738 research outputs found

    Pneumonia in patients on the background of blood cancer.

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    Problematic issues of etiologic diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia are being studied actively. At the same time specific features of pneumonia in patients with severe immune defects, against blood cancer including are studied insufficiently. By the result of microbiological examinations of 149 patients with pneumonia on the background of blood cancer, who have undergone treatment in hematological center of CE “Dnipropetrovsk local multi-field clinical hospital №4” in 2010-2012, bacterial causative agents were determined in 59,7% of accidents, among which gram-negative microorganisms made up 69,7%, gram-positive – 30,3%. In 63% of accidents the asso­ciations of causative agents were determined: the combination of fungal flora made up 58, 4% bacterial associations – 25, 8%. Invasive methods of research have demonstrated a considerably bigger informativeness in determination of possible etiological diagnosis of pneumonia. In determination of causative agent in fluid of brochoalveolar lavage the part of positive results made up 77,4% against 30,3% in examination of sputum

    Effect of nitrogenous bases on the thermal stability of jet fuels

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    Fuels from naphthenic petroleums were evaluated, and it was found that they had more N bases than those paraffinic ones (0.00024 and 0.000009% N, respectively). The removal of the N bases improved significantly the thermal stability and reduced the residue formation during oxidation of the fuel. The improvement depended on both content and composition of the bases. Thus, fuels with similar content of N bases (0.00058% N) and thermal stability had oxidation residues of 17.5 and 5.6 and sol. gum of 13 and 1.5 mg/100 ml, before and after removing the N bases, respectively

    Disturbances of electron density in the high latitude upper (F-region) ionosphere induced by X-mode HF pump waves from EISCAT UHF radar observations

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    The paper presents experimental results concerning disturbances of electron density in the high latitude ionosphere F-region, induced by powerfulHF radio waves (pump waves) with extraordinary (X-mode) polarization. The experiments were carried out at the EISCAT/Heating facility at Tromsø, Norway. The EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter radar (ISR), running at 930 MHz, co-located with a heating facility, was used to detect the disturbances of electron density. In the course of the experiments, the X-mode HF pump waves radiated into the F-region towards the magnetic zenith at different pump frequencies and ratios of the pump frequency to the critical frequency of the F2 layer.The effective radiated power was ERP = 360–820 MW. An increase in electron densities was found in a wide altitude range, giving rise to field-aligned ducts with enhanced electron density. The features and behavior of the ducts were investigated. It was revealed that the ducts are formed under quiet background geophysical conditions in a wide altitude range up to the upper altitude limit of EISCAT ISR measurements, when the pump frequencies were both below and above the critical frequency of the F2 layer (fH ≤ foF2 or fH > foF2). A plausible formation mechanism of the ducts is discussed.Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований возмущений электронной концентрацииNe в высокоширотной F-области ионосферы, вызванные воздействием мощных КВ-радиоволн необыкновенной (Х-мода) поляризации. Эксперименты выполнялись на КВ нагревном стенде EISCAT/ Heating в г. Тромсё, Норвегия при эффективной мощности излучения 360–820 МВт. В качестве средства диагностики возмущений Ne использовался EISCAT радар некогерентного рассеяния радиоволн (НР) на частоте 930 МГц, пространственно совмещенный с КВ нагревным стендом. Обнаружено возрастание Ne в широком диапазоне высот, которое формирует каналы повышенной электронной плотности, вытянутые вдоль магнитного поля Земли. Исследованы характеристики и условия создания каналов. Обсуждается возможный механизм формирования каналов Ne при Х-нагреве высокоширотной F-области ионосферы

    The Attitude of Modern Youth to Patriotism

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    В работе рассматривается патриотизм как актуальная ценность современной молодежи. Приводятся формы патриотизма. Анализируются данные, полученные в ходе исследования об отношении молодого поколения к патриотизму, их взглядах и настроениях. Определяются технологии взаимодействия молодежи с субъектами молодежной политики.This paper examines patriotism as an actual value of modern youth. The forms of patriotism are given. The data obtained in the course of the study on the attitude of the younger generation to patriotism, their views and moods are analyzed. Technologies of interaction of young people with subjects of youth policy are defined

    Methodical recommendation to "Basics of software engineering. Laboratory practice". Part 1

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    Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production. Software engineering can be divided into sub-disciplines. Some of them are: - Software engineering management: The application of management activities – planning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and reporting – to ensure that the development and maintenance of software is systematic, disciplined, and quantified. Requirements engineering: The elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation of requirements for software

    Methodical recommendation to "Basics of software engineering. Laboratory practice". Part 1

