212 research outputs found

    Polarized Growth in the Absence of F-Actin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Exiting Quiescence

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    Polarity establishment and maintenance are crucial for morphogenesis and development. In budding yeast, these two intricate processes involve the superposition of regulatory loops between polarity landmarks, RHO GTPases, actin-mediated vesicles transport and endocytosis. Deciphering the chronology and the significance of each molecular step of polarized growth is therefore very challenging.We have taken advantage of the fact that yeast quiescent cells display actin bodies, a non polarized actin structure, to evaluate the role of F-actin in bud emergence. Here we show that upon exit from quiescence, actin cables are not required for the first steps of polarized growth. We further show that polarized growth can occur in the absence of actin patch-mediated endocytosis. We finally establish, using latrunculin-A, that the first steps of polarized growth do not require any F-actin containing structures. Yet, these structures are required for the formation of a bona fide daughter cell and cell cycle completion. We propose that upon exit from quiescence in the absence of F-actin, secretory vesicles randomly reach the plasma membrane but preferentially dock and fuse where polarity cues are localized, this being sufficient to trigger polarized growth

    Effets d’une finition des agneaux à l’herbe sur les qualités nutritionnelles et gustatives de la viande

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    This study was carried out within the framework of the ECOLAGNO project which focuses on lambmeat production according to agro ecological practices. Two experiments were conducted for two successive yearsby the interregional center of information and research on ovine production (CIIRPO) in order to measure the effectof the type of lamb fattening on sensory and nutritional qualities of their meat, and on breeding performances. In2016 and 2017, three groups of 30 suckled lambs on pasture, weaned at 125 days of age, were compared. Thecontrol group was fattened with concentrated feed indoors and the other two groups were grass-fed in order tofinish lambs only on grass, either within a continuous grazing system on plots with multispecies crops such asgrass, legumes and tannin-rich plants or with cellular grazing. There were little differences between the threegroups for lamb breeding performances and carcass qualities. On average 50 kg RM of concentrated feed weresaved per lamb fattened on pasture. Grazing did not alter odor or flavor of lamb chops. However, the fatty acidprofile of meat was improved for grass-fed animals.Cette étude a été menée dans le cadre du projet ECOLAGNO s’intéressant à la production de vianded’agneau selon des pratiques agro-écologiques. Deux essais conduits sur deux années consécutives par le CentreInterrégional d’Information et de Recherche en Production Ovine (CIIRPO) avaient pour objectif de mesurerl’impact du mode de finition des agneaux, à l’herbe ou en bergerie, sur les qualités gustatives et nutritionnelles dela viande, ainsi que sur les aspects zootechniques. En 2016 et 2017, trois lots de 30 agneaux à l’herbe, allaitéspuis sevrés à 125 jours, ont été comparés. Le témoin était fini en bergerie avec un aliment concentré, les deuxautres au pâturage dans l’objectif de finir les agneaux exclusivement avec de l’herbe : l’un en pâturage continu surdes parcelles multi-espèces composées de graminées, légumineuses et plantes riches en tanins ; l’autre enpâturage cellulaire. Les performances zootechniques et les qualités de la carcasse des agneaux sont peudifférentes entre les trois lots. L’économie de concentré s’est située en moyenne à 50 kg brut par agneau avec unefinition à l’herbe. Il n’y a pas eu de dégradation de l’odeur ou de la flaveur des côtelettes lors des finitions aupâturage ; en revanche, le profil en acides gras des viandes a été amélioré

    GRISOTTO: A greedy approach to improve combinatorial algorithms for motif discovery with prior knowledge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Position-specific priors (PSP) have been used with success to boost EM and Gibbs sampler-based motif discovery algorithms. PSP information has been computed from different sources, including orthologous conservation, DNA duplex stability, and nucleosome positioning. The use of prior information has not yet been used in the context of combinatorial algorithms. Moreover, priors have been used only independently, and the gain of combining priors from different sources has not yet been studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We extend RISOTTO, a combinatorial algorithm for motif discovery, by post-processing its output with a greedy procedure that uses prior information. PSP's from different sources are combined into a scoring criterion that guides the greedy search procedure. The resulting method, called GRISOTTO, was evaluated over 156 yeast TF ChIP-chip sequence-sets commonly used to benchmark prior-based motif discovery algorithms. Results show that GRISOTTO is at least as accurate as other twelve state-of-the-art approaches for the same task, even without combining priors. Furthermore, by considering combined priors, GRISOTTO is considerably more accurate than the state-of-the-art approaches for the same task. We also show that PSP's improve GRISOTTO ability to retrieve motifs from mouse ChiP-seq data, indicating that the proposed algorithm can be applied to data from a different technology and for a higher eukaryote.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The conclusions of this work are twofold. First, post-processing the output of combinatorial algorithms by incorporating prior information leads to a very efficient and effective motif discovery method. Second, combining priors from different sources is even more beneficial than considering them separately.</p

