281 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Inkubator Bisnis Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Berbasis Website di Fakultas Teknik

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    UMKM memiliki peran krusial dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, karena mereka memberikan peluang bagi individu dan kelompok untuk menjadi mandiri secara ekonomi. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, telah berperan aktif dalam  mendukung mahasiswa untuk jadi pelaku UMKM yang tangguh, akan tetapi UMKM di lingkungan Fakultas Teknik sering menghadapi sejumlah permasalahan, yaitu mulai dari perhomohonan bantuan modal yang masih dilakukan secara konvesional yaitu dimana mahasiswa harus datang langsung ke PKM untuk memasukan proposal bantuan modal UMKM, hal tersebut cukup memakan waktu karena jarak tempuh kampus 4 ke kampus 1 lumayan jauh. serta  keterbatasan informasi dan sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan bisnis mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu merancang Sistem Informasi Inkubator Bisnis Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah Berbasis Website yang membantu fakultas Teknik dalam proses pendampingan dan pengelolaan mahasiswa pelaku UMKM. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Sistem development life cycle (SDLC), penelitian ini memiliki tujuan mengembangkan sebuah Sistem Informasi yang lebih menarik dan efisien berbasis web. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem informasi inkubator bisnis usaha mikro kecil dan menengah berbasis website. Dengan adanya sistem informasi UMKM di Fakultas Teknik, dapat memberikan dampak yang baik kepada mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik yang memiliki usaha

    Kajian Ekonomi Program Bank Sampah Di Makassar (Study on Economic Benefit of Garbage Bank Program in Makassar)

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    Garbage bank is established as a place to foster, train, assist, buy and market the results of waste management activities from the community. Garbage bank is a form of a local community initiative in efforts to solve community-based waste issues. Garbage banks are expected to provide high economic benefits for improving community welfare. The population of this study is all customers of garbage bank in Makassar as many as 40,114 people. The number of samples as many as 105 respondents. Both descriptive statistical analysis and SWOT analysis was used as the method of analysis. Then, in-depth interviews with stakeholders that consists of government, academic, private, NGO, and community leaders in formulating strategy and policy to develop of garbage bank program in the future. The results of the study indicate that generally the community associated with the garbage bank comes from the socio-economic group with the middle to lower class. The level of knowledge and community participation is still relatively low on waste management and 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) principles in waste segregation. The garbage bank program brings blessings and economic benefits to society. Beside as a source of additional income for the community, garbage banks can also encourage changes in people's behavior to live healthy and clean, care for the environment and other socio-economic benefits. Furthermore, development strategy of garbage bank should be directed to innovative and strategic programs that can increase the interest of the community to participate actively as the participants/customers of garbage banks. Then, commitment and synergy between regional government and stakeholders is a key factor in improving both economic benefits and development of garbage bank programs in the future


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    Abdomen merupakan bagian dari tubuh yang berada di antara thorax superior dan pelvis inferior sendi yang paling besar dan yang paling kompleks pada tubuh manusia. Salah satu sekuen yang digunakan untuk penekanan lemak yaitu Axial T2-SPAIR. Inversion pulse dan time inversion berpengaruh pada hasil SNR dan CNR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi inversion pulse dan time inversion terhadap kualitas citra MRI Abdomen sekuen Axial T2-SPAIR dan untuk mengetahui nilai inversion pulse dan time inversion yang lebih optimal dalam memberikan kualitas citra pada pemeriksaan MRI Abdomen pada sekuen Axial T2-SPAIR. Ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan eksperimental. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Universitas Hasanuddin dengan kombinasi nilai inversion pulse 140° dengan time inversion 160 ms, inversion pulse 140° dengan time inversion 170 ms, inversion pulse 150° dengan time inversion 160 ms dan inversion pulse 150 ° dengan time inverison 170 ms terhadap 10 volunteer. Hasil citra pada anatomi hati, limpa, ginjal dan pankreas dilakukan penghitungan SNR dan CNR. Selanjutnya data SNR dan CNR dilakukan uji statistik SPSS yaitu uji normalitas dan uji Friedman. Pada hasil uji beda Friedman didapatkan nilai p-value ˃ 0,05 yang artinya tidak ada pengaruh dari Kombinasi inversion pulse dan time inversion pada MRI Abdomen sekuen Axial T2-SPAIR, tetapi dari segi scan time terdapat perbedaan. Peningkatan nilai time inversion akan menghasilkan nilai scan time yang lebih lama sedangkan peningkatan inversion pulse tidak akan meningkatkan scan time. Kombinasi inversion pulse dan time inversion pada MRI Abdomen sekuen Axial T2-SPAIR sangat cocok dilakukan untuk melihat kelainan atau patologi pada abdomen seperti fatty liver. Hasilnya kombinasi inversion pulse IP 140° dan TI 160 ms merupakan kombinasi yang lebih optimal diantara kombinasi inversion pulse dan time inversion lainnya yang ditunjukkan dari hasil scan time sebesar 00:55 detik dan hasil rata-rata pada SNR yaitu 2,72 dan rata-rata pada CNR yaitu 2,72


