1,019 research outputs found

    Predictores del bienestar psicológico de los estudiantes universitarios de arte y cultura

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    The study investigated the predictors of psychological well-being of the art and culture of university students. Predictors of psychological well-being are psychological culture and its psychological variables: the ability to reflect, the ability to be a subject (subjectness) and creativity. This was an empirical study that collected data through a questionnaire. The results of the research showed the influence of psychological culture on the level of well-being of the University students. Personal variables “subjectness”, “reflexivity” and “creativity” were used in the regression analysis to predict the values of the variable “psychological well-being”. It is established that these variables are predictive: their severity is a prognostically significant feature in the analysis of the psychological well-being of the art and culture of university students. Reflexivity means the strongest prediction in relation to the level of psychological well-being.El estudio investigó los predictores del bienestar psicológico del arte y la cultura de los estudiantes universitarios. Los predictores del bienestar psicológico son la cultura psicológica y sus variables psicológicas: la capacidad de reflexionar, la capacidad de ser sujeto (subjetividad) y la creatividad. Este fue un estudio empírico que recolectó datos a través de un cuestionario. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron la influencia de la cultura psicológica en el nivel de bienestar de los estudiantes universitarios. Las variables personales “subjetividad”, “reflexividad” y “creatividad” se utilizaron en el análisis de regresión para predecir los valores de la variable “bienestar psicológico”. Se establece que estas variables son predictivas: su gravedad es una característica pronósticamente significativa en el análisis del bienestar psicológico del arte y la cultura de los estudiantes universitarios. La reflexividad significa la predicción más fuerte en relación con el nivel de bienestar psicológico

    Phase boundary texturing influence on laminated compound durability under local thermal effect

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    Destruction process modeling has been conducted for a laminated material under a local pointed thermal effect. Temperature field dependence on the coating surface texturing parameters has been studied. A mathematical model of the load distribution in the laminated material with wavy coating surface texturing under thermal effect is presented

    English borrowings in the Spanish language: language policy of the Royal Academy of the Spanish language and the Fundéu BBVA regarding anglicisms

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    We can observe a rather purist attitude of certain Spanish institutions towards the use of anglicisms in the Spanish language.This difference in attitudes towards openness to other languages between the various countries may be explained by, among other things, the existence of linguistic institutions such as the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (La Real Academia Española) and the Foundation of Urgent Spanish (Fundéu BBVA), which, according to many researchers, follow a restrictive policy against the use of anglicism

    Analysis options for traffic control railways in terms of uneven

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    В статье выполнен анализ и исследование неравномерности объёмов перевозок, поездной и грузовой работы. Проведен анализ влияния неравномерности на эксплуатационную ра- боту железных дорог. Освещены основные факторы, влия- ющие на эксплуатационную работу железных дорог. Пред- ложены базовые показатели качества работы железнодо- рожных структур. Установлено, что решающее значение для сокращения задержек поездов имеет оптимизация регу- лирования загрузкой участков и станций. Предложены ос- новные приемы коррекции и адаптации решений с использо- ванием обратных связей.In the article analysis and research uneven volume of traffic, train and freight operations. The influence non-uniformity in the operational performance railways. Highlights key factors influencing operational performance of railways. Proposed baseline quality railway structures. It was established that critical to reducing train delays has optimization control loading areas and stations. Proposed the basic techniques of correction and adaptation solutions using feedbacks. Establishing criteria and the nature deviations daily non-uniformity allows through the use of organizational measures, including scheduling loading, its concentration, significantly reduce uneven and solve a number operational tasks, namely bandwidth, train schedule, the calculation need for locomotives, use locomotives, determine optimal length "arm" traction service. In order to smooth the unevenness in further studies will be proposed algorithms and techniques of control loading and binding to the thread chart

    Analysis of passenger traffic in large transport hubs

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    В статье рассмотрены основные направления развития внутригородских и пригородно-городских пассажирских перевозок в крупных транспортных узлах. Выполнен ана- лиз состояния пассажирских перевозок в крупных транс- портных узлах и анализ развития и функционирования транспортно-пересадочных узлов. Освещены основные причины изменения функций и структуры транспортно- пересадочных узлов. Выполнен анализ отечественного опыта формирования и развития транспортно- пересадочных узлов. Рассмотрены основные причины, определяющие выбор пассажиром способа перемещения и вида транспортных средств. Предложены методики сокращения времени поездки пассажиров внутри города, мегаполиса, пригорода.У статті розглянуті основні напрямки розвитку внутрішньоміських, приміських і міських пасажирських перевезень у великих транспортних вузлах. Виконано ана- ліз стану пасажирських перевезень у великих транспорт- них вузлах і аналіз розвитку і функціонування транспорт- но-пересадочних вузлів. Висвітлено основні причини зміни функцій і структури транспортно-пересадочних вузлів. Виконано аналіз вітчизняного досвіду формування і роз- витку транспортно-пересадочних вузлів. Розглянуто ос- новні чинники, що визначають вибір пасажиром способу переміщення та виду транспортних засобів. Запропоно- вано методики скорочення часу поїздки пасажирів всере- дині міста, мегаполіса, передмістя.In article basic directions of development urban and pe- ri-urban passenger transport in major transport hubs. The analysis state passenger transport in major transport hubs and analysis development and operation transport hubs. When covering the main causes of changes in the functions and structure transport hubs. The analysis national experience in the formation and development transportation hubs. The main factors determining choice of method passenger movement and type vehicle. The techniques reducing travel time of pas- sengers within city, city, suburb. Optimal organization of public transport heavily dependent on transportation factors. In the case uncontrolled development individual transport, resulting in overloading road network and deterioration ecological environment, to improve the traffic situation at the same time measures should be aimed at limiting use of individual transport. Currently, passengers using urban and suburban public transport, can be divided into three groups according to their priorities, determining the attractiveness particular mode of transport

