256 research outputs found

    The role of OH in the chemical evolution of protoplanetary disks:I. The comet-forming region

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    Context. Time-dependent gas-grain chemistry can help us understand the layered structure of species deposited onto the surface of grains during the lifetime of a protoplanetary disk. The history of trapping large quantities of carbon-and oxygen-bearing molecules onto the grains is especially significant for the formation of more complex (organic) molecules on the surface of grains. Aims. Among other processes, cosmic ray-induced UV photoprocesses can lead to the efficient formation of OH. Using a more accurate treatment of cosmic ray-gas interactions for disks, we obtain an increased cosmic ray-induced UV photon flux of 3.8 x 10(5) photons cm(-2) s(-1) for a cosmic-ray ionization rate of H-2 value of 5 x 10(-17) s(-1) (compared to previous estimates of 10(4) photons cm(-2) s(-1) based on ISM dust properties). We explore the role of the enhanced OH abundance on the gas-grain chemistry in the midplane of the disk at 10 AU, which is a plausible location of comet formation. We focus on studying the formation/destruction pathways and timescales of the dominant chemical species. Methods. We solved the chemical rate equations based on a gas-grain chemical network and correcting for the enhanced cosmic ray-induced UV field. This field was estimated from an appropriate treatment of dust properties in a protoplanetary disk, as opposed to previous estimates that assume an ISM-like grain size distribution. We also explored the chemical effects of photodesorption of water ice into OH+H. Results. Near the end of the disk's lifetime our chemical model yields H2O, CO, CO2, and CH4 ice abundances at 10 AU (consistent with a midplane density of 10(10) cm(-3) and a temperature of 20 K) that are compatible with measurements of the chemical composition of cometary bodies for a [C/O] ratio of 0.16. This comparison puts constraints on the physical conditions in which comets were formed

    Life cycle assessment of low-cost technologies for digestate treatment and reuse in small-scale farms in Colombia

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    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a practice that is mainly carried out to give treatment to different kinds of organic residues (e.g. food waste, manure, agricultural residues) in order to obtain biogas and produce bioenergy. Because of its nature, the generated biogas is considered to be a renewable energy source, henceforth an important strategy in the fight against climate change. Anaerobic digesters carry out the AD process under specific conditions to allow microbial communities to develop and decompose organic matter (OM) into the desired biogas. In addition to biogas, the degradation of organic waste in the digester also produces a liquid effluent (digestate) (U.S. EPA, 2021). This exiting digestate is a combination of solid and liquid fractions from the AD process, rich in nutrients and OM. Because of its characteristics, digestate is a valuable effluent, as it can be used as organic fertilizer and spread on agricultural lands (Panuccio, et al., 2018). The use of digestate as fertilizer has several benefits, such as boosting crop growth and quality, acting as soil amender, or mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Wang & Lee, 2021). Nonetheless, depending on the characteristics of the feedstock and on the further use of the digestate, it has to undergo treatment and/or stabilization to avoid the spreading of pathogens, toxic metals or other pollutants that might be present in it (Cucina et al., 2021; Wang & Lee, 2021). For this study, this rationale has been implemented in Colombian low-income small-scale farms. Colombia is a country with a great agricultural tradition, considering that by 2017 more than 15% of the domestic extraction of the country was related to the agricultural industry (Material Flows, 2019). Nevertheless, even though Colombia has expected a considerable growth throughout the past 30 years, up to 50% of its population is considered to live in poverty (Garfí, et al., 2019). Consequently, low income populations have to rely on self-sufficient farming and traditional fuels such as firewood and dry dung for cooking and house warming. For these reasons, low-cost digesters have been implemented in several Colombian communities to cope with homely energy demands and substitute the risky traditional fuels that end up affecting both people and the local environment (Garfí, et al., 2011). It is in this context that several studies have been carried out to analyze the environmental performance of anaerobic digesters in rural conditions in the Andes (Garfí, et al., 2012; Garfí, et al., 2019; Mendieta, et al., 2021). However, these studies have focused on the implementation of the digester and the biogas use, but have not deepened in the treatment and use of the digestate. Even though these studies have considered a direct use of digestate, other authors have stated that, despite the benefits of this practice, it might have associated risks if no further treatment of the digestate is carried out prior to its application on land (Cucina, et al., 2021). Therefore, the main objective of this study is to analyze the environmental impacts of three alternative scenarios for the digestate treatment and reuse from a low-cost anaerobic digester: 1) digestate treatment with a sand filter and its reuse as biofertilizer 2) digestate treatment with a vermifilter and its reuse as biofertilizer; 3) a baseline scenario without digestate treatment (direct use on land).The research was funded by the Centre for Development Cooperation (CCD) of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) (CCD2021-J004), the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia (Proyecto 2504), and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Colombia (Contrato número 583-2020). Marianna Garfí are grateful to the Government of Catalonia (Consolidated Research Group 2017 SGR 1029), and to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (RYC-2016 20059).Postprint (published version

