36 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the implementation of crisis management, which was carried out by the Bali Tourism Board (BTB) in Bali tourism recovery efforts due to the disaster of the Mount Agung eruption. Crisis management is needed to help restore the trust of tourists and tourism industry players and minimize the impact of the crisis on the destination. This research is qualitative research by collecting data using interview methods and documentation. This research shows that the crisis that emerged in Bali's tourism sector was at a serious level, where the crisis caused losses to the Bali tourism industry, both in the form of economic losses and the image of Bali. A series of crisis management actions were carried out by BTB which was divided into 5 steps; 1) crisis identification; 2) crisis analysis; 3) crisis isolation; 4) choice of strategy; 5) controlling program


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    Permasalahan pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 6 Sidoarjo, kebanyakan siswa kurang antusias dalam literasi Sains. Hal ini di karenakan guru sering menggunakan strategi pembelajaran konvensional serta tanpa membuat perencanaan pembelajaran sebelumnya. Dari hasil belajar siswa kelas 7 pada materi Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam  rata-rata belum memenuhi nilai Kreteria Ketuntasan Minimum. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya hal ini disebabkan oleh rendahnya minat baca siswa tentang materi Sains. Kenyataannya guru sudah memberikan tindakan pembelajaran dengan berbagai macam strategi pembelajaran agar siswa dapat memahami materi dengan baik akan tetapi hasil belajar yang diperoleh tetap kurang maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan strategi pembelajaran peer instruction flipped terhadap peningkatan kemampuan literasi siswa pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam  SMP Negeri 6 Sidoarjo. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen dan populasi penelitian di SMP Negeri 6 Sidaorjo dengan sampel 80 siswa secara random. Berdasarkan analisis hasil diperoleh nilai F hitung untuk strategi pembelajaran peer instruction flipped dengan strategi konvensional  adalah 86,52. Sedangkan F tabel dF1 = 2, dF2= 5.37 adalah 6,01, dengan tingkat signifikan 0,001 0,05. Maka berarti Ha diterima Ho ditolak. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh antara penerapan strategi pembelajaran peer instruction flipped terhadap literasi Sains pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam SMP Negeri 6 Sidoarjo

    Regenerasi Protokorm secara In Vitro dan Aklimatisasi Planlet Anggrek Cymbidium Hartinahianum J.B. Comber & Nasution

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    Cymbidium hartinahianum J.B. Comber & Nasution merupakan spesies anggrek asli Indonesia yang terancam punah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan formulasi media yang sesuai untuk multiplikasi protokorm dan metode aklimatisasi planlet C. hartinahianum. Pada tahap pertama multiplikasi protokorm, media Knudson C (KC) ditambah dengan naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) 0,5 mg/l dikombinasikan dengan benzyladenine (BA) (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 mg/l). Pada tahap kedua, digunakan thidiazuron (TDZ) (0, 0,1, 0,3, 0,5 mg/l). Induksi akar dilakukan dengan menggunakan media KCA dengan penambahan NAA atau indolebutyric acid (IBA) (0, 1, 3, 5 mg/l). Planlet diberi perlakuan hardening pada media KCA dengan perlakuan sukrosa (0, 20, 40 g/l) dan diinkubasi pada 16–18°C selama 1 bulan, kemudian dipindahkan ke 22–27°C selama 1 bulan, dan selanjutnya dipindahkan ke 27–29°C selama 1 bulan sebelum aklimatisasi. Sebanyak 3,1 tunas dan 11,16 protocorm-like body (PLB) (daya hidup 72%) dihasilkan dengan BA 5 mg/l. Penggunaan BA lebih dari 5 mg/l tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap kenaikan jumlah PLB. Perlakuan TDZ 0,3 mg/l menghasilkan 2,33 PLB (daya hidup 99,63%). Penggunaan TDZ lebih dari 0,3 mg/l menyebabkan kenaikan jumlah PLB. Induksi akar optimal pada perlakuan NAA 3 mg/l, namun jumlah akarnya tidak berbeda nyata dengan kontrol. Perlakuan hardening terbaik adalah inkubasi planlet pada media KCA yang ditambah gula 20 g/l di ruang kultur dengan suhu 16–18°C selama 1 bulan dilanjutkan dengan 1 bulan di ruang persiapan dengan suhu 22–27°C (daya hidup 44,6%)


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    The Consistency of condom use by the sex customers is very low. These problems occur due to the lack of negotiations carried out by the sex workers into their customers. This study aims to determine the most effective negotiation strategies for the customers to consistently using condoms. The study was conducted by using a survey cross-sectional of sex workers directly with the sample of 100 peoples, which who selected by a random cluster sampling in Denpasar city. The data collected by interviews conducted by using a questionnaire about the characteristics and modification Condom Influence Strategy Questionnaire (CISQ) developed by Noar. The results of the study show that about 63% of customers consistently used condoms in the past week. The effective negotiation strategies used so that customers consistently using condoms is deceptive by sex workers to their client's variables associated with consistent condom use is the availability of condoms and sex worker's age. Deceptive is the most effective strategy to increase consistent condom use.Keywords— Negotiations Condoms, Female Sex Workers, Consistency of Condom Us

    Aktivitas Kitinase dan Peroksidase dari Ekstrak Protein Daun, Akar, Kalus dan Tunas In Vitro Trichosanthes Tricuspidata Lour.

