
Kombinasi Indikator Status Iodium Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Untuk Menilai Keseriusan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium (Combined Indicator of Iodine Status Among School Age Children to Assess Severity of Iodine Deficiency Disorders)


Iodine in salt fortification program is intended for universal iodized salt in the response to Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD). There are clinical indicators and biological indicators to assess the seriousness of the IDD problem among school-age children (SAC) is volume of the thyroid gland, urinary iodine concentration (UIC) levels, and levels of thyroglobulin (Tg). To assess the seriousness of IDD problem on the basis of the clinical and biological indicators of SAC. The study was conducted in Purbalingga, Pati and Malang Districts. Subjects were 10-12 years of age children. Data collected include UIC levels, Total Goiter Rate (TGR), and serum Tg levels. In Pati Districts: Wedarijaksa Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 150 µg/L; TGR was 28 percent and Tg >50 µg/L was 1 percent. Pucakwangi Subdistric: median value of UIC was 207 µg/L; TGR was 42 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 1,8 percent. In Purbalingga District: Karangtengah Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 191 µg/L; TGR was 11 percent and no children with Tg level >50 µg/L. Pengadegan: Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 232 µg/L; TGR was 8 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 1 percent. In Malang District: Sumber Manjing Wetan Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 148 µg/L; TGR was 1 percent and Tg level >50 µg/L was 2 percent. Poncokusumo Subdistrict: median value of UIC was 145 µg/L; TGR was 19 percent and no Tg level data. Seriousness of the IDD problem in Pati District: clinically is an area of endemic goiter, but biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. In Purbalingga District: clinically is an area of mild endemic goitre, but biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. In Malang Distrct: clinically is an area of non-endemic goiter and biologically, iodine intake is sufficient. Discrepancy between clinical indicators and biological indicators of iodine is the impact transition because of IDD control

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