380 research outputs found

    El Sector de l'esport, entre la precarietat i la globalització

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    El món de l'esport està compost per diferents agents heterogenis, on podem trobar clubs esportius, empreses de serveis esportius al públic i seccions de pràctica esportiva a escoles i empreses. A més, també hi trobem aquells centres que ens ensenyen a fer i a millorar (centres de formació —escoles, universitats, instituts nacionals d'educació física a Catalunya—, centres de tecnificació i alt rendiment), els que posen l'escenari i la grada (instal·lacions i equipaments) i els que posen altres recursos (indústria dels equipaments, indústria del material, indústria dels serveis al sector, indústria de la gestió esportiva). Tot plegat té un pes econòmic que en els països desenvolupats es mou entre el 3%i el 5%del PIB, i és creixent.Actualment, l'esport ha evolucionat per adquirir noves característiques: generador de salut, eina educativa, reinserció i reeducació, integrador social, esport d'ús i de consum, esport associatiu, esport professional, esport espectacle. Podem establir tres tipus d'agent, segons el nivell de cost de les instal·lacions esportives i el grau de compromís del practicant, que donen lloc a diferents formes principals de finançament: el consumidor (alt cost i baix compromís) amb un finançament públic; l'espectador (alts costos i compromís) amb finançament públic i privat, i l'actor (baix cost i alt compromís) amb finançament privat. Segons Sportbusiness, el 2006, la televisió i els mitjans de comunicació financen el 37%del sector; les marques, un 30 %; els agents dels esportistes, un 10 %; els esportistes, un altre 10 %; les federacions, un 9 %, i els clubs, el 4 %. Avui en dia, el valor de la marca (del club) i el valor mediàtic són molt importants. En aquest sentit, tenim dos exemples ben diferents de model esportiu: un model de negoci que ve a partir de l'esport, com seria l'America's Cup (pas d'una regata a un esdeveniment, transformació d'una ciutat, amb un fort impacte econòmic, i visió de la competició com un recurs per generar riquesa), i el Barcelona World Race, on els objectius són potenciar l'esport, la ciutat, la sostenibilitat, la solidaritat, l'educació i la projecció a llarg terminiThe world of sport is made up of different heterogeneous agents including sports clubs, companies providing sports services to the public and sports units for schools and firms. There are also centres that teach us how to perform and improve sports (training centres, which are schools, universities and national physical education institutes in Catalonia, training and high performance centres), companies that provide the setting and facilities (facilities and equipment) and those providing other resources (companies specialising in equipment, materials, sector services, sports management). As a whole, they account for between 3% and 5% of GDP in developed countries and this share is growing. Sport has now evolved and taken on new characteristics: as a generator of health, an educational tool, ameans of re-educating and reinserting people into society, sport as physical activity and as a consumer good, sports associations, professional sport and sport as entertainment.However,we can establish three kinds of agent depending on the level of cost of the sports installations involved and the degree of commitment of those carrying out the sport, resulting in different key forms of financing: consumer (high cost, low commitment) with public financing; spectator (high cost and commitment) with public and private financing, and actor (low cost, high commitment) with private financing. According to SportBusiness, in 2006 television and other media financed 37% of the sector; brands 30%; sports agents 10%; sports people 10%; federations 9%and clubs 4%. The brand value (of the club) and media value are currently very important. In this respect, there are two very different examples of the sports business model: one is based on sport, such as the America’s Cup (going from a regatta to an event, transforming a city with strong economic impact and a view of competition as a resource to generate wealth), and for example the BarcelonaWorld Race, where the goals are to boost sport, the city, sustainability, solidarity, education and protection in the long term

