403 research outputs found

    Application of the technique of collage in educational process of preparation of bachelors of social work

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    The article discusses the use of collage technique to generate professional-personal qualities of the Bachelors of social workВ статье рассматриваются возможности использования техники коллажа для формирования профессионально-личностных качеств бакалавров социальной работ

    Student volunteering as a means of professional development at the future experts of social work

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    The article describes the potentiality student volunteering for forming of professional-personal qualities future experts of social workВ статье рассматриваются возможности использования студенческого волонтерства для формирования профессионально-личностных качеств будущих специалистов социальной работ

    Weighted Chebyshev Distance Algorithms for Hyperspectral Target Detection and Classification Applications

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    In this study, an efficient spectral similarity method referred to as Weighted Chebyshev Distance (WCD) is introduced for supervised classification of hyperspectral imagery (HSI) and target detection applications. The WCD is based on a simple spectral similarity based decision rule using limited amount of reference data. The estimation of upper and lower spectral boundaries of spectral signatures for all classes across spectral bands is referred to as a vector tunnel (VT). To obtain the reference information, the training signatures are provided randomly from existing data for a known class. After determination of the parameters of the WCD algorithm with the training set, classification or detection procedures are accomplished at each pixel. The comparative performances of the algorithms are tested under various cases. The decision criterion for classification of an input vector is based on choosing its class corresponding to the narrowest VT that the input vector fits in to. This is also shown to be approximated by the WCD in which the weights are chosen as an inverse power of the generalized standard deviation per spectral band. In computer experiments, the WCD classifier is compared with the Euclidian Distance (ED) classifier and the Spectral Angle Map (SAM) classifier. The WCD algorithm is also used for HSI target detection purpose. Target detection problem is considered as a two-class classification problem. The WCD is characterized only by the target class spectral information. Then, this method is compared with ED, SAM, Spectral Matched Filter (SMF), Adaptive Cosine Estimator (ACE) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms. During these studies, threshold levels are evaluated based on the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves (ROC)

    Effectiveness of Product Placement: An Experimental Study in Turkey

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    This experimental research conducted in Turkey aims to investigate the effects of product placement on consumer choice and memory by combining explicit and implicit measures. Results of the present study support the overall impact of placements on memory and choice. According to the results prominent product placements were recalled and recognized more than subtle product placements, whereas centrality had no reliable effect on brand choice. Effect of modality also differed for memory and choice results where audiovisual placements were the most recalled and recognized


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    The use of biological trickling filter (TF) system in the treatment of petroleum effluent using Luffa cylindrica-polystyrene hybrid as biofilm support medium for microbiological growth was evaluated. The efficiency of the treatment process was measured in terms of turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5). The TF was set up with Luffa cylindrica-polystyrene hybrid biofilm support. The pilot scale trickling system was performed at an ambient temperature and the effluent from the system was measured for turbidity, COD and BOD5. The result showed that the turbidity of the effluent was reduced to 94 % at a hydraulic retention time of 6 hrs. The COD was also reduced from 327-26 mg/l at 6 hrs. representing 92 % reduction in the COD value. The results obtained also showed that the TF achieved 78 % reduction in BOD5.Therefore, the biological trickling filter treatment process appears to be a promising wastewater treatment method for petroleum effluent with respect to the turbidity, COD and BOD5 remova

    Dieulafoy Lesion in the Stomach

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    Dieulafoy disease is an uncommon cause of gastrointestinal system bleeding. Although the exact cause is not known, it is characterized by bleeding from abnormal submucosal vessels. There are many methods for diagnosis and treatment. In this case, a patient with a long-time undiagnosed stomach Dieulafoy lesion had a surgical resection. During the postoperative period the patient was discharged without any complication

    Single-center experience with routine clinical use of 3D technologies in surgical planning for pediatric patients with complex congenital heart disease

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    PURPOSEThis study was planned to assess the application of three-dimensional (3D) cardiac modeling in preoperative evaluation for complex congenital heart surgeries.METHODSFrom July 2015 to September 2019, 18 children diagnosed with complex congenital heart diseases (CHDs) were enrolled in this study (double outlet right ventricle in nine patients, complex types of transposition of the great arteries in six patients, congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries in two patients, and univentricular heart in one patient). The patients’ age ranged from 7 months to 19 years (median age, 14 months). Before the operation, 3D patient-specific cardiac models were created based on computed tomography (CT) data. Using each patient’s data, a virtual computer model (3D mesh) and stereolithographic (SLA) file that would be printed as a 3D model were generated. These 3D cardiac models were used to gather additional data about cardiac anatomy for presurgical decision-making.RESULTSAll 18 patients successfully underwent surgeries, and there were no mortalities. The 3D patient-specific cardiac models led to a change from the initial surgical plans in 6 of 18 cases (33%), and biventricular repair was considered feasible. Moreover, the models helped to modify the planned biventricular repair in five cases, for left ventricular outflow tract obstruction removal and ventricular septal defect enlargement. 3D cardiac models enable pediatric cardiologists to better understand the spatial relationships between the ventricular septal defect and great vessels, and they help surgeons identify risk structures more clearly for detailed planning of surgery. There was a strong correlation between the models of the patients and the anatomy encountered during the operation.CONCLUSION3D cardiac models accurately reveal the patient’s anatomy in detail and are therefore beneficial for planning surgery in patients with complex intracardiac anatomy

