197 research outputs found


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    The paper discusses the method of using active resistance in the calculations of higher harmonics in electrical networks.В работе рассматривается методика использования активных сопротивлений в расчетах высших гармоник в электрических сетях

    Синергетично-рефлективна модель управління як єдиного соціального організму

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    Nowadays, as the system of scientific knowledge itself is radically implemented, the clear boundaries between practical and cognitive activity are eroded. In the system of scientific knowledge there are intensive processes of differentiation and integration of knowledge, complex researches, new ways and methods of cognition, methodological installations, new elements of the world picture are developed, the earlier unknown, more complex types of objects of cognition characterized by historicism, universality, the complexity of organizations that had not previously been subjected to theoretical modeling. One of such new directions in modern natural sciences and social development is presented in synergy. Synergetics is a direction and a general scientific program of interdisciplinary research that studies the process of self-organization and the formation of new orderly structures in open physical, biological, social, cognitive, informational, environmental and other systems. Synergetics gives a new image of the world. At the heart of the synergetic paradigm is a special relation to the problems of determinism and the emphasis on the processes occurring in the “exacerbation mode”. Determinism captures the activity of being and states that any thing is the result of changing other things, they are rooted in them. The synergetic paradigm rests on a certain conceptual-categorical apparatus, an entropy-categorical apparatus: an entropy approach, chaos, bifurcation, dissipative system, disaster, self-motion, and others. No less important in synergy is the category of self-organization. Self-organization – an active process of formation, reproduction, preservation or improvement of the organization of a complex dynamic system, ensuring its normal existence and functioning as a holistic entity The urgency of researching the processes of self-organization is explained primarily by the need to solve the problem of creating on completely new principles of cybernetic systems capable of performing functions that have traditionally been considered the exclusive prerogative of the human brain. The synergistic experimental paradigm involves a rethinking of the phenomenon of fluctuations (from lat fluctuation - fluctuations) – (mathematics) fluctuations or some kind of periodic change, a random deviation from the mean value physics) accidental deviation of the value of the physical quantity from the average in a certain area of space or at a certain point in time; (finance) exchange rate fluctuations; (medicine) a symptom of the presence of fluid in the closed cavity of the body, which is available palpation. The more complex the system, the more there are various types of fluctuations that can threaten its stability. The system passing through the stability threshold falls into the critical state of the bifurcation (the branch point). It is at such a point that the system becomes unstable in relation to fluctuations and can move to a new sphere of stability, that is, to the formation of a new state. Thus, synergy with its interdisciplinary arsenal of methods can become an adequate tool for analyzing the complex dynamic processes occurring in nature and in modern society.Нині як ніколи радикально здійснюється сама система наукового пізнання, розмиваються чіткі межі між практичною та пізнавальною діяльністю. У системі наукового знання мають місце інтенсивні процеси диференціації та інтеграції знання, розвиваються комплексні дослідження, нові способи та методи пізнання, методологічні установки, зۥявляються нові елементи картини світу, викреслюються раніш невідомі, більш складні типи об’єктів пізнання, що характеризуються історизмом, універсальністю, складністю організації, які раніше не піддавалися теоретичному моделюванню. Один з таких нових напрямків у сучасному природознавстві і суспільному розвитку представлено у синергетиці. Синергетика (від грецьк. synerqeia, який діє обопільно, узгоджено) – напрям і загальнонаукова програма міждисциплінарних досліджень, котрі вивчають процес самоорганізації та становлення нових упорядкованих структур у відкритих фізичних, біологічних, соціальних, когнітивних, інформаційних, екологічних та інших системах. Синергетика дає новий образ світу. В основі синергетичної парадигми лежить особливе відношення до проблем детермінізму і акцентування на процеси, що протікають у режимі “загострення”. Детермінізм фіксує активність буття та стверджує, що будь-яка річ є результатом зміни інших речей, в них закорінена. Синергетична парадигма опирається на певний понятійно-категоріальний апарат, ентропійно-категоріальний апарат: ентропігійний підхід, хаос, біфуркація, дисипативна система, катастрофа, саморух та ін. Не менш важливе місце в синергетиці займає категорія самоорганізації. Самоорганізація – активний процес формування, відтворення, збереження або удосконалення організації складної динамічної системи, що забезпечує її нормальне існування і функціонування як цілісного утворення. Актуальність досліджень процесів самоорганізації пояснюється насамперед необхідністю вирішення проблеми створення на абсолютно нових принципах кібернетичних систем, здатних виконувати функції, що традиційно вважалися винятковою прерогативою мозку людини. Синергетична дослідна парадигма включає в себе переусвідомлення феномену флуктуації (від лат. fluctuation – коливання) – (математика) коливання чи якась періодична зміна, випадкове відхилення від середнього значення величини; (фізика) випадкове відхилення значення фізичної величини від середнього в певній ділянці простору чи в певний момент часу; (фінанси) коливання обмінного курсу; (медицина) симптом наявності рідини в замкненій порожнині тіла, що доступна пальпації. Чим складніша система, тим більше існує різноманітних типів флуктуації, що можуть загрожувати її стабільності. Система переходячи через поріг стабільності потрапляє в критичний стан біфуркації (точка розгалуження). Саме в такій точці система стає нестабільною стосовно флуктуації і може перейти до нової сфери стабільності, тобто до формування нового стану. Отже, синергетика зі своїм міждисциплінарним арсеналом методів може стати адекватним інструментом для аналізу складних динамічних процесів, що відбуваються у природі і сучасному суспільстві

