846 research outputs found

    Carbon-aware path provisioning for NRENs

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    Privacy preserving encrypted phonetic search of speech data

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    This paper presents a strategy for enabling speech recognition to be performed in the cloud whilst preserving the privacy of users. The approach advocates a demarcation of responsibilities between the client and server-side components for performing the speech recognition task. On the client-side resides the acoustic model, which symbolically encodes the audio and encrypts the data before uploading to the server. The server-side then employs searchable encryption to enable the phonetic search of the speech content. Some preliminary results for speech encoding and searchable encryption are presented

    A New Supersymmetric CP Violating Contribution to Neutral Meson Mixing

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    We study the contribution to flavor changing neutral current processes from box diagrams with light higgsinos and squarks. Starting with just the Cabbibo Kobayashi Maskawa (CKM) phase, we find contributions to the K0K^0 and B0B^0 meson mass matrices that are out of phase with the Standard Model contributions in the case of substantial mixing between the up-type squarks. This difference in phase could be large enough to be detected at the proposed BB factories, with interesting implications for the unitarity triangle of CKM matrix elements.Comment: 1 reference added, 1 reference clarified, 2 typos corrected (QCD corrections to K meson mixing in Tables 1 and 3). To be published in Phys. Rev. D. 15 pages (Latex), 2 figures and epsfig.sty submitte

    Top quark pair production via polarized and unpolarized photons in Supersymmetric QCD

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    QCD corrections to top quark pair production via fusion of both polarized and unpolarized photons are calculated in Supersymmetric Model. The corrections are found to be sizable. The dependence of the corrections on the masses of the supersymmetric particles is also investigated. Furthermore, we studied CP asymmetry effects arising from the complex couplings in the MSSM. The CP violating parameter can reach 10−210^{-2} for favorable parameter values.Comment: 26 pages, LaTex, including 12 figures in 12 eps files. submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Deep Groundwater and Potential Subsurface Habitats Beneath an Antarctic Dry Valley

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    The occurrence of groundwater in Antarctica, particularly in the ice-free regions and along the coastal margins is poorly understood. Here we use an airborne transient electromagnetic (AEM) sensor to produce extensive imagery of resistivity beneath Taylor Valley. Regional- scale zones of low subsurface resistivity were detected that are inconsistent with the high resistivity of glacier ice or dry permafrost in this region. We interpret these results as an indication that liquid, with sufficiently high solute content, exists at temperatures well below freezing and considered within the range suitable for microbial life. These inferred brines are widespread within permafrost and extend below glaciers and lakes. One system emanates from below Taylor Glacier into Lake Bonney and a second system connects the ocean with the eastern 18 km of the valley. A connection between these two basins was not detected to the depth limitation of the AEM survey (~350 m)

    Effective String Theory Revisited

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    We revisit the effective field theory of long relativistic strings such as confining flux tubes in QCD. We derive the Polchinski-Strominger interaction by a calculation in static gauge. This interaction implies that a non-critical string which initially oscillates in one direction gets excited in orthogonal directions as well. In static gauge no additional term in the effective action is needed to obtain this effect. It results from a one-loop calculation using the Nambu-Goto action. Non-linearly realized Lorentz symmetry is manifest at all stages in dimensional regularization. We also explain that independent of the number of dimensions non-covariant counterterms have to be added to the action in the commonly used zeta-function regularization.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, v2: typo corrected, references added, published versio

    Pion Mass Effects in the Large NN Limit of \chiPT

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    We compute the large NN effective action of the O(N+1)/O(N)O(N+1)/O(N) non-linear sigma model including the effect of the pion mass to order mπ2/fπ2m^2_{\pi}/f_{\pi}^2. This action is more complex than the one corresponding to the chiral limit not only because of the pion propagators but also because chiral symmetry produce new interactions proportional to mπ2/fπ2m^2_{\pi}/f_{\pi}^2. We renormalize the action by including the appropriate counter terms and find the renormalization group equations for the corresponding couplings. Then we estudy the unitarity propierties of the scattering amplitudes. Finally our results are applied to the particular case of the linear sigma model and also are used to fit the pion scattering phase shifts.Comment: FT/UCM/18/9

