150 research outputs found

    Modelling and in vivo evaluation of tendon forces and strain in dynamic rehabilitation exercises: a scoping review

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    Objectives Although exercise is considered the preferred approach for tendinopathies, the actual load that acts on the tendon in loading programmes is usually unknown. The objective of this study was to review the techniques that have been applied in vivo to estimate the forces and strain that act on the human tendon in dynamic exercises used during rehabilitation. Design Scoping review. Data sources Embase, PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar were searched from database inception to February 2021. Eligibility criteria Cross-sectional studies available in English or Spanish language were included if they focused on evaluating the forces or strain of human tendons in vivo during dynamic exercises. Studies were excluded if they did not evaluate tendon forces or strain; if they evaluated running, walking, jumping, landing or no dynamic exercise at all; and if they were conference proceedings or book chapters. Data extraction and synthesis Data extracted included year of publication, study setting, study population characteristics, technique used and exercises evaluated. The studies were grouped by the types of techniques and the tendon location. Results Twenty-one studies were included. Fourteen studies used an indirect methodology based on inverse dynamics, nine of them in the Achilles and five in the patellar tendon. Six studies implemented force transducers for measuring tendon forces in open carpal tunnel release surgery patients. One study applied an optic fibre technique to detect forces in the patellar tendon. Four studies measured strain using ultrasound-based techniques. Conclusions There is a predominant use of inverse dynamics, but force transducers, optic fibre and estimations from strain data are also used. Although these tools may be used to make general estimates of tendon forces and strains, the invasiveness of some methods and the loss of immediacy of others make it difficult to provide immediate feedback to the individuals.This work is part of a government-funded project supported by the University Teaching Training Programme (FPU) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain. Grant number: FPU17/00161. The University of Malaga has supported this study with the contribution of funds to support its publication in open access

    La Competència social i la conducta prosocial, en estudiants de secundària

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    At this work two fundamental elements in relationships with peers, social competence and prosocial behavior, are analyzed in 193 teenagers from secondary studies.. Results shows how scales of Prosocial Behaviour influences in a significative way on Social Competence sub-scales. High levels of Prosocial Behavior are significantly related in a positive way with Appropriate Social Skills dimension of social competence, while high levels of Antisocial Behavior are positively related to Inappropriate Assertiveness, Pride and Solitude scales. There is also a positive significance between Antisocial Behavior subscale and Inappropriate Assertiveness scale of Social Competence

    [2,6-Bis(2-pyrimidinylthiomethyl)pyridine]dichlorocopper(II) methanol solvate

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    In the title compound [CuCl2(C15H13N5S2].CH3OH, the Cu2+ ion has square-pyramidal coordination geometry. The basal plane of the pyramid is formed by two Cl- ions, one pyridine N atom and one pyrimidine N atom. The fifth coordination site is occupied by the S atom of a thiomethyl group. The methanol molecule occupies an otherwise empty space in the structure

    New insights into the comprehension of the magnetic properties of dinuclear Mn(III) compounds with general formula [{MnL(NN)}2(μ-O)(μ-n-RC6H4COO)2]X2

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    Five new dinuclear Mn(III) compounds with benzoato derivative bridges [{Mn(bpy)L}2(μ-O)(μ-n-RC6H4COO)2]X2 (n-R = 3-MeO, 4-MeO and 4-tBu, X = NO3− and ClO4−) were synthesised and characterised. According to X-ray diffraction, the X anions tend to be coordinated to the Mn ions and may occupy the place of the monodentate ligand L. Two structural isomers that only differ in one of their monodentate ligands have been obtained with the 3-MeOC6H4COO− bridges. For all compounds, the Mn(III) ions display elongated octahedra with a pronounced rhombic distortion. To quantify these distortions separately, the elongation and rhombicity parameters Δ and ρ have been defined. The magnetic study shows a good relationship between the distortion of the coordination polyhedra and the zero field splitting parameters (DMn and EMn). From the magnetic data of a powder sample, it is possible to determine the sign and magnitude of DMn for ferromagnetic systems or weak antiferromagnetic systems with DMn < 0. For this kind of dinuclear compound, the R group at the meta position, the rhombic distortion of the octahedra, and large torsion angles between the Jahn-Teller axes lead to ferromagnetic interactions