    Full potential LAPW calculation of electron momentum density and related properties of Li

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    Electron momentum density and Compton profiles in Lithium along ,, , and directions are calculated using Full-Potential Linear Augmented Plane Wave basis within generalized gradient approximation. The profiles have been corrected for correlations with Lam-Platzman formulation using self-consistent charge density. The first and second derivatives of Compton profiles are studied to investigate the Fermi surface breaks. Decent agreement is observed between recent experimental and our calculated values. Our values for the derivatives are found to be in better agreement with experiments than earlier theoretical results. Two-photon momentum density and one- and two-dimensional angular correlation of positron annihilation radiation are also calculated within the same formalism and including the electron-positron enhancement factor.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures TO appear in Physical Review


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    The paper presents the calculation of the current cut-off of overhead lines of 110 kV. The paper presents the current value of the swing on the overhead lines, defined zone of protection lines, residual stress levels on tires substation Zaramagskaya HPP. Conclusions on the Use of calculated relay protection in the power system.В работе приведен расчет токовой отсечки воздушных линий напряжением 110 кВ. В работе получены значения токов качания по воздушным линиям, определены зоны защит линий, уровни остаточных напряжений на шинах подстанции Зарамагской ГЭС. Сделаны выводы по использованию рассчитанной релейной защиты в электроэнергетической системе

    Association between culture and the preference for, and perceptions of, 11 routes of medicine administration: A survey in 21 countries and regions

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    Medicines can be taken by various routes of administration. These can impact the effects and perceptions of medicines. The literature about individuals' preferences for and perceptions of the different routes of administration is sparse, but indicates a potential influence of culture. Our aim was to determine: (i) any association between one's culture and one's preferred route of medicine administration and (ii) individual perceptions of pain, efficacy, speed of action and acceptability when medicines are swallowed or placed in the mouth, under the tongue, in the nose, eye, ear, lungs, rectum, vagina, on the skin, or areinjected. A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey of adults was conducted in 21 countries and regions of the world, namely, Tunisia, Ghana, Nigeria, Turkey, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Malta, Brazil, Great Britain, United States, India, Serbia, Romania, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, mainland China and Estonia, using the Inglehart–Welzel cultural map to ensure coverage across all cultures. Participants scored the pain/discomfort, efficacy, speed of onset and acceptability of the different routes of medicine administration and stated their preferred route. Demographic information was collected. A total of 4435 participants took part in the survey. Overall, the oral route was the most preferred route, followed by injection, while the rectal route was the least preferred. While the oral route was the most preferred in all cultures, the percentage of participants selecting this route varied, from 98% in Protestant Europe to 50% in the African-Islamic culture. A multinomial logistic regression model revealed a number of predictors for the preferred route. Injections were favoured in the Baltic, South Asia, Latin America and African-Islamic cultures while dermal administration was favoured in Catholic Europe, Baltic and Latin America cultures. A marked association was found between culture and the preference for, and perceptions of the different routes by which medicines are taken. This applied to even the least favoured routes (vaginal and rectal). Only women were asked about the vaginal route, and our data shows that the vaginal route was slightly more popular than the rectal one

