187 research outputs found

    Eritrocytic Parameters of the Blood of Calves with Different Birth Weights

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    In the conditions of a dairy farm with the help of the standard clinical, instrumental and laboratory methods the research on particularities of Eritrocytic parameters of the blood of calves (n=299) with different birth weights was carried out. It is shown that Holstein calves with normal intrauterine growth, born with body weight from 36.5 to 29 kg, have no reliable differences in red blood cell count. With a 1 kg reduction in body weight, there is a trend towards hyperchromia, but an increase in weight deficiency promotes of hypovolemia, hypochromia, and polycythaemia. In newborns with a body weight of 27.9–26.9 kg, polycythaemia is derived from hypovolemia, but, with a more pronounced weight deficiency, the role of erythrogenesis disorder in the pathogenesis of the syndrome increases. Hypochromia is a consequence of hematopoietic organs dysfunction and transmembrane loss of hemoglobin. Herein membrane destruction is caused by the increase in the content of toxical metabolites in the blood (sorptivity of red blood cells by 10–12 percent), and by a higher level of adrenaline (modification coefficient of membranes by adrenaline by 20–30 %). This indicates that the response of the fetus to the factors that inhibit its development is similar to a metabolic response against stress. At strong underweight body (b.w. less than 25 kg) exhausting of adaptive capability is observed with the increase in the blood level of toxical metabolites (sorptivity of red blood cells by 15 %), level of membrane destruction (level of ectoglobular hemoglobin in 2,8 times), and heterogeneity of red blood cells. Thus, in newborns with a body weight of less than 29 kg, the significant disturbances in the structure and functions of red blood cells were revealed, which gave grounds for stating that they had antenatal hypotrophy. Herewith, the severity of hematological changes depends on the degree of weight deficiency. Initially, it is hypovolemia and the resulting polycythemia, but, erythropoiesis disorders, and destruction of their membranes with increased polycythemia, and the development of hypochromia occur with the increasing severity of hypotrophy

    Human base excision repair enzymes apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease1 (APE1), DNA polymerase β and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1: interplay between strand-displacement DNA synthesis and proofreading exonuclease activity

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    We examined interactions between base excision repair (BER) DNA intermediates and purified human BER enzymes, DNA polymerase β (pol β), apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1) and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1). Studies under steady-state conditions with purified BER enzymes and BER substrates have already demonstrated interplay between these BER enzymes that is sensitive to the respective concentrations of each enzyme. Therefore, in this study, using conditions of enzyme excess over substrate DNA, we further examine the question of interplay between BER enzymes on BER intermediates. The results reveal several important differences compared with data obtained using steady-state assays. Excess PARP-1 antagonizes the action of pol β, producing a complete block of long patch BER strand-displacement DNA synthesis. Surprisingly, an excess of APE1 stimulates strand-displacement DNA synthesis by pol β, but this effect is blocked by PARP-1. The APE1 exonuclease function appears to be modulated by the other BER proteins. Excess APE1 over pol β may allow APE1 to perform both exonuclease function and stimulation of strand-displacement DNA synthesis by pol β. This enables pol β to mediate long patch sub-pathway. These results indicate that differences in the stoichiometry of BER enzymes may regulate BER

    Ecological features of cyanobacteria and algae communities of the littoral of the meromictic Lake Shira (Khakassia Republic, Russia)

