180 research outputs found

    Technology in Controlling of Sucking Pest of Shoot and Flowers on Cashew

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    The major pests of cashew plant (Anacardium occidentale L.) are Helopeltis spp. and Sanurus spp. A number of cashew trees damaged be attacked by the pest are increasing from year to year. Some research found on effectiveness technologies, environmentally friendly and easily adopted by farmers have been done. One kind of controlling technologies that provides great expectations to be developed by farmers was biological control by utilizing parasitoids, predators and pathogens. Development of rangrang ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) and the fungus Beauveria bassiana as biological agent of Helopeltis spp. on a large scale will suppress the population of the insects. Meanwhile, the egg parasitoid Aphanomerus sp., moth parasitoids Epieurybrachys nsp. and the fungus Synnematium sp. are potentially developed as a biological control agents for Sanurus spp. in the field. The results of these studies should be integrated as a technology package on which the farmers should be involved in implementation of the technology

    Conductivity Study on Plasticized Solid bio-electrolytes CMC-NH4Br and Application in Solid-state Proton Batteries

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    This paper present the development of plasticized solid bio-electrolytes (PSBs) which has been accomplished by incorporating various composition of plasticizer namely ethylene carbonate (EC) with carboxy methylcellulose doped NH4Br via solution casting method. The plasticized polymer–salt ionic conduction of PSBs has been analyzed by electrical impedance spectroscopy. Plasticization using EC in PSBs system assists the enhancement of NH4Br dissociation and therefore increases the protonation process in the system. The highest ionic conductivity obtained for CMC−NH4Br containing with 25 wt. % NH4Br was achieved at 1.12 x 10-4 Scm-1 and improved to 3.31 x 10-3 Scm-1 when EC was added in PSBs system. The ionic conductivity-temperature for PSBs system was found to obey the Arrhenius relationships where the ionic conductivity increases with temperature. The solid-state proton batteries were assembled with the formation of Zn + ZnSO4.7H2O || highest conducting PSBs system || MnO2 and achieve with a maximum open circuit voltage (OCV) of 1.48 V at room temperature and showed good in rechargeablity performance with more than 10 cycles

    Characterization of Plasticized CMC-NH4BR Based Biopolymer Electrolyte and Electrochemical Studies on the Solid-State Batteries

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    Much research has been devoted to the preparation of solid polymer electrolytes made of various materials. Some of the wellknown are synthetic polymer materials (petroleum resources) but these polymers are high in cost and the depletion of petroleum resources coupled with increasing environmental regulation. For these reasons, a lot of effort has been made to develop the electrolytes using natural biopolymer materials. The increasing interest in green energy storage materials for electrochemical devices with the development of polymer as electrolytes candidate has attracted great attention recently. It can offer a number of high-value opportunities, provided that lower costs can be obtained besides environmental friendly. Due to this matter, the development of plasticized biodegradable polymer electrolytes (BPEs) has been accomplished in this work by incorporating various composition of EC with carboxy methylcellulose doped NH4Br via solution casting method. The plasticized polymer– salt complex formation and ionic conduction of BPEs have been analyzed through infrared spectroscopy and impedance measurement. Plasticization using EC in BPEs system helps the enhancement of NH4Br dissociation and therefore increases the protonation process in the system. The highest ionic conductivity obtained for CMC−NH4Br containing with 25 wt. % NH4Br was achieved at 1.12 x 10-4 S cm-1 and enhanced to 3.31 x 10-3 S cm-1 with addition of EC. The conductivity-temperature for BPEs system obeys the Arrhenius relation where the ionic conductivity increases with temperature. The electrochemical cell were fabricated with the configuration of Zn + ZnSO4.7H2O | BPEs system | MnO2 for the highest conductivity and produced a maximum open circuit voltage of 1.48 V at ambient temperature and showed good rechargeability

    A Study on the Effects Administration of One Dose of 300.000 I.u. Oral Vitamin a and Deworming for Prevention and Treatment of Vitamin a Deficiency

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    Suatu penyelidikan tentang pencegahan dan pengobatan defisiensi citamin A pada anak-anak prasekolah telah dikerjakan didesa Tegal dan Iwul, Bogor dengan memberikan preparat vitamin A oral dosis tinggi. Preparat tersebut mengandung emulsi retinyl-palminate 300.000 I.U. yang dicampur dengan 100 I.U. citamin E (tocopheryl acetate). Dua golongan anak yaitu 100 tanpa dan 75 dengan xerophthalmia dipergunakan untuk studi tersebut. Mereka dibagi lagi dalam 4 kelompok. Kelompok pertama diberikan hanya vitamin A oral. Kelompok kedua diberikan obat cacing (deworming) terlebih dahulu sebelum diberikan vitamin A oral, dengan combantrin (pyrantel pamoate) single dose 10 mg/kg. berat badan. Kelompok ketiga diberi obat cacing dan placebo dan kelompok keempat hanya diberi placebo. Ternyata pada pemeriksaan setelah 6 dan 12 bulan kemudian semua anak tanpa xerophthalmia tetap terlindung dari xeropthalmia setelah diberikan vitamin A baik dengan atau tanpa deworming terlebih dahulu. Sedangkan 5-8 persen anak dengan xerophthalmia tidak dapat disembuhkan. Obat ca­cing tidak jelas menunjukkan pengaruhnya untuk memperbaiki penggunaan oral vitamin A, tetapi obat cacing dan vitamin A oral tersebut menunjukkan pengaruh baik terhadap keadaan gizi. Sedangkan terhadap kejadian penyakit, pengaruhnya tidak begitu jelas