    El Sector de l'esport, entre la precarietat i la globalització

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    El món de l'esport està compost per diferents agents heterogenis, on podem trobar clubs esportius, empreses de serveis esportius al públic i seccions de pràctica esportiva a escoles i empreses. A més, també hi trobem aquells centres que ens ensenyen a fer i a millorar (centres de formació escoles, universitats, instituts nacionals d'educació física a Catalunya, centres de tecnificació i alt rendiment), els que posen l'escenari i la grada (instal·lacions i equipaments) i els que posen altres recursos (indústria dels equipaments, indústria del material, indústria dels serveis al sector, indústria de la gestió esportiva). Tot plegat té un pes econòmic que en els països desenvolupats es mou entre el 3%i el 5%del PIB, i és creixent.Actualment, l'esport ha evolucionat per adquirir noves característiques: generador de salut, eina educativa, reinserció i reeducació, integrador social, esport d'ús i de consum, esport associatiu, esport professional, esport espectacle. Podem establir tres tipus d'agent, segons el nivell de cost de les instal·lacions esportives i el grau de compromís del practicant, que donen lloc a diferents formes principals de finançament: el consumidor (alt cost i baix compromís) amb un finançament públic; l'espectador (alts costos i compromís) amb finançament públic i privat, i l'actor (baix cost i alt compromís) amb finançament privat. Segons Sportbusiness, el 2006, la televisió i els mitjans de comunicació financen el 37%del sector; les marques, un 30 %; els agents dels esportistes, un 10 %; els esportistes, un altre 10 %; les federacions, un 9 %, i els clubs, el 4 %. Avui en dia, el valor de la marca (del club) i el valor mediàtic són molt importants. En aquest sentit, tenim dos exemples ben diferents de model esportiu: un model de negoci que ve a partir de l'esport, com seria l'America's Cup (pas d'una regata a un esdeveniment, transformació d'una ciutat, amb un fort impacte econòmic, i visió de la competició com un recurs per generar riquesa), i el Barcelona World Race, on els objectius són potenciar l'esport, la ciutat, la sostenibilitat, la solidaritat, l'educació i la projecció a llarg terminiThe world of sport is made up of different heterogeneous agents including sports clubs, companies providing sports services to the public and sports units for schools and firms. There are also centres that teach us how to perform and improve sports (training centres, which are schools, universities and national physical education institutes in Catalonia, training and high performance centres), companies that provide the setting and facilities (facilities and equipment) and those providing other resources (companies specialising in equipment, materials, sector services, sports management). As a whole, they account for between 3% and 5% of GDP in developed countries and this share is growing. Sport has now evolved and taken on new characteristics: as a generator of health, an educational tool, ameans of re-educating and reinserting people into society, sport as physical activity and as a consumer good, sports associations, professional sport and sport as entertainment.However,we can establish three kinds of agent depending on the level of cost of the sports installations involved and the degree of commitment of those carrying out the sport, resulting in different key forms of financing: consumer (high cost, low commitment) with public financing; spectator (high cost and commitment) with public and private financing, and actor (low cost, high commitment) with private financing. According to SportBusiness, in 2006 television and other media financed 37% of the sector; brands 30%; sports agents 10%; sports people 10%; federations 9%and clubs 4%. The brand value (of the club) and media value are currently very important. In this respect, there are two very different examples of the sports business model: one is based on sport, such as the America's Cup (going from a regatta to an event, transforming a city with strong economic impact and a view of competition as a resource to generate wealth), and for example the BarcelonaWorld Race, where the goals are to boost sport, the city, sustainability, solidarity, education and protection in the long term

    Audiovisual content with advertising intention in children’s videos on YouTube: the case of the Soy Luna series

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    Advertising on the web has taken new forms (Malin, 2011; Susarla, Oh & Tan, 2012). In this context, videos which appear playful but which have an advertising objective, have positioned themselves as the new trend (Craig & Duncan, 2017; Marsh, 2015) and have penetrated the web space for an increasing number of Internet users, particularly among children (Davies, Coleman & Livingstone, 2014). However, the type and variety of videos with advertising intention that YouTube leads users to when searching for generic audiovisual content for children’s audience is unclear. This paper uses a mixed methods approach to analyze the content and visuals present in undercover advertising videos from a sample of 143 videos prompted by the keywords Soy Luna, a popular Disney Channel series. The main findings are that three types of sources provide this type of content, namely official channels, YouTubers channels devoting space to the series and its merchandising, and to a greater extent toy exhibition channels. Also, the format appearance and characteristics of the videos make it difficult for users to tell them apart from advertising, as they introduce a novel narrative, incorporate playful twists and appear to be associated to the series. These features go beyond the use of YouTube standardized advertising formats, such as graphic ads, overlays or advertising spots which can be skipped.La publicidad en la web ha adoptado nuevas formas (Malin, 2011; Susarla, Oh & Tan, 2012). En este contexto, los vídeos de apariencia lúdica, pero con objetivo publicitario se han posicionado como la nueva tendencia (Craig & Duncan, 2017; Marsh, 2015). En un número cada vez mayor de usuarios de Internet, especialmente entre los niños y niñas (Davies, Coleman & Livingstone, 2014), este tipo de vídeos han penetrado en el espacio web. Sin embargo, aún no está claro qué tipo y variedad de vídeos con intención publicitaria es posible acceder al buscar contenido audiovisual genérico para audiencia infantil en YouTube. Con la aplicación de métodos mixtos, este artículo presenta un análisis de contenido y visual de vídeos con enfoque publicitario encubierto de una muestra de 143 vídeos arrojados por las palabras claves Soy Luna, una popular serie de Disney Channel. Los principales hallazgos indican que hay tres tipologías de fuentes que proporcionan este tipo de contenido, siendo los canales oficiales, los canales de YouTubers y en mayor medida canales dedicados exclusivamente a la exhibición de juguetes. También, que la apariencia y características de este formato dificultan al usuario la distinción de publicidad, puesto que se presentan con una narrativa distinta, toques lúdicos y asociados a la serie, y que van más allá del empleo de formatos publicitarios estandarizados de Youtube como son los anuncios gráficos, superpuestos o los spots que se pueden omitir

