199 research outputs found

    The role of IAEA in preparation of recommendations for the use of PET/CT in radiotherapy planning

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    The Oxygen Consumption Kinetics of Commercial Oenological Tannins in Model Wine Solution and Chianti Red Wine

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    One property of oenological tannins, oxygen reactivity, is commonly exploited in winemaking. The reactivity is mediated by the presence of catalysts (i.e., transition metals and sulfur dioxide) and protects wine against oxidation. This work compares the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of four commercial oenological tannins (two procyanidins from grape skin and seed, an ellagitannin from oak wood and a gallotannin from gallnut) in a model wine solution and Chianti red wine. All samples were subjected to consecutive cycles of air saturation at 20\ub0C to increase the total level of oxygen provided. After each cycle, the oxygen level was measured by means of a non-invasive luminescent sensor glued to a transparent surface (sensor dots) until there was no further change in substrate reactivity. The OCR followed first-order kinetics, regardless of the tannin. As expected, the ellagitannin showed the fastest OCR, followed by the two from grape seeds and skins and finally the gallotannin. The total O2 consumption in the red wine was almost double that of the model solution, due to the oxidation of wine substrates. The measurement of OCR is helpful for setting up an advanced winemaking protocol that makes use of tannins to reduce the use of sulfur dioxide

    Concomitant multiple anomalies of renal vessels and collecting system

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    Although anomalies of renal vessels and collecting system are relatively frequent, their concomitant occurrence is a rare event. During dissection of a 75-year-old male formalin-embalmed cadaver, we found multiple variations in the renal vessels and renal collecting system. Both kidneys were normal in size and anteriorly malrotated, with duplex collecting system and duplex ureter. One ureter drained the upper part of the kidney and the second ureter drained the lower part of the kidney. Superior and inferior collecting systems were separated by renal parenchyma. The right kidney had two renal arteries, the first renal artery (main renal artery) originating from the abdominal aorta, passing behind the inferior vena cava (IVC) and entering the kidney through the superior and inferior renal hilum. The second artery was the inferior polar artery. In addition, the right kidney had two renal veins as well. Three renal tributaries emerged from the upper and lower portion of the right renal hilum, and they joined to form the main renal vein which drained into the IVC. The lower renal vein was the inferior polar vein. The left kidney had four renal arteries (two hilar arteries and two polar arteries). The main left renal vein emerged from both superior and inferior left renal hilum, passed in front of the abdominal aorta and drained into the IVC. The left kidney also had the inferior polar vein which was divided behind the aorta (retro aortic vein) into two venous trunks. These venous trunks drained separately into posteromedialaspect of the IVC. Finally, the right testicular vein was formed by two tributaries and drained into the IVC, whereas the two left testicular veins drained separately into the left main renal vein

    The role of hydrogen sulfide in homocysteine-induced cardiodynamic effects and oxidative stress markers in the isolated rat heart

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    This study aimed to assess the role of H2S in homocysteine-induced cardiodynamic effects in the isolated rat heart. The hearts were retrogradely perfused according to the Langendorff technique. The maximum and minimum rates of pressure in the left ventricle (dp/dt max, dp/dt min), systolic and diastolic left ventricular pressures (SLVP, DLVP), heart rate (HR), and coronary flow (CF) were measured. A spectrophotometrical method was used to measure the following oxidative stress markers: index of lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS), nitrite level (NO2−), superoxide anion radicals (O2•−), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations. The administration of 10 µmol/l DL-homocysteine (DL-Hcy) alone decreased dp/dt max, SLVP, and CF but did not change any oxidative stress parameters. The administration of 10 µmol/l DL-propargylglycine (DL-PAG) decreased all cardiodynamic parameters and increased the concentration of O2•−. The co-administration of DL-Hcy and DL-PAG induced a significant decrease in all estimated cardiodynamic parameters and decreased the concentration of NO2− and O2•− but increased the levels of TBARS and H2O2. Homocysteine shows a lower pro-oxidative effect in the presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which indicates a potential anti-oxidative capacity of H2S

    Dynamic and Assembly Characteristics of Deep-Cavity Basket Acting as a Host for Inclusion Complexation of Mitoxantrone in Biotic and Abiotic Systems

