216 research outputs found

    The Angular Momentum Evolution of Very Low Mass Stars

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    We present theoretical models of the angular momentum evolution of very low mass stars (0.1 - 0.5 M_sun) and solar analogues (0.6 - 1.1 M_sun). We investigate the effect of rotation on the effective temperature and luminosity of these stars. We find that the decrease in T_eff and L can be significant at the higher end of our mass range, but becomes negligible below 0.4 M_sun. Formulae for relating T_eff to mass and v_rot are presented. We compare our models to rotational data from young open clusters of different ages to infer the rotational history of low mass stars, and the dependence of initial conditions and rotational evolution on mass. We find that the qualitative conclusions for stars below 0.6 M_sun do not depend on the assumptions about internal angular momentum transport, which makes these low mass stars ideal candidates for the study of the angular momentum loss law and distribution of initial conditions. We find that neither models with solid body nor differential rotation can simultaneously reproduce the observed stellar spin down in the 0.6 to 1.1 M_sun mass range and for stars between 0.1 and 0.6 M_sun. The most likely explanation is that the saturation threshold drops more steeply at low masses than would be predicted with a simple Rossby scaling. In young clusters there is a systematic increase in the mean rotation rate with decreased temperature below 3500 K (0.4 M_sun). This suggests either inefficient angular momentum loss or mass-dependent initial conditions for stars near the fully convective boundary. (abridged)Comment: To appear in the May 10, 2000 Ap

    Light elements in massive single and binary stars

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    We highlight the role of the light elements (Li, Be, B) in the evolution of massive single and binary stars, which is largely restricted to a diagnostic value, and foremost so for the element boron. However, we show that the boron surface abundance in massive early type stars contains key information about their foregoing evolution which is not obtainable otherwise. In particular, it allows to constrain internal mixing processes and potential previous mass transfer event for binary stars (even if the companion has disappeared). It may also help solving the mystery of the slowly rotating nitrogen-rich massive main sequence stars.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear in proc. IAU-Symp. 268. C. Charbonnel et al., eds

    Congenital pulmonary adenomatoid malformation: Indication and management of fetal shunting in our center

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    Objective: Congenital pulmonary adenomatoid malformations (CPAM) are increasingly diagnosed in recent years thanks to the expert hands and the technology of ultrasonography used in antenatal diagnosis. The purpose was to examine a series of cases referred to our fetalmaternal tertiary center for lung disease and to present the natural course, treatment and outcome of antenatally diagnosed cystic lung disease. Material and Methods: We proposed a retrospective study (October 2003 to September 2016) in a single center. Prenatal and postnatal data of fetus, with suspected CPAM, where analyzed. Results: We studied 34 cases. One child was excluded post-natally because at birth diagnosis of esophageal duplication was made. Mean gestational age at the diagnosis was 22 weeks (range 21 to 28). Thoracoamniotic shunting was performed in 9 cases. In 8 cases, it was an intra-cystic drain and in 1 case, a pleuroamniotic drain. Mean gestational age for drainage was 25 weeks (range 22 to 28). Mean gestational age at delivery was 38 weeks. All patients underwent postnatal radiological assessment. Anatomical surgical resection was performed in all cases: immediately at birth in 7 symptomatic cases, in the first year of life for 1 case that became symptomatic and 1 patient died immediately at birth due to severe respiratory distress. Conclusion: Antenatally diagnosed CPAM have an excellent prognosis. We propose invasive prenatal thoracoamniotic shunting in rare cases with unequivocal fetal compromise (i.e., polydramnios and hydrops)

    Main-Sequence and sub-giant stars in the Globular Cluster NGC6397: The complex evolution of the lithium abundance

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    Thanks to the high multiplex and efficiency of Giraffe at the VLT we have been able for the first time to observe the Li I doublet in the Main Sequence (MS) stars of a Globular Cluster. At the same time we observed Li in a sample of Sub-Giant (SG) stars of the same B-V colour. Our final sample is composed of 84 SG stars and 79 MS stars. In spite of the fact that SG and MS span the same temperature range we find that the equivalent widths of the Li I doublet in SG stars are systematically larger than those in MS stars, suggesting a higher Li content among SG stars. This is confirmed by our quantitative analysis. We derived the effective temperatures, from Hα\alpha fitting, and NLTE Li abundances of the stars in our the sample, using 3D and 1D models. We find that SG stars have a mean Li abundance higher by 0.1dex than MS stars, using both 1D and 3D models. We also detect a positive slope of Li abundance with effective temperature. These results provide an unambiguous evidence that the Li abundance changes with evolutionary status. The physical mechanisms responsible for this behaviour are not yet clear, and none of the existing models seems to describe accurately these observations. Based on these conclusions, we believe that the cosmological lithium problem still remains an open question.Comment: Proceedings of the contributed talk presented at the IAU Symposium 26

