2,959 research outputs found

    Intrinsic volumes of inscribed random polytopes in smooth convex bodies

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    Let KK be a dd dimensional convex body with a twice continuously differentiable boundary and everywhere positive Gauss-Kronecker curvature. Denote by KnK_n the convex hull of nn points chosen randomly and independently from KK according to the uniform distribution. Matching lower and upper bounds are obtained for the orders of magnitude of the variances of the ss-th intrinsic volumes Vs(Kn)V_s(K_n) of KnK_n for s∈{1,...,d}s\in\{1, ..., d\}. Furthermore, strong laws of large numbers are proved for the intrinsic volumes of KnK_n. The essential tools are the Economic Cap Covering Theorem of B\'ar\'any and Larman, and the Efron-Stein jackknife inequality

    Electroweak phase transition by four dimensional simulations

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    The finite temperature phase transition in the SU(2)-Higgs model at a Higgs boson mass MH≃35M_H \simeq 35 GeV is studied in numerical simulations on four dimensional lattices with time-like extensions up to Lt=5L_t=5. Tc/MHT_c/M_H is extrapolated to the continuum limit and a comparison with the perturbative prediction is made. A one-loop calculation to the coupling anisotropies of the SU(2)-Higgs model on lattices with asymmetric lattice spacings is presented. Our numerical simulations show that the above perturbative result is applicable in the phenomenologically interesting parameter region.Comment: 3 pages, Latex, 3 figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(electroweak) by Z. Fodo

    Upper bound on the cutoff in lattice Electroweak theory

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    We investigate numerically lattice Weinberg - Salam model without fermions for realistic values of the fine structure constant and the Weinberg angle. We also analyze the data of the previous numerical investigations of lattice Electroweak theory. We have found that moving along the line of constant physics when the lattice spacing aa is decreased, one should leave the physical Higgs phase of the theory at a certain value of aa. Our estimate of the minimal value of the lattice spacing is ac=[430±40Gev]−1a_c = [430\pm 40 {\rm Gev}]^{-1}.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, 3 figures, to appear in JHE

    Topology with Dynamical Overlap Fermions

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    We perform dynamical QCD simulations with nf=2n_f=2 overlap fermions by hybrid Monte-Carlo method on 646^4 to 83×168^3\times 16 lattices. We study the problem of topological sector changing. A new method is proposed which works without topological sector changes. We use this new method to determine the topological susceptibility at various quark masses.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Numerical tests of the electroweak phase transition and thermodynamics of the electroweak plasma

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    The finite temperature phase transition in the SU(2) Higgs model at a Higgs boson mass MH≃34M_H \simeq 34 GeV is studied in numerical simulations on four-dimensional lattices with time-like extensions up to Lt=5L_t=5. The effects of the finite volume and finite lattice spacing on masses and couplings are studied in detail. The errors due to uncertainties in the critical hopping parameter are estimated. The thermodynamics of the electroweak plasma near the phase transition is investigated by determining the relation between energy density and pressure.Comment: latex2e, 32 pages, 11 figures with epsfig; A few comments and a new table are adde


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    Lattice QCD at non-vanishing density: phase diagram, equation of state

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    We propose a method to study lattice QCD at non-vanishing temperature (T) and chemical potential (\mu). We use n_f=2+1 dynamical staggered quarks with semi-realistic masses on L_t=4 lattices. The critical endpoint (E) of QCD on the Re(\mu)-T plane is located. We calculate the pressure (p), the energy density (\epsilon) and the baryon density (n_B) of QCD at non-vanishing T and \mu.Comment: Contributed to Workshop on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM 2002), Heidelberg, Germany, 2-5 Oct 200
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