    Evaluation of the influence of climatic factors on work of air lines with 110 kV stress

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    In work the influence of weather conditions on VL-110 kV is considered. Recommendations are given for installing the most appropriate protections to reduce the impact of negative factors. A correlation was established between the failure flow of the 110 kV overhead line and climatic factors.В работе рассмотрено влияние погодных условий на ВЛ-110 кВ. Даны рекомендации по установке наиболее приемлемых защит для уменьшения воздействия негативных факторов. Была определена корреляционная связь между потоком отказов ВЛ-110 кВ и климатическими факторами

    Accuracy of Rapid Tests for Malaria and Treatment Outcomes for Malaria and Non-Malaria Cases among Under-Five Children in Rural Ghana

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    BACKGROUND: WHO now recommends test-based management of malaria across all transmission settings. The accuracy of rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and the outcome of treatment based on the result of tests will influence acceptability of and adherence to the new guidelines. METHOD: We conducted a study at the Kintampo hospital in rural Ghana to evaluate the performance of CareStart, a HRP-2 based RDT, using microscopy as reference. We applied IMCI treatment guidelines, restricted ACT to RDT-positive children and followed-up both RDT-positive (malaria) and RDT-negative (non-malaria) cases over 28 days. RESULTS: 436 children were enrolled in the RDT evaluation and 391 (children with haemoglobin >8.0 gm/dl) were followed-up to assess treatment outcomes. Mean age was 25.4 months (s.d. 14.6). Sensitivity and specificity of the RDT were 100.0% and 73.0% respectively. Over the follow-up period, 32 (18.5%) RDT-negative children converted to positive, with 7 (4.0%) of them presenting with fever. More children in the non-malaria group made unscheduled visits than children in the malaria group (13.3% versus 7.7%) On all scheduled follow-up visits, proportion of children having a temperature higher than that recorded on day 0 was higher in the non-malaria group compared to the malaria group. Reports of unfavourable treatment outcomes by caregivers were higher among the non-malaria group than the malaria group. CONCLUSIONS: The RDT had good sensitivity and specificity. However a minority of children who will not receive ACT based on RDT results may develop clinical malaria within a short period in high transmission settings. This could undermine caregivers' and health workers' confidence in the new guidelines. Improving the quality of management of non-malarial febrile illnesses should be a priority in the era of test-based management of malaria. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00832754

    Association between culture and the preference for, and perceptions of, 11 routes of medicine administration : a survey in 21 countries and regions

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    Medicines can be taken by various routes of administration. These can impact the effects and perceptions of medicines. The literature about individuals’ preferences for and perceptions of the different routes of administration is sparse, but indicates a potential influence of culture. Our aim was to determine: (i) any association between one’s culture and one’s preferred route of medicine administration and (ii) individual perceptions of pain, efficacy, speed of action and acceptability when medicines are swallowed or placed in the mouth, under the tongue, in the nose, eye, ear, lungs, rectum, vagina, on the skin, or areinjected. A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey of adults was conducted in 21 countries and regions of the world, namely, Tunisia, Ghana, Nigeria, Turkey, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Malta, Brazil, Great Britain, United States, India, Serbia, Romania, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, mainland China and Estonia, using the Inglehart–Welzel cultural map to ensure coverage across all cultures. Participants scored the pain/discomfort, efficacy, speed of onset and acceptability of the different routes of medicine administration and stated their preferred route. Demographic information was collected. A total of 4435 participants took part in the survey. Overall, the oral route was the most preferred route, followed by injection, while the rectal route was the least preferred. While the oral route was the most preferred in all cultures, the percentage of participants selecting this route varied, from 98% in Protestant Europe to 50% in the African-Islamic culture. A multinomial logistic regression model revealed a number of predictors for the preferred route. Injections were favoured in the Baltic, South Asia, Latin America and African-Islamic cultures while dermal administration was favoured in Catholic Europe, Baltic and Latin America cultures. A marked association was found between culture and the preference for, and perceptions of the different routes by which medicines are taken. This applied to even the least favoured routes (vaginal and rectal). Only women were asked about the vaginal route, and our data shows that the vaginal route was slightly more popular than the rectal one.peer-reviewe