289 research outputs found


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    The theoretical and practical questions of teaching of culture are examined in the article. Interrelation of elite and mass culture, place of art of advance-guard, is in world civilization. The article describes the peculiarity of the interaction of multilevel layers of artistic culture in a certain segment of the modern history of the first decades of the twentieth century

    Analyzing the thermal regime of power supply units in portable betatrons by using infrared thermography

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    Potentials of infrared thermography in analyzing a thermal regime of the 7.5 MeV betatron power supply are discussed. Both the heating rate and thermal inertia of particular electronic components have been evaluated by processing pixel-based temperature histories. The data treatment has been performed by using the original ThermoFit Pro software to illustrate that some advanced processing algorithms, such as the Fourier transform and principle component analysis, are valuable in identifying thermal dynamics of particular power supply parts

    Влияние функциональной взаимосвязи понятия, образа и действия на процесс решения междисциплинарных технологически ориентированных задач

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    This article studies the influence of the methods used by students to solve tasks on the effectiveness of the learning process based on their analysis. The study has revealed that mastering the combined method based on the functional relationship between concept, image and action in the process of solving interdisciplinary technological tasks is one of the mechanisms of effective preparation of students for professional activity in the labour market of related professions.En este artículo, basado en un análisis de los métodos utilizados por los estudiantes para resolver problemas, se investiga su influencia en la efectividad del proceso de aprendizaje. En el curso del estudio, se reveló que el dominio del método combinado, basado en la relación funcional del concepto, la imagen y la acción, en el proceso de resolución de problemas tecnológicos interdisciplinarios es uno de los mecanismos para la preparación efectiva de los estudiantes para actividades profesionales en el contexto de la aparición de profesiones relacionadas en el mercado laboral.В данной статье на основе анализа используемых обучающимися способов решения задач исследуется их влияние на результативность процесса обучения. В процессе исследования выявлено, что владение комбинированным способом, основанном на функциональной взаимосвязи понятия, образа и действия, в процессе решения междисциплинарных технологических задач выступает одним из механизмов эффективной подготовки обучающихся к профессиональной деятельности в условиях появления на рынке труда смежных профессий

    From the political strategies of youth to the strategy of political education: the experience of the one research

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    Propose of search - development of contours of differentiated strategy of political education of youth of Russia on the basis of its multiple political strategies and formats of politicization.Цели исследования: разработка контуров дифференцированной стратеги политического образования молодежи России на основании ее множественных политических стратегий и форматов политизации


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    A complex of analytical studies of the stability of lateral rocks with a supple support, where the coal seam roof was a beam model, some laboratory experiments on samples made from optical and equivalent materials, as well as some mine experiments were was carried out. As a result of the studies, it was found that the stability of lateral rocks with a supple support of crushed rock depended on the compaction of the backfill array on which the roof rocks were based. It was experimentally proved that with external force, the coefficient of compaction of the backfill array changes according to the hyperbolic dependence, the maximum values of which were determined as a result of compaction of the supple support consisting of heterogeneous fractions of the starting material of a certain bulk density. The change in the stress-strain state of the lateral rocks in the coal array with a roadway depended on the bending stiffness of the stratified rock mass and the parameters of flexible structures used to support the roadway. When supporting the roadways with supple support structures, the convergence of the lateral rocks on the contour of the stoop roadway was observed exponentially until the support was completely compressed, while supporting the roadways with coal pillars, the displacement of the rocks on the contour of the roadway increased having linear dependence due to the destruction of the pillar. The stability of the lateral rocks, which determines the operational state of the excavation roadways, was ensured by the use of supple supports or stowing the mined-out space, taking into account the reasonable granulometric content of crushed rock, which ensured the maximum values of the compaction coefficient of the backfill array when the roof and coal seat got deformed.A complex of analytical studies of the stability of lateral rocks with a supple support, where the coal seam roof was a beam model, some laboratory experiments on samples made from optical and equivalent materials, as well as some mine experiments were was carried out. As a result of the studies, it was found that the stability of lateral rocks with a supple support of crushed rock depended on the compaction of the backfill array on which the roof rocks were based. It was experimentally proved that with external force, the coefficient of compaction of the backfill array changes according to the hyperbolic dependence, the maximum values of which were determined as a result of compaction of the supple support consisting of heterogeneous fractions of the starting material of a certain bulk density. The change in the stress-strain state of the lateral rocks in the coal array with a roadway depended on the bending stiffness of the stratified rock mass and the parameters of flexible structures used to support the roadway. When supporting the roadways with supple support structures, the convergence of the lateral rocks on the contour of the stoop roadway was observed exponentially until the support was completely compressed, while supporting the roadways with coal pillars, the displacement of the rocks on the contour of the roadway increased having linear dependence due to the destruction of the pillar. The stability of the lateral rocks, which determines the operational state of the excavation roadways, was ensured by the use of supple supports or stowing the mined-out space, taking into account the reasonable granulometric content of crushed rock, which ensured the maximum values of the compaction coefficient of the backfill array when the roof and coal seat got deformed