    On the Quantum Inverse Problem for the Closed Toda Chain

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    We reconstruct the canonical operators pi,qip_i,q_i of the quantum closed Toda chain in terms of Sklyanin's separated variables.Comment: 16 page

    The role of water fittings in intensive care rooms as reservoirs for the colonization of patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: To assess the role of the water environment in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization of patients in intensive care units in the absence of a recognized outbreak. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective, single-centre study over an 8-week period in two adult ICUs at a university hospital. Environmental samples were taken from the water fittings of rooms once per week, during a 8-week period. Patients were screened weekly for P. aeruginosa carriage. Environmental and humans isolates were genotyped by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: P. aeruginosa was detected in 193 (86.2%) of the 224 U-bend samples and 10 of the 224 samples taken from the tap (4.5%). Seventeen of the 123 patients admitted were colonized with P. aeruginosa. Only one of the 14 patients we were able to evaluate was colonized by a clone present in the water environment of his room before the patient's first positive sample was obtained. CONCLUSION: The role of the water environment in the acquisition of P. aeruginosa by intensive care patients remains unclear, but water fittings seem to play a smaller role in non-epidemic situations than expected by many operational hospital hygiene teams

    The National Pediatric Surgery Simulation Program in France: A tool to develop resident training in pediatric surgery

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    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: To implement resident curriculum in France based on theoretical teaching and bed side training, the national council known as the "CollĂšge Hospitalier et Universitaire de Chirurgie PĂ©diatrique" examined the relevance and feasibility of systematically introducing simulation program in the pediatric surgery resident training. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A national simulation training program was developed and took place in a 2-day session organized in 7 simulation centers in France. The program included technical (laparoscopic/suturing technique on low-fidelity models) and nontechnical (6 scenarios for standardized consultation, and a team work scenario based on errors prevention in the operative room) skills. Evaluation of the program (Likert scale from 1 (bad) to 5 (excellent) and notation on 20 points) concerned trainees and trainers. RESULTS: 40 residents (95% of all pediatric surgery French residents) attended with a ratio of trainees/trainer of Âœ. The training objectives earned a score of 4.46/5. The pedagogical value of the seminar scored 4.7/5, teaching quality 17.95/20, and the overall seminar score was 17.35/20. CONCLUSION: This program, unique nationally, was assessed very favorably by the participating residents and by the involved trainers. To our knowledge, it represents the first mandatory national simulation training program included within a surgical training model. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV

    The Nuclear Stellar Cluster in the Seyfert~1 Galaxy NGC 3227: High Angular Resolution NIR Imaging and Spectroscopy

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    NIR high angular resolution speckle imaging and imaging spectroscopy of the nuclear region (10'' ~ 840pc) of the Seyfert1 galaxy NGC3227 are presented. A nuclear stellar cluster is slightly resolved in the J and H band with increasing contribution to the NIR continuum from the K to the J band. The stellar absorption lines are extended compared to the neighboring continuum suggesting a cluster size of ~ 70pc FWHM. Analysis of those lines suggests that the stars are contributing about 65% (40%) of the total continuum emission in the H (K) band in a 3.6'' aperture. Population synthesis in conjunction with NIR spectral synthesis indicates an age of 25 to 50 Myr when red supergiants contribute most to the NIR light. This is supported by published optical data on the MgIb line and the CaII triplet. Although a higher age of ~ 0.5 Gyr where AGB stars dominate the NIR light can not be excluded, the observed parameters are at the limit of those expected for a cluster dominated by AGB stars. However, in either case the resolved stellar cluster contributes only about ~ 15 % of the total dynamical mass in the inner 300pc implying another much older stellar population. Pure constant star formation over the last 10 Gyr can be excluded. Therefore, at least two star formation/starburst events took place in the nucleus of NGC3227. Since such sequences in the nuclear star formation history are also observed in the nuclei of other galaxies a link between the activity of the star formation and the AGN itself seems likely.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 46 pages, 15 figure