    Mechanisms and ecological role of carbon transfer within coastal seascapes

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    Worldwide, coastal systems provide some of the most productive habitats, which potentially influence a range of marine and terrestrial ecosystems through the transfer of nutrients and energy. Several reviews have examined aspects of connectivity within coastal seascapes, but the scope of those reviews has been limited to single systems or single vectors. We use the transfer of carbon to examine the processes of connectivity through multiple vectors in multiple ecosystems using four coastal seascapes as case studies. We discuss and compare the main vectors of carbon connecting different ecosystems, and then the natural and human-induced factors that influence the magnitude of effect for those vectors on recipient systems. Vectors of carbon transfer can be grouped into two main categories: detrital particulate organic carbon (POC) and its associated dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC/DIC) that are transported passively; and mobile consumers that transport carbon actively. High proportions of net primary production can be exported over meters to hundreds of kilometers from seagrass beds, algal reefs and mangroves as POC, with its export dependent on wind-generated currents in the first two of these systems and tidal currents for the last. By contrast, saltmarshes export large quantities of DOC through tidal movement, while land run-off plays a critical role in the transport of terrestrial POC and DOC into temperate fjords. Nekton actively transfers carbon across ecosystem boundaries through foraging movements, ontogenetic migrations, or ‘trophic relays’, into and out of seagrass beds, mangroves or saltmarshes. The magnitude of these vectors is influenced by: the hydrodynamics and geomorphology of the region; the characteristics of the carbon vector, such as their particle size and buoyancy; and for nekton, the extent and frequency of migrations between ecosystems. Through a risk-assessment process, we have identified the most significant human disturbances that affect the integrity of connectivity among ecosystems. Loss of habitat, net primary production (NPP) and overfishing pose the greatest risks to carbon transfer in temperate saltmarsh and tropical estuaries, particularly through their effects on nekton abundance and movement. In comparison, habitat/NPP loss and climate change are likely to be the major risks to carbon transfer in temperate fjords and temperate open coasts through alteration in the amount of POC and/or DOC/DIC being transported. While we have highlighted the importance of these vectors in coastal seascapes, there is limited quantitative data on the effects of these vectors on recipient systems. It is only through quantifying those subsidies that we can effectively incorporate complex interactions into the management of the marine environment and its resources

    Phenomenology of the Little Higgs Model

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    We study the low energy phenomenology of the little Higgs model. We first discuss the linearized effective theory of the "littlest Higgs model" and study the low energy constraints on the model parameters. We identify sources of the corrections to low energy observables, discuss model-dependent arbitrariness, and outline some possible directions of extensions of the model in order to evade the precision electroweak constraints. We then explore the characteristic signatures to test the model in the current and future collider experiments. We find that the LHC has great potential to discover the new SU(2) gauge bosons and the possible new U(1) gauge boson to the multi-TeV mass scale. Other states such as the colored vector-like quark T and doubly-charged Higgs boson Phi^{++} may also provide interesting signals. At a linear collider, precision measurements on the triple gauge boson couplings could be sensitive to the new physics scale of a few TeV. We provide a comprehensive list of the linearized interactions and vertices for the littlest Higgs model in the appendices.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures; v2: discussion clarified, typos corrected; v3: version to appear in PRD; v4: typos fixed in Feynman rule

    Quantum phase retrieval of a Rydberg wave packet using a half-cycle pulse

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    A terahertz half-cycle pulse was used to retrieve information stored as quantum phase in an NN-state Rydberg atom data register. The register was prepared as a wave packet with one state phase-reversed from the others (the "marked bit"). A half-cycle pulse then drove a significant portion of the electron probability into the flipped state via multimode interference.Comment: accepted by PR
