590 research outputs found

    Interacting Preformed Cooper Pairs in Resonant Fermi Gases

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    We consider the normal phase of a strongly interacting Fermi gas, which can have either an equal or an unequal number of atoms in its two accessible spin states. Due to the unitarity-limited attractive interaction between particles with different spin, noncondensed Cooper pairs are formed. The starting point in treating preformed pairs is the Nozi\`{e}res-Schmitt-Rink (NSR) theory, which approximates the pairs as being noninteracting. Here, we consider the effects of the interactions between the Cooper pairs in a Wilsonian renormalization-group scheme. Starting from the exact bosonic action for the pairs, we calculate the Cooper-pair self-energy by combining the NSR formalism with the Wilsonian approach. We compare our findings with the recent experiments by Harikoshi {\it et al.} [Science {\bf 327}, 442 (2010)] and Nascimb\`{e}ne {\it et al.} [Nature {\bf 463}, 1057 (2010)], and find very good agreement. We also make predictions for the population-imbalanced case, that can be tested in experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted version for PRA, discussion of the imbalanced Fermi gas added, new figure and references adde

    Fourier analysis of 2-point Hermite interpolatory subdivision schemes

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    Two subdivision schemes with Hermite data on Z are studied. These schemes use 2 or 7 parameters respectively depending on whether Hermite data involve only first derivatives or include second derivatives. For a large region in the parameters space, the schemes are C1 or C2 convergent or at least are convergent on the space of Schwartz distributions. The Fourier transform of any interpolating function can be computed through products of matrices of order 2 or 3. The Fourier transform is related to a specific system of functional equations whose analytic solution is unique except for a multiplicative constant. The main arguments for these results come from Paley-Wiener-Schwartz theorem on the characterization of the Fourier transforms of distributions with compact support and a theorem of Artzrouni about convergent products of matrices

    Bacteriophage Crosstalk: Coordination of Prophage Induction by Trans-Acting Antirepressors

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    Many species of bacteria harbor multiple prophages in their genomes. Prophages often carry genes that confer a selective advantage to the bacterium, typically during host colonization. Prophages can convert to infectious viruses through a process known as induction, which is relevant to the spread of bacterial virulence genes. The paradigm of prophage induction, as set by the phage Lambda model, sees the process initiated by the RecA-stimulated self-proteolysis of the phage repressor. Here we show that a large family of lambdoid prophages found in Salmonella genomes employs an alternative induction strategy. The repressors of these phages are not cleaved upon induction; rather, they are inactivated by the binding of small antirepressor proteins. Formation of the complex causes the repressor to dissociate from DNA. The antirepressor genes lie outside the immunity region and are under direct control of the LexA repressor, thus plugging prophage induction directly into the SOS response. GfoA and GfhA, the antirepressors of Salmonella prophages Gifsy-1 and Gifsy-3, each target both of these phages' repressors, GfoR and GfhR, even though the latter proteins recognize different operator sites and the two phages are heteroimmune. In contrast, the Gifsy-2 phage repressor, GtgR, is insensitive to GfoA and GfhA, but is inactivated by an antirepressor from the unrelated Fels-1 prophage (FsoA). This response is all the more surprising as FsoA is under the control of the Fels-1 repressor, not LexA, and plays no apparent role in Fels-1 induction, which occurs via a Lambda CI-like repressor cleavage mechanism. The ability of antirepressors to recognize non-cognate repressors allows coordination of induction of multiple prophages in polylysogenic strains. Identification of non-cleavable gfoR/gtgR homologues in a large variety of bacterial genomes (including most Escherichia coli genomes in the DNA database) suggests that antirepression-mediated induction is far more common than previously recognized

    Identification of Metabolic Pathways Essential for Fitness of Salmonella Typhimurium In Vivo

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    Bacterial infections remain a threat to human and animal health worldwide, and there is an urgent need to find novel targets for intervention. In the current study we used a computer model of the metabolic network of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and identified pairs of reactions (cut sets) predicted to be required for growth in vivo. We termed such cut sets synthetic auxotrophic pairs. We tested whether these would reveal possible combined targets for new antibiotics by analyzing the performance of selected single and double mutants in systemic mouse infections. One hundred and two cut sets were identified. Sixty-three of these included only pathways encoded by fully annotated genes, and from this sub-set we selected five cut sets involved in amino acid or polyamine biosynthesis. One cut set (asnA/asnB) demonstrated redundancy in vitro and in vivo and showed that asparagine is essential for S. Typhimurium during infection. trpB/trpA as well as single mutants were attenuated for growth in vitro, while only the double mutant was a cut set in vivo, underlining previous observations that tryptophan is essential for successful outcome of infection. speB/speF,speC was not affected in vitro but was attenuated during infection showing that polyamines are essential for virulence apparently in a growth independent manner. The serA/glyA cut-set was found to be growth attenuated as predicted by the model. However, not only the double mutant, but also the glyA mutant, were found to be attenuated for virulence. This adds glycine production or conversion of glycine to THF to the list of essential reactions during infection. One pair (thrC/kbl) showed true redundancy in vitro but not in vivo demonstrating that threonine is available to the bacterium during infection. These data add to the existing knowledge of available nutrients in the intra-host environment, and have identified possible new targets for antibiotics

    The genome of the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis, a model for animal development, regeneration, immunity and lignocellulose digestion

