138 research outputs found

    Total Leukosit Dan Diferensial Leukosit Darah Ayam Broiler Akibat Penggunaan Tepung Onggok Fermentasi Rhizopus Oryzae Pada Ransum

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of cassava pulp fermented with Rhizopus oryzae on the total leucocyte and differential leucocyte and its influence on the health of broiler chickens. The study was conducted in July-September 2015. The material used was 275 DOC of broiler with average of initial weight 55 g. Ration ingredient used were corn, rice bran, soybean meal, fish meal, poultry meat meal and fermented cassava pulp. The experiment used a completely randomized design (CRD) comprised of 5 treatments and 5 replications. Treatment ration consist of T0 (control ration), T1 (8% cassava pulp without fermentation), T2 (8% cassava pulp fermented with Rhizopus oryzae), T3 (16% cassava pulp fermented with Rhizopus oryzae) and T4 (24% cassava pulp fermented with Rhizopus oryzae). The result of the study showed that there was no influence among treatments (P>0,05) of the use of cassava pulp fermented with Rhizopus oryzae in ration to total leucocyte and differential leucocycte. It is concluded that cassava pulp fermented with Rhizopus oryzae in ration is potential to substitute the use of corn in ration without compromising the health and amount of total leucocyte and differential leucocyte

    Inovasi Pelayanan Kesehatan (Proses Inovasi Jemput Bola Di Puskesmas II Punggelan Kabupaten Banjarnegara)

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    Public service in the health sector becomes a strategic issue. Public service improvements in Indonesia nowadays tend to be slow. One of the way to improve the quality of health services is innovation. An innovation have the importance to realize quality services in the health sector as well as in basic health services at the Center for Public Health (Community Health Centre). One of the areas that implementate the innovation of health services in Puskesmas is Banjarnegara Region. Community of Health Centre II Punggelan in corporation with the government of Banjarnegara Regenc created Innovation Pick up service. This study aims to determine the process of innovation pick up the service in Community of Health Centre II Punggelan Banjarnegara know the factors driving and inhibiting innovation process pick up the service in Community of Health Centre II Punggelan Banjarnegara Region. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Researchers use theory of Rogers to identify the innovation process of pick up theservicel and theory of Fontana to identify the inhibiting factors and factors driving the innovation of pick up the service. There are several obstacles found in pick up service Innovation: there is no clear structure chart, there is a small part of traditional society culture, the availability of human resources, especially ambulance drivers are limited. The advice given is to make innovation of Pick up service as a service for the general public not only for labor alone

    Pengelolaan Remote Keamanan Embedded System pada Sistem Operasi Mikrotik Router Os Menggunakan Proprietary Protocols

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    Keamanan data dalam komunikasi merupakan menjadi hal yang penting di era digital sekarang. Keamanan Protokol komunikasi yang ada pada sistem operasi bisa menjadi hal yang vital dari keamanan data, seperti pada system operasi MikroTik RouterOS. Protokol komunikasi MikroTik RouterOS dirancang khusus untuk melakukan manajemen jarak jauh. Pada umumnya protokol ini ditutup dan tidak dapat diakses oleh publik. Risiko keamanan yang terkait dengan penggunaan protokol komunikasi ini juga dianalisis dalam makalah ini. Serangan yang menggunakan bug konseptual dalam desain salah satu protokol komunikasi ini ditunjukkan pada contoh nyata. Akses penuh ke embedded system yang berjalan dengan sistem operasi ini bisa mengalami serangan ini

    Parameter ā€œHidup yang Baikā€: Tegangan antara HAM, Agama, dan Sains

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    In terms of the parameter of ā€˜Good Lifeā€™, the Declaration of Human Rights as well as the ideals of religions and science have in fact been criticized respectively, and considered flawed. While the Declaration of Human Rights is universal in character ā€“ hence they can become a point of convergence among different religions ā€“ it is also susceptible to political manipulation, and subject to criticism from particular religious perspectives as well as from scientific outlook. As with science itself, its perspective is considered too narrow and mundane, when viewed from religious perspectives, that is, science deliberately leaves out the mysterious transcendental dimension inherent in human life. On the other hand, religion has also been under severe criticisms these days, due to its contradictory tendencies. At this juncture, atheist scientists come up with a point of view which they claim to be more neutral and objective as far as it concerns the ideal of ā€˜good lifeā€™. At least this is what Sam Harris believes it to be, in his idea of ā€œmoral landscapeā€

    Aplikasi Pendeteksi Objek Lingkaran Pada Citra Dengan Transformasi Hough

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    Terdapat berbagai bangun datar seperti segitiga, segiempat, segilima, segienam dan lingkaran. Diantara bangun datar tersebut, lingkaran merupakan bangun datar yang berbeda dengan bangun datar lainnya karena merupakan kurva tertutup yang memiliki jari-jari konstan. Dalam kehidupan nyata banyak objek yang dibentuk dengan dasar lingkaran, seperti rambu-rambu lalu lintas, uang logam, bola, bahkan di dalam organ tubuh manusia seperti iris mata dan sel darah merah. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi pendeteksi objek lingkaran agar dapat menjadi media yang bermanfaat baik dalam bidang pendidikan maupun kesehatan. Dalam mendeteksi suatu objek lingkaran diperlukan suatu metode yang efektif agar dapat diperoleh hasil yang akurat. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam melakukan proses pendeteksian objek lingkaran pada citra digital adalah bagaimana sebuah metode dapat mendeteksi berbagai objek lingkaran dengan ukuran yang berbeda. Transformasi Hough merupakan metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi objek lingkaran pada citra digital dengan hasil yang akurat. Nilai rata-rata hasil proses pendeteksian adalah 94,25

    Perancangan Media Promosi Museum Puri Lukisan

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    Perancangan ini dilakukan untuk mempromosikan Museum Puri Lukisan. sebagai satu-satunya museumtertua di Bali yang memiliki koleksi lukisan dan patung khas Bali, serta museum yang menawarkan belajarmembuat kesenian Bali secara langsung bagi para wisatawan
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