    Біопротекторна дія цинку в макро- і наноаквахелатній формі на ембріогенез щурів за умови свинцевої інтоксикації

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    The article presents results of studied influence of low doses of lead and zinc (nanozinc) on embryonal development in a la­boratory experiment on rats.  Negative influence of lead on pregnancy of laboratory animals, manifested in violation of the physiological dynamics of the rectal temperature and decrease in body weight gain was revealed. Embryotoxic ef­fect of low doses of lead results in increased fetal mortality by 2.16 times compared to the control group of animals, de­terioration of the morphometric indices of fetuses, violation of placentogenesis. Simultaneous injections of zinc on back­ground of lead intoxication causes a protective effect on the body of pregnant rats and embryonal development of the offspring, more pronounced for zinc citrate, received by using aquananotehnology, as compared to zinc chloride. Thus, by morphometry indices, male fetuses were more sensitive to prenatal lead exposure in comparison to female fetuses.В статье представлены результаты изучения воздействия низких доз свинца и цинка (наноцинка) на эмбриональное развитие в условиях лабораторного эксперимента на крысах. Установлено негативное вли­яние свинца на протекание беременности у лабораторных животных, что проявляется в нарушении физио­логической динамики ректальной температуры и снижении прироста массы тела. Эмбриотоксический эффект низких доз свинца проявляется в увеличении эмбриональной смертности в 2,16 раза по сравнению с кон­трольной группой животных, ухудшении морфометрических показателей плодов, нарушении плацен­тогенеза. Одновременное введение препаратов цинка при свинцовой интоксикации оказывает протекторное действие на организм беременных крыс и эмбриональное развитие потомства, более выраженное для цит­рата цинка, полученного с использованием аквананотехнологии по сравнению с хлоридом цинка. При этом по морфометрическим показателям плоды мужского пола оказались более чувствительны к пренатальному воз­действию свинца по сравнению с плодами женского пола. The article presents results of studied influence of low doses of lead and zinc (nanozinc) on embryonal development in a la­boratory experiment on rats.  Negative influence of lead on pregnancy of laboratory animals, manifested in violation of the physiological dynamics of the rectal temperature and decrease in body weight gain was revealed. Embryotoxic ef­fect of low doses of lead results in increased fetal mortality by 2.16 times compared to the control group of animals, de­terioration of the morphometric indices of fetuses, violation of placentogenesis. Simultaneous injections of zinc on back­ground of lead intoxication causes a protective effect on the body of pregnant rats and embryonal development of the offspring, more pronounced for zinc citrate, received by using aquananotehnology, as compared to zinc chloride. Thus, by morphometry indices, male fetuses were more sensitive to prenatal lead exposure in comparison to female fetuses

    A Practical, One-Pot Synthesis of Highly Substituted Thiophenes and Benzo[b]thiophenes from Bromoenynes and o-Alkynylbromobenzenes

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    An efficient synthesis of thiophenes and benzo[b]thiophenes has been developed from easily available bromoenynes and o-alkynylbromobenzene derivatives. This novel one-pot procedure involves a Pd-catalyzed C–S bond formation using a hydrogen sulfide surrogate followed by a heterocyclization reaction. Moreover, in situ functionalization with selected electrophiles further expands the potential of this methodology to the preparation of the corresponding highly substituted sulfur heterocycles.Junta de Castilla y Leon (BU021A09 and GR-172) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) and FEDER (CTQ2010-15358 and CTQ2009-09949/BQU) for financial support. P.G.-G. and M.A.F.-R. thank MICINN for "Juan de la Cierva" and "Ramon y Cajal" contractsJunta de Castilla y Leon (BU021A09 and GR-172) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) and FEDER (CTQ2010-15358 and CTQ2009-09949/BQU) for financial support. P.G.-G. and M.A.F.-R. thank MICINN for "Juan de la Cierva" and "Ramon y Cajal" contractsThis document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Organic Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher

    Tuning the electrical conductance of metalloporphyrin supramolecular wires

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    In contrast with conventional single-molecule junctions, in which the current flows parallel to the long axis or plane of a molecule, we investigate the transport properties of M(II)-5,15-diphenylporphyrin (M-DPP) single-molecule junctions (M=Co, Ni, Cu, or Zn divalent metal ions), in which the current flows perpendicular to the plane of the porphyrin. Novel STM-based conductance measurements combined with quantum transport calculations demonstrate that current-perpendicular-to-the-plane (CPP) junctions have three-orders-of-magnitude higher electrical conductanc than their current in-plane (CIP) counterparts, ranging from 2.10−2 G0 for Ni-DPP up to 8.10−2 G0 for Zn-DPP. The metal ion in the center of the DPP skeletons is strongly coordinated with the nitrogens of the pyridyl coated electrodes, with a binding energy that is sensitive to the choice of metal ion. We find that the binding energies of Zn-DPP and Co-DPP are significantly higher than those of Ni-DPP and Cu-DPP. Therefore when combined with its higher conductance, we identify Zn-DPP as the favoured candidate for high conductance CPP single-molecule devices