    Measuring impairments of functioning and health in patients with axial spondyloarthritis by using the ASAS Health Index and the Environmental Item Set : translation and cross-cultural adaptation into 15 languages

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    Introduction: The Assessments of SpondyloArthritis international society Health Index (ASAS HI) measures functioning and health in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) across 17 aspects of health and 9 environmental factors (EF). The objective was to translate and adapt the original English version of the ASAS HI, including the EF Item Set, cross-culturally into 15 languages. Methods: Translation and cross-cultural adaptation has been carried out following the forward-backward procedure. In the cognitive debriefing, 10 patients/country across a broad spectrum of sociodemographic background, were included. Results: The ASAS HI and the EF Item Set were translated into Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai and Turkish. Some difficulties were experienced with translation of the contextual factors indicating that these concepts may be more culturally-dependent. A total of 215 patients with axial SpA across 23 countries (62.3% men, mean (SD) age 42.4 (13.9) years) participated in the field test. Cognitive debriefing showed that items of the ASAS HI and EF Item Set are clear, relevant and comprehensive. All versions were accepted with minor modifications with respect to item wording and response option. The wording of three items had to be adapted to improve clarity. As a result of cognitive debriefing, a new response option 'not applicable' was added to two items of the ASAS HI to improve appropriateness. Discussion: This study showed that the items of the ASAS HI including the EFs were readily adaptable throughout all countries, indicating that the concepts covered were comprehensive, clear and meaningful in different cultures

    Feasibility of the STarT back screening tool in chiropractic clinics: a cross-sectional study of patients with low back pain

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    The STarT back screening tool (SBT) allocates low back pain (LBP) patients into three risk groups and is intended to assist clinicians in their decisions about choice of treatment. The tool consists of domains from larger questionnaires that previously have been shown to be predictive of non-recovery from LBP. This study was performed to describe the distribution of depression, fear avoidance and catastrophising in relation to the SBT risk groups. A total of 475 primary care patients were included from 19 chiropractic clinics. They completed the SBT, the Major Depression Inventory (MDI), the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ), and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire. Associations between the continuous scores of the psychological questionnaires and the SBT were tested by means of linear regression, and the diagnostic performance of the SBT in relation to the other questionnaires was described in terms of sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratios

    Cirurgia periodontal exploratória

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    Abstract. In clinical practice, there are numerous cases in which it is difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the correct therapeutic conduct to be followed, despite diagnostic aids, radiographic images and clinical examinations. The main purpose of exploratory surgery is to arrive at a live definitive diagnosis, with the possibility of detecting changes in the tissues and determining the degree of undetectable involvement; it has the added value of immediately providing available therapeutic options for resolving the problem, which makes it the only “method” with the potential to become an effective procedure.En la práctica clínica, existen numerosos casos en los que se dificulta establecer un diagnóstico certero y determinar la conducta terapéutica correcta a seguir, a pesar de las ayudas diagnósticas, las imágenes radiográficas y el examen clínico. La cirugía exploratoria se define como “el procedimiento manual operatorio destinado a evidenciar el origen de un problema que no ha podido ser determinado por otros medios”. Su principal propósito es llegar a un diagnóstico definitivo en vivo y en directo, con la posibilidad de detectar alteraciones en los tejidos y de determinar el grado de compromiso no detectable; con el valor agregado de aportar inmediatamente las vías terapéuticas disponibles para solucionar el problema, lo cual la convierte en el único “método” con potencial de transformarse en un procedimiento eficaz.Na prática clínica, existem numerosos casos nos que se dificulta estabelecer um diagnóstico preciso e determinar a conduta terapêutica correta a seguir, apesar das ajudas diagnósticas, as imagens radiográficas e o exame clínico. O principal propósito da cirurgia exploratória é chegar a um diagnóstico definitivo ao vivo e a cores, com a possibilidade de detectar alterações nos tecidos e de determinar o grau de compromisso não detectável; com o valor agregado de contribuir imediatamente para as vias terapêuticas disponíveis para solucionar o problema, o que a converte no único “método” com potencial de transformar-se em um procedimento eficaz

