252 research outputs found

    Cambios en el uso del preservativo en una cohorte de prostitutas

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    ResumenObjetivoDescribir los cambios en el uso del preservativo en una cohorte de mujeres que ejercen la prostitución en Alicante y analizar los factores que se relacionan con los cambios en esta práctica preventiva.MétodosSe han usado los datos de un estudio prospectivo que incluyó a las mujeres dedicadas a la prostitución que acudieron al Centro de Información y Prevención de Sida (CIPS) de Alicante desde 1986 a 1996. Se estimó la frecuencia en el uso del preservativo con los clientes en la primera y última visita al centro, se valoró el cambio entre las dos visitas y los factores asociados a ellos. Se realizaron dos análisis de regresión logística para determinar la asociación entre el cambio positivo o negativo y las variables explicativas.ResultadosLa prevalencia de uso del preservativo en la última visita fue mayor que en la primera (83,9% frente al 69,2%; p < 0,001). Entre las prostitutas que trabajan en contactos se incrementa más de cinco veces el uso del preservativo que entre las que lo hacen en los clubs y en la calle. Las que tienen mayor tiempo de seguimiento son las que tienen una mayor prevalencia en el uso del preservativo al final del seguimiento (odds ratio ajustada > 6 años frente a < de un año = 7,61; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: 2,2-26,0).ConclusiónEste estudio ha puesto en evidencia un incremento en la frecuencia del uso del preservativo y la baja frecuencia de su abandono en una cohorte de prostitutas a lo largo de 10 años. En un futuro será necesario adaptar esta estrategia preventiva a las nuevas formas de prostitución menos estables y al incremento de inmigrantes, factores que motivan una menor asistencia y adhesión a centros de prevención.SummaryObjetiveTo describe changes in condom use among prostitutes enrolled in a prospective cohort study in Alicante (Spain), and to identify those factors associated with changes in this behaviour.MethodsData from this study come from a prospective cohort study of women working at prostitution enrolled in a center for AIDS preventive at Alicante from 1986 to 1996. The proportion of condom use by prostitutes with their clients was recorded during the first visit and the last one, and changes in condom use were estimated as the difference between them. Two logistic regression analyses were done to identify those factors associated with positive or negative changes in condom use.ResultsA statistically significant increase in the prevalence of condom use was observed between the first, 69,2%, and the last visit, 83,9% (p < 0,001). Prostitutes working private increased the condom use more than five time than those working in clubs or at the street. The higher the follow-up time the higher the prevalence of condom user, OR > 6 years = 7,6 (95% CI: 2,2-26,0). No variable was associated with a negative change in condom use.ConclusionThis study shows an overall increase of condom use in a cohort of prostitutes after 10 years of follow-up. Relapse in risk behavior has been infrequent. In the future, preventive strategies to increase the use of condoms among prostitutes should be adapted to the new forms of sexual commerce

    Evaluation of DNA Single and Double Strand Breaks in Women with Cervical Neoplasia Based on Alkaline and Neutral Comet Assay Techniques

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    A hospital-based unmatched case-control study was performed in order to determine the relation of DNA single (ssb) and double (dsb) strand breaks in women with and without cervical neoplasia. Cervical epithelial cells of 30 women: 10 with low grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LG-SIL), 10 with high-grade SIL (HG-SIL), and 10 without cervical lesions were evaluated using alkaline and neutral comet assays. A significant increase in global DNA damage (ssb + dsb) and dsb was observed in patients with HG-SIL (48.90 ± 12.87 and 23.50 ± 13.91), patients with LG-SIL (33.60 ± 14.96 and 11.20 ± 5.71), and controls (21.70 ± 11.87 and 5.30 ± 5.38; resp.). Pearson correlation coefficient reveled a strong relation between the levels ssb and dsb (2=0.99, =0.03, and 2=0.94, =0.16, resp.) and progression of neoplasia. The increase of dsb damage in patients with HG-SIL was confirmed by DNA breakage detection-FISH (DBD-FISH) on neutral comets. Our results argue in favor of a real genomic instability in women with cervical neoplasia, which was strengthened by our finding of a higher proportion of DNA dsb

    The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) VII: a discovery of the first inner Galaxy CEMP-r/s star

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    Well-studied very metal-poor (VMP, [Fe/H] < -2 ) stars in the inner Galaxy are few in number, and they are of special interest because they are expected to be among the oldest stars in the MilkyWay. We present high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up of the carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) star Pristine_184237.56-260624.5 (hereafter Pr184237) identified in the Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey. This star has an apocentre of about 2 kpc. Its atmospheric parameters (Teff = 5100 K, log g = 2.0, [Fe/H] = -2.60) were derived based on the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) line formation. We determined abundances for 32 elements, including 15 heavy elements beyond the iron group. The NLTE abundances were calculated for 13 elements from Na to Pb. Pr184237 is strongly enhanced in C, N, O, and both s- and r-process elements from Ba to Pb; it reveals a low carbon isotope ratio of 12C/13C = 7. The element abundance pattern in the Na-Zn range is typical of halo stars. With [Ba/Eu] = 0.32, Pr184237 is the first star of the CEMP-r/s subclass identified in the inner Galaxy. Variations in radial velocity suggest binarity. We tested whether a pollution by the s- or i-process material produced in the more massive and evolved companion can form the observed abundance pattern and find that an i-process in the asymptotic giant branch star with a progenitor mass of 1.0-2.0 Msun can be the solution.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables, MNRAS, accepte

    A genome-wide association analysis for porcine serum lipid traits reveals the existence of age-specific genetic determinants

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    Background: The genetic determinism of blood lipid concentrations, the main risk factor for atherosclerosis, is practically unknown in species other than human and mouse. Even in model organisms, little is known about how the genetic determinants of lipid traits are modulated by age-specific factors. To gain new insights into this issue, we have carried out a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for cholesterol (CHOL), triglyceride (TRIG) and low (LDL) and high (HDL) density lipoprotein concentrations measured in Duroc pigs at two time points (45 and 190 days). Results: Analysis of data with mixed-model methods (EMMAX, GEMMA, GenABEL) and PLINK showed a low positional concordance between trait-associated regions (TARs) for serum lipids at 45 and 190 days. Besides, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by SNPs at these two time points was also substantially different. The four analyses consistently detected two regions on SSC3 (124 Mb, CHOL and LDL at 190 days) and SSC6 (135 Mb, CHOL and TRIG at 190 days) with highly significant effects on the porcine blood lipid profile. Moreover, we have found that SNP variation within SSC3, SSC6, SSC10, SSC13 and SSC16 TARs is associated with the expression of several genes mapping to other chromosomes and related to lipid metabolism. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that the effects of genomic determinants influencing lipid concentrations in pigs, as well as the amount of phenotypic variance they explain, are influenced by age-related factors.This work has been funded by grants AGL2007-66707-C02 and AGL2010-22208-C02 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and CSD 2007-00036 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Consolider Ingenio 2010 Program)