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    A number of Trichosanthes species has been reported as a source of bioactive protein associated with defense mechanisms such as chitinase. Chitinase and peroxidase of crude protein extracted from leaves, roots, in vitro calli and shoots of T. tricuspidata had been analysed. Calli were induced on MS medium containing combinations of 1 µM NAA + 1 µM BA  (K1), 2 µM NAA + 2 µM BA (K2), 3 µM NAA + 3 µM BA (K3), or 4 µM NAA + 4 µM BA (K4). Shoots were cultured in MS with 1 mg/l of BA, while leaves and roots were harvested from six-month old plants grown on the field. Results of the experiment suggested that K1-K4 medium could be used to induce calli although weight of calli from all medium composition  was not significantly different (0.19-0.31 g/explant/4 weeks). Calli from K1 medium had the highest of total crude protein content (3.24 mg/ml). The highest of chitinase activity was found in in vitro shoots (6.51 mM pNP/hour/mg protein) and the highest peroxidase activity was in the plant roots (0.25 ∆ 420/minute/mg protein). &nbsp

    Induksi Poliploidi Menggunakan Kolkisin Secara in Vivo Pada Bibit Anggrek Bulan (Phalaenopsis Amabilis (L.) Blume)

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    Induksi poliploidi pada bibit Phalaenopsis amabilis telah dilakukan menggunakan kolkisin secara in vivo. Induksi poliploidi dilakukan dengan meneteskan kolkisin pada pucuk bibit P. amabilis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi kolkisin yang efektif untuk induksi poliploidi bibit P. amabilis dan menghasilkan bibit P. amabilis poliploid. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak dengan satu faktor, yaitu konsentrasi kolkisin. Pucuk bibit P. amabilis ditetesi 0,01 ml kolkisin (0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, dan 5000 mg L-1). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi kolkisin dari 1000 sampai 5000 mg L-1 tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase hidup dan pertumbuhan bibit pada 24 minggu setelah perlakuan (24 MSP). Bibit P. amabilis poliploid dapat dihasilkan pada penetesan kolkisin 1000, 3000, 4000, dan 5000 mg L-1 dengan konsentrasi kolkisin paling efektif adalah 5000 mg L-1. Bibit poliploid memiliki ukuran stomata lebih besar dari bibit diploid sebaliknya kerapatan stomatanya lebih rendah

    Aktivitas Kitinase dan Peroksidase dari Ekstrak Protein Daun, Akar, Kalus dan Tunas In Vitro Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour.

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    A number of Trichosanthes species has been reported as a source of bioactive protein associated with defense mechanisms such as chitinase. Chitinase and peroxidase of crude protein extracted from leaves, roots, in vitro calli and shoots of T. tricuspidata had been analysed. Calli were induced on MS medium containing combinations of 1 µM NAA + 1 µM BA  (K1), 2 µM NAA + 2 µM BA (K2), 3 µM NAA + 3 µM BA (K3), or 4 µM NAA + 4 µM BA (K4). Shoots were cultured in MS with 1 mg/l of BA, while leaves and roots were harvested from six-month old plants grown on the field. Results of the experiment suggested that K1-K4 medium could be used to induce calli although weight of calli from all medium composition  was not significantly different (0.19-0.31 g/explant/4 weeks). Calli from K1 medium had the highest of total crude protein content (3.24 mg/ml). The highest of chitinase activity was found in in vitro shoots (6.51 mM pNP/hour/mg protein) and the highest peroxidase activity was in the plant roots (0.25 ∆ 420/minute/mg protein).   Key words:  in vitro calli, shoots, crude protein, chitinase and peroxidase activitie

    Aktivitas Kitinase dan Peroksidase dari Ekstrak Kasar Protein Asal Kalus dan Berbagai Jaringan Tanaman Trichosanthes cucumerina var. anguina

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    Chitinase and peroxydase are important bioactive proteins or are specific enzymes that are related to plant resistance to pathogens. The aims of the research were to analyze the chitinase and peroxidase activities of crude protein extract from calli, stem, leaves and roots of T. cucumerinavar. anguina. In the first experiment, chitinase and peroxydase activities were analyzed from in vitro calli, leaves and roots obtained from 2-month-old of field grown plants. The media for calli induction were Murashige and Skoog medium with addition of 1 µM NAA + 1 µM BA, 2 µM NAA + 2 µM BA, 3 µM NAA + 3 µM BA, or 4 µM NAA + 4 µM BA. In the second experiment, the chitinase and peroxydase activities from crude protein extract of roots, stems and leaves were analyzed. The extracts were from 3-week-old seedling (less than a month), 1-month and 2-month-old plants. The first and the second experiment results showed that crude protein extracts of plant roots from the field grown plants had the highest chitinase and peroxidase activities. Stem of field grown plants had the similar level of chitinase activities with the plant roots. Chitinase activities of in vitro calli were not significantly different from those of plant roots so that it could be used as an alternative for plant roots in studying chitinase from T. cucumerinavar. anguina. Chitinase activities in crude protein extracts of roots appeared constant whereas peroxidase tend to increase with plant age. Keywords: calli, enzyme activities, leaves, roots, ste