    Склонность к социальному серфингу среди молодежи России: региональная специфика

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    Introduction. The phenomenon of social surfing, as a specific mobility strategy, largely determines the life of Y and Z generations, and creates an ambiguous context in terms of threats and opportunities for the formation of life trajectories of Russian youth. This actualised the search for theoretical and methodological foundations of understanding and practical tools for assessing the state of this problem, which, in turn, made it possible to scale this phenomenon in the context of the modern youth environment in Russia. The aim of the present research was to identify the degree of loyalty and potential tendency to use the "social surfing" strategy by the representatives of young people in Russian regions, taking into account the assessment of the approval of gender models of this behaviour strategy. Research methodology, methods and techniques. The methodological framework for describing the phenomenon of social surfing is based on the social topology of M. Castells, the heterological concept of the rhizome by J. Deleuze and F. Guattari, the philosophy of mobility by J. Urry, Z. Bauman, U. Beck, the theory of transitivity (E. M. Dubovskaya, T. D. Martsinkovskaya, E. A. Kiselev), the studies of the specifics of youth identity and self-realisation in social space (M. C. Schippers, N. Ziegler, M. Loreto Martínez, P. Cumsille, A. K. Vikulov, T. V. Plotnikova and others) and the modern concepts of happiness (M. Argyll, D. A. Leontiev, A. L. Zhuravlev and others) The study was conducted in different regions of Russia (Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Glazov) using psychodiagnostic methodology "Propensity to social surfing of young people" developed by the authors. The study involved young people (N = 510 people aged 18-27 years old, among them female - 68 %, male - 32 %). Results and scientific novelty. It was found that 11.2 % of young men and women approve of social surfing, evaluate its behavioural model as positive and allow similar options for choosing their own life trajectory. Comparative analysis revealed significant differences in loyalty to the social surfing strategy among young people living in different regions of the Russian Federation: the greatest loyalty was manifested by the young residents of Ekaterinburg, Glazov, and Kazan, while the residents of Chelyabinsk predominantly demonstrated a negative attitude to this strategy. The respondents showed an unequal attitude towards male and female social surfing models: with a relatively condescending attitude towards the male model, social surfing of women is frowned upon and is associated with weakness and statement. Meanwhile, the approval of the male model of social surfing creates certain risks of marginalisation and value-semantic anomie among young people. The practical significance of the conducted research is due to the potential possibilities of using the data obtained for choosing approaches to work with young people in the conditions of their high mobility, as well as for creating educational and professional trajectories. © 2021 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.The current research was supported by the grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project No. 16-33-01057 OGN

    Tailoring the gradient ultrafine-grained structure in low-carbon steel during drawing with shear

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    Conventional drawing and drawing with shear were conducted on the rods of low-carbon steel. Deformation by simple drawing forms basically a homogenous structure and leads to a uniform change in microhardness along the billet volume. A comparative analysis of the models of these processes showed that shear drawing of steel at room temperature reduces energy characteristics in half, normal forces on the die – by 1,8, and enhances the strain intensity from 0,5 to 1,6. During drawing with shear, strain-induced cementite dissolution occurs and a gradient structure is formed, which increases the microhardness of the surface layer up to values close to 7 000 MPa

    Sudesna mjerenja γγ-raspada stanja 166Ho nastalih reakcijom (n,γ)

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    Levels of 166Ho were studied using thermal and average resonance neutron capture and with the (d,p) and (d,3He) reactions. We have devoted a large effort to the measurements of the γγ-coincidence spectra in the broad energy region 50 - 6243 keV. Based on these data and those of earlier studies, the levels are grouped into 23 rotational bands. Among them are 6 new ones. The results are in good agreement with the semiempirical and quasiparticle-phonon model, where Coriolis and residual interactions are taken into account. Details of model interpretation have been presented in a previously published paper.Proučavali smo stanja 166Ho nastala termičkim i prosječnim rezonantnim uhvatom neutrona, te (d,p) i (d,3He) reakcijama. Uložili smo velik trud u mjerenjima sudesnih γγ-spektara u širokom energijskom području od 50 do 6243 keV. Na osnovi tih i ranijih podataka, stanja su grupirana u 23 rotacijske vrpce. Među njima je i 6 novih. Ishodi su u suglasju s poluempiričkim i kvazičestično-fononskim modelom, uzimajući u obzir Coriolisovo međudjelovanje i rezidualne interakcije. Podrobnosti modelskog tumačenja objavljene u u ranijem članku