85 research outputs found

    The Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method to Determine Energies and Wave Functions of Two-Electron Quantum Dot

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    The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method has been successfully applied to obtain energies and wave functions for two electrons in a quantum dot modeled by a three dimensional harmonic potential. The FDTD method uses the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation (TDSE) in imaginary time. The TDSE is numerically solved with an initial random wave function and after enough simulation time, the wave function converges to the ground state wave function. The excited states are determined by using the same procedure for the ground state with additional constraints that the wave function must be orthogonal with all lower energy wave functions. The numerical results for energies and wave functions for different parameters of confinement potentials are given and compared with published results using other numerical methods. It is shown that the FDTD method gives accurate energies and wave functions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memetakan potensi wisata yang ada di Desa Langgahan untuk dapat dikembangkan sebagai tujuan pariwisata berkelanjutan yang berbasis community-based tourism (CBT). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Desa Langgahan memiliki potensi wisata alam dan budaya namun tidak memiliki wisata buatan. Potensi wisata alam yang ada di Desa Langgahan adalah air terjun Pelisan, perkebunan jeruk dan kopi, serta hutan pinus. Sedangkan potensi wisata budaya adalah upacara melukat dan upacara agama. Potensi tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan (1) melibatkan seluruh masyarakat dalam perencanaan, pengembangan, dan pengelolaan pariwisata, (2) menyelenggarakan pelatihan kepariwisataan untuk masyarakat, (3) mengembangkan media promosi dengan mengoptimalkan sosial media, (4) melibatkan pihak lain dalam mempromosikan, seperti agen perjalanan wisata, (5) memperbaiki infrastruktur dan akses ke Desa Langgahan, dan (6) menyusun regulasi untuk melindungi sumber daya alam dan budaya

    Metode Numerik FDTD dengan Non-Uniform Grid untuk Solusi Persamaan SchrÓ§dinger

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    Pada paper ini, spasi grid yang tidak seragam (non-uniform grid) digunakan untuk meningkatkan akurasi pada metode finite difference time domain (FDTD). Pada umumnya, metode FDTD menggunakan grid seragam (uniform) sehingga pada kasus dengan perubahan potensial yang besar membutuhkan spasi grid yang cukup kecil dan jumlah grid yang banyak untuk mendapatkan akurasi yang diinginkan. Dengan spasi grid tidak seragam, posisi titik grid disesuaikan dengan perubahan potensial sehingga akurasi tinggi dapat diperoleh tanpa menambah jumlah grid. Pada paper ini, komparasi hasil metode FDTD dengan grid seragam dan tidak seragam untuk berberapa sistem kuantum diberikan. Hasil numerik menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan akurasi diperoleh dengan menggunakan grid tidak seragam

    Penerapan metode relaksasi Gauss-Seidel untuk menyelesaikan persamaan SchrÓ§dinger

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    Abstrak. Metode numerik, seperti metode finite difference, finite element dan Fourier, untuk menyelesaikan persamaan Schrӧdinger telah banyak digunakan sebelumnya. Metode finite difference time domain (FDTD) telah dikembangkan oleh Sudiarta dan Geldart (2007). Metode FDTD telah berhasil diaplikasikan untuk berbagai sistem kuantum, satu partikel ataupun lebih. Salah satu kelemahan metode FDTD adalah pada kasus tertentu seperti potensial kotak dan potensial osilator harmonik ditemukan iterasi FDTD lebih lambat menuju konvergen sehingga memerlukan waktu komputasi yang lebih lama. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, metode relaksasi Gauss-Seidel digunakan. Pada paper ini, metode relaksasi diaplikasikan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan Schrӧdinger satu partikel pada berbagai potensial. Abstract. Numerical methods, such as finite difference, finite element and Fourier methods to solve the Schrӧdinger equation have been used previously. The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method has been developed by Sudiarta and Geldart (2007). The FDTD method has been successfully applied to various quantum systems, for one particle or more. One of the weaknesses of the FDTD method is that in certain cases such as the box potential and harmonic oscillator it has been found that FDTD iterations are slower to converge and thus require longer computation time. To overcome this, the relaxation Gauss-Seidel method can be used. In this paper, the relaxation method was applied to solve the Schrӧdinger equation for one particle in various potential wells

    The Application Of Different Fresh Fish Handling Techniques On The Quality Of Raw Ingredients Of Producing Pindang Tongkol (Auxis thazard)

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    Histamine poisoning can occur from consuming mackerel tuna fish that have undergone a process of decay. To avoid the process, the application of fresh mackerel tuna fish handling techniques required utilizing single factor completely randomized design. The treatment of fresh mackarel tuna fish handling techniques using room temperature as a treatment A.The applications of fresh mackarel tuna fish handling techniques with the addition of crushed ice (1: 4) as treatment B. The application of fresh mackarel tuna fish handling techniques with the addition of 10% salt as treatment C, as well as fish the applications of mackarel tuna fresh handling technicques with 50% B and 50% C as a treatment D. Transportation starts from the fish handling sites in Seraya village Karangasem towards the fish auction in the village of Kusamba Klungkung Bali for ±3 hours. Results of analysis of variance showed significant differences (


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    Traditional Balinese literary works, especially stories/satua are no stranger to Balinese people, because the author's creations are not only a means of entertainment but more than that, there are teachings that are implied in them, so that literary works are said to have the function of entertaining and providing education to the students. the reader. The story as a work of Balinese literature has a very important role in fostering and developing Balinese art. Through these literary works, artists are inspired to create new creations in various forms of art. Balinese people, especially those who study literature, are still making efforts to preserve these literary works, both written and oral. Stories have very valuable positions and values, especially those related to the teachings of Hinduism. Research on the results of Balinese literary works in the form of stories has been widely carried out, however in reality there are still many stories that have not been studied, so a story of Sang Karna is taken. Satua Bali in its current development seems to have faded in the midst of Balinese society. One of them is Satua Sang Karna, this is inseparable from the development of science and technology which tends to make the younger generation prefer stories that exist in cyberspace. Based on this, it is deemed necessary to conduct research on Satua Sang Karna, the results of which can be donated as a source of scientific information for the community, so that later it can be used as guidelines in life. Keywords: Hindu religious teachings and the story of Sang KarnaSekolah Tingg

    Non-standard and Numerov finite difference schemes for finite difference time domain method to solve one-dimensional Schrödinger equation

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    The purpose of  this paper is to show some improvements of the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method using Numerov and non-standard finite difference (NSFD) schemes for solving the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation. Starting with results of the unmodified FDTD method, Numerov-FD and NSFD are applied iteratively to produce more accurate results for eigen energies and wavefunctios. Three potential wells, infinite square well, harmonic oscillator and Poschl-Teller, are used to compare results of FDTD calculations. Significant improvements in the results for the infinite square potential and the harmonic oscillator potential are found using Numerov-NSFD scheme, and for Poschl-Teller potential are found using Numerov scheme
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