92 research outputs found

    Shuttle Mechanism for Charge Transfer in Coulomb Blockade Nanostructures

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    Room-temperature Coulomb blockade of charge transport through composite nanostructures containing organic inter-links has recently been observed. A pronounced charging effect in combination with the softness of the molecular links implies that charge transfer gives rise to a significant deformation of these structures. For a simple model system containing one nanoscale metallic cluster connected by molecular links to two bulk metallic electrodes we show that self-excitation of periodic cluster oscillations in conjunction with sequential processes of cluster charging and decharging appears for a sufficiently large bias voltage. This new `electron shuttle' mechanism of discrete charge transfer gives rise to a current through the nanostructure, which is proportional to the cluster vibration frequency.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electrospun magnetic composite poly-3-hydroxybutyrate/magnetite scaffolds for biomedical applications: composition, structure, magnetic properties, and biological performance

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    Magnetically responsive composite polymer scaffolds have good potential for a variety of biomedical applications. In this work, electrospun composite scaffolds made of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and magnetite (Fe3O4) particles (MPs) were studied before and after degradation in either PBS or a lipase solution. MPs of different sizes with high saturation magnetization were synthesized by the coprecipitation method followed by coating with citric acid (CA). Nanosized MPs were prone to magnetite-maghemite phase transformation during scaffold fabrication, as revealed by Raman spectroscopy; however, for CA-functionalized nanoparticles, the main phase was found to be magnetite, with some traces of maghemite. Submicron MPs were resistant to the magnetite-maghemite phase transformation. MPs did not significantly affect the morphology and diameter of PHB fibers. The scaffolds containing CA-coated MPs lost 0.3 or 0.2% of mass in the lipase solution and PBS, respectively, whereas scaffolds doped with unmodified MPs showed no mass changes after 1 month of incubation in either medium. In all electrospun scaffolds, no alterations of the fiber morphology were observed. Possible mechanisms of the crystalline-lamellar-structure changes in hybrid PHB/Fe3O4 scaffolds during hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation are proposed. It was revealed that particle size and particle surface functionalization affect the mechanical properties of the hybrid scaffolds. The addition of unmodified MPs increased scaffolds' ultimate strength but reduced elongation at break after the biodegradation, whereas simultaneous increases in both parameters were observed for composite scaffolds doped with CA-coated MPs. The highest saturation magnetization-higher than that published in the literature-was registered for composite PHB scaffolds doped with submicron MPs. All PHB scaffolds proved to be biocompatible, and the ones doped with nanosized MPs yielded faster proliferation of rat mesenchymal stem cells. In addition, all electrospun scaffolds were able to support angiogenesis in vivo at 30 days after implantation in Wistar rats