464 research outputs found

    Inspeksi Getaran Pada Turbin Uap Penggerak Pompa di Industri Pupuk

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    Turbin uap di industri memiliki tingkat kritis tinggi sehingga diperlukan penerapan teknik predictive maintenance. Teknik yang handal untuk turbin uap adalah inspeksi getaran mesin. Dengan teknik inspeksi getaran mesin, gejala kerusakan dapat dideteksi secara dini dan kerusakan lebih lanjut dapat dicegah. Obyek inspeksi yaitu turbin uap yang digunakan  turbin menggerakkan pompa melalui transmisi kotak roda gigi. Parameter yang diukur dan dianalisa meliputi overall amplitude, sinyal dan spektrum getaran. Analisanya menggunakan comparative, trending dan descriptive analysis. Berdasarkan overall amplitude menunjukkan bahwa turbin dalam keadan baik dan cenderung memuaskan. Pada turbin terdapat sinyal yang fluktuatif. Pada spektrum nampak frekuensi fundamental turbin dan pompa berikut frekuensi harmoniknya. Amplitudo tertinggi kemungkinan disebabkan karena  gearmeshing problem. Amplitudo pada frekuensi 366.2 Hz belum diketahui dari mana berasal. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kajian lebih lanjut terutama pada kotak roda gigi

    Code Mixing and Switching in the Opening Speech of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in the Nternational Conference for Anti-corruption Agencies

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    Keywords: Code Mixing, Code switching, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Nowadays, we often meet the phenomenon of using two or more languages in communication. In this case, there are some ways to distribute code mixing and switching. This study analyzes code mixing and switching focusing on the speech of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. SBY is the sixth president of Republik Indonesia who deliver the speech entitled “Sambutan Presiden Republik Indonesia Menerima Pimpinan Delegasi International Conference Principles for Anti-Corruption Agencies”. In his speech, SBY frequently used certain words fromforeign language, especially English. This research attempts to identify the typesof code mixing and switching used by SBY and also the influencing factors ofSBY to use code mixing and switching in his speech. This research uses theoryproposed by Holmes (1992). For the research methods, the writer used qualitative approach and the object of this research is SBY\u27s speech entitled “Sambutan Presiden Republik Indonesia Menerima Pimpinan Delegasi International Conference Priciples for Anti-Corruption Agencies”. The writer collected 48 data which contain codemixing and switching. In collecting the data, the writer did several steps namely,downloading the script, choosing the utterance which contain of code mixing andswitching. This research found that there are some of types of code mixing and switching used by SBY in his speech. They are situational and metaphorical code mixing and situational code switching. This research also found the factors that influence SBY to use code mixing and switching. They are function, topic,participant, and setting.In conclusion, the writer found significant relevance between theinfluencing factors and the types of code mixing and switching. Hopefully thisresearch can be used as an additional reference for the next researchers whoconcern on both code mixing and switching

    Pengaruh Pemberitaan Media Massa Terhadap Kredibilitas Pemimpin Simbolik Keagamaan

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    The credibility of a leader of the religious symbolic greatly influenced by the publicity given by the media. This study discusses the credibility of KH. Fuad Amin (religious symbolic figures) are involved in corruption cases among students at the University of Madura Dr. Soetomo. Discussion of the issue studied by the theories that exist in the communication disciplines. The underlying theory is a theory of leadership, theories about the mass media, the theory of leadership credibility. The method used in this research is the method of "explanatory survey" that is research taking sample from a population and using a questionnaire as a data collection tool that subject. The sample used in this study is the total population that uses the entire population of Madura active student studying at the University Dr. Soetomo. From the calculation of statistical tests performed show that there is a significantly lower influence of the weak or between reporting cases of corruption KH. Fuad Amin with the symbolic leaders of religious credibility. This is evidenced by the statistical test by using correlation analysis, where the r value of 0.276

    Farmer investment into biosecurity on broiler and layer farms in Bali

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    This paper measures the cost of implementing biosecurity on broiler and layer farms in Bali. Farmer investment in biosecurity is analysed to determine if there is any difference in the implementation of biosecurity between broiler and layer farms. Data is taken from a survey of 60 layer and 60 broiler smallholder farmers in Bali in 2009. While secure boundary fencing and farm gate locks are more common on layer farms, broiler producers are more likely to have a footbaths at the shed door. In this analysis, biosecurity investments include the quality of fencing and gates, presence of locks on gates, management changes required to minimise staff and visitor movement onto and in the farm, costs of minimising vehicle entry, use of vaccination and disinfectant, chlorination of water and quality of the chicken shed. Defining the relationships between present investment decisions and farm type, size and mortality rates will provide useful information to decision makers concerning the cost-effective levels of biosecurity that should be adopted by smallholder farmers in Bali. In Bali, decision makers are not only the individual farmers but also the government and private companies.biosecurity, poultry, investment, Bali, Farm Management,

    The effect of breastfeeding counseling using card media on the knowledge and skills of breastfeeding mothers using the Quasy Experiment research approach

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    Purpose: This research aims to analyze the effect of breastfeeding counseling cards on the knowledge and breastfeeding skills level in mothers of babies 0-6 months. Methods: This research used a quasi-experimental design with two treatment groups. The research sample of 30 respondents was calculated with the help of G-Power Analysis 3.1 based on a 2-group t-test with an alpha error of .05, power of study 0.80, and large effect size (0.9). Results: The average age of breastfeeding mothers is 26.7 years, with the majority education level being senior high school (SMA) at 63.3% and the number of children at one level being 53.3%. Counseling with cards had a significant effect on the level of knowledge of breastfeeding mothers (p < 0.000). Counseling also significantly affects changes in skills (p < 0.000). The intensity of counseling is also a factor that influences the improvement of the mother's skills, so the more frequent contact between the mother and the counselor, the more often the mother will receive information, indirectly improving the mother's skills. Conclusion: The results of this study can be used as a reference for further research related to breastfeeding counseling and exclusive breastfeeding. The results of this research can be developed with other media, both print and electronic media, by taking advantage of advances in technology and society that continue to develop to increase the knowledge and skills of breastfeeding mothers and achieve exclusive breastfeedin

    Aspek Perancangan Sistem Penerangan Cerdas Berbasis Rf Transceiver

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    This paper offers ideas for designed a lighting system based RF Transceiver. design involves two sensors, sensor based infrared and sensor based light intensity and then becomes the input for the processor media. the output of the system is automatic switch lights. The automatic switch ensures that the circuit remains turned off when natural illumination is available. The automatic light is made functional from dusk to dawn because sensor reads the light intensity. A movement sensor is used to enhance the conservation of energy. It makes the automatic light operate on low brightnesswhen there is no movement. When a person is approaching, the brightness increases till the person has passed. This function is useful to indoors where it can increase power savings when there is not much movement at night