÄ«gas darbÄ«bas ar transportlÄ«dzekļa reÄ£istrācijas dokumentiem, agregāta un reÄ£istrācijas numura zÄ«mēmā€. Bakalaura darba mērÄ·is - studējot tiesisko regulējumu, dažādus rakstus un viedokļus, juridisko literatÅ«ru, tiesu prakses materiālus, apskatÄ«t satiksmes droŔības starptautisko un nacionālo tiesisko regulējumu, kā arÄ« izpētÄ«t nelikumÄ«gu darbÄ«bu ar transportlÄ«dzekļa reÄ£istrācijas dokumentiem, agregāta un reÄ£istrācijas numura zÄ«mēm kvalifikācijas Ä«patnÄ«bas. Lai sasniegtu nosprausto darba mērÄ·i, autors izvirzÄ«ja sekojoÅ”us uzdevumus ā€“ izpētÄ«t satiksmes droŔības tiesisko regulējumu, izanalizēt Krimināllikuma 265.panta sastāvu, salÄ«dzināt Latvijas un ārvalstu noziedzÄ«gu nodarÄ«jumu pret satiksmes droŔību krimināltiesÄ«bu normas. Nospraustā mērÄ·a sasniegÅ”anai bakalaura darbs veidots no 3 nodaļām. Pirmajā nodaļā apskatÄ«ts satiksmes droŔības nozares krimināltiesiskais regulējums. Otrā nodaļa veltÄ«ta Krimināllikuma 265.panta (TransportlÄ«dzekļa reÄ£istrācijas dokumenta, agregāta un reÄ£istrācijas numura zÄ«mes nelikumÄ«ga izgatavoÅ”ana, realizÄ“Å”ana, izsniegÅ”ana, viltoÅ”ana, iznÄ«cināŔana un nolaupÄ«Å”ana) sastāva analÄ«ze. Bakalaura darba treÅ”ajā nodaļā apskatÄ«ts noziedzÄ«gu nodarÄ«jumu pret satiksmes droŔību ārvalstu krimināltiesiskā regulējuma salÄ«dzinājums ar Latvijas regulējumu. Bakalaura darba nobeigumā autors izvirzÄ«ja darba rakstÄ«Å”anas gaitā aktualizējuÅ”os problēmjautājumus (secinājumus), kā arÄ« piedāvāja savus priekÅ”likumus to risināŔanai un novērÅ”anai.Theme of baccalaureate work ā€“ ā€œIllegal actions with registration documents, numbers of units and registration license platesā€. The purpose of baccalaureate work - studying legal regulation, various clauses and opinions, the legal literature, materials of judiciary practice to consider the international and national legal regulation of traffic safety, as well as to study illegal actions with registration documents of a vehicle, qualifying features of units and registration license plates. For achievement of an object in view of work, the author has put forward following problems - to study legal regulation of traffic safety, to analyse structure of 265 clauses of the Criminal law, to compare Latvia and foreign criminally legal norms concerning criminal actions against traffic safety. For achievement of an object in view baccalaureate work consists of 3 sections. In the first section it is considered criminally legal regulation of branch of traffic safety. The second section is devoted to the analysis of structure of 265 clauses of the Criminal law (Illegal manufacturing, realization, delivery, a fake, destruction and plunder of the registration document of a vehicle, the unit and registration license plate). In the third section of baccalaureate work comparison foreign criminally legal regulations with corresponding norms of Latvia concerning safety of traffic is considered. In conclusion of baccalaureate work the author has put forward staticized problem questions (conclusions) during a writing of work, as well as has offered opportunities to them decision /to prevention