355 research outputs found

    Identificación de nematodos gastrointestinales en búfalos faenados en un frigorífico de Corrientes, Argentina

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    The objective of this work was to identify and quantify the adult specimens of gastrointestinal nematodes in buffaloes slaughtered in Virasoro (Corrientes, Argentina) by means of necropsy of the digestive tract, and through coprological studies, in order to correlate them with the count of eggs per gram of fecal stool and the proportion of parasite genera of third stage larvae of stool culture. A total of 4 necropsies corresponding to young male buffaloes were carried out, of which 50% presented adult specimens of Trichostrongylus sp and Haemonchus sp located only in the abomasum. In the coprological studies, 75% of the samples presented counts of egg per gram of fecal stool, with only 2 cases with the identification of third stage larvae of Haemonchus sp in stool cultures.El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar y cuantificar los ejemplares adultos de nematodos gastrointestinales en los búfalos faenados en el frigorífico de Virasoro (Corrientes) mediante la necropsia parasitaria del tubo digestivo y, por intermedio de estudios coprológicos, correlacionarlos con el recuento de huevos por gramo de materia fecal y la proporción de géneros parasitarios de larvas de tercer estadio de los coprocultivos. Se realizaron en total 4 necropsias parasitarias que correspondieron a búfalos machos jóvenes, de los cuales el 50% presentó ejemplares adultos de Trichostrongylus sp y Haemonchus sp ubicados solamente en el abomaso. En los estudios coprológicos, el 75% de las muestras presentaron recuentos de huevos por gramo de materia fecal, de los cuales únicamente en dos casos se pudieron identificar larvas de tercer estadio de Haemonchus sp en los coprocultivos

    Statistical Multifragmentation in Central Au+Au Collisions at 35 MeV/u

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    Multifragment disintegrations, measured for central Au + Au collisions at E/A = 35 MeV, are analyzed with the Statistical Multifragmentation Model. Charge distributions, mean fragment energies, and two-fragment correlation functions are well reproduced by the statistical breakup of a large, diluted and thermalized system slightly above the multifragmentation threshold.Comment: Latex file, 8 pages + 4 postscript figures available upon request from [email protected]

    Multifragment production in Au+Au at 35 MeV/u

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    Multifragment disintegration has been measured with a high efficiency detection system for the reaction Au+AuAu + Au at E/A=35 MeVE/A = 35\ MeV. From the event shape analysis and the comparison with the predictions of a many-body trajectories calculation the data, for central collisions, are compatible with a fast emission from a unique fragment source.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex file, 4 postscript figures available upon request from [email protected]. - to appear in Phys. Lett.

    High-risk mammographic parenchymal patterns and anthropometric measures: a case–control study

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    Mammographic parenchymal patterns are related to breast cancer risk and are also affected by anthropometric measure. We carried out a case–control study comprising 200 cases with high-risk (P2 and DY) mammographic parenchymal pattern and 200 controls with low-risk (N1 and P1) patterns in order to investigate the effect of body size and shape and breast size on mammographic patterns. Women in the highest quartile of body mass index (BMI) distribution were significantly less likely to have a high-risk pattern (odds ratio (OR) = 0.21, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.08–0.52, P-value for trend = 0.001) compared to those in the lowest quartile. Relative to women with a waist to hip ratio (WHR) of less than 0.75, the OR of having a high-risk pattern in women with a WHR greater than 0.80 was 0.30 (95% CI 0.14–0.63). Breast size as measured by cup size was significantly and negatively related to high-risk pattern. Our study indicates that both BMI and WHR are negatively associated with high-risk patterns. However, both phenomena are associated with increased risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women. This negative confounding of two positive risk factors means that the effect of parenchymal patterns on risk will tend to be underestimated when not adjusted for BMI and WHR and vice versa. Thus we may have underestimated the importance of BMI and mammographic parenchymal patterns in the past. Further studies are needed to determine a measure of parenchymal density that is independent of anthropometric measures and breast size. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Personality traits and cancer survival: a Danish cohort study

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    We conducted a population-based prospective cohort study in Denmark to investigate associations between the personality traits and cancer survival. Between 1976 and 1977, 1020 residents of the Copenhagen County completed a questionnaire eliciting information on personality traits and various health habits. The personality traits extraversion and neuroticism were measured using the short form of the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Follow-up in the Danish Cancer Registry for 1976–2002 revealed 189 incidents of primary cancer and follow-up for death from the date of the cancer diagnosis until 2005 revealed 82 deaths from all-cause in this group. A Cox proportional-hazards model was used to estimate the hazard ratios (HRs) of death from all-cause according to extraversion and neuroticism adjusting for potential confounding factors. A significant association was found between neuroticism and risk of death (HR, 2.3 (95% CI=1.1–4.7); Linear trend P=0.04) but not between extraversion and risk of death (HR, 0.9 (0.4–1.7); Linear trend P=0.34). Similar results were found when using cancer-related death. Stratification by gender revealed a strong positive association between neuroticism and the risk of death among women (Linear trend P=0.03). This study showed that neuroticism is positively associated with cancer survival. Further research on neuroticism and cancer survival is needed

