276 research outputs found

    Argentona s'interessa per la restauració de la Via de Parpers

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    La vil·la romana de Parc de les Nacions: estudi numismàtic dels fons del MUSA (Museu de la ciutat d’Alacant)

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    En el següent estudi es presenta el repertori monetari aparegut durant les excavacions arqueològiques de la vil·la romana de Parc de les Nacions (Alacant). Es fa una catalogació de les troballes monetàries que contenen un marc temporal comprès entre els segles II aC-V dC, així com les consideracions sobre la circulació monetària en aquest enclavament, i en general, a les comarques meridionals del País Valencià.This paper presents the collection of coins discovered during the archaeological excavations in the Roman villa Parc de les Nacions (Alicante, Spain). We catalogue the coins dating from the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD, and we analyze the monetary circulation of this site and in the southern regions of the Valencian Community

    Compositional classes and diversity in archaeological ceramic studies

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    Archaeological studies are based, at a large extent, on the study of the materials that form the different unearthed assemblages. Thus, ceramic assemblages are defined by their compositions, i.e. how many pots of different types do we have. Those assemblages, are supposed to shed light on chronological issues, as well as on social issues related to the social context after which they were formed. Therefore, one of the key problems in Archaeology is the formation of the archaeological record, since any study based on the unearthed evidence will be thus necessarily conditioned. Pottery, as many other types of artefacts, rarely appears as complete vases. The activity in the systemic context (in the living societies of the past), and the activity in the archaeological one usually leads to incomplete vessels, represented by an unknown number of isolated shards. Several strategies have been proposed to overcome these problems, and they are collectively known as quantification studies (Orton, 1993). In such studies, reassembly of shards is conducted up to different extents. Besides, different principles are assumed in different quantification methods. Even so, especially in studies not devoted to pottery, some criticism have been made on the concept of taxonomical abundance, which guides quantification studies, highlighting the underpinning role of taphonomical issues (Lyman, 2004). Moreover, individuals and assemblages are in the basis of any archaeometric study, and sampling is the most crucial derived issue (Orton, 2000)

    Los Comienzos de la determinación colorimétrica de la hemoglobina en la sangre: ¿innovación o evolución?

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    This is a short history of the beginnings of colorimetric analysis of haemoglobin in blood specially of instruments used for the development of these methods

    Bibliografia de la via de Parpers

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    Las monedas de la villa romana de Casa Ferrer I en los fondos del MUSA (Museo de la Ciudad de Alicante)

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    En l’estudi següent es presenta el repertori monetari aparegut durant les excavacions arqueològiques a la vil·la romana de Casa Ferrer I (Alacant). Es fa una catalogació de les troballes monetàries que contenen un marc temporal comprès entre els segles II aC-VI dC, i es fan consideracions sobre la circulació monetària en aquest enclavament, i en general, a les comarques meridionals del País Valencià.This paper presents the collection of coins discovered during the archaeological excavations in the Roman villa Casa Ferrer I (Alicante, Spain). We catalogue the coins dating from the 2nd century BC to the 4th century AD, and we analyze the monetary circulation in this site and in the southern regions of the Valencian Community

    Breu crònica d'una esperada inauguració

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    Identificació arqueològica i arqueomètrica de noves produccions de Terra Sigillata Hispánica a l'àrea dels Pirineus catalans

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    Les excavacions realitzades a la Cerdanya han proporcionat l'evidència arqueològica de la possible existència d'una producció local de TSH, que inclou les formes tradicionals i d'altres formes noves. Per tal de contrastar aquesta hipòtesi, s'ha desenvolupat un estudi arqueometric per FRX i DRX. Els resultats mostren l'existència de diverses produccions desconegudes fins el present, sense que cap dels materials estudiats hagin pogut associar-se al taller d'Abella ni a les produccions de l'àrea de Tricio. Aquestes noves produccions ofereixen, a més, una important diversitat tecnològica.Archaeological research in the area of Cerdanya has provided archaeological evidence to postulate the existence of local production of HTS. This production includes traditional types, but also new ones. In order to examine this hypothesis an archaeometric study has been undertaken by means of XRF and XRD. The results show the presence of different productions yet unknown to present. Moreover, none of the studied materials have been successfully related with Abella workshop, neither with the products from Tricio. These new productions exhibit an important technological diversity