724 research outputs found

    Faktor Persepsi terhadap Keputusan Mahasiswa Memilih Tempat Kuliah (Studi Kasus Perguruan Tinggi Bina Insani Bekasi)

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    This study aims to describe, know and understand whether e-marketing can influence consumers shopping behavior. Data were obtained through questionnaires distributed to 45 respondents of Bina Insani students. This study is a descriptive statistics research with associative approach. Methods of analysis used are the validity test, reliability test, and normality test of the questionnaires distributed. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed using t and F tests. Data processing was performed with SPSS 16.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Science). The study found that there are two perception factors that influenced students' decision in choosing Bina Insani as their place of study. Based on the results of F test, it is found that simultaneously the regression model fluenced the students' decission. Based on t test result it is known that service and confort has partially affected their decision. Keywords: Bina Insani, college, consumers decision, perception, student

    Teaching English for Kindergarten Students (a Case Study at Tk Al-azhar Mojokerto)

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    Teaching English for kindergarten students is different from high levelschool students. The teacher should use appropriate technique and method tomake the students interested in learning English. The aim of teaching and learningEnglish for kindergarten students is to introduce English in early age so that theywill be familiar with English. This study was conducted to investigate the techniques and methods usedby the English teacher in TK Al-Azhar, the materials used to support teaching andlearning English, and the students' participat ion in learning English. This researchwas conducted using qualitative research design, and the instrument used wereinterview, observation, and document analysis. The findings of this research were (1) the technique and method used bythe teacher could attract kindergarten students to learn English well. The teachingtechnique used by the teacher were singing songs, sensing using picture cards toexplain the material, imitat ing the teacher's pronunciat ion, drilling the studentspronunciation, giving test to the students; (2) the supporting material to teach thekindergarten students were textbooks and picture series. While, the media forteaching English were songs created by the teacher or obtained from training, thepicture cards taken from the picture series or students' handbook and real object.(3) The students are enthusiastic and happy in learning English. They were activein class and quickly understood what the teacher taught. In conclusion, the use of picture cards and songs are helpful for the teacherto attract the students and make the class more fun. Besides, applying theappropriate methods and techniques in teaching English can achieve the target inteaching English for kindergarten students. The researcher suggests that furtherstudy analyzes the technique of teaching English using story telling or short movieto enrich kindergarten students' vocabulary

    Perbedaan Hasil Jadi Celana Apple Peel B pada Bahan Rayon antara Pengembangan Pola 1,5x dan 2x Panjang Celana

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      Abstrak   Celana merupakan busana luar pria maupun wanita yang menutupi bagian bawah dari pinggang sampai mata kaki terdiri dari 4 bagian yaitu dua helai bagian muka dan dua helai bagian belakang, keempat helai kain tersebut disatukan dengan cara dijahit pada bagian sisi dan bagian pesak. Celana yang sesuai dengan desain membutuhkan pola yang baik. Pola yang sering dipakai dalam membuat busana terkesan biasa dan belum banyak yang tereksplorasi, namun berbeda dengan pola metode Pattern magic. Pattern Magic dibuat oleh Tomoko Nakamichi, seorang ahli fashion dari jepang. Pattern Magic dibuat dengan membuat pecah pola sedemikian rupa yang hasil busananya menjadi 3 dimensi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil jadi celana Apple Peel B, untuk mengetahui Perbedaan hasil jadi celana Apple Peel B antara pengembangan pola celana 1,5x dan 2x panjang celana dan untuk mengetahui hasil jadi yang terbaik antara pengembangan pola 1,5x dan 2x panjang celana. Jenis penelitian termasuk penelitian eksperimen dengan variabel bebas yaitu pengembangan pola 1,5x dan 2x panjang celana, variabel terikat adalah hasil jadi celana Apple Peel B pada bahan Rayon yang ditinjau dari ketepatan letak draperi, kerataan draperi, jatuhnya draperi serta bentuk draperi pada  celana Apple Peel B dan variabel kontrol adalah desain, daftar ukuran, pembuatan celana, orang yang membuat, alat, bahan dan proses menjahit. Metode pengumpulan data adalah observasi dengan instrumen penelitian daftar cek list. Analisis data menggunakan Uji t dengan taraf nyata signifikan 5 %. Hasil penelitian celana Apple Peel B pengembangan pola panjang celana ditinjau dari aspek ketepatan letak draperi, kerataan draperi, jatuhnya draperi dan bentuk draperi. Pada aspek ketepatan letak draperi pada pengembangan pola 1,5x panjang celana diperoleh mean 3,66 (sangat baik) sedangkan yang 2x diperoleh mean 3,23 (baik). Pada aspek kerataan draperi pada pengembangan pola 1,5x panjang celana diperoleh mean 3,56 (sangat baik) sedangkan yang 2x diperoleh mean 3,00 (baik). Pada aspek jatuhnya draperi pada pengembangan pola 1,5x panjang celana diperoleh mean 3,56 (sangat baik) sedangkan yang 2x diperoleh mean 3,00 (baik). Pada aspek bentuk draperi pada pengembangan pola 1,5x panjang celana diperoleh mean 3,45 (sangat baik) sedangkan yang 2x diperoleh mean 2,86 (baik).Terdapat Perbedaan yang signifikan  karena hasil dari setiap aspek memiliki  α < 0,05. Hasil jadi celana yang terbaik yaitu pada pengembangan pola 1,5x panjang celana, diperoleh rata-rata mean sebesar 3,55 dalam kategori sangat baik sebab hasil jadi celana Apple Peel B lebih pas sehingga tidak bertumpuk pada bagian bawah (kaki).   Kata kunci : Celana Apple Peel B, bahan Rayon, pengembangan pola 1,5x dan 2x panjang celana     Abstract   Pants an outer garment of men and women who cover the bottom of the waist to ankle consists of 4 parts: the two strands of the front and rear two-piece, four pieces of fabric are sewn together in a way on the sides. Pants that fit the design requires a good pattern. The pattern is often used in making fashion seem ordinary and not much explored, but in contrast to the Pattern magic method. Pattern Magic by Tomoko Nakamichi made , a fashion expert from Japan. Pattern Magic made ​​with making burst pattern in such a way that the results into 3-dimensional fashion. The purpose of this study is to find out the results so pants Apple Peel B, to determine the difference in the results so pants Apple Peel B pattern  between the development of 1.5x and 2x pants and long pants to see the best results so that the development pattern of 1.5x and 2x length pants . Types of research including experimental study with the independent variable is the development pattern of 1.5x and 2x long pants, so the dependent variable is the outcome trousers Apple Peel B on Rayon material that drapes layout in terms of accuracy, flatness drapes, drapes fall and drapes form on trousers Apple Peel B and the control variable is the design, the size of the list, the manufacture of trousers, the person who makes, tools, materials and sewing process. Data collection methods were observation by mailing a check list of research instruments. Data were analyzed using t-test with a significance level of 5% significant. The results of the research briefs Apple Peel B length pants pattern development in terms of the accuracy of the location aspect drapes, drapes flatness, the fall of the drapes and drapes form. In the aspect of accuracy the location of drapes on the development of long pants pattern 1.5x the mean 3.66 (very good) 2x whereas the mean of 3.23 (good). In the aspect of flatness pattern drapes on developing long pants 1.5x the mean of 3.56 (very good) 2x whereas the mean of 3.00 (good). At the fall of the aspects of the development pattern drapes on long pants 1.5x the mean of 3.56 (very good) 2x whereas the mean of 3.00 (good). In aspects of the development pattern drapes on long pants 1.5x the mean of 3.45 (very good) 2x while the mean of 2.86 (good). Significant difference as a result of any aspect of having α<0.05. Results so pants are best used in the development of long pants 1.5x pattern, obtained an average mean of 3.55 in the excellent category because the results so Apple Peel B pants more fitting so it does not accumulate on the bottom (foot). Keywords: Apple Peel B Pants, Rayon material, the development pattern of 1.5x and 2x length pants &nbsp

