630 research outputs found

    Extemporized new sets in grill topological spaces

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    This aim of this research is to study the modern sort of open sets and introduces and examines a new class of t#-sets defined in terms of a Grill on X. Such sets' characterization and a few more characteristics are discovered

    On Soft slightly πg-continuous functions

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    In this paper, we introduce and study the concept of soft slightly πg-continuous functions which is weaker than soft πg-continuous functions and obtain its fundamental properties. The relationship between soft slightly πg-continuity and other related functions is also analysed


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    Objectives: The in vitro antiinflammatory activity of acetone and ethyl acetate extracts of Pergularia deamia leaf and stem. Methods: The different parts of extracts were subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening as per the standard protocols. In vitro anti-inflammatory activities were evaluated by red blood cell (RBC) membrane stabilization, protein denaturation, and antiproteinase methods. Results: Preliminary phytochemical screening revealed that the presence of carbohydrates, phenol, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, and quinines in acetone extracts of plant. In vitro anti-inflammatory activities were tested using different concentrations of the extracts along with standard drug diclofenac sodium. The maximum anti-inflammatory activities were observed in ethyl acetate extracts of P. daemia. As the concentration of the extracts increased antiinflammatory activity also higher. Conclusion: The plant, therefore, might be considered as a natural source of RBC membrane stabilizers and prevention of protein denaturation, so it is substitute medicine for the management of inflammatory disorder


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang implementasi program sekolah berbasis ramah anak di SMP Negeri 2 Tuban. Teori yang digunakan ialah teori kebijakan model Elmore, teori ini menerangkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan pada prinsipnya didasarkan pada tahapan-tahapan : a) Mengidentifikasi jaringan aktor yang terlibat, b) tipe kebijkan publik yang mendorong masyarakat mengerjakan sendiri implementasi kebijakannya, atau masih melibatkan pemerintahan di level bawah, c) kebijakan dibuat sesuai dengan harapan (Kadji, 2015:61). Sementara itu, pendekatan yang digunakan dalam proses penelitian ialah pendekatan berbasis deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi dan wawancara. Informan pada penelitian ini yaitu Wakil kepala sekolah bidang humas,Wakil kepala sekolah bidang kesiswaan dan Guru bimbingan konseling. Fokus penelitian yang diangkat adalah tentang perencanaan dan pelaksanaan program sekolah berbasis ramah anak di SMP Negeri 2 Tuban. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa program sekolah berbasis ramah anak sudah diimplementasikan di SMP Negeri 2 Tuban. Implementasi program tersebut dalam tahap perencanaan meliputi Melakukan rapat dengan tim meliputi tim urusan dengan bapak ibu guru, Membentuk tim pelaksana Sekolah ramah anak untuk memudahkan koordinasi. Pada tahap pelaksanaan meliputi Melakukan kerja sama dengan pihak terkait misalnya dinas pendidikan, dinas sosial, dinas kesehatan, fasilitator yang faham akan sekolah ramah anak dan kerja sama antar sekolah, Pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan sudah terlatih hak anak dengan baik, Sekolah memiliki kebijakan anti kekerasan, Perbaikan sarana dan prasarana, Membentuk satgas sekolah ramah anak yang beranggotakan siswa di SMP Negeri 2 Tuban, Memfasilitasi perserta didik untuk mengembangkan bakat minat, Menerapkan displin positif, Menerapkan konsep BARIISAN (Bersih, Aman, Ramah, Indah, Inklusif, Sehat, Asri, Nyaman). Kata Kunci: Implementasi, SMP Negeri 2 Tuban, Sekolah Ramah Anak.  &nbsp

    Analisis Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management, Persepsi Harga, dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Kendaraan Niaga Merek Hino

