236 research outputs found

    Kajian Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Jasa Terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan Angkutan Penyeberangan Lintas Kariangau – Penajam, Balikpapan

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    The objectives of this study are for knowing costumer satisfaction level of ferry service performance Kariangau– Penajam trajectory, Balikpapan based on customer perception with existence of change of ship operational system from 8:4 (8 ship operated and 4 standby) become 10:2 (10 ship operated and 2 standby) and also for getting alternative solution to overcome problems which there is still after imposed of new ship operational system. This study uses Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)methods. Result of study pursuant to analysis of IPA quadrant, service attributes becoming major priority to be improve repaired by its performance are attribute hygiene of bath room/toilet in ship , accuracy of arrival time in destination port, accuracy of time voyage duration, condition of air circulation in ship and demonstration of USAge of safety appliance in ship. CSI calculation result based on customer perception obtained value 69% that representation that assessment of respondent to ferry service performance of Kariangau – Penajam trajectory enter in satisfied category

    Line Follower Robot Training and Introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) for Students in Jombang City

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    Background: During the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT) is the main pillar of people and machines connected to each other. It can be an intelligent system when combined with a robot. This is what underlies the importance of robotics and IoT training, especially to be introduced early on. Purpose: This activity aimed to improve students\u27 knowledge and skills in technology. The target of this activity is high school students in Jombang City. Methods: It starts from the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. Auditory, visual and kinesthetic techniques are used in this activity, which is in the form of interesting learning media such as power points, videos, as well as demonstrations and practices. Data collection techniques such as questionnaires, pre-test, and post-test, and running tests were carried out to measure the level of skills, knowledge, and satisfaction of participants. Results: A total of 85% of participants did not know about IOT and 83% of the participants already know what the robot. But only 17% ever make robots. Conclusion: After this activity the participants\u27 understanding increased by 20%. Their skills also increased as evidenced by the participants programming themselves so that the robot can run well on the track

    The Effect of Brainstorming on Students' Creative Thinking Skill in Learning Nutrition

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    This research investigated the effect of brainstorming on students' creative thinking skills in learning nutrition. The method that was used in this research is quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique where one group was assigned to the experimental group (n=25 students) and the other one group was assigned to the control group (n=25 students). The population was 7th-grade students in Islamic International School in Bandung. The quantitative data in this research was obtained from objective test and verbal TTCT (Torrance Test of Creative Thinking), while the qualitative data was obtained from observation sheet. The findings of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences between experimental and control group in creative thinking skills test with the score of 0.000. The result is in the favor of the experimental group, indicating the effectiveness of brainstorming in developing students' creative thinking skills in learning nutrition

    Evaluasi Kinerja Pelayanan Angkutan Kota Di Kota Palu (Studi Kasus Trayek Mamboro Manonda Line B2)

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    Peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang diiringi dengan perbaikan ekonomi, menuntut ketersediaan moda angkutan dalam jumlah cukup dan memadai. Di Kota Palu sendiri jumlah armada angkot mengalami penurunan seiring dengan menurunnya minat pengguna angkutan kota Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja pelayanan angkutan kota berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan pengguna sehingga angkutan kota kembali menjadi moda trasportasi utama bagi masyarakat Kota Palu. Dalam mengevaluasi kinerja pelayanan angkutan kota (line B2)dari sisi supply di Kota Palu, menggunakan dua parameter penilaian standar penilaian minimum (SPM) yaitu PM Nomor 98 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Pelayanan minimal angkutan orang dengan kendaraan bermotor umum dalam trayek dan Petunjuk Teknis penyelenggaraan Angkutan Penumpang Perkotaan Dirjen Perhubungan Darat RI , 2002. Untuk menilai persepsi masyarakat terhadap kondisi dan tingkat pelayanan angkutan kota menggunakan Severity Index. Pada hasil analisis pelayanan moda angkutan kota angkutan kota (line B2)termasuk kategori kurang sementara tingkat pelayanan trayek angkot line B2 termasuk kriteria ”baik. Secara umum penilaian persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan terhadap angkutan kota line B2 trayek Mamboro-Manonda di Kota Palu, dari lima dimensi SERVQUAL, tiga dimensi yaitu Tangibles(bukti langsung)dan , Reliability (kehandalan), nilai severity indeksnya berada di antara 12,5% sampai 37,5% termasuk skala penilaian persepsi”Rendah”, sedangkan pada kategori Responsiveness(daya tanggap), Assurance (jaminan/adanya kepastian), serta dimensi Empathy(empati), nilai severity indeksnya berada di antara 37,5 % sampai 62,5 % yaitu dalam kategori sedang . Indeks kepuasan terhadap kinerja pelayanan berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat yang memiliki nilai terendah adalah lama menunggu angkot yaitu sebesar 33,5 % sementara indeks nilai tertinggi terkait perilaku pengemudi yaitu penggunaan bahasa dalam memberikan informasi yaitu sebesar 55,5%