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    Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production. Software engineering can be divided into sub-disciplines. Some of them are: - Software engineering management: The application of management activities – planning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and reporting – to ensure that the development and maintenance of software is systematic, disciplined, and quantified. Requirements engineering: The elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation of requirements for software


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    We conducted regionalization of Zabaykalsky Krai by the quantity of epidemic manifestations of tick-borne viral encephalitis over a period of 10years. The most adverse territories in the context of tick-borne viral encephalitis were determined. Maximum duration of seasonal incidence rate was 112 days -from the end of April to the mid-August. The categories of population included in infection contamination risk group were revealed. The researches promote forehanded development of the complex of preventive measures aimed at the decrease of tick- borne viral encephalitis incidence rate in Zabaykalsky Krai

    Features of sociocultural adjustment of Chinese students studying in Russian universities

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    © 2017. The purpose of this article is determining the sociocultural features of adjustment of Chinese students to study in Russian universities. The expansion of bilateral economic relationship between Russia and China has led to a growing interest of Chinese young people towards receiving higher education in Russian universities. Simplified procedure of admission of foreign students leads to complication of their cultural adjustment to a new sociocultural environment. The article presents the results of sociological survey of Chinese students studying in the technical university. It is concluded that the transition of a foreign student to a new society is accompanied by culture shock. Symptoms of culture shock and phases of cultural adjustment process are highlighted in the present article on the bases of K.Oberg methodology. According to U-curve cultural adjustment model proposed by Lysgaard S., the adapting person overcomes three main phases: initial adjustment, crisis state, and final adjustment. The analysis of the conducted survey has confirmed that adjustment to a new culture takes place according to the U-curve by Lysgaard. Determination of ways to solve the problem of foreign students' adjustment to study in Russian universities is associated by the author with the identification of sociocultural characteristics of a specific country. It is revealed that the peculiarities of adjustment of Chinese students to study in Russian universities include sociocultural, psychological, and didactic features. In this connection, it is necessary to determine the extent of the impact of these characteristics on the adjustment process of Chinese students

    Features of sociocultural adjustment of Chinese students studying in Russian universities

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    © 2017. The purpose of this article is determining the sociocultural features of adjustment of Chinese students to study in Russian universities. The expansion of bilateral economic relationship between Russia and China has led to a growing interest of Chinese young people towards receiving higher education in Russian universities. Simplified procedure of admission of foreign students leads to complication of their cultural adjustment to a new sociocultural environment. The article presents the results of sociological survey of Chinese students studying in the technical university. It is concluded that the transition of a foreign student to a new society is accompanied by culture shock. Symptoms of culture shock and phases of cultural adjustment process are highlighted in the present article on the bases of K.Oberg methodology. According to U-curve cultural adjustment model proposed by Lysgaard S., the adapting person overcomes three main phases: initial adjustment, crisis state, and final adjustment. The analysis of the conducted survey has confirmed that adjustment to a new culture takes place according to the U-curve by Lysgaard. Determination of ways to solve the problem of foreign students' adjustment to study in Russian universities is associated by the author with the identification of sociocultural characteristics of a specific country. It is revealed that the peculiarities of adjustment of Chinese students to study in Russian universities include sociocultural, psychological, and didactic features. In this connection, it is necessary to determine the extent of the impact of these characteristics on the adjustment process of Chinese students

    Features of sociocultural adjustment of Chinese students studying in Russian universities

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    © 2017. The purpose of this article is determining the sociocultural features of adjustment of Chinese students to study in Russian universities. The expansion of bilateral economic relationship between Russia and China has led to a growing interest of Chinese young people towards receiving higher education in Russian universities. Simplified procedure of admission of foreign students leads to complication of their cultural adjustment to a new sociocultural environment. The article presents the results of sociological survey of Chinese students studying in the technical university. It is concluded that the transition of a foreign student to a new society is accompanied by culture shock. Symptoms of culture shock and phases of cultural adjustment process are highlighted in the present article on the bases of K.Oberg methodology. According to U-curve cultural adjustment model proposed by Lysgaard S., the adapting person overcomes three main phases: initial adjustment, crisis state, and final adjustment. The analysis of the conducted survey has confirmed that adjustment to a new culture takes place according to the U-curve by Lysgaard. Determination of ways to solve the problem of foreign students' adjustment to study in Russian universities is associated by the author with the identification of sociocultural characteristics of a specific country. It is revealed that the peculiarities of adjustment of Chinese students to study in Russian universities include sociocultural, psychological, and didactic features. In this connection, it is necessary to determine the extent of the impact of these characteristics on the adjustment process of Chinese students