328 research outputs found

    Seismic Retrofitting Using Micropile Systems Centrifugal Model Studies

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    A series of centrifuge tests were conducted on micropile group and network systems in order to investigate the response to earthquake loading and soil-micropile interaction behavior. Model tests on group and network systems embedded in loose to medium dry sand are described. Micropile bending moment, deflection, and acceleration were measured during testing. Dynamic p-y curves were derived from the measurements for low and high levels of shaking and were compared with the backbone p-y curves for sand recommended by API and other published data. Group and network effects were investigated for different configurations and at different levels of loading. For the selected frequency of excitation, the results indicate a positive group effect increasing with the number of piles and the batter angle. This paper describes the experimental procedures used to carry out the centrifugal model tests and summarizes the main preliminary results


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    The model of interacting of optical radiance with a biological fabric is calculated at the is diffusivedirected and mirror reflectances. Outcomes of calculations are resulted and guidelines for development of constructions of sensors for a photoplethysmography on the basis of the observed model are given.Рассчитана модель взаимодействия оптического излучения с биотканью при диффузно направленном и зеркальном отражениях. Приведены результаты расчетов и даны рекомендации для разработки конструкций датчиков для фотоплетизмографии на основе рассмотренной модели

    Total quality management practices, competitive strategies and financial performance: the case of the Palestinian industrial SMEs

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    "This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Total Quality Management and Business Excellence on 19 Aug 2013, available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/10.1080/14783363.2013.824714."The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between Total Quality Management (TQM) practices, competitive strategies - cost leadership and differentiation- and firm performance in the Palestinian economy. Within this study total quality management has been conceptualized as soft and hard practices, in congruence with the literature. An empirical analysis based upon an extensive validation process was applied to refine TQM, competitive strategies and financial performance scales. Data were collected through surveying 202 in Palestinian industrial small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Structural Equation Modeling was carried out to test the anticipated relationships. Results derived from this study show that TQM practices have indirect, positive and significant relationship with financial performance through competitive strategies. In addition, a direct, positive and significant relationship between competitive strategies and financial performance was observed. Results derived from this study might help managers to implement TQM practices in order to effectively allocate resources and improve financial performance

    A Model of Continuous Improvement Programme Management

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    The aim of this study is to identify key management decisions that enable the sustainment of a continuous improvement (CI) initiative. To accomplish this aim, we examine the procedures and practices used by two manufacturing companies for the management of their CI initiatives; one that is successfully sustaining the effectiveness of its CI initiative and another failing to do the same. This research makes two contributions to the conceptual understanding of CI programme management. First, we identify five CI programme management factors that enable the sustainment of a CI initiative. Second, the five factors are incorporated into a new CI programme management model. The model details a ‘bottom-up’ procedure for the generation of manufacturing performance improvement ideas and the management of their implementation

    Outlining a new collaborative business model as a result of the green Building Information Modelling impact in the AEC supply chain

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    BIM (Building Information Modelling) technological push has enabled to integrate the design/construction outcomes of 3D-CAD along the product/service AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) SC (supply chain) through an intelligent DMS (Data Management System) based on standard and interoperable data formats. The proposed end-to-end approach overcomes a typical AEC gap, enables the operationalisation of the sustainable/green building LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and puts together new collaborative relationships with the owner, among SC stakeholders and with new forms of BIM procurement. The outlined collaborative business model is based on the Quality Control and Assurance framework and provides conceptual consistency to the reintroduction of the owner concerns/satisfaction in the SC, as well as enables consistent and accountable relationships between (smart)materials procurement and building specification. An expert’s focus group carried out a preliminary check of the model’s interest/applicability, resulting in recommendations for its further detailing and for propositions development into a systematic enquiring process.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    When the disaster strikes: gendered (im)mobility in Bangladesh

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    Gender influences people’s behaviour in various ways. This study investigates gendered (im)mobility during cyclone strikes in Bangladesh. During such strikes people have described being unable to move away from environmentally high-risk locations and situations. The Q-based Discourse Analysis used by this study shows how and why gender-roles (im)mobilised people in three coastal locations during the cyclones. People (and especially women) explained that failing to evacuate to the cyclone shelters when a disaster strikes was not uncommon. Gender, or feminine and masculine social roles, played a significant role in these evacuation decisions while facilitating or constraining their mobility. The gendered subjectivities presented different accepted social behaviours and spaces for women and men. In this way, immobility (social, psychological, and geographical) was strongly gendered. Masculine roles were expected to be brave and protective, while female ‘mobility’ could be risky. Women’s mobility therefore ended up being constrained to the home. In other words, when the disaster strikes, everyone did not have the same ability to move. These empirical insights are important to inform climate policy in a way that it better supports vulnerable populations worldwide as they confront global environmental changes today and in the future