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    Research onorganogenesisof Grape (Vitis viniferaL.) on MS medium supplemented with IAA and various sconcentrations of BAP, was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Faculty of Forestry Untad Palu, during periode of Januari and April 2012.This research was aimed to obtain the best combination ofIAA and BA Pin MS medium that stimulate organogenesis of Grape. This experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications.The treatmentswere: MS medium+ 0.1ppm IAA+ 0.1 ppm BAP(B1), MS medium+ 0.1 ppm IAA +0.3 ppm BAP (B2), MS medium + 0.1ppm IAA + 0.5ppm BAP(B3) and MS medium+ 0.1 ppm IAA+0.7BAP(B4). Parameters observed in this study were the days appear of shoots, the days appear of leaves, percentage of explant producing shoots (%), and the presence or absence of roots. The results showedthat MS medium+ 0.1 ppm IAA+0.7ppm BAP(B4) gived the best results in speedupof shootsandleaves,in 7 days after induction

    Performance analysis of sigfox deployment

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    Low-power wide area network (LPWAN) has become a promising communication technology as alternative solutions on long range communications, low power consumption and low cost that overcome the problems faced by traditional communications. An example of LPWAN technology is Sigfox that uses a zero generation (0G) technology. However, there is not many literatures discussed on this technology especially on its applications. The objective of this paper is to study the coverage of Sigfox in Malaysia by tracing its network coverage using a Sigfox module that is integrated with an Arduino microprocessor. In this paper, we reported the experiments performed on real device and field test as well as observed the performance of the proposed technology. This system was tested using two different Sigfox development module which has device ID 4126D0 and 3E3D05. Two locations were selected to observe the connectivity of the Sigfox network. The results showed Sigfox deployment gave impact on a coastal location compared to urban area. Based on this finding, Sigfox is expected to have an improvised performance in the future especially applications in rural and coastal areas

    Pre-Injury Demographic Patterns of Patients Sustaining Hip Fractures in Malaysia

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    INTRODUCTION: Hip fractures entail a growing economic burden on the health care system. Study is warranted to further our understanding of its patterns and to create increased awareness in health care providers and the public. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data was extracted from the ongoing National Orthopaedic Registry of Malaysia (NORM), for the period June 2008 till December 2009. Patients aged 50 years and above without previous pathological fracture hip fractures were included in the study. RESULTS: Most hip fracture patients were 70 years and above (69.5%) with a mean (SD) age of 73.8 (10.3) years. Females represented the majority of the patients in this study (68.4%). Low energy trauma (i.e. trivial fall) was to the main mechanism of hip fractures in this study (81.3%). CONCLUSIONS: Aging adults should be made aware of timely preventive strategies (including osteoporosis prevention) fall prevention measures, and encouraged to maintain physically active lifestyles

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices on sunscreen usage in preventing skin cancer among university students

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    Solar ultraviolet radiation is one of predisposing risk factors for skin cancer. The use of sunscreen plays a vital role in the prevention of skin cancer. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices related to sunscreen use in the prevention of skin cancer among undergraduate students of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (n=78) in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FSK), Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FKAB) and Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanity (FSSK). Majority of the students used sunscreen. The mean level of knowledge for FSSK students was the highest compared to FSK and FKAB students. Next, the mean level of attitude for FSSK students was higher than the FSK and FKAB students. Meanwhile, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in attitude between FSSK and FKAB students. FSSK students demonstrated highest mean level of practice compared to FSK and FKAB students. Finally, FKAB recorded the lowest number of students with high knowledge and the usage of sunscreen with statistical significance (p<0.05) between the level of knowledge and the use of sunscreen. This indicates that there was a linear association between level of knowledge and the use of sunscreen among FKAB students. In conclusion, knowledge, attitudes and practice were generally satisfactory among UKM students. However, periodic awareness could be applied to instill a healthy habit of using sunscreen in future
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