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    This research aims to examine and Analysis the Effect of Customer Relationship Management, Price Perception, and Quality of Service to Customer Loyalty Vehicle Logistic Brand Hino that became the object of research. The reaserch design used is quantitative and explanatory research type of survey methods. Data was collected using questionnaires to 105 respondents, the sampling technique used is online survey via customer emails as. The method of analysis is SPSS. The result of the research showed that customer relationship management has a positively and significant customer loyalty vehicle logistic, price perception have positiv and effect significant customer loyalty vehicle logistic, and quality of service positive and significant influence to customer loyalty vehicle logisti

    Implementasi MBKM Di Luar Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga (S1) Universitas Bina Darma

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    Tujuan  kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan jumlah program studi yang menerapkan program MBKM, memfasilitasi program studi untuk mengembangkan kurikulum sesuai dengan kebijakan MBKM, menghasilkan pengalaman baik (good practices) di perguruan tinggi dalam menyusun dan mengimplementasikan kurikulum program MBKM yang memiliki capaian pembelajaran lulusan sesuai dengan KKNI dan SN-Dikti. Manfaat penyelenggaraan program bantuan program studi menerapkan kerja sama kurikulum MBKM diharapkan dapat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh mahasiswa, dosen, program studi, perguruan tinggi, serta mitra. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Focus Group Discusion (FGD) membahas mengenai “Penyusunan Prosedur Oprasional Baku Implementasi MBKM di Luar Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga (S1) di Universitas Bina Darma”. Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga melalui aplikasi Zoom Meeting. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberi kemudahan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja

    Pengaruh Suhu Dan Komposisi Minyak Jagung Pada Pembuatan Lilin Klowong Terhadap Pewarnaan Batik

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    Batik is one of the most highly developed Indonesian art forms that had been designated by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of oral and intangible Heritage of Humanity. It uses techniques of wax resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth and can be made by using canting or printing.Once the design applied on the cloth, then it is ready to be waxed and the staining of the batik cloth depends on the quality of the wax. Therefore, batik wax is considered as the main material to make batik, especially for handmade batik in which the pattern and carve applied directly by the artisans.  Vegetable oil is to improvement viscosity level in liquidity of batik waxes and to knowing the effect of the dyed batik.This research aims to knowing the composition of the required yellow paraffin waxes batik and to knowing the effect of the composition of the yellow paraffin dyed batik. This study uses qualitative and quantitative methods with material measurement techniques, and test a questionnaire to evaluate the response of the respondents to the sharpness of the color produced. In the process of making batik wax, the composition of the materials used are Lilin tawon, damar mata kucing, gondorukem, yellow parafin, and  vegetable oils. In this research, yellow paraffin as an independent variable with variations in different compositions (10 g, 15 g, 20 g and 25 g). To test the composition of the wax batik then made 4 different samples, each sample has a different composition yellow paraffin. To view a sample of the batik conducted several tests, including testing the sharpness of color, smearing of colors, as well as washing with soap, while the qualitative testing done by kuisioer to test visually, from the test results of samples both quantitative and qualitative data show that the results of batik using sample C gives better results than other samples

    Survey of Lecturers' Understanding of Sports Massage Clinic Services at Bina Darma University

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    Sport is a series of regular and routine physical activities carried out by individuals to achieve certain goals. Sport is a physical activity that is planned to develop various physical components. Those who perform high-intensity sports activities become tired. Fatigue can generally refer to the body losing energy until it cannot move. Work systems and human resources both depend on occupational safety and health (OSH). This study aims to determine the understanding of employee lecturers on massage services at Bina Darma University's sports massage clinic. This research is descriptive research. The research population is patients who utilize massage services at Bina Darma University's sports massage clinic. The sampling technique used is incidental sampling with a sample size of 20 people. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. Data analysis using descriptive analysis and percentage. The results of research at the Bina Darma University Sport The results of the research at Bina Darma University Sport Massage Clinic in 20 people on each question item became in the very satisfying category of 85.75%, in the satisfying category of 76.75%, in the unsatisfactory category of 2.5% and there were no patients who gave an assessment of the sports massage clinic in the very unsatisfactory category