    Parálisis cerebral: neuropsicología y abordajes terapéuticos

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    La parálisis cerebral (PC) se define como un grupo de desórdenes del desarrollo del movimiento y la postura que cursa con déficit cognitivos, alteraciones emocionales, de conducta y sociales. Este trabajo ha tenido como objetivos analizar el efecto de un tratamiento de estimulación cognitiva sobre las capacidades cognitivas en niños con parálisis cerebral así como estudiar la relación entre el funcionamiento ejecutivo y la conducta a partir de las respuestas aportadas por padres y profesores. Dicha tesis se compone de dos estudios: -Estudio 1: Muestra de 15 niños con parálisis cerebral (PC), con una edad media de 8.80 años (DE: 2.51), clasificados mediante la escala Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) nivel I (n=6), nivel II (n=4), nivel III (n=2) y nivel V (n=3). Los déficit cognitivos fueron evaluados mediante la Escala de Inteligencia Wechsler para niños (WISC-IV) y la prueba Continuos Performance Test (CPT-II). Se administraron los cuestionarios para padres y profesores Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) y la Escala de Evaluación de Conners (CPRS-48 y CTRS-28). Se realizó un programa de estimulación cognitiva 2 horas semanales durante 8 semanas. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas tras aplicar el tratamiento de estimulación cognitivo en el índice de Razonamiento Perceptivo del WISC-IV. No se obtuvieron diferencias pre y post-tratamiento en las puntuaciones de los cuestionarios Conners y BRIEF. Tampoco se hallaron diferencias en los resultados del WISC-IV en función del sexo o la escala GMFCS. El rendimiento cognitivo de los niños con PC mejora tras la aplicación de un programa de rehabilitación cognitiva. -Estudio 2: La muestra quedó formada por 46 niños con PC, con una edad media de 10,26 años (DE: 2,95). Los niños se distribuyeron en la escala GMFCS en nivel I (n=16), nivel II (n=3), nivel III (n=11), nivel IV (n=10) y nivel V (n=4). Los resultados mostraron una relación inversa entre el BRIEF y el ABAS-II, además, se obtuvieron discrepancias entre las respuestas aportadas por padres y profesores, tanto en el ABAS-II como en el BRIEF. Encontramos relación entre el funcionamiento ejecutivo y la conducta adaptativa en niños con PC. Hallamos discrepancias en las respuestas aportadas por padres y profesores. Por último, los datos muestran que a mayor afectación motora mayores dificultades en el hogar, en el autocuidado, en el control emocional y en la organización de materiales.Cerebral palsy (CP) is defined as a group of developmental disorders of movement and posture that causes social cognitive deficits, emotional disturbances, and behavior. The main objectives of this work were to analyse the effect of cognitive stimulation treatment on the cognitive capabilities in children with cerebral palsy, as well as study the relationship between executive functioning and behavior in children with CP from the answers given by parents and teachers. - Research 1: Our sample consisted of 15 children with cerebral palsy, with a mean age of 8.80 ± 2.51 years, who were classified with the aid of the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) on level I (n = 6), level II (n = 4), level III (n = 2) and level V (n = 3). Cognitive impairment was evaluated by means of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) and the Continuous Performance Test (CPT-II). Both the questionnaires for parents and teachers from the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) and the Conners rating scales (CPRS-48 and CTRS-28) were administered. A cognitive stimulation programme was carried out at a rate of two hours a week for a total of eight weeks. Statistically significant differences were observed after applying the cognitive stimulation treatment in the perceptive reasoning index of the WISC-IV. No differences were obtained on the Conners and the BRIEF scores before and after the treatment. Neither were any differences found in the results on the WISC-IV according to sex or on the GMFCS. The cognitive performance of children with cerebral palsy improves after applying a cognitive rehabilitation programme. - Research 2: The sample consisted on 46 children with CP with a mean age of 10.26 years (SD: 2.95). 44 of the 46 children were distributed in Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) into level I (n = 16), level II (n= 3), level III (n = 11), level IV (n = 10) and level V (n = 4). The results showed a relationship between BRIEF and ABAS-II. Furthemore, discrepancies between the responses from parents and teachers, both in the ABAS-II and in the BRIEF, were obtained. We found a significative relationship between executive functioning in children with CP and adaptive behavior. We found discrepancies in the answers given by parents and teachers. Finally, the data showed that the higher motor impairment increases difficulties at home