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    The amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis is a blossoming model system for studies of developmental mechanisms and more recently regeneration. We have sequenced the genome allowing annotation of all key signaling pathways, transcription factors, and non-coding RNAs that will enhance ongoing functional studies. Parhyale is a member of the Malacostraca clade, which includes crustacean food crop species. We analysed the immunity related genes of Parhyale as an important comparative system for these species, where immunity related aquaculture problems have increased as farming has intensified. We also find that Parhyale and other species within Multicrustacea contain the enzyme sets necessary to perform lignocellulose digestion ('wood eating'), suggesting this ability may predate the diversification of this lineage. Our data provide an essential resource for further development of Parhyale as an experimental model. The first malacostracan genome will underpin ongoing comparative work in food crop species and research investigating lignocellulose as an energy source

    Regulation of Mycobacterium-Specific Mononuclear Cell Responses by 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3

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    The active vitamin D metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), has been shown to be an important regulator of innate and adaptive immune function. In addition, synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D3 from 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) by the enzyme 1α-hydroxylase in monocytes upon activation by TLR signaling has been found to regulate innate immune responses of monocytes in an intracrine fashion. In this study we wanted to determine what cells expressed 1α-hydroxylase in stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cultures and if conversion of 25(OH)D3 to 1,25(OH)2D3 in PBMC cultures regulated antigen-specific immune responses. Initially, we found that stimulation of PBMCs from animals vaccinated with Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) BCG with purified protein derivative of M. bovis (M. bovis PPD) induced 1α-hydroxylase gene expression and that treatment with a physiological concentration of 25(OH)D3 down-regulated IFN-γ and IL-17F gene expression. Next, we stimulated PBMCs from M. bovis BCG-vaccinated and non-vaccinated cattle with M. bovis PPD and sorted them by FACS according to surface markers for monocytes/macrophages (CD14), B cells (IgM), and T cells (CD3). Sorting the PBMCs revealed that 1α-hydroxylase expression was induced in the monocytes and B cells, but not in the T cells. Furthermore, treatment of stimulated PBMCs with 25(OH)D3 down-regulated antigen-specific IFN-γ and IL-17F responses in the T cells, even though 1α-hydroxylase expression was not induced in the T cells. Based on evidence of no T cell 1α-hydroxylase we hypothesize that activated monocytes and B cells synthesize 1,25(OH)2D3 and that 1,25(OH)2D3 down-regulates antigen-specific expression of IFN-γ and IL-17F in T cells in a paracrine fashion

    Open Problems on Central Simple Algebras

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    We provide a survey of past research and a list of open problems regarding central simple algebras and the Brauer group over a field, intended both for experts and for beginners.Comment: v2 has some small revisions to the text. Some items are re-numbered, compared to v

    Seasonal Variation in Vitamin D3 Levels Is Paralleled by Changes in the Peripheral Blood Human T Cell Compartment

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    It is well-recognized that vitamin D3 has immune-modulatory properties and that the variation in ultraviolet (UV) exposure affects vitamin D3 status. Here, we investigated if and to what extent seasonality of vitamin D3 levels are associated with changes in T cell numbers and phenotypes. Every three months during the course of the entire year, human PBMC and whole blood from 15 healthy subjects were sampled and analyzed using flow cytometry. We observed that elevated serum 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 levels in summer were associated with a higher number of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. In addition, an increase in naïve CD4+CD45RA+ T cells with a reciprocal drop in memory CD4+CD45RO+ T cells was observed. The increase in CD4+CD45RA+ T cell count was a result of heightened proliferative capacity rather than recent thymic emigration of T cells. The percentage of Treg dropped in summer, but not the absolute Treg numbers. Notably, in the Treg population, the levels of forkhead box protein 3 (Foxp3) expression were increased in summer. Skin, gut and lymphoid tissue homing potential was increased during summer as well, exemplified by increased CCR4, CCR6, CLA, CCR9 and CCR7 levels. Also, in summer, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells revealed a reduced capacity to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines. In conclusion, seasonal variation in vitamin D3 status in vivo throughout the year is associated with changes in the human peripheral T cell compartment and may as such explain some of the seasonal variation in immune status which has been observed previously. Given that the current observations are limited to healthy adult males, larger population-based studies would be useful to validate these findings

    CO Adsorption on Supported Gold Nanoparticle Catalysts: Application of the Temkin Model

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    The adsorption of CO on the supported gold nanoparticle catalysts Au/TiO2, Au/Fe2O3, and Au/ZrO2 was examined using infrared transmission spectroscopy to quantify the isobaric CO coverage as a function of temperature. The Temkin adsorbate interaction model was then applied to account for the adsorption behavior. To test the general applicability of the Temkin model, this treatment was also applied to three data sets from the literature. This included another real-world catalyst and two model catalysts. All data sets were accurately represented by the Temkin adsorbate interaction model. The resulting thermodynamic metrics are consistent with previous determinations and reflect a particle size-dependence. In particular, the intrinsic adsorption enthalpy at zero CO coverage varies almost linearly with Au particle size, and this trend appears to be correlated with the abundance of low-coordinate Au sites (cf., CN = 6 and 7 for corners and edges, respectively). For very small particles with mostly CN = 6 corner sites, the enthalpy reflects strong binding (cf., −ΔH0 ≈ 78 kJ/mol), while for large particles with mostly CN = 7 edge sites, the enthalpy reflects weaker binding (cf., −ΔH0 ≈ 63 kJ/mol). The results also suggest that these sites are coupled. This study demonstrates that the Temkin adsorbate interaction model accurately represents adsorption data, yields meaningful metrics that are useful for characterizing nanoparticle catalysts, and should be applicable to other adsorption data sets