57 research outputs found

    Utilization of diffraction analysis in the study of martensitic weld deposits using tungsten carbide particles on S235JR+N steel

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    The durability of classic structural steels against various types of wear is generally low. Therefore, various types and combinations of resilient materials are constantly evolving, which are designed to reduce the cost of components replacement or repairs. This paper deals with the structures that are formed in a weld after addition of tungsten carbide particles to protect the surface of the components from wear. The resistance of the weld surface layer containing tungsten carbides is also evaluated in comparison with a layer without these particles

    Virial coefficients and vapor-liquid equilibria of the EXP6 and 2-Yukawa fluids

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    Virial coefficients B₂ through B₄ and the vapor-liquid equilibria for the EXP6 and 2-Yukawa (2Y) fluids have been determined using numerical integrations and Gibbs ensemble simulations, respectively. The chosen 2Y models have been recently determined as an appropriate reference fluid for the considered EXP6 models.Вiрiальнi коефiцiєнти в iд B₂ до B₄ i фазова рiвновага пара - рiдина у EXP6 та 2-Юкава (2Y) плинах розрахованi, вiдповiдно, з допомогою чисельного iнтегрування та на основi комп’ютерного експерименту з використанням ансамблю Гiбса. Вибранi 2Y модельнi системи нещодавно були запропонованi як базиснi для EXP6 плинiв, що розглядаються

    Analysis of coupled heat and moisture transfer in masonry structures

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    Evaluation of effective or macroscopic coefficients of thermal conductivity under coupled heat and moisture transfer is presented. The paper first gives a detailed summary on the solution of a simple steady state heat conduction problem with an emphasis on various types of boundary conditions applied to the representative volume element -- a periodic unit cell. Since the results essentially suggest no superiority of any type of boundary conditions, the paper proceeds with the coupled nonlinear heat and moisture problem subjecting the selected representative volume element to the prescribed macroscopically uniform heat flux. This allows for a direct use of the academic or commercially available codes. Here, the presented results are derived with the help of the SIFEL (SIimple Finite Elements) system.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Merkel cell carcinoma of skin-current controversies and recommendations

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    The review covers the current recommendations for Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), with detailed discussion of many controversies. The 2010 AJCC staging system is more in-line with other skin malignancies although more complicated to use. The changes in staging system over time make comparison of studies difficult. A wide excision with margins of 2.5–3 cm is generally recommended. Even for primary </= 1 cm, there is a significant risk of nodal and distant metastases and hence sentinel node biopsy should be done if possible; otherwise adjuvant radiotherapy to the primary and nodal region should be given. Difficulties of setting up trials owing to the rarity of the disease and the mean age of the patient population result in infrequent reports of adjuvant or concurrent chemotherapy in the literature. The benefit, if any, is not great from published studies so far. However, there may be a subgroup of patients with high-risk features, e.g. node-positive and excellent performance status, for whom adjuvant or concurrent chemotherapy may be considered. Since local recurrence and metastases generally occur within 2 years of the initial diagnosis, patients should be followed more frequently in the first 2 years. However delayed recurrence can still occur in a small proportion of patients and long-term follow-up by a specialist is recommended provided that the general condition of the patient allows it. In summary, physician judgment in individual cases of MCC is advisable, to balance the risk of recurrence versus the complications of treatment

    Slope instability hazard evaluation and landslide sites monitoring in the western Flysch Carpathians (Czech Republic)

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    W lipcu 1997 roku obfite deszcze spowodowały ruchy zboczowe, zwłaszcza utworów fliszowych, w północno-wschodnich Czechach. Kompleksy mezozoiczne i trzeciorzędowe Zachodnich Karpat fliszowych charakteryzują się wysoczyznami i rzeźbą górską, głównie o charakterze erozyjnym i strukturalno-denudacyjnym. Obecnie jest realizowany projekt badawczy, podsumowujący dotychczasowe obserwacje, mający na celu ocenę wpływu morfologii i mechanizmów uruchamiających zjawiska osuwiskowe na obszarach modelowych. Każde lokalne osuwisko, poza oddziaływaniami przyrodniczymi, było także poddane działalności ludzkiej. Do badań wykorzystano kartografię geomorfologiczną, wiercenia rdzeniowe oraz badania geofizyczne. Wiek osuwisk określono na podstawie datowania metodą 14C oraz badaniami palinologicznymi, paleomagnetycznymi i archeologicznymi. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań ustalono geometrię, mechanizmy oraz możliwy rozwój różnego typu osunięć zboczy. Rejestrację osuwisk prowadzono elektronicznie, duże tereny osuwiskowe dokładnie badano, a wyniki tych badań nanoszono na mapy w skali 1:10 000. Obszary te zostały sklasyfikowane w zależności od stopnia zagrożenia oraz intensywności występowania osuwisk. Mapy prezentujące warunki stabilności terenu stanowią podstawę do tworzenia map zagrożeń osuwiskami. Ocena stabilności terenu, morfologii, warunków geologicznych i hydrogeologicznych pozwala na wyznaczanie quasi-jednorodnych stref o określonym stopniu zagrożenia osuwiskami. Mapy takie wykorzystują władze administracyjne przy tworzeniu planów regionalnych i miejskich

    The Analysis of the Age Structure of Regional Fixed Capital in the Agriculture

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    The paper deals with an estimate and analysis of the value of regional net fixed capital stock and the age structure of machinery and equipment in Czech agriculture. In order to perform such analysis, the official model of perpetual inventory method is transformed into the Markov chain model and applied on regional data separately. Regional net fixed capital stock is presented for the period of 2008-2013. The development of the average age of machinery and equipment comprises a potential indicator of the modernisation process in the industry. The analysis of the age structure is based on the structure heterogeneity indicator. For these purposes, the real age structure in each Czech region is compared with the theoretical stable and stationary structure. Currently, the most heterogeneous age structure of machinery and equipment occurs in Prague and the Karlovy Vary region

    Temperature-dependent hysteresis in one-dimensional thermovisco-elastoplasticity

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    summary:In this paper, we develop a thermodynamically consistent description of the uniaxial behavior of thermovisco-elastoplastic materials for which the total stress σ\sigma contains, in addition to elastic, viscous and thermic contributions, a plastic component σp\sigma ^p of the form σp(x,t)=P[ε,θ(x,t)](x,t)\sigma ^p(x,t)={\mathcal P}[\varepsilon ,\theta (x,t)](x,t). Here ε\varepsilon and θ\theta are the fields of strain and absolute temperature, respectively, and {P[,θ]}θ>0\lbrace {\mathcal P}[\cdot ,\theta ]\rbrace _{\theta > 0} denotes a family of (rate-independent) hysteresis operators of Prandtl-Ishlinskii type, parametrized by the absolute temperature. The system of momentum and energy balance equations governing the space-time evolution of the material forms a system of two highly nonlinearly coupled partial differential equations involving partial derivatives of hysteretic nonlinearities at different places. It is shown that an initial-boundary value problem for this system admits a unique global strong solution which depends continuously on the data