17 research outputs found

    Криминологическая классификация роботов: риск-ориентированный подход

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    The subject of the research is key criminal risks in robotics. The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that key criminal risks of using robots may be identified and classified. The author dares to describe the key aspects of the application of risk-based approach in the assessment of robotic activities, identify the key risks of using robots, give a criminological classification. The methodology includes a formal logical method, systematic approach, formal legal interpretation of legal acts and academic literature, SWOT analysis. The main results of the study. The author applies the main provisions of criminal riskology when assessing encroachments involving robots. Key risks and challenges when using robots are identified. The severity of the consequences of harm caused by using robots (from minor to critical risk) is assessed and a matrix of the probability of its occurrence is provided. The author's criminological classification of robots is based on the risk-based approach and is substantiated on two grounds. The first one is the category of public danger and the second is the potential severity of the consequences of harm caused by robots. The causal complex that can lead to criminal risks in robotics is identified. The grounds of such risks are divided into those related to the mechanical subsystem of robots, digital subsystem of robots and power supply subsystem of robots. Conclusions. The risk-based approach is the most progressive and effective basis for regulating the criminal relations in robotics. The author demonstrates the existence of real risks to the peace and security of mankind, life and health of people, objects of wildlife, nonliving material objects from the use of robots. It is necessary to recognize robotics as source of increased potential criminal danger and to adopt appropriate regulation as soon as possible. The necessity and expediency of applying a risk-based approach to robotics is theoretically substantiated, and the characteristics of robots that are important in assessing the criminal potential of their exploitation are evaluated. The conclusions and recom mendations of this paper may become a basis for the implementation of the risk-based approach in legal regulation of robotics. The risk matrix presented in the article can be used to establish a framework for regulatory impact on robotics, assess the consequences of potential harm and minimize it.Раскрываются ключевые аспекты применения риск-ориентированного подхода к робототехнике, в частности предлагается ориентироваться на основные положения криминальной рискологии при оценке посягательств с участием роботов. Обозначены ключевые риски и вызовы при использовании роботов. Дана авторская классификация рисков по тяжести последствий при причинении вреда и по вероятности причинения вреда роботами; приведена матрица степени причинения вреда роботами по категории рисков. На основе риск-ориентированного подхода приведена и обоснована криминологическая классификация роботов, а также выявлен причинный комплекс, который может привести к возникновению рисков

    Social Conditionality of Criminal Legal Regulation of Public Relations Related To Robotics and Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Robotics and cyber-physical systems form an independent layer of social relations characterized by increased social danger. This circumstance predetermines the recognition of certain categories of robots as sources of increased danger. The pace of development of robotics and cyber-physical systems is a consequence of the exponential, almost explosive growth of interest in intelligent systems under the conditions of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the emergence of Industry 4.0., actively supported by the state’s policy of “universal digitalization”. The variety of robots, a high degree of adaptability and growing accessibility for the general population are a prerequisite for the “involvement” of robots in various areas of criminalactivity, up to the robots committing individual criminal encroachments on their own. As complex devices with technical, digital and energy components, robotics and cyber-physical systems are subject to processesthat can cause harm to various groups of social relations. The introduction of robotics and cyber-physical systems into industry, production and the military sphere is associated with significant risks of causing harm to various objects of criminal law protection. With the growth of autonomy, robotics  will steadily expand the spheres where attacks are committed with their participation. In this regard, it is required to develop mechanisms for criminal liability in the event of harm caused by artificial intelligence and robotics  systems that have a high degree of autonomy in decision-making. The criteria for requesting criminal law regulation of robotics have been determined. The main reasons for the emergence of criminological risks  associated with the design features of robots have been identified. Undoubtedly, the basis for criminal law is the category of social danger,  which at the same time ensures the conceptual unity of criminal law norms,  while simultaneously being a watershed that delimits them from other  branches of law. It is extremely important to determine the boundaries of  criminal law regulation, which are formed exclusively by the public danger of  certain acts with the use of robotics. Thus, it should be stated that the  current level of development of robotics and cyberphysical systems, as well  as their involvement in the processes of the life of society, necessitate the  creation of effective mechanisms of criminal law regulation

    Draft of an ethical code of subjects implementing activity of creating, applying and utilizing medical products based on artificial intelligence technologies