    Precise detection of rearrangement breakpoints in mammalian chromosomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genomes undergo large structural changes that alter their organisation. The chromosomal regions affected by these rearrangements are called breakpoints, while those which have not been rearranged are called synteny blocks. We developed a method to precisely delimit rearrangement breakpoints on a genome by comparison with the genome of a related species. Contrary to current methods which search for synteny blocks and simply return what remains in the genome as breakpoints, we propose to go further and to investigate the breakpoints themselves in order to refine them.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Given some reliable and non overlapping synteny blocks, the core of the method consists in refining the regions that are not contained in them. By aligning each breakpoint sequence against its specific orthologous sequences in the other species, we can look for weak similarities inside the breakpoint, thus extending the synteny blocks and narrowing the breakpoints. The identification of the narrowed breakpoints relies on a segmentation algorithm and is statistically assessed. Since this method requires as input synteny blocks with some properties which, though they appear natural, are not verified by current methods for detecting such blocks, we further give a formal definition and provide an algorithm to compute them.</p> <p>The whole method is applied to delimit breakpoints on the human genome when compared to the mouse and dog genomes. Among the 355 human-mouse and 240 human-dog breakpoints, 168 and 146 respectively span less than 50 Kb. We compared the resulting breakpoints with some publicly available ones and show that we achieve a better resolution. Furthermore, we suggest that breakpoints are rarely reduced to a point, and instead consist in often large regions that can be distinguished from the sequences around in terms of segmental duplications, similarity with related species, and transposable elements.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our method leads to smaller breakpoints than already published ones and allows for a better description of their internal structure. In the majority of cases, our refined regions of breakpoint exhibit specific biological properties (no similarity, presence of segmental duplications and of transposable elements). We hope that this new result may provide some insight into the mechanism and evolutionary properties of chromosomal rearrangements.</p

    Model of For3p-Mediated Actin Cable Assembly in Fission Yeast

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    Formin For3p nucleates actin cables at the tips of fission yeast cells for polarized cell growth. The results of prior experiments have suggested a possible mechanism for actin cable assembly that involves association of For3p near cell tips, For3p-mediated actin polymerization, retrograde flow of actin cables toward the cell center, For3p dissociation from cell tips, and cable disassembly. We used analytical and computational modeling to test the validity and implications of the proposed coupled For3p/actin mechanism. We compared the model to prior experiments quantitatively and generated predictions for the expected behavior of the actin cable system upon changes of parameter values. We found that the model generates stable steady states with realistic values of rate constants and actin and For3p concentrations. Comparison of our results to previous experiments monitoring the FRAP of For3p-3GFP and the response of actin cables to treatments with actin depolymerizing drugs provided further support for the model. We identified the set of parameter values that produces results in agreement with experimental observations. We discuss future experiments that will help test the model's predictions and eliminate other possible mechanisms. The results of the model suggest that flow of actin cables may establish actin and For3p concentration gradients in the cytoplasm that could be important in global cell patterning

    Formin 1-Isoform IV Deficient Cells Exhibit Defects in Cell Spreading and Focal Adhesion Formation

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    Background: Regulation of the cytoskeleton is a central feature of cell migration. The formin family of proteins controls the rate of actin nucleation at its barbed end. Thus, formins are predicted to contribute to several important cell processes such as locomotion, membrane ruffling, vesicle endocytosis, and stress fiber formation and disassociation. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study we investigated the functional role of Formin1-isoform4 (Fmn1-IV) by using genetically null primary cells that displayed augmented protrusive behaviour during wound healing and delayed cell spreading. Cells deficient of Fmn1-IV also showed reduced efficiency of focal adhesion formation. Additionally, we generated an enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP)-fused Fmn1-IV knock-in mouse to monitor the endogenous subcellular localization of Fmn1-IV. Its localization was found within the cytoplasm and along microtubules, yet it was largely excluded from adherens junctions. Conclusions/Significance: It was determined that Fmn1-IV, as an actin nucleator, contributes to protrusion of the cell’s leading edge and focal adhesion formation, thus contributing to cell motility

    A comparative sequence analysis reveals a common GBD/FH3-FH1-FH2-DAD architecture in formins from Dictyostelium, fungi and metazoa