    Kombinasi Indikator Status Iodium Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Untuk Menilai Keseriusan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium (Combined Indicator of Iodine Status Among School Age Children to Assess Severity of Iodine Deficiency Disorders)

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    Iodine in salt fortification program is intended for universal iodized salt in the response to Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD). There are clinical indicators and biological indicators to assess the seriousness of the IDD problem among school-age children (SAC) is volume of the thyroid gland, urinary iodine concentration (UIC) levels, and levels of thyroglobulin (Tg). To assess the seriousness of IDD problem on the basis of the clinical and biological indicators of SAC. The study was conducted in Purbalingga, Pati and Malang Districts. Subjects were 10-12 years of age children. Data collected include UIC levels, Total Goiter Rate (TGR), and serum Tg levels. In Pati Districts: Wedarijaksa Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 150 µg/L; TGR was 28 percent and Tg >50 µg/L was 1 percent. Pucakwangi Subdistric: median value of UIC was 207 µg/L; TGR was 42 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 1,8 percent. In Purbalingga District: Karangtengah Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 191 µg/L; TGR was 11 percent and no children with Tg level >50 µg/L. Pengadegan: Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 232 µg/L; TGR was 8 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 1 percent. In Malang District: Sumber Manjing Wetan Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 148 µg/L; TGR was 1 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 2 percent. Poncokusumo Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 145 µg/L; TGR was 19 percent and no Tg level data. Seriousness of the IDD problem in Pati District: clinically is an area of endemic goiter, but biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. In Purbalingga District: clinically is an area of mild endemic goitre, but biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. In Malang Distrct: clinically is an area of non-endemic goiter and biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. Discrepancy between clinical indicators and biological indicators of iodine is the impact transition because of IDD control

    A Comparative Study of Enhanced Nonlinear PI to Multivariable Nonlinear Plant

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    The static gains of PI controller have limitation to handle the process nonlinearities of the system. This suggests the development of enhanced nonlinear PI controller where a nonlinear gain function is cascaded to PI parameters. Two nonlinear gain functions are developed and the effectiveness of the control performance is investigated for two different control structures for a multivariable nonlinear wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). It was proved that superior output with the lower mean error was obtained by developed nonlinear PI specifically in the multivariable control structure. The developed nonlinear PI offers simpler control structure and easy implementation hence offering alternative control strategy for the multivariable system

    Perbandingan Metode Seleksi Fitur Pada Analisis Sentimen (Studi Kasus Opini PILKADA DKI 2017)

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    In sentiment analysis, feature selection is a crucial step as it improves the performance and efficiency of sentiment analysis models. Feature selection also helps reduce the complexity of data dimensions, enabling faster and more efficient analysis. However, selecting relevant features poses a challenge as choosing the wrong features can decrease the accuracy of the constructed models. In this study, sentiment analysis was conducted on tweet data from the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial election using TF-IDF feature selection combined with Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), Chi Square, and Mutual Information. The models were evaluated using Naïve Bayes Classification (NBC) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms. Evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score were used. The experimental results showed that the TfidfVectorizer + RFE combination in the NBC model achieved the highest accuracy of 71.1111% and demonstrated significant performance in terms of precision, recall, and F1-Scor

    Sustainable Mosque Designs from the Perspectives of Social Inclusion: Comparisons of Four Mosques in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    One of the major conflicts continuously occurring in Malaysia is the issue of race and religious relationships. Today, houses of worship in Malaysia have always been seen as isolated entities that can add to race relations and nation-building conflicts. This issue has led to the planning of houses of worship as nation-building elements in forging social inclusion among the different religious buildings of other faiths. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate mosques' social inclusion characteristics, which can contribute to the more extensive framing of Malaysian planning policy on the sustainable design of houses of worship. To reflect the ideal of SDG 11, Sustainable cities and communities and SDG 16, Peace, justice and strong institutions, it is essential to identify social inclusivity as one of the primary design approaches for any Islamic institutions and mosques designs. Should the mosques be part of the nation-building entities and not just community centres for each faith? This research covers selected case studies mainly in Kuala Lumpur, representing the city with the most educated and diverse multi-faith context. Four significant mosques were selected and studied through observations and interviews data collection approach. The research findings indicate that elements such as scale, massing, permeability, visibility, territoriality, and iconic imagery are essential to design criteria for mosques. Significantly, this research provides suggestions and guidelines for designers and committee leaders of all religions in Malaysia to re-look at the activities and planning aspects of their houses of worship. Furthermore, it helps to promote inclusive elements such as social interaction, tolerance, and understanding of different religious beliefs. Hence, accepting these multi-faith centres will create a more integrated, harmonious and sustainable community.
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