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    The title molecule 6-phenyl-6-phospha-3,9-dithiabicyclo [9.4.0] pentadeca-1(11), 12, 14-triene 6-oxide, C18H21OPS2, has an exodentate conformation, with the S and P atoms oriented away from the centre of the macrocyclic cavity

    Biomimetic Mn-catalases based on dimeric manganese complexes in mesoporous silica for potential antioxidant agent

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    Two new structural and functional models of the Mn-catalase with formula [{MnIII(bpy)(H2O)}(μ-2-MeOC6H4CO2)2(μ-O){MnIII(bpy)(X)}]X, where X = NO3 (1) and ClO4 (2) and bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine, were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction. In both cases, a water molecule and an X ion occupy the monodentate positions. The magnetic properties of these compounds reveal a weak antiferromagnetic behavior (2J = −2.2 cm 1 for 1 and −0.7 cm 1 for 2, using the spin Hamiltonian H = −2J S1·S2) and negative zero-field splitting parameter DMn (−4.6 cm 1 and −3.0 cm 1 for 1 and 2, respectively). This fact, together with the nearly orthogonal orientation of the Jahn Teller axes of the MnIII ions explain the unusual shape of χMT versus T plot at low temperature. Compound 1 presents a better catalase activity than 2 in CH3CN H2O media, probably due to a beneficial interaction of the NO3− ion with the Mn complex in solution. These compounds were successfully inserted inside two-dimensional hexagonal mesoporous silica (MCM-41 type) leading to the same hybrid material ([Mn2O]@SiO2), without the X group. The manganese complex occupies approximately half of the available pore volume, keeping the silica's hexagonal array intact. Magnetic measurements of [Mn2O]@SiO2 suggest that most of the dinuclear unit is preserved, as a non-negligible interaction between Mn ions is still observed. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the Mn 3s peak confirms that Mn remains as MnIII inside the silica. The catalase activity study of material [Mn2O]@SiO2 reveals that the complex is more active inside the porous silica, probably due to the surface silanolate groups of the pore wall. Moreover, the new material shows catalase activity in water media, while the coordination compounds are not active

    Determination of ZFS parameters from the EPR spectra of mono-, di- and trinuclear MnII complexes: impact of magnetic coupling

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    A family of new MnII compounds, consisting of seven dinuclear, three mononuclear, and four trinuclear ones, were synthesised using benzoic acid derivatives n-RC6H4COOH, where n-R = 2-MeO, 3-MeO, 4-MeO, or 4-tBu, and 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) or 1,10-phenantroline (phen) as blocking ligands. The crystal structures of nine of these compounds and the magnetic studies of all of them are reported here. Each type of compound was formed depending on the presence or absence of ClO4− ions, the solvent used, and/or the presence of a small amount of water in the reaction medium. The use of the tert-buthylbenzoate ligand gave unexpected results, very likely due to the steric hindrance caused by the voluminous tBu groups. The EPR spectra of each type of compound give some peculiar features that allow its identification. Attempts to fit these spectra have been made in order to determine the ZFS parameters, D and E, of the MnII ion (for mononuclear and dinuclear systems) or of the ground state (for trinuclear systems). For trinuclear systems, the single-ion ZFS parameters estimated from those of the ground state provided a good simulation of the EPR spectra of these compounds. The EPR signals observed in each case have been rationalised according to the energy level distribution and the plausible population in the excited states. In some particular situations, the sign of DMn could be determined from the fit of the EPR spectra of the antiferromagnetic dinuclear compounds, the source of the difference between the spectra lying in the second excited state

    Diethyl 2,2'-[1,3-phenylenebis(methylthio)]dibenzoate

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    The title molecule, C26H26O4S2, assumes C2 symmetry with two C atoms and two H atoms of the central phenyl ring located on the twofold axis. The S atoms are synplanar with the benzene moiety, so the observed geometry is suitable for CS2 coordination. The o-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenylthiomethyl moiety is approximately planar and its orientation is almost perpendicular with respect to the central phenyl group