    Constraining the low-energy S=-2 meson-baryon interaction with two-particle correlations

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    The two-particle correlation technique applied to KΛK^-\Lambda pairs in pp collisions at LHC recently provided the most precise data on the strangeness S=2S=-2 meson-baryon interaction. In this letter, we use for the first time femtoscopic data to constrain the parameters of a low-energy effective QCD Lagrangian. The tuned model delivers new insights on the molecular nature of the Ξ(1620)\Xi(1620) and Ξ(1690)\Xi(1690) states. This procedure opens the possibility to determine higher order corrections, directly constraining QCD effective models particularly in the multi-strange and charm sectors

    Dualidad y paralelismos en «Casa con dos puertas, mala es de guardar», de Calderón

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    Este trabajo examina las dualidades, simetrías y paralelismos en Casa con dos puertas, mala es de guardar, que afectan a diversos aspectos de la obra, como el argumento, la estructura, los personajes, el espacio y los diálogos. El estudio de la «matemática perfecta» calderoniana permite comprender mejor la construcción de esta famosa comedia de capa y espada.This paper examines the dualities, symmetries and paralelisms of Casa con dos puertas, mala es de guardar, which affect to several aspects of the play, as the argument, the structure, the characters, the spaces and the dialogues. The study of the Calderón’s «perfect mathematics» allows to understand better the shape of this famous cloak and sword play is a better way

    Functional consequences of seven novel mutations in the CYP11B1 Gene: four mutations associated with nonclassic and three mutations causing classic 11 -Hydroxylase Deficiency

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    Context: Steroid 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) deficiency (11OHD) is the second most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Cases of nonclassic 11OHD are rare compared with the incidence of nonclassic 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the functional consequences of seven novel CYP11B1 mutations (p.M88I, p.W116G, p.P159L, p.A165D, p.K254_A259del, p.R366C, p.T401A) found in three patients with classic 11OHD, two patients with nonclassic 11OHD, and three heterozygous carriers for CYP11B1 mutations. Methods: We conducted functional studies employing a COS7 cell in vitro expression system comparing wild-type (WT) and mutant CYP11B1 activity. Mutants were examined in a computational three-dimensional model of the CYP11B1 protein. Results: All mutations (p.W116G, p.A165D, p.K254_A259del) found in patients with classic 11OHD have absent or very little 11β-hydroxylase activity relative to WT. The mutations detected in patients with nonclassic 11OHD showed partial functional impairment, with one patient being homozygous (p.P159L; 25% of WT) and the other patient compound heterozygous for a novel mild p.M88I (40% of WT) and the known severe p.R383Q mutation. The two mutations detected in heterozygous carriers (p.R366C, p.T401A) also reduced CYP11B1 activity by 23 to 37%, respectively. Conclusion: Functional analysis results allow for the classification of novel CYP11B1 mutations as causative for classic and nonclassic 11OHD, respectively. Four partially inactivating mutations are predicted to result in nonclassic 11OHD. These findings double the number of mild CYP11B1 mutations previously described as associated with mild 11OHD. Our data are important to predict phenotypic expression and provide important information for clinical and genetic counseling i

    Anti-ICAM-2 monoclonal antibody synergizes with intratumor gene transfer of interleukin-12 inhibiting activation-induced T-cell death