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    During the study of cyanobacteria and algae from littoral of the meromictic Lake Shira (Republic of Khakas- sia, Russia) forty-eight taxa were identified: Cyanobacteria – 7, Chlorophyta – 5, and Bacillariophyta – 36 species. Cyanobacteria were represented by cosmopolitan taxa Leptolyngbya voronichiniana, cf. Trichocoleus hospitus and widely distributed in the freshwater ecosystems species Phormidium cf. paulsenianum, Pseudophormidium cf. golenkinianum, P. pauciramosum, Leptolyngbya perforans, and L. subtilissima. Among green algae typical freshwater taxa Chloroidium saccharophilum, Desmodesmus abundans, Oocystis lacustris, Chlorella sp., Stigeoclonium sp. were detected. Among Bacillariophyta the most frequent species were Amphora ovalis, Cymbella affinis, Encyonema silesiacum, Eunotia fallax, Gomphonella olivacea, G. parvulum, Kobayasiella subtilissima, Navicula minima, N. radiosa, N. veneta, Nitzchia fonti- cola, N. palea, Grunowia tabellaria, Surirella undulata. Several rare species cf. Fragilaria tenera, Grunowia tabellaria and cf. Ulnaria capitata were found. In relation to mineralization indifferents was the largest group (73%). In relation to pH, a unique feature of the investigated lake was the predominance of alkaliphilic species of diatoms (56%), such as Amphora ovalis, Cymbella affinis, Gomphonema truncatum, Hantzschia amphioxys, Navicula minima, N. veneta, Nitzschia cf. linearis, N. palea, Planothidium lanceolatum and other. In the geographic structure cosmopolitan group included 25 species (69%), boreal group – 4 species (11%), arcto-apline group – 2 species (6%). To obtain more accurate informa- tion on the biodiversity of cyanobacteria and algae of Lake Shira further studies using molecular-genetic and electron microscopic methods are needed

    Influence of the participatory budgeting on the infrastructural development of the territories in the Russian federation

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need for the advancing of participatory budgeting practice in the Russian Federation. Due to insufficient development of theoretical, scientific, and methodological aspects of the participatory budgeting, very few territories in the Russian Federation use this tool effectively. The most important issue to be addressed is increasing the effectiveness of involving of local communities in the process of the rational allocation of budgetary funds. The objective of this paper is to study how participatory budgeting influences the potential of infrastructural development of territories in the Russian Federation. The leading methods of investigation of the problem include analyzing the common practices in certain regions and specifying the different categories of participatory budgeting. Using these methods, the authors consider the participatory budgeting as a process of allocating the budget funds to address the primary local problems, which leads to improving territorial infrastructure development. The results of the given research include updated conceptual basis of participatory budgeting; indicators reflecting the influence of the participatory budgeting on infrastructural development and criteria for its implementation in the municipalities; organizational chart clarifying the methodological aspects of different types of the participatory budgeting; and classification of territorial development mechanisms based on the participatory budgeting models of financing municipal projects. The practical significance of the given research is focused on the development of the practice of the relevant projects financing through the participatory budgeting in the Russian regions by systematizing their conceptual frameworks. Results of the study can be used by regional and municipal authorities to improve the relevant legislation, and by representatives of local communities to increase their participation in the budgeting process. © 2016 Tsurkan et al

    Children's Rights as Pedagogical Values: Historical and Pedagogical Aspect

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    The article analyzes the provisions of the UN Convention «The rights of the child», the problems of implementing its main provisions, the need to rethink legal education, human rights and children's rights, based on the preservation of traditional Russian values.В статье анализируются положения Конвенция ООН «О правах ребенка», проблемы реализации ее основных положений, необходимость переосмысления правового воспитания, прав человека и прав ребенка, основанного на сохранении традиционных российских ценностей

    Student readiness formation for activities oriented to health saving

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    The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need of formation and development among students of educational organizations of the personal qualities directed to updating of their potential concerning preservation and promotion of health, organization of own style of a healthy lifestyle, i.e. formation of readiness for healthoriented activity - HOA. The purpose of the article consists in the development of conceptual aspects of readiness formation of students for HOA. The leading methodological approach to the research of this problem is a personal and activity approaches, allowing us to disclose the features of organization of an educational process directed to readiness formation of students for HOA. Conceptual aspects of students’ readiness formation for HOA conclude in the fact that health is considered as a target resource of a person which can be operated; the basis of this resource is the health saving potential of the person, its components and phases of development are presented; the model of student readiness for HOA is developed. Materials of the article can be useful to pedagogical workers regarding the organization of activities for preservation and promotion of student health in educational organizations, by means of change of intrinsic and substantial components of this activity. © 2016 Tretyakova et al

    Comparative cytogenetics of anembryonic pregnancies and missed abortions in human