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    BACKGROUND: Formins are multidomain proteins defined by a conserved FH2 (formin homology 2) domain with actin nucleation activity preceded by a proline-rich FH1 (formin homology 1) domain. Formins act as profilin-modulated processive actin nucleators conserved throughout a wide range of eukaryotes. RESULTS: We present a detailed sequence analysis of the 10 formins (ForA to J) identified in the genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. With the exception of ForI and ForC all other formins conform to the domain structure GBD/FH3-FH1-FH2-DAD, where DAD is the Diaphanous autoinhibition domain and GBD/FH3 is the Rho GTPase-binding domain/formin homology 3 domain that we propose to represent a single domain. ForC lacks a FH1 domain, ForI lacks recognizable GBD/FH3 and DAD domains and ForA, E and J have additional unique domains. To establish the relationship between formins of Dictyostelium and other organisms we constructed a phylogenetic tree based on the alignment of FH2 domains. Real-time PCR was used to study the expression pattern of formin genes. Expression of forC, D, I and J increased during transition to multi-cellular stages, while the rest of genes displayed less marked developmental variations. During sexual development, expression of forH and forI displayed a significant increase in fusion competent cells. CONCLUSION: Our analysis allows some preliminary insight into the functionality of Dictyostelium formins: all isoforms might display actin nucleation activity and, with the exception of ForI, might also be susceptible to autoinhibition and to regulation by Rho GTPases. The architecture GBD/FH3-FH1-FH2-DAD appears common to almost all Dictyostelium, fungal and metazoan formins, for which we propose the denomination of conventional formins, and implies a common regulatory mechanism

    A new autosomal dominant eye and lung syndrome linked to mutations in TIMP3 gene

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    To revisit the autosomal dominant Sorsby fundus dystrophy (SFD) as a syndromic condition including late-onset pulmonary disease. We report clinical and imaging data of ten affected individuals from 2 unrelated families with SFD and carrying heterozygous TIMP3 mutations (c.572A > G, p.Y191C, exon 5, in family 1 and c.113C > G, p.S38C, exon 1, in family 2). In family 1, all SFD patients older than 50 (two generations) had also a severe emphysema, despite no history of smoking or asthma. In the preceding generation, the mother died of pulmonary emphysema and she was blind after the age of 50. Her two great-grandsons (<20 years), had abnormal Bruch Membrane thickness, a sign of eye disease. In family 2, eye and lung diseases were also associated in two generations, both occurred later, and lung disease was moderate (bronchiectasis). This is the first report of a syndromic SFD in line with the mouse model uncovering the role of TIMP3 in human lung morphogenesis and functions. The TIMP3 gene should be screened in familial pulmonary diseases with bronchiectasis, associated with a medical history of visual loss. In addition, SFD patients should be advised to avoid tobacco consumption, to practice sports, and to undergo regular pulmonary examinations

    Formin1 Mediates the Induction of Dendritogenesis and Synaptogenesis by Neurogenin3 in Mouse Hippocampal Neurons

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    Neurogenin3, a proneural transcription factor controlled by Notch receptor, has been recently shown to regulate dendritogenesis and synaptogenesis in mouse hippocampal neurons. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in these actions of Ngn3. We have used a microarray analysis to identify Ngn3 regulated genes related with cytoskeleton dynamics. One of such genes is Fmn1, whose protein, Formin1, is associated with actin and microtubule cytoskeleton. Overexpression of the Fmn1 isoform-Ib in cultured mouse hippocampal neurons induced an increase in the number of primary dendrites and in the number of glutamatergic synaptic inputs at 4 days in vitro. The same changes were provoked by overexpression of Ngn3. In addition downregulation of Fmn1 by the use of Fmn1-siRNAs impaired such morphological and synaptic changes induced by Ngn3 overexpression in neurons. These results reveal a previously unknown involvement of Formin1 in dendritogenesis and synaptogenesis and indicate that this protein is a key component of the Ngn3 signaling pathway that controls neuronal differentiation

    Concerted Action of Two Formins in Gliding Motility and Host Cell Invasion by Toxoplasma gondii

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    The invasive forms of apicomplexan parasites share a conserved form of gliding motility that powers parasite migration across biological barriers, host cell invasion and egress from infected cells. Previous studies have established that the duration and direction of gliding motility are determined by actin polymerization; however, regulators of actin dynamics in apicomplexans remain poorly characterized. In the absence of a complete ARP2/3 complex, the formin homology 2 domain containing proteins and the accessory protein profilin are presumed to orchestrate actin polymerization during host cell invasion. Here, we have undertaken the biochemical and functional characterization of two Toxoplasma gondii formins and established that they act in concert as actin nucleators during invasion. The importance of TgFRM1 for parasite motility has been assessed by conditional gene disruption. The contribution of each formin individually and jointly was revealed by an approach based upon the expression of dominant mutants with modified FH2 domains impaired in actin binding but still able to dimerize with their respective endogenous formin. These mutated FH2 domains were fused to the ligand-controlled destabilization domain (DD-FKBP) to achieve conditional expression. This strategy proved unique in identifying the non-redundant and critical roles of both formins in invasion. These findings provide new insights into how controlled actin polymerization drives the directional movement required for productive penetration of parasites into host cells