    Predicted effects of the introduction of long-acting injectable cabotegravir pre-exposure prophylaxis in sub-Saharan Africa: a modelling study

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    BACKGROUND: Long-acting injectable cabotegravir pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is recommended by WHO as an additional option for HIV prevention in sub-Saharan Africa, but there is concern that its introduction could lead to an increase in integrase-inhibitor resistance undermining treatment programmes that rely on dolutegravir. We aimed to project the health benefits and risks of cabotegravir-PrEP introduction in settings in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: With HIV Synthesis, an individual-based HIV model, we simulated 1000 setting-scenarios reflecting both variability and uncertainty about HIV epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa and compared outcomes for each with and without cabotegravir-PrEP introduction. PrEP use is assumed to be risk-informed and to be used only in 3-month periods (the time step for the model) when having condomless sex. We consider three groups at risk of integrase-inhibitor resistance emergence: people who start cabotegravir-PrEP after (unknowingly) being infected with HIV, those who seroconvert while on PrEP, and those with HIV who have residual cabotegravir drugs concentrations during the early tail period after recently stopping PrEP. We projected the outcomes of policies of cabotegravir-PrEP introduction and of no introduction in 2022 across 50 years. In 50% of setting-scenarios we considered that more sensitive nucleic-acid-based HIV diagnostic testing (NAT), rather than regular antibody-based HIV rapid testing, might be used to reduce resistance risk. For cost-effectiveness analysis we assumed in our base case a cost of cabotegravir-PrEP drug to be similar to oral PrEP, resulting in a total annual cost of USD144peryear(144 per year (114 per year and 264peryearconsideredinsensitivityanalyses),acosteffectivenessthresholdof264 per year considered in sensitivity analyses), a cost-effectiveness threshold of 500 per disability-adjusted life years averted, and a discount rate of 3% per year. FINDINGS: Reflecting our assumptions on the appeal of cabotegravir-PrEP, its introduction is predicted to lead to a substantial increase in PrEP use with approximately 2·6% of the adult population (and 46% of those with a current indication for PrEP) receiving PrEP compared with 1·5% (28%) without cabotegravir-PrEP introduction across 20 years. As a result, HIV incidence is expected to be lower by 29% (90% range across setting-scenarios 6-52%) across the same period compared with no introduction of cabotegravir-PrEP. In people initiating antiretroviral therapy, the proportion with integrase-inhibitor resistance after 20 years is projected to be 1·7% (0-6·4%) without cabotegravir-PrEP introduction but 13·1% (4·1-30·9%) with. Cabotegravir-PrEP introduction is predicted to lower the proportion of all people on antiretroviral therapy with viral loads less than 1000 copies per mL by 0·9% (-2·5% to 0·3%) at 20 years. For an adult population of 10 million an overall decrease in number of AIDS deaths of about 4540 per year (-13 000 to -300) across 50 years is predicted, with little discernible benefit with NAT when compared with standard antibody-based rapid testing. AIDS deaths are predicted to be averted with cabotegravir-PrEP introduction in 99% of setting-scenarios. Across the 50-year time horizon, overall HIV programme costs are predicted to be similar regardless of whether cabotegravir-PrEP is introduced (total mean discounted annual HIV programme costs per year across 50 years is 1513millionvs151·3 million vs 150·7 million), assuming the use of standard antibody testing. With antibody-based rapid HIV testing, the introduction of cabotegravir-PrEP is predicted to be cost-effective under an assumed threshold of 500perdisabilityadjustedlifeyearavertedin82500 per disability-adjusted life year averted in 82% of setting-scenarios at the cost of 144 per year, in 52% at 264,andin87264, and in 87% at 114. INTERPRETATION: Despite leading to increases in integrase-inhibitor drug resistance, cabotegravir-PrEP introduction is likely to reduce AIDS deaths in addition to HIV incidence. Long-acting cabotegravir-PrEP is predicted to be cost-effective if delivered at similar cost to oral PrEP with antibody-based rapid HIV testing. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health

    Writing Russia's future: paradigms, drivers, and scenarios

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    The development of prediction and forecasting in the social sciences over the past century and more is closely linked with developments in Russia. The Soviet collapse undermined confidence in predictive capabilities, and scenario planning emerged as the dominant future-oriented methodology in area studies, including the study of Russia. Scenarists anticipate multiple futures rather than predicting one. The approach is too rarely critiqued. Building on an account of Russia-related forecasting in the twentieth century, analysis of two decades of scenarios reveals uniform accounts which downplay the insights of experts and of social science theory alike