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    Miscarriage is an important problem in human reproduction, affecting 10–15 % of clinically recognized pregnancies. The cases of embryonic death can be divided into missed abortion (MA), for which the ultrasound sign of the embryo death is the absence of cardiac activity, and anembryonic pregnancy (AP) without an embryo in the gestational sac. The aim of this study was to compare the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in extraembryonic tissues detected by conventional cytogenetic analysis of spontaneous abortions depending on the presence or absence of an embryo. This is a retrospective study of 1551 spontaneous abortions analyzed using GTG-banding from 1990 to 2022 (266 cases of AP and 1285 cases of MA). A comparative analysis of the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities and the distribution of karyotype frequencies depending on the presence of an embryo in the gestational sac was carried out. Statistical analysis was performed using a chi-square test with a p < 0.05 significance level. The total frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in the study was 53.6 % (832/1551). The proportion of abnormal karyotypes in the AP and MA groups did not differ significantly and amounted to 57.1 % (152/266) and 52.9 % (680/1285) for AP and MA, respectively (p = 0.209). Sex chromosome aneuploidies and triploidies were significantly less common in the AP group than in the MA group (2.3 % (6/266) vs 6.8 % (88/1285), p = 0.005 and 4.9 % (13/266) vs 8.9 % (114/1285), p = 0.031, respectively). Tetraploidies were registered more frequently in AP compared to MA (12.4 % (33/266) vs. 8.2 % (106/1285), p = 0.031). The sex ratio among abortions with a normal karyotype was 0.54 and 0.74 for AP and MA, respectively. Thus, although the frequencies of some types of chromosomal pathology differ between AP and MA, the total frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in AP is not increased compared to MA, which indicates the need to search for the causes of AP at other levels of the genome organization, including microstructural chromosomal rearrangements, monogenic mutations, imprinting disorders, and epigenetic abnormalities

    Glycyrrhetinic acid and its derivatives as inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases 1 and 2, apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 and DNA polymerase β

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    Aim. For strengthening the efficiency of monofunctional alkylating antineoplastic drugs it is important to lower the capacity of base excision repair (BER) system which corrects the majority of DNA damages caused by these reagents. The objective was to create inhibitors of the key BER enzymes (PARP1, PARP2, DNA polymerase β, and APE1) by the directed modification of glycyrrhetinic acid (GA). Methods. Amides of GA were produced from the GA acetate by formation of the corresponding acyl chloride, amidation with the appropriate amine and subsequent deacylation. Small library of 2-cyano substituted derivatives of GA methyl esters was obtained by the structural modification of GA framework and carboxylic acid group. The inhibitory capacity of the compounds was estimated by comparison of the enzyme activities in specific tests in the presence of compounds versus their absence. Results. None of tested compounds inhibits PARP1 significantly. Unmodified GA and its morpholinic derivative were shown to be weak inhibitors of PARP2. The derivatives of GA containing keto-group in 11 triterpene framework were shown to be moderate inhibitors of pol β. Compound 3, containing 12-oxo-9(11)-en moiety in the ring C, was shown to be a single inhibitor of APE1 among all compounds studied. Conclusions. The class of GA derivatives, selective pol β inhibitors, was found out. The selective inhibitor of APE1 and weak selective inhibitor of PARP2 were also revealed

    Neotectonics and Modern Geodynamics of Verkhnekamskoe Potash Salt Deposit

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    Рассматривается новейшая структура территории Верхнекамского месторождения калийных солей (ВКМКС), которая может влиять на современное состояние соляной залежи и быть одной из причин происходящих негативных природнотехногенных процессов. На основании структурно-геодинамических исследований в пределах новейшего Соликамского поднятия выделены три неотектонические области, Северная, Центральная и Южная, отличающиеся типом новейших структур, геодинамическими условиями их формирования и степенью наследования соляных структур. Оценено происхождение новейших структур, которое связывается с латеральным СЗ-ЮВ сжатием, при котором формируются обратные соотношения разновозрастных структур и происходит активизация древних разломов. Отмечается, что для предупреждения катастрофических провалов и опасных горно-геологических явлений необходимы учет и оценка не только древних герцинских дислокаций, но и неотектонических структур и геодинамических условий их формирования

    Ophthalmic manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis: review and clinical case

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    The article presents a literature review of ophthalmic manifestations in rheumatoid arthritis. A clinical case of secondary Sjögren’s syndrome in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis who developed after the abolition of basic methotrexate therapy was presented.В статье представлен литературный обзор офтальмологических проявлений при ревматоидном артрите. Приведен клинический случай вторичного синдрома Шегрена у больной с ревматоидным артритом, развившийся после отмены базисной терапии метотрексатом