43 research outputs found

    Designing global leadership development programmes that promote social capital and knowledge sharing

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    This paper explores the role of Global Leadership Development (GLD) programmes for developing the social capital of multinational enterprises and ultimately the enhancement of knowledge sharing across corporate divisions and national borders. Drawing on both qualitative interview and survey data, we find that GLD programmes can promote cross-border knowledge sharing. However, the effects of such programmes depend on their design. We identify two factors crucial for social capital development and knowledge sharing: first, a selection issue related to participants’ previous experience with leadership programmes and, secondly, a process issue which concerns the quality of the social interaction in the group work

    Successful and unsuccessful radical transformation of multinational mobile telephony companies: the role of institutional context

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    A number of prominent European multinational mobile telephony companies (MNMTCs) have their origins in state-owned monopolies that successfully undertook radical transformation in the late 1980s to late 1990s. Not only did they face liberalization of their domestic markets but they also moved from fixed-line telephony to mobile telephony prior to rapid expanded overseas. Our study focuses on Telenor whose operations currently span the Nordic region and Southeast Asia. Like other MNMTCs, Telenor currently faces another period of radical change as global digital services providers are set to ride on the connectivity MNMTCs supply thereby reducing them to “dumb-pipes”. Our study indicates that Telenor has abandoned radical transformation for “modernization” of its extant operations. For an understanding of why this second radical change is proving arduous for MNMTCs, we argue that there is a need to take into consideration institutional change

    Talent development as an alternative to orthodox career thinking: the Scandinavian case

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    This chapter argues that orthodox career thinking – which focuses on vertical progression to higher-level managerial positions - is suffering from three shortcomings. First, it is insufficient to explain career dynamics in modern knowledge organizations. Second, it disregards the importance of experiential, lifelong learning on the job. Third, it does not incorporate how career is embedded in the organizational and cultural context, including a wide range of national, institutional features. Based on this, the chapter suggests that we move the focus from narrow career thinking to the more broad-banded concept of talent. The talent concept signifies any kind of outstanding competence of an individual (whether it is managerial or any kind of significant specialist field) which is strategically important to the organization, difficult to achieve, difficult to replace by other types of resources, and difficult to replicate by competitors. Also, a broader definition of how talent can be developed is needed, as it should encompass informal and experiential methods as well as formal education. The broader concept of talent is discussed in relation to the Scandinavian context, as the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) are knowledge intensive economies with a highly educated workforce. This characteristic makes a broader talent paradigm much more appropriate that an orthodox managerial career perception and model


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    Geometri sekolah mempunyai peluang besar untuk dipahami oleh siswa dibandingkan dengan cabang ilmu matematika yang lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan pengenalan konsep dasar geometri sudah dikenal oleh siswa sejak usia dini, seperti mengenal bangun-bangun geometri. Namun beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar geeometri, khususnya pada tingkat SMP. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian terhadap level berpikir geometri siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) level berpikir geometri siswa di SMP Negeri percontohan di Lembang, dan (2) menelaah apakah pembelajaran geometri yang berlangsung di sekolah menerapkan tahapan pembelajaran Van Hiele atau tidak. Metode dalam penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IX dari dua sekolah menengah pertama di Lembang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari: (1) instrumen tes, yaitu tes level berpikir geometri Van Hiele pada materi bangun datar. Hasil dari tes ini dianalisis dengan kategori level berpikir sebagai berikut: level 0 adalah tahap pengenalan; level 1 adalah tahap analisis; level 2 adalah tahap pengurutan; level 3 adalah tahap deduksi formal; dan level 4 adalah tahap akurasi. (2) Instrumen non tes, yaitu berupa wawancara terhadap guru dan murid. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: (1) secara keseluruhan siswa SMP telah memasuki tahap berpikir geometri Van Hiele. Sebagian besar siswa berada pada tahap pengenalan (level 0) yaitu 81,16%, sedangkan sisanya telah memasuki tahap analisis (level 1) sebesar 17,39% dan tahap pengurutan (level 2) sebesar 1,45%. (2) Pembelajaran geometri di sekolah kurang memperhatikan tahapan pembelajaran geometri Van Hiele---------- Student has a big opportunity to understand geometry because the basic concept has early familiar, such as know the geometry’s objects. However, some of the research were show that many student difficult to learn geometry, specifically for junior high school. Because of that, it necessary to research about the geometry level thinking. The goal of the research are to know: (1) student geometry level thinking at the model of junior high school in Lembang, and (2) observe the lesson geometry at school by use the phase of Van Hiele geometry learning. The method is descriptive study with the subject are the student from IX class of two junior high school in Lembang. The instrument is: (1) test instrument, is Van Hiele geometry level test. The result will be analysis by categories of Van Hiele: level 0 is visualization; level 1 is analysis; level 2 is informal deduction; level 3 is deduction; and level 4 is rigor. (2) Non-test instrument, is interview to the teacher and student. Base of the research, the conclusion are: (1) by and large the student has include the Van Hiele geometry level. Student at level 0 is 81, 16%, at level 1 is 17,3% and at level 2 is 1,45%. (2) School did’nt use the phase of Van Hiele geometry learning