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    Objective: to develop a draft Ethical Code aimed at establishing ethical norms and rules of official behavior of subjects implementing activity of creating, applying and utilizing medical products based on artificial intelligence technologies.Methods: the methodological basis of the draft Ethical Code aimed at establishing ethical norms and rules of official behavior of subjects implementing activity of creating, applying and utilizing medical products based on artificial intelligence technologies consists of general and specific methods of scientific cognition, including analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, classification, analogy, and comparison.Results: To the attention of lawyers – legal scientists and practitioners, medical professionals, members of clinical ethics committees, medical ethics specialists, representatives of law-making bodies, government agencies, business community and public organizations, patients, and a wide range of readers interested in the digital transformation of the healthcare system, we present the first in the Russian Federation draft of an Ethical Code of subjects implementing activity of creating, applying and utilizing medical products based on artificial intelligence technologies.Scientific novelty: the draft Ethical Code comprises general principles of professional service ethics and basic rules of official behavior, which should guide the subjects implementing activity of creating, applying and utilizing medical products based on artificial intelligence technologies. It is aimed at strengthening the authority of medical personnel, increasing patient confidence in artificial intelligence technologies, and preventing potential negative consequences as a result of their use.Practical significance: the draft Ethical Code is based on a systematic and comprehensive approach to the study of ethical norms and rules of official behavior, which should be followed by the subjects implementing activity of creating, applying and utilizing medical products based on artificial intelligence technologies. The principles specified in the Ethical Code are a basis for the development of the legal regulation system for artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare

    Artificial intelligence as a legal category: doctrinal approach to formulating a definition

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    Objective: to conduct a critical analysis of the existing definitions of artificial intelligence and develop an authors’ version of the concept acceptable for legal sciences.Methods: the methodological basis of the study is a set of scientific cognition methods, including abstract-logical method, comparison and correlation analysis.Results: the main regularities of decision-making by artificial intelligence are identified; the mechanism of its perception of objective reality is determined; the fundamental ability of machine learning to conform its behavior to socially acceptable processes is confirmed. It is assumed that there are many ways to describe artificial intelligence: by indicating the action mechanism, the basic operation principles, the range of tasks to be solved, etc. However, the most convincing and consistent is position of those researchers who tend to describe the AI phenomenon by designating its properties and characteristics. The authors state that there is no definition of “artificial intelligence” in the modern legal doctrine. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of various scientific sources in a systematic unity with own judgments, it is proposed to introduce the author’s version of the “artificial intelligence” concept into scientific circulation.Scientific novelty: the paper presents an assessment of the “artificial intelligence” concept definitions available in the scientific literature and legal framework, as well as the authors’ opinion on their relevance, comprehensiveness and topicality; there is an attempt to formulate the definition taking into account all the significant properties of artificial intelligence.Practical significance: is due to the current impossibility to apply legal norms and rules to relations involving artificial intelligence taking into account their specifics. The main provisions and conclusions of the study can be used to improve the mechanisms of legal regulation of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation

    Current advances on Talbot–Lau x-ray imaging diagnostics for high energy density experiments (invited)

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    Producción CientíficaTalbot–Lau x-ray interferometry is a refraction-based diagnostic that can map electron density gradients through phase-contrast methods. The Talbot–Lau x-ray deflectometry (TXD) diagnostics have been deployed in several high energy density experiments. To improve diagnostic performance, a monochromatic TXD was implemented on the Multi-Tera Watt (MTW) laser using 8 keV multilayer mirrors (Δθ/θ = 4.5%-5.6%). Copper foil and wire targets were irradiated at 1014–1015 W/cm2. Laser pulse length (∼10 to 80 ps) and backlighter target configurations were explored in the context of Moiré fringe contrast and spatial resolution. Foil and wire targets delivered increased contrast <30%. The best spatial resolution (<6 μm) was measured for foils irradiated 80° from the surface. Further TXD diagnostic capability enhancement was achieved through the development of advanced data postprocessing tools. The Talbot Interferometry Analysis (TIA) code enabled x-ray refraction measurements from the MTW monochromatic TXD. Additionally, phase, attenuation, and dark-field maps of an ablating x-pinch load were retrieved through TXD. The images show a dense wire core of ∼60 μm diameter surrounded by low-density material of ∼40 μm thickness with an outer diameter ratio of ∼2.3. Attenuation at 8 keV was measured at ∼20% for the dense core and ∼10% for the low-density material. Instrumental and experimental limitations for monochromatic TXD diagnostics are presented. Enhanced postprocessing capabilities enabled by TIA are demonstrated in the context of high-intensity laser and pulsed power experimental data analysis. Significant advances in TXD diagnostic capabilities are presented. These results inform future diagnostic technique upgrades that will improve the accuracy of plasma characterization through TXD