    Enseñanza para la comprensión: didáctica mediada por los relatos de vida y la actoría social para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de grado quinto de la institución educativa Madre de Dios de Piendamó, Cauca

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    Maestría en Educación desde la Diversidad, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.La presente investigación analiza cómo la didáctica para la comprensión, mediada por los relatos de vida y actoría social, fortalece el desarrollo de habilidades de comprensión lectora y de producción oral en los estudiantes del grado quinto de la institución educativa Madre de Dios de Piendamó (Cauca). La investigación planteada se enmarca en una metodología de corte cuantitativo y un método cuasi – experimental, basado en la aplicación de un pre-test, una didáctica y un post-test a un colectivo de 30 estudiantes, proceso mediante el que se logra validar la efectividad de la propuesta didáctica. Inicialmente se realizó una medición previa antes de la aplicación del tratamiento para conocer el desempeño de los estudiantes al inicio y después de aplicar las acciones didácticas basadas en las categorías propuestas. De esta manera, se corrobora que el uso de la didáctica propuesta contribuye a mejorar las habilidades de comprensión y producción oral, incrementándose el porcentaje de estudiantes que presentaron avances frente a estas dos competencias, mejorando especialmente su dimensión interpretativa

    Severe Pediatric TBI Management in a Middle-Income Country and a High-Income Country: A Comparative Assessment of Two Centers.

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    Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a global public health issue with over 10 million deaths or hospitalizations each year. However, access to specialized care is dependent on institutional resources and public health policy. Phoenix Children's Hospital USA (PCH) and the Neiva University Hospital, Colombia (NUH) compared the management and outcomes of pediatric patients with severe TBI over 5 years to establish differences between outcomes of patients managed in countries of varying resources availability. Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of individuals between 0 and 17 years of age, with a diagnosis of severe TBI and admitted to PCH and NUH between 2010 and 2015. Data collected included Glasgow coma scores, intensive care unit monitoring, and Glasgow outcome scores. Pearson Chi-square, Fisher exact, T-test, or Wilcoxon-rank sum test was used to compare outcomes. Results: One hundred and one subjects met the inclusion criteria. NUH employed intracranial pressure monitoring less frequently than PCH (p = 0.000), but surgical decompression and subdural evacuation were higher at PCH (p = 0.031 and p = 0.003). Mortality rates were similar between the institutions (15% PCH, 17% NUH) as were functional outcomes (52% PCH, 54% NUH). Conclusions: Differences between centers included time to specialized care and utilization of monitoring. No significant differences were evidenced in survival and the overall functional outcomes

    Immunological Biomarkers of Fatal COVID-19: A Study of 868 Patients

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    Information on the immunopathobiology of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is rapidly increasing; however, there remains a need to identify immune features predictive of fatal outcome. This large-scale study characterized immune responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection using multidimensional flow cytometry, with the aim of identifying high-risk immune biomarkers. Holistic and unbiased analyses of 17 immune cell-types were conducted on 1,075 peripheral blood samples obtained from 868 COVID-19 patients and on samples from 24 patients presenting with non-SARS-CoV-2 infections and 36 healthy donors. Immune profiles of COVID-19 patients were significantly different from those of age-matched healthy donors but generally similar to those of patients with non-SARS-CoV-2 infections. Unsupervised clustering analysis revealed three immunotypes during SARS-CoV-2 infection; immunotype 1 (14% of patients) was characterized by significantly lower percentages of all immune cell-types except neutrophils and circulating plasma cells, and was significantly associated with severe disease. Reduced B-cell percentage was most strongly associated with risk of death. On multivariate analysis incorporating age and comorbidities, B-cell and non-classical monocyte percentages were independent prognostic factors for survival in training (n=513) and validation (n=355) cohorts. Therefore, reduced percentages of B-cells and non-classical monocytes are high-risk immune biomarkers for risk-stratification of COVID-19 patients