    A real-time, scalable, fast and highly resource efficient decoder for a quantum computer

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    Quantum computers promise to solve computing problems that are currently intractable using traditional approaches. This can only be achieved if the noise inevitably present in quantum computers can be efficiently managed at scale. A key component in this process is a classical decoder, which diagnoses the errors occurring in the system. If the decoder does not operate fast enough, an exponential slowdown in the logical clock rate of the quantum computer occurs. Additionally, the decoder must be resource efficient to enable scaling to larger systems and potentially operate in cryogenic environments. Here we introduce the Collision Clustering decoder, which overcomes both challenges. We implement our decoder on both an FPGA and ASIC, the latter ultimately being necessary for any cost-effective scalable solution. We simulate a logical memory experiment on large instances of the leading quantum error correction scheme, the surface code, assuming a circuit-level noise model. The FPGA decoding frequency is above a megahertz, a stringent requirement on decoders needed for e.g. superconducting quantum computers. To decode an 881 qubit surface code it uses only 4.5%4.5\% of the available logical computation elements. The ASIC decoding frequency is also above a megahertz on a 1057 qubit surface code, and occupies 0.06 mm2^2 area and consumes 8 mW of power. Our decoder is optimised to be both highly performant and resource efficient, while its implementation on hardware constitutes a viable path to practically realising fault-tolerant quantum computers.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Wpływ palenia tytoniu na parametry funkcji rozkurczowej lewej komory, w tym na Vp jako nowszy i bardziej wiarygodny parametr

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    Wstęp: We wcześniejszych badaniach skupiano się głównie na doraźnym, bezpośrednim wpływie palenia tytoniu na funkcję rozkurczową serca. Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie wpływu długotrwałego palenia tytoniu na parametry funkcji rozkurczowej serca, w tym prędkość propagacji napływu mitralnego (Vp), ocenianą w badaniu doplerowskim znakowanym kolorem w prezentacji jednowymiarowej u stosunkowo młodych dorosłych bez objawów. Metody: Badanie miało charakter prospektywny. Do grupy I zakwalifikowano 100 osób palących tytoń nieprzerwanie przez przynajmniej rok przed rozpoczęciem badania. Grupę II stanowiło 35 niepalących pacjentów, dostosowanych do grupy I pod względem wieku i płci. Za pomocą zmodyfikowanego Kwestionariusza Tolerancji Nikotyny Fagerströma (M-FNDT) oceniono stopień uzależnienia od nikotyny u badanych pacjentów. Następnie na podstawie wskaźnika uzależnienia od nikotyny (NDI) uzyskanego z M-FNDT każdego z palaczy przydzielono do odpowiedniej podgrupy. Obie grupy pacjentów porównano na podstawie głównych parametrów rozkurczowych uzyskanych za pomocą echokardiografii przezklatkowej, takich jak stosunek E/A, czas deceleracji (DT), czas rozkurczu izowolumetrycznego (IVRT) i Vp, a także na podstawie podstawowych parametrów klinicznych i echokardiograficznych. Wyniki: Opierając się na wstępnych kryteriach wyłączenia, z badania wykluczono 31 palaczy z grupy I oraz 5 niepalących z grupy II. W rezultacie porównano 69 palaczy (śr. wiek: 30 &#177; &#177; 4,9 roku, M/K: 32/37) z grupy I oraz 30 niepalących (śr. wiek: 31,4 &#177; 4,8 roku, M/K: 15/15) z grupy II. W grupie I średnie wartości stosunku E/A oraz Vp były wyraźnie niższe (p < 0,001), podczas gdy średnie wartości IVRT oraz DT były znamiennie wyższe (p < 0,001) niż w grupie II. W grupie I wartość NDI była wprost proporcjonalna do DT oraz IVTR (p < 0,001) oraz odwrotnie proporcjonalna do Vp (p < 0,001). Wnioski: Zarówno konwencjonalne, jak i względnie nowe parametry oceny funkcji rozkurczowej lewej komory, zwłaszcza Vp, okazały się znacznie gorsze u osób palących tytoń, co odzwierciedla szkodliwy wpływ palenia na funkcję rozkurczową serca. Wielkość tego pogorszenia ściśle korelowała ze stopniem uzależnienia od palenia. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2007; 2: 485&#8211;491

    Primum Non Nocere in interventional oncology for liver cancer: How to reduce the risk for complications?

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    : Interventional oncology represents a relatively new clinical discipline based upon minimally invasive therapies applicable to almost every human organ and disease. Over the last several decades, rapidly evolving research developments have introduced a newer generation of treatment devices, reagents, and image-guidance systems to expand the armamentarium of interventional oncology across a wide spectrum of disease sites, offering potential cure, control, or palliative care for many types of cancer patients. Due to the widespread use of locoregional procedures, a comprehensive review of the methodologic and technical considerations to optimize patient selection with the aim of performing a safe procedure is mandatory. This article summarizes the expert discussion and report from the Mediterranean Interventional Oncology Live Congress (MIOLive 2020) held in Rome, Italy, integrating evidence-reported literature and experience-based perceptions as a means for providing guidance on prudent ways to reduce complications. The aim of the paper is to provide an updated guiding tool not only to residents and fellows but also to colleagues approaching locoregional treatments