17 research outputs found

    Anomalous Maxwell equations for inhomogeneous chiral plasma

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    Using the chiral kinetic theory we derive the electric and chiral current densities in inhomogeneous relativistic plasma. We also derive equations for the electric and chiral charge chemical potentials that close the Maxwell equations in such a plasma. The analysis is done in the regimes with and without a drift of the plasma as a whole. In addition to the currents present in the homogeneous plasma (Hall current, chiral magnetic, chiral separation, and chiral electric separation effects, as well as Ohm's current) we derive several new terms associated with inhomogeneities of the plasma. Apart from various diffusion-like terms, we find also new dissipation-less terms that are independent of relaxation time. Their origin can be traced to the Berry curvature modifications of the kinetic theory.Comment: 16 pages; published versio


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    299-304We obtained the material equations of the meta-environment and determined the dispersion equations for normal waves in it. We found out several exotic physical effects depending on the numerical values and signs of the elements of the resulting dielectric and magnetic permeability tensors. For example, all five natural waves propagate in one direction: three normal waves propagate in one direction, and two waves in another direction; two normal waves of the same polarization are directed by the meta-environment in one direction, and three waves of the other polarization - in the opposite direction. We will use it for creation of new complex waveguide media with unique properties


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    We obtained the material equations of the meta-environment and determined the dispersion equations for normal waves in it. We found out several exotic physical effects depending on the numerical values and signs of the elements of the resulting dielectric and magnetic permeability tensors. For example, all five natural waves propagate in one direction: three normal waves propagate in one direction, and two waves in another direction; two normal waves of the same polarization are directed by the meta-environment in one direction, and three waves of the other polarization - in the opposite direction. We will use it for creation of new complex waveguide media with unique properties.299-30


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    Inflationary stage is followed by particle production in the background of an oscillating inflaton field, which process is called preheating. For sufficiently strong couplings between the inflaton and matter fields, it is known to proceed non-perturbatively, with parametric resonance playing crucial role for bosonic fields. The evolution of the occupation numbers for fermions is non-perturbative as well. In the Minkowski space, parametric resonancefor bosons and non-perturbative effects for fermions would still persist even in the case of weak coupling. In particular, the energy density of created bosons would grow exponentially with time. However, the situation is quite different in the expanding universe. We give a simple demonstration how the conditions of the expanding universe, specifically, redshift of thefield modes, lead to the usual perturbative expressions for particle production by an oscillating inflaton in the case of weak couplings. The results that we obtain are relevant and fully applicable to the Starobinsky inflationary model.

    Генерація хіральної асиметрії під час аксіонної інфляції

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    We study the generation of a chiral charge during the axion inflation, where the pseudoscalar inflaton field φ couples axially to the electromagnetic field via the term (β/Mp)φ E · B with the dimensionless coupling constant β. To describe the evolution of the electromagnetic field and to determine ⟨E·B⟩ sourcing the chiral asymmetry during the inflation due to the chiral anomaly, we employ the gradient-expansion formalism. It operates with a set of vacuum expectation values of the bilinear electromagnetic functions and allows us to consider the backreaction of generated fields on the inflaton evolution, as well as the Schwinger production of charged fermions. In addition, we assume that the produced fermions thermalize and include the chiral magnetic effect contribution to the electric current given by jCME = e2/(2π2)μ5B, where μ5 is the chiral chemical potential which quantifies the produced chiral asymmetry. Solving a set of equations for the inflaton field, scale factor, quadratic functions of the electromagnetic field, and the chiral charge density (chiral chemical potential), we find that the chirality production is quite efficient leading to the generation of a large chiral chemical potential at the end of the axion inflation.Ми дослiдили генерацiю хiрального заряду пiд час аксiонної iнфляцiї, де псевдоскалярне поле iнфлатона взаємодiє аксiально з електромагнiтним полем через доданок (/) · з безрозмiрною константою зв’язку . Щоб описати еволюцiю електромагнiтного поля та визначити величину ⟨ · ⟩, яка завдяки хiральнiй аномалiї є джерелом хiральної асиметрiї пiд час iнфляцiї, ми використовуємо формалiзм градiєнтного розкладу. Вiн працює з набором вакуумних середнiх вiд бiлiнiйних електромагнiтних функцiй i дозволяє враховувати зворотну реакцiю згенерованих полiв на еволюцiю iнфлатона, а також швiнгерiвське народження заряджених фермiонiв. Крiм того, ми припускаємо, що згенерованi фермiони термалiзуються та внаслiдок хiрального магнiтного ефекту дають внесок до електричного струму, CME = 2/(2 2)5, де 5 – хiральний хiмiчний потенцiал, який кiлькiсно визначає створену хiральну асиметрiю. Розв’язуючи систему рiвнянь для поля iнфлатона, масштабного фактора, бiлiнiйних функцiй електромагнiтного поля та хiральної густини заряду (хiрального хiмiчного потенцiалу), ми знаходимо, що генерацiя хiральної асиметрiї є досить ефективною, що вiдображається у великих значеннях хiрального хiмiчного потенцiалу в кiнцi аксiонної iнфляцiї