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    We describe the preparation, dynamic, assembly characteristics of vase-shaped basket 13− along with its ability to form an inclusion complex with anticancer drug mitoxantrone in abiotic and biotic systems. This novel cavitand has a deep nonpolar pocket consisting of three naphthalimide sides fused to a bicyclic platform at the bottom while carrying polar glycines at the top. The results of 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), 1H NMR Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST), Calorimetry, Hybrid Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (REMD), and Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (MicroED) measurements are in line with 1 forming dimer [12]6−, to be in equilibrium with monomers 1(R)3− (relaxed) and 1(S)3− (squeezed). Through simultaneous line-shape analysis of 1H NMR data, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters characterizing these equilibria were quantified. Basket 1(R)3− includes anticancer drug mitoxantrone (MTO2+) in its pocket to give stable binary complex [MTO⊂1]− (Kd=2.1 μM) that can be precipitated in vitro with UV light or pH as stimuli. Both in vitro and in vivo studies showed that the basket is nontoxic, while at a higher proportion with respect to MTO it reduced its cytotoxicity in vitro. With well-characterized internal dynamics and dimerization, the ability to include mitoxantrone, and biocompatibility, the stage is set to develop sequestering agents from deep-cavity baskets

    Prospective cohort study of radiotherapy with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide chemotherapy for glioblastoma patients with no or minimal residual enhancing tumor load after surgery

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    Survival of glioblastoma patients has been linked to the completeness of surgical resection. Available data, however, were generated with adjuvant radiotherapy. Data confirming that extensive cytoreduction remains beneficial to patients treated with the current standard, concomitant temozolomide radiochemotherapy, are limited. We therefore analyzed the efficacy of radiochemotherapy for patients with little or no residual tumor after surgery. In this prospective, non-interventional multicenter cohort study, entry criteria were histological diagnosis of glioblastoma, small enhancing or no residual tumor on post-operative MRI, and intended temozolomide radiochemotherapy. The primary study objective was progression-free survival; secondary study objectives were survival and toxicity. Furthermore, the prognostic value of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation was investigated in a subgroup of patients. One-hundred and eighty patients were enrolled. Fourteen were excluded by patient request or failure to initiate radiochemotherapy. Twenty-three patients had non-evaluable post-operative imaging. Thus, 143 patients qualified for analysis, with 107 patients having residual tumor diameters ≤1.5 cm. Median follow-up was 24.0 months. Median survival or patients without residual enhancing tumor exceeded the follow-up period. Median survival was 16.9 months for 32 patients with residual tumor diameters >0 to ≤1.5 cm (95% CI: 13.3–20.5, p = 0.039), and 13.9 months (10.3–17.5, overall p < 0.001) for 36 patients with residual tumor diameters >1.5 cm. Patient age at diagnosis and extent of resection were independently associated with survival. Patients with MGMT promoter methylated tumors and complete resection made the best prognosis. Completeness of resection acts synergistically with concomitant and adjuvant radiochemotherapy, especially in patients with MGMT promoter methylation

    Factors affecting the survival of patients with oesophageal carcinoma under radiotherapy in the north of Iran

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    Factors relevant to the survival of patients with oesophageal cancer under radiotherapy have been studied in northern Iran where its incidence is high. We conducted an analytical study using a historical cohort and information from the medical charts of patients with oesophageal cancer. Out of 523 patients referred to the Shahid Rajaii radiotherapy centre in Babolsar from 1992 to 1996, we followed 230 patients for whom an address was available in 1998. The frequency of prognostic factors among those not contacted was very similar to those included in the study. The data were analysed using survival analysis by the nonparametric method of Kaplan Meier and the Cox regression model to determine risk ratios (RR) of prognostic factors. Survival rates were 42% at 1 year, 21% at 2 years, and 8% at 5 years after diagnosis. Patients aged 50–64 were found to have poorer survival compared with those less than 50 (RR = 1.73, P = 0.03); the risk ratio for ages f = 65 was 1.88 (P = 0.03). Females had significantly better survival than males (RR = 0.71, P = 0.02). For each 100 rads dose of radiotherapy, the risk ratio was significantly decreased by 1% (RR = 0.99, P = 0.05); for each session of radiotherapy, the risk ratio was significantly decreased by 4% (RR = 0.96, P = 0.0001); for each square centimetre size of surface under radiotherapy, the risk ratio significantly increased (RR = 1.002, P = 0.04). We did not observe a significant difference on survival by histology, anatomical location of tumours, or type of treatment (P > 0.05). Prognosis is extremely poor. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co