    Isu Penegakkan Hukum Lingkungan dalam Kerangka Perdagangan Bebas di Era Globalisasi

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    WTO telah mencantumkan secara eksplisit pengaturan mengenai lingkungan hidup dalam Pasal XX ayat (b) dan (g) GATT. Aturan tersebut merupakan ide dari negara maju dan dimaksudkan untuk penegakkan hukum lingkungan agar fungsi lingkungan tetap lestari. Namun, ketentuan tersebut pada Kenyataannya tidak menjadikan lingkungan menjadi lebih baik bahkan makin menimbulkan masalah lingkungan hidup global. Selain itu, penetapan standar lingkungan dalam perdagangan bebas menjadikan negara berkembang tidak dapat bersaing di pasar bebeas karena tidak dapat memenuhi standar lingkungan hidup yang diisyaratkan bagi transasksi dalam perdagangan bebas

    Pengaruh Pemberian Latihan Range of Motion (Rom) Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Pada Pasien Post Stroke Di RSUD Gambiran

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    Stroke adalah sindrom klinis berupa gangguan fungsi otak sebagian atau seluruhnya yang diakibatkan oleh gangguan suplai darah ke otak. Stroke dapat berdampak pada berbagai fungsi tubuh diantaranya adalah defisit motorik berupa hemiparese (kelemahan satu sisi tubuh). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh latihan Range of Motion terhadap kekuatan otot pasien post stroke di RSUD Gambiran Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian Pre Experimental dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 17 responden dansampel 16 responden yang diberikan latihan range of motion 2x sehari selama 7 hari. Evaluasi penelitian ini dilakukan pada hari pertama dan ketujuh. Teknik pengambilan sampel, purposive sampling. Analisa data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisa univariat dan analisa bivariat (Paired Sample T-test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh pemberian latihan range of motion terhadap kemampuan motorik pada pasien post stroke di RSUD Gambiran Kediri 2014. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut dan penggunaan latihan ini sebagai salah satu intervensi mandiri perawat dalam asuhan keperawatan pasien stroke

    Kebebasan Pers Dalam Konteks KUHP Pidana: Menyoal Undang-Undang Sebagai Fungsi Komunikasi

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    In his book, The Limits of Law, Anthony Allots stated that regulation is no more that a communication system based on Wittgenstein's phrase: the language game. Regulations always ask the same questions: who's the actor of communication? For whom the regulations been imposed? How did its communication method? What were communication obstacles which disturbed the communication process? Speaking about press regulations, which cutting-off and narrowing the freedom of press in Indonesia as imposed by KUH Pidana, it was clear enough that such regulation's function mainly part of repressive acts, not preventive purposes

    A Comparison on Hyponymy and Cultural Symbolism of Six Color Words Between Chinese Language and Bahasa Indonesia

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    Color words originate from natural world. In general different languages have similar patterns of color hypernymy. Nevertheless, when it comes to color hyponymy, it is not the case. Specific color hyponyms have emerged because different countries have different cultures. Besides, color words are also rich in cultural symbolism. In other words, same colors in different countries have different cultural symbolisms. This paper analyzed six color words (red, white, yellow, blue, green, and black) between Chinese language and bahasa Indonesia to find similarities and differences both in hyponymy and in culture symbolism
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