    Making sense of health information technology implementation: A qualitative study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Implementing new practices, such as health information technology (HIT), is often difficult due to the disruption of the highly coordinated, interdependent processes (e.g., information exchange, communication, relationships) of providing care in hospitals. Thus, HIT implementation may occur slowly as staff members observe and make sense of unexpected disruptions in care. As a critical organizational function, sensemaking, defined as the social process of searching for answers and meaning which drive action, leads to unified understanding, learning, and effective problem solving -- strategies that studies have linked to successful change. Project teamwork is a change strategy increasingly used by hospitals that facilitates sensemaking by providing a formal mechanism for team members to share ideas, construct the meaning of events, and take next actions. METHODS: In this longitudinal case study, we aim to examine project teams' sensemaking and action as the team prepares to implement new information technology in a tiertiary care hospital. Based on management and healthcare literature on HIT implementation and project teamwork, we chose sensemaking as an alternative to traditional models for understanding organizational change and teamwork. Our methods choices are derived from this conceptual framework. Data on project team interactions will be prospectively collected through direct observation and organizational document review. Through qualitative methods, we will identify sensemaking patterns and explore variation in sensemaking across teams. Participant demographics will be used to explore variation in sensemaking patterns. DISCUSSION: Outcomes of this research will be new knowledge about sensemaking patterns of project teams, such as: the antecedents and consequences of the ongoing, evolutionary, social process of implementing HIT; the internal and external factors that influence the project team, including team composition, team member interaction, and interaction between the project team and the larger organization; the ways in which internal and external factors influence project team processes; and the ways in which project team processes facilitate team task accomplishment. These findings will lead to new methods of implementing HIT in hospitals

    Developing organizational social capital or prima donnas in MNEs? The role of global leadership development programs

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    The aim of this article is to identify those aspects of global leadership development (GLD) programs that promote social capital and knowledge sharing in multinational enterprises (MNEs). The analysis is conducted within the context of two Scandinavian MNEs. Both MNEs had aimed at the development of inter-unit social networks and knowledge sharing. In the one program, participants bonded with other participants while remaining socially embedded in their business units of origin. As a consequence, bridging social capital was developed, and knowledge sharing across the MNE increased. For the other program, despite apparent similarities in design and goals, we found the reverse. In addition to differences in the selection mechanisms employed by the two programs, our research identified contrasting modes of organizing the in-program learning processes and dissimilarities in the roles played by top management and GLD consultants during the programs. Overall, while the one program was congruent with the Scandinavian corporate culture context, the other was at odds with it, and instead of developing social capital it turned out prima donnas. We argue that MNEs aiming to use GLD programs for developing social capital across their operations must be highly sensitive to the issue of congruence with the established corporate culture

    Digital transformation of incumbent service firms: legacy removal strategies

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    For strategic leaders of incumbent service firms, the challenge of digital transformation involves the removal of legacy IT systems without sacrificing critical income streams. We argue that the removal of these is a distinct component of the third core constituent of dynamic capabilities – transforming. Employing two case studies, DNB and Telenor, we explore the micro-level processes through which strategic leaders attempted to remove technology-related legacy to foster digital transformation. Both DNB and Telenor viewed legacy removal as critical for digital transformation. To theorize the micro-foundations of legacy removal, we examined the approaches top management either used or considered using to remove legacy. Our analysis revealed three distinctive approaches to legacy removal: escaping, shrinking, and terminating (‘big-bang’ versus ‘step-by-step’)

    Bedeutung der BĂŒroumgebung im BGM : Gestaltung von BĂŒros und der begleitende VerĂ€nderungsprozess

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    Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet den Einfluss des BĂŒroraums auf die Gesundheit der darin tĂ€tigen Mitarbeitenden. Dazu wurden Einflussfaktoren im BĂŒroraum identifiziert, welche sich auf die Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden auswirken. Ebenso wurde betrachtet, welche Einflussfaktoren im Workplace Change Management dazu beitragen können, dass weniger Stress, Unsicherheiten und Ängste durch die VerĂ€nderung der BĂŒrorĂ€ume ausgelöst werden. Wie diese Einflussfaktoren in der Praxis angewandt werden können, wird anhand eines Fallbeispiels im Umzugsprojekt von Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz veranschaulicht. Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich schliessen, dass sowohl im BĂŒroraum, als auch im begleitenden VerĂ€nderungsprozess ein erhebliches Potenzial fĂŒr die Förderung der Gesundheit liegt, welches vom Betrieblichem Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) in der Praxis noch weitgehend ungenutzt ist