    Resource Queuing System with Preemptive Priority for Performance Analysis of 5G NR Systems

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    One of the ways to enable smooth coexistence of ultra reliable low latency communication (URRLC) and enhances mobile broadband (eMBB) services at the air interface of perspective 5G New Radio (NR) technology is to utilize preemptive priority service. In this paper, we provide approximate analysis of the queuing system with random resource requirements, two types of customers and preemptive priority service procedure. The distinctive feature of the systems – the random resource requirements – allows to capture the essentials of 5G NR radio interface but inherently increases the complexity of analysis. We present the main performance metrics of interest including session drop probability and system resource utilization as well as assess their accuracy by comparing with computer simulations. The developed model is not inherently limited to URLLC and eMBB coexistence and can be utilized in performance evaluation of 5G NR systems with priority-based service discipline at the air interface, e.g., in context of network slicing. Among other conclusions we explicitly show that both session drop and interruption probabilities of low priority traffic heavily depend not only on the intensity of high priority traffic but on stochastic characteristics of the resource request distribution.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Liability for Breach of Information and Communications Devices, Their Systems and Networks

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    The paper addresses to the problem of establishing criminal liability for violation of information and telecommunication devices and their systems and networks. The original solution of the problem is offered

    The Problem of the Responsibility for Illegal Actions with the Information Obviously Extracted Criminal Way

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    In the work the problem of absence of the criminal liability for illegal purchase or selling of the information obviously extracted criminal way is considered. The author’s variant of the decision of the problem is offered

    On methods to legal regulation of artificial intelligence in the world

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    © BEIESP. In the modern digital age, the issues of using artificial intelligence and the field of development of intelligent technologies are extremely important and relevant. Over the past few years, there have been attempts of state regulation of artificial intelligence, both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Artificial intelligence poses new challenges to various areas of law: from patent to criminal law, from privacy to antitrust law. Among the current approaches, the most optimal is the creation of a separate legal regulation mechanism that creates a clear distinction between areas of responsibility of developers and users of systems with artificial intelligence and the technology itself. Today, the development of the legal framework for the existence of artificial intelligence can be conditionally divided into two approaches: the creation of a legal framework for the introduction of applied systems with artificial intelligence and stimulate their development; regulation of the sphere of creating artificial “super intelligence”, in particular, compliance of the developed technologies with generally recognized standards in the field of ethics and law. A separate area should be the introduction of uniform ethical principles for all developers and users of systems with artificial intelligence. The most optimal in this aspect is the approach implemented within the framework of the Asilomar principles. In these circumstances, the appeal to the problem of legal regulation of artificial intelligence is becoming more relevant than ever. This paper presents the results of a detailed analysis of existing approaches to the legal regulation of artificial intelligence

    On methods to legal regulation of artificial intelligence in the world

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    © BEIESP. In the modern digital age, the issues of using artificial intelligence and the field of development of intelligent technologies are extremely important and relevant. Over the past few years, there have been attempts of state regulation of artificial intelligence, both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Artificial intelligence poses new challenges to various areas of law: from patent to criminal law, from privacy to antitrust law. Among the current approaches, the most optimal is the creation of a separate legal regulation mechanism that creates a clear distinction between areas of responsibility of developers and users of systems with artificial intelligence and the technology itself. Today, the development of the legal framework for the existence of artificial intelligence can be conditionally divided into two approaches: the creation of a legal framework for the introduction of applied systems with artificial intelligence and stimulate their development; regulation of the sphere of creating artificial “super intelligence”, in particular, compliance of the developed technologies with generally recognized standards in the field of ethics and law. A separate area should be the introduction of uniform ethical principles for all developers and users of systems with artificial intelligence. The most optimal in this aspect is the approach implemented within the framework of the Asilomar principles. In these circumstances, the appeal to the problem of legal regulation of artificial intelligence is becoming more relevant than ever. This paper presents the results of a detailed analysis of existing approaches to the legal regulation of artificial intelligence