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    PURPOSE: Systemic treatment with an anti-ICAM-2 monoclonal antibody (mAb; EOL4G8) eradicates certain established mouse tumors through a mechanism dependent on the potentiation of a CTL-mediated response. However, well-established tumors derived from the MC38 colon carcinoma cell line were largely refractory to this treatment as well as to intratumor injection of a recombinant adenovirus encoding interleukin-12 (IL-12; AdCMVIL-12). We sought to design combined therapy strategies with AdCMVIL-12 plus anti-ICAM-2 mAbs and to identify their mechanism of action. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Analysis of antitumor and toxic effects were performed with C57BL/6 mice bearing established MC38 tumors. Anti-ovalbumin T-cell receptor transgenic mice and tumors transfected with this antigen were used for in vitro and in vivo studies on activation-induced cell death (AICD) of CD8(+) T cells. RESULTS: Combined treatment with various systemic doses of EOL4G8 mAb plus intratumor injection of AdCMVIL-12 induced complete regression of MC38 tumors treated 7 days after implantation. Unfortunately, most of such mice succumbed to a systemic inflammatory syndrome that could be prevented if IFN-gamma activity were neutralized once tumors had been rejected. Importantly, dose reduction of EOL4G8 mAb opened a therapeutic window (complete cure of 9 of 18 cases without toxicity). We also show that ICAM-2 ligation by EOL4G8 mAb on activated CTLs prevents AICD, thus extending IFN-gamma production. CONCLUSIONS: Combination of intratumor gene transfer of IL-12and systemic anti-ICAM-2 mAb display synergistic therapeutic and toxic effects. CTL life extension resulting from AICD inhibition by anti-ICAM-2 mAbs is the plausible mechanism of action

    Regionalizing eco-toxicity characterization factors for copper soil emissions considering edaphic information for Northern Spain and Portuguese vineyards

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    The management of vineyards depends on the use of plant protection agents. Regardless of the numerous environmental impacts that these pesticides generate during their production, their dosage as pest control agents in vineyards causes an important toxic effect that must be monitored. Copper-based inorganic pesticides are the most widely used agents to control fungal diseases in humid wine-growing regions. It is, however, significant that the environmental analysis of their use through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology does not provide detailed information on the potential toxicity of this type of pesticides. Hence, most studies report average values for copper characterization factors (CFs), excluding local soil characteristics. The objective of the study was the spatial characterization of the ecotoxicity factors of copper soil emissions as a function of the chemical characteristics of vineyard soils located in Portugal and Galicia (NW Spain). A multiple linear regression model was applied to calculate the comparative toxic potential. Subsequently, CFs for copper were calculated based on spatial differentiation considering the variable properties of the soil within each wine appellation. The CFs obtained for the area evaluated ranged from 141 to 5937 PAF·m3·day/kgCu emitted, for fibric histosols (HSf) and dystic cambisols (CMd), respectively. Moreover, the average values obtained for Galician and Portuguese soils were 1145 and 2274 PAF·m3·day/kgCu emitted, respectively. The results obtained illustrate the high variability of CF values as a function of the chemical characteristics of each type of soil. For example, Cu soil mobility was linked to organic carbon content and pH. Finally, to validate the representativeness of the calculated CFs, these were applied to the results of 12 literature life cycle inventories of grape production in the area evaluated, revealing that impact scores associated with Cu emissions can considerably vary when spatially-differentiated CFs are implemented.publishe

    Improving efficacy of interleukin-12-transfected dendritic cells injected into murine colon cancer with anti-CD137 monoclonal antibodies and alloantigens

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    Intralesional administration of cultured dendritic cells (DCs) engineered to produce IL-12 by in vitro infection with recombinant adenovirus frequently displays eradicating efficacy against established subcutaneous tumors derived from the CT26 murine colon carcinoma cell line. The elicited response is mainly mediated by cytolytic T lymphocytes. In order to search for strategies that would enhance the efficacy of the therapeutic procedure against less immunogenic tumors, we moved onto malignancies derived from the inoculation of MC38 colon cancer cells that are less prone to undergo complete regression upon a single intratumoral injection of IL-12-secreting DCs. In this model, we found that repeated injections of such DCs, as opposed to a single injection, achieved better efficacy against both the injected and a distantly implanted tumor; that the use of semiallogeneic DCs that are mismatched in one MHC haplotype with the tumor host showed slightly better efficacy; and that the combination of this treatment with systemic injections of immunostimulatory anti-CD137 (4-1BB) monoclonal antibody achieved potent combined effects that correlated with the antitumor immune response measured in IFN-gamma ELISPOT assays. The elicited systemic immune response eradicates concomitant untreated lesions in most cases. Curative efficacy was also found against some tumors established for 2 weeks when these strategies were used in combination. These are preclinical pieces of evidence to be considered in order to enhance the therapeutic benefit of a strategy that is currently being tested in clinical trials. Supplementary Material for this article can be found on the International Journal of Cancer website at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0020-7136/suppmat/index.html