    Upotreba živinih mjernih uređaja u zdravstvenim ustanovama u Hrvatskoj

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    In 2009, we conducted a survey to assess the use of mercury-based thermometers and sphygmomanometers and their disposal in Croatian healthcare facilities. The questionnaire addressing the use of mercury-based medical devices, waste management, preferences between mercury-based and electronic devices, and the knowledge on mercury toxicity was filled by ward nurses affiliated with 40 (71.4 %) out of 56 contacted healthcare facilities. Only one of these facilities had given up the use of mercury-containing medical devices at the time. As many as 84.6 % of the nurses believed that broken devices did not increase the risk of mercury exposure, even though 90 % claimed they were aware of mercury toxicity. In fact, 69.4 % of the nurses preferred mercury-containing devices on account of their precision and reliability and because they received little training in the use of electronic devices. Breaking of thermometers and sphygmomanometers is common in healthcare facilities. The number of broken thermometers and sphygmomanometers was estimated to 278 and fi ve per month, respectively. Only 18 (46.2 %) of the surveyed healthcare facilities claimed to have had a proper disposal procedure for mercury from broken devices. Nurses, who most often handle these devices and collect mercury spills, are primarily exposed to mercury vapours via inhalation. Croatia has adopted the EU Directive 76/769/EEC intended to reduce mercury exposure in the living and working environment. Our survey suggests that all healthcare professionals need training in proper management of broken mercury-based medical devices, nurses in particular. To reduce the risk of exposure, all Croatian healthcare facilities should implement guidelines for staff protection and programmes to gradually replace mercury-based with electronic devices.Živa je štetni čimbenik izravno povezan s provođenjem zdravstvene zaštite. Tijekom 2009. provedeno je istraživanje u zdravstvenim ustanovama RH, s ciljem procjene uporabe živinih mjernih instrumenata, toplomjera i tlakomjera te načina odlaganja razbijenih uređaja. Upitnik o uporabi živinih uređaja, zbrinjavanju otpada, sklonostima uporabi živinih, odnosno elektroničkih mjernih uređaja te pitanja o poznavanju toksičnosti žive, ispunile su odjelne medicinske sestre iz 40 (71,4 %) od 56 zdravstvenih ustanova. Samo u jednoj ustanovi živini se mjerni uređaji uopće ne rabe. Čak 84,6 % ispitanica smatra da nisu dodatno izložene živi iz razbijenih uređaja, iako je 90 % svjesno toksičnosti Hg. Zbog njihove preciznosti, pouzdanosti i nedostatka edukacije o uporabi i održavanju elektroničkih uređaja prednost uporabi živinih uređaja daje 69,4 % medicinskih sestara. Razbijanje toplomjera i tlakomjera čest je incident u zdravstvenim ustanovama. Procijenjeni broj mjesečno razbijenih toplomjera bio je do 278, a razbijenih tlakomjera do 5. U samo 18 (46,2 %) ustanova pravilno se odlagala živa iz razbijenih uređaja. Medicinske sestre koje najčešće rukuju uređajima i prikupljaju živu najizloženije su živinim parama putem inhalacije. U Hrvatskoj su doneseni pravni akti s namjerom smanjenja prisutnosti žive u životnom i radnom okolišu. Time je stupila na snagu EU direktiva 76/769/EEZ-a o smanjenju proizvodnje i prometa uređaja koji ju sadržavaju. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu edukacije svih zdravstvenih radnika, posebno medicinskih sestara, o zbrinjavanju razbijenih živinih mjernih uređaja. Radi smanjenja potencijalne izloženosti i osiguranja boljih zdravstvenih uvjeta na radnome mjestu sve hrvatske zdravstvene ustanove trebaju provoditi smjernice za zaštitu radnika i programe za smanjenje uporabe žive uporabom zamjenskih toplomjera i tlakomjera dostupnih na tržištu

    Global surgery, obstetric, and anaesthesia indicator definitions and reporting: An Utstein consensus report

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    Background Indicators to evaluate progress towards timely access to safe surgical, anaesthesia, and obstetric (SAO) care were proposed in 2015 by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. These aimed to capture access to surgery, surgical workforce, surgical volume, perioperative mortality rate, and catastrophic and impoverishing financial consequences of surgery. Despite being rapidly taken up by practitioners, data points from which to derive the indicators were not defined, limiting comparability across time or settings. We convened global experts to evaluate and explicitly define—for the first time—the indicators to improve comparability and support achievement of 2030 goals to improve access to safe affordable surgical and anaesthesia care globally. Methods and findings The Utstein process for developing and reporting guidelines through a consensus building process was followed. In-person discussions at a 2-day meeting were followed by an iterative process conducted by email and virtual group meetings until consensus was reached. The meeting was held between June 16 to 18, 2019; discussions continued until August 2020. Participants consisted of experts in surgery, anaesthesia, and obstetric care, data science, and health indicators from high-, middle-, and low-income countries. Considering each of the 6 indicators in turn, we refined overarching descriptions and agreed upon data points needed for construction of each indicator at current time (basic data points), and as each evolves over 2 to 5 (intermediate) and >5 year (full) time frames. We removed one of the original 6 indicators (one of 2 financial risk protection indicators was eliminated) and refined descriptions and defined data points required to construct the 5 remaining indicators: geospatial access, workforce, surgical volume, perioperative mortality, and catastrophic expenditure. A strength of the process was the number of people from global institutes and multilateral agencies involved in the collection and reporting of global health metrics; a limitation was the limited number of participants from low- or middle-income countries—who only made up 21% of the total attendees. Conclusions To track global progress towards timely access to quality SAO care, these indicators—at the basic level—should be implemented universally as soon as possible. Intermediate and full indicator sets should be achieved by all countries over time. Meanwhile, these evolutions can assist in the short term in developing national surgical plans and collecting more detailed data for research studies.publishedVersio