    Effect of doping Fe3+ and Cu2+ on the microstructure and electrical properties of cryptomelane-type MnO2 prepared by sol-gel method

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    Manganese oxide (MnO2) is an alternative metal oxide material that has potential as an energy storage application. In this study, the cryptomelane-type MnO2 doped Fe3+ and Cu2+ were successfully prepared using the sol-gel method. Fumaric acid is added to the KMnO4 in aqueous solution and modified with FeCl3.6H2O and CuCl2.2H2O to form different properties. Phase transformation and lattice parameters of the products were characterized using X-ray diffractometry (XRD). SEM observed the morphology of the sample, and electrical properties were tested using RCL meter. The results showed that adding Fe3+ and Cu2+ provided a higher value of conductivity and capacity of MnO2

    Model Prediksi Peluang Kecelakaan Yang Melibatkan Pengguna Sepeda Di Kota Malang Dan Kota Blitar

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    Pertumbuhan transportasi yang semakin pesat berbanding lurus dengan dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan. Salah satu dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan akibat pertumbuhan transportasi adalah kecelakaan. Kecelakaan lalu lintas melibatkan berbagai macam kendaraan, salah satunya adalah sepeda. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengetahui karakteristik pengguna sepeda, mengetahui pengalaman kecelakaan responden, dan membuat model prediksi peluang kecelakaan yang melibatkan pengguna sepeda yang ditinjau dari beberapa karakteristik, antara lain karakteristik sosio-ekonomi, pergerakan, dan perilaku. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis statistik regresi logistik untuk memodelkan peluang kecelakaan sepeda dengan menggunakan data kuesioner yang diberikan kepada 100 responden di setiap wilayah studi.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengguna sepeda di Kota Malang dan Blitar mayoritas adalah berjenis kelamin laki-laki, berusia 15-25 tahun, berpendidikan SMA/MA, pekerjaan pelajar / mahasiswa di Kota Malang dan wiraswasta di Kota Blitar. Mayoritas penyebab kecelakaan sepeda di Kota Malang adalah akibat jalan licin / rusak. Sedangkan di Kota Blitar adalah akibat kesalahan sendiri. Model prediksi peluang kecelakaan yang melibatkan pengguna sepeda di Kota Malang yang terbentuk adalah , dengan X3 = pendidikan, X4 = pekerjaan, X12 = intensitas penggunaan sepeda, dan X15 = perilaku memeriksa rem. Sedangkan model prediksi peluang kecelakaan yang melibatkan pengguna sepeda di Kota Blitar dirumuskan dengan , dengan X13 = Waktu mulai beraktivitas, dan X25 = perilaku bersenda gurau

    Direct conversion of methane to aromatics in a catalytic co-ionic membrane reactor

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    [EN] Nonoxidative methane dehydroaromatization (MDA: 6CH(4) C6H6 + 9H(2)) using shape-selective Mo/zeolite catalysts is a key technology for exploitation of stranded natural gas reserves by direct conversion into transportable liquids. However, this reaction faces two major issues: The one-pass conversion is limited by thermodynamics, and the catalyst deactivates quickly through kinetically favored formation of coke. We show that integration of an electrochemical BaZrO3-based membrane exhibiting both proton and oxide ion conductivity into an MDA reactor gives rise to high aromatic yields and improved catalyst stability. These effects originate from the simultaneous extraction of hydrogen and distributed injection of oxide ions along the reactor length. Further, we demonstrate that the electrochemical co-ionic membrane reactor enables high carbon efficiencies (up to 80%) that improve the technoeconomic process viability.This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway (grants 195912, 210418, 210765, and 219194) and the Spanish government (grants SEV-2012-0267 and ENE2014-57651). We thank the ALBA Synchrotron Light Laboratory for beam time provision. C.K. and P.K.V. have applied for a patent based on this work (PCT/EP2014/071697). Experimental data are available online at ftp://itqrepositorio.itq.upv.es/pub/.Hernández Morejudo, S.; Zanón González, R.; Escolástico Rozalén, S.; Yuste Tirados, I.; Malerod Fjeld, H.; Vestre, PK.; Coors, WG.... (2016). Direct conversion of methane to aromatics in a catalytic co-ionic membrane reactor. Science. 353(